平川 周作 中島 淳 松木 昌也 古賀 敬興 秦 弘一郎 柏原 学 古閑 豊和 石間 妙子 宮脇 崇 金子 洋平 志水 信弘 松本 源生 石橋 融子
一般社団法人 日本環境化学会
環境化学 (ISSN:09172408)
vol.30, pp.125-132, 2020 (Released:2020-09-18)

In this study, we examined a fish survey method using environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding in a river, and the relationship between the fish survey results and water quality detected in eDNA was analyzed. eDNA surveys and fishing surveys were conducted in summer and winter, targeting three sites on three rivers in Fukuoka prefecture. Our comparison of riffles and pools and our examination of the appropriate places to collect eDNA samples revealed that the detected fish species were not completely consistent between the two kinds of surveys and there was no ecological features common to detected fish species. Therefore, sampling at multiple locations is expected to reduce detectable fish dropouts. More fish species were detected in the eDNA survey than in the collection survey at all times. However, the results also suggested that the DNA of fish species living upstream may remain at sampling site, and benthic fish species tend to be difficult to detect by eDNA surveys. In addition, the influence of water quality on the characteristics of the survey site were analyzed, since marine species were detected in some river eDNA surveys. The results suggested that domestic drainage is likely to affect the characteristics in winter, when the amount of water is small, and the change in concentration of linear alkylbenzene sulfonic acid and its salts and the change of the ratio of chloride ions may be used as an index of domestic drainage.
古賀 敬太
政治思想研究 (ISSN:1346924X)
vol.3, pp.1-28, 2003-05-10 (Released:2012-11-20)
古賀 敬太 コガ ケイタ Keita Koga
国際研究論叢 = OIU journal of international studies : 大阪国際大学・大阪国際大学短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09153586)
vol.28, no.2, pp.77-96, 2015-01

Tadao Yanaihara(1893-1961) was a pious Christian, a follower of Kannzo Uchimura. On the basis of his Christian faith, he fought against the imperialistic war and the exclusive hyper-nationalism which oppressed freedom of thought and conscience from 1932 to the end of the war. This article attempts to make clear the character of his conception of pacifism, nationalism, and the Emperor system. He regarded himself as a prophet for Japan and felt a responsibility and mission to warn against the militaristic government and nationalistic people, as Isaiah and Jeremaiah did in the Old Testament.
古賀 敬太 コガ ケイタ Koga Keita
国際研究論叢 = OIU journal of international studies : 大阪国際大学・大阪国際大学短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09153586)
vol.29, no.3, pp.35-54, 2016-03

This article attempts to analyze the conception of democracy and absolute pacifism in Yanaihara's political thought. For Yanaihara democracy didn't mean majority rule or due process ,but meant creation of political subject who bearsresponsibility for his nation. As to his pacifism he refused the role of balance of power in international relations and went too far into the negation of the right of self defense. Since he was skeptical of the conception "justice" in politicalarena, he clearly denied to distinguish just war and unjust war. Yanaihara insisted that democracy and absolute pacifism can be fully realized, when nations experience the religious reformation in their souls. In this sense,democracy and absolute pacifism go hand in hand with spiritual revolutionoccurred by Christianity. It is true that such an approach met with severecriticism, but it's a really interesesting attempt to consider the public role ofreligion, if, we don't confine religion in the private affair.
古賀 敬 内藤 正俊 秋吉 祐一郎 白水 圭 浅山 勲 Tatsunobu Abe
West-Japanese Society of Orthopedics & Traumatology
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.51, no.1, pp.148-152, 2002-03-25 (Released:2010-02-25)

