岩月 純一
Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies
東南アジア -歴史と文化- (ISSN:03869040)
vol.1995, no.24, pp.3-24, 1995-06-01 (Released:2010-02-25)

A language cannot exist without the notion that “we” all speak the same unified language. This notion is conceptualized and formulated as part of a speaker's social identity, which may change as a result of a rearrangement of this notion. In this paper, we examine some articles about Vietnamese language in Tap chi Nam Phong (hereafter abbreviated as NP), which was one of the most influential journals in Vietnam in the 1920's. At that time, quoc-ngu (the Vietnamese writing system based on roman script) was rapidly gaining status as the official language of Vietnam, despite skeptical views from two strong linguistic hegemonies supporting more prestigious written languages: classical Chinese and French. In analyzing discourses on NP, the notion of a unified language can be seen, it is possible to observe the typical Vietnamese intellectual's attitude about language. This notion in turn can be transformed by their selection of national identity.Since the general policy of NP was to protect and promote the “unique” Vietnamese culture and language, it insisted on the protection and enrichment of quoc-ngu still regarded as “patois” (vulgar language) by traditional literati. But this “uniqueness”, for the writers on The Journal, also included Chinese classical literature and ethics, and the writers were convinced that it was necessary for quocngu to be supported by the rich expressiveness of classical Chinese. In 1919, refuting Nguyen Hao Vinh who criticized NP for using numerous unfamiliar Chinese vocabulary, Pham Quynh, the chief editor of The Journal, noted that classical Chinese should be taught in Vietnam because it was not only China's own but the common literature of the “Orient”, including Vietnam, and that Chinese vocabulary should be used as an indispensable component of the Vietnamese language. He tried to transform the traditional view on language, that is, classical Chinese vs. patois, into a new contrast between Chinese vocabulary and the “vulgar” (non-Chinese and non-Western) one in the sole dignified Vietnamese, so that the existing prestige of classical Chinese could be directly absorbed by the “new” Vietnamese. Such a transformation of the notion of language was concealed by the terminology used in discourses on NP, where a new concept “Annamese” (tieng An Nam) was invented to refer the whole system (the existing term “patois” [tieng nom] was left for indicating the “vulgar” vocabulary), while the whole system, characters and vocabulary of classical Chinese were never distinguished at all. Such terminology enabled the writers to refer to the new contrast with the same terms as before under the assumption that the Vietnamese language had an uninterrupted tradition.Interestingly enough, as for the notion of language of the writers on NP, only Chinese vocabulary was regarded as the core of “uniqueness” in the holified “Vietnamese language”, while Chinese characters were completely excluded. They insisted that Chinese characters should be instructed not in Vietnamese but in classical Chinese at public schools. Moreover, roman letters, which had originally been alien symbols, were integrated into the Vietnamese language without any questions. Both Chinese vocabulary and the “vulgar” one should be spelled with the same unified writing system, the writers believed, so that they might be blended into one unified quoc-ngu. In comparing such a notion with that of Japan and Korea, both categorized as being in the Chinese cultural sphere, a vast difference can be seen between these three examples. Japanese and Korean intellectuals generally paid attention to the distinction between scripts as the marker indicating their national identity, and each regarded Chinese characters in Japan and
原 聖 藤井 毅 大黒 俊二 高田 博行 寺尾 智史 三ツ井 崇 名和 克郎 包 聯群 石部 尚登 HEINRICH Patrick 荒木 典子 岩月 純一 バヤルメンド クルマス フロリアン デフラーフ チアド 黄 行 フフバートル カムセラ トマシュ 中江 加津彦 落合 守和 オストラー ニコラス プルブジャブ スマックマン ディック 田中 克彦 許 峰 徐 大明 珠 麗 彭 韃茹翠

刈間 文俊 若林 正丈 村田 雄二郎 クリスティーン ラマール 生越 直樹 伊藤 徳也 代田 智明 瀬地山 角 高橋 満 古田 元夫 若林 正丈 黒住 真 代田 智明 深川 由紀子 生越 直樹 クリスティーン ラマール 高見澤 磨 楊 凱栄 谷垣 真理子 伊藤 徳也 瀬地山 角 田原 史起 有田 伸 岩月 純一

中国では、漢字が、簡略化や教育によって、血肉化され、作家達も、前近代的なものを凝視し続けた.戦前の日中関係では、日本の漢学者と漢字紙が大きな役割を果たした.戦後韓国は、漢字を駆逐する一方、伝統的な同姓不婚制度を再構築させ、台湾は、漢字を簡略化せず、80 年代以降には、多文化主義的な社会統合理念を形成した.それに対して、中国大陸では今や、漢字文化からも消費文化からも疎遠な農村が、自律と国家による制御の間で揺れ動いている.本研究は以上を実証的に解明した.