Sciatic nerve palsy is a proble troublesome complication of total hip arthroplasty. It may be caused by direct injury or over-traction at the time of operation. We investigated the effects of the hip and knee positions on the blood flow of the sciatic nerve of dogs. Tweyty hip joints of 10 adult mongrel dogs were examined.The blood flow in the sciatic nerve was measured using a Laser Doppler Flowmetry, at varying angles of flexion (90°, 120°, 150°) and internal rotation (0°, 30°) of the hip joint and angles of flexion of the knee (0°, 30°, 60°, 90°). This study showed that the blood flow in the sciatic nerve decreases with increasing flexion angle and increasing internal rotation angle of the hip joint, and that decreases in the flexion angle of the knee joint result in especially pronounced decreases in blood flow. We consider that the position of the hip and knee positions are considered a significant risk factor in total hip arthroplasty parformed with over-lengthening. Our results suggest that surgeons should pay attention to knee extension and the flexion and internal rotation positions of the hip tp prevent sciatic nerve palsy as a complication of total hip arthroplasty.
古賀 敬太
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU Journal of International Studies (ISSN:09153586)
vol.33, no.3, pp.139-157, 2020-03-31

This article intends to analyze how Yoshio Onishi (1909-1975), interpreted Carl Schmitt's constitutional theory (Verfassungslehre) and adapted it to the analysis of both the Meiji Constitution and the postwar constitution. Especially we pay attention to Onishi's theory of constituent power and constitutional emergency power. He regarded constituent power as not unlimited, but limited by concrete order, especially it's idea and practical norm. And Onishi attempted to limit the enormous and unlimited legal power of Emperor by consulting Schmitt's views on constitutional emergency power in the Weimar Republic. But in the process of wartime system and total mobilization, which was seen in the National Mobilization Act (1938) and the movement of Great Politics Party(1940),he regarded Japan's critical condition as the normalization of exception and departed from his former position. After the world war Ⅱ, he returned to his original position and appealed to the importance of constitutional emergency power, which is not stipulated in the postwar Japanese Constitution. He also tried to legitimatize the radical transformation from imperial sovereignty to the sovereignty of people by appealing to the theory of Schmitt's constituent power. Especially he emphasized the legitimacy of constituent power and insisted that constituent power of people itself is not actual will, but is constrained by the legitimacy of the concrete order.
古賀 敬太
国際研究論叢 = OIU journal of international studies : 大阪国際大学・大阪国際大学短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09153586)
vol.33, no.2, pp.85-100, 2020-01

This article intends to analyze how Satoru Kuroda, a distinguished constitutional scholar, interpreted Carl Schmitt's constitutional theory (Verfassungslehre) and adopted it to the diagnosis of the Meiji Constitution and Japanese Constitution. Especially in Carl Schmitt's constitutional theory, we pay attention to Carl Schmit's superlegal constituent power and constitutional emergency power. From the late 1930's, he began to lecture constitutional theory at Kyoto Imperial University. He at first attempted to limit the enormous and unlimited legal power of Emperor. But in the process of wartime system and total mobilization, which was seen in the National Mobilization Act(1938)and the movement of Great Politics Party(1940), he regarded Japan's critical condition as the normalization of exception and legitimatized the interference in the liberty and rights of subjects. Moreover he criticized the liberal and constitutional thought as old-fashioned ideology and attempted to absorb the rights of subjects into the integration of state. But after the world warⅡ, he accepted and legitimatized the radical transformation from imperial sovereignty to the sovereignty of people by appealing to the theory of Schmitts constituent power. He emphasized the legitimacy of constituent power and insisted that constituent power itself is not factual will, but is restrained by the legitimacy or the concrete order.
古賀 敬太 コガ ケイタ Keita Koga
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies
vol.28, no.2, pp.77-96, 2015-01-31

Tadao Yanaihara(1893-1961) was a pious Christian, a follower of Kannzo Uchimura. On the basis of his Christian faith, he fought against the imperialistic war and the exclusive hyper-nationalism which oppressed freedom of thought and conscience from 1932 to the end of the war. This article attempts to make clear the character of his conception of pacifism, nationalism, and the Emperor system. He regarded himself as a prophet for Japan and felt a responsibility and mission to warn against the militaristic government and nationalistic people, as Isaiah and Jeremaiah did in the Old Testament.
岡本 仁宏 荒木 勝 菊池 理夫 木部 尚志 古賀 敬太 杉田 敦 千葉 眞 寺島 俊穂 富沢 克 的射場 敬一 丸山 正次 山崎 望 山田 竜作 大澤 真幸 岡部 一明 遠藤 比呂通 ありむら 潜 大竹 弘二 立岩 真也 石井 良規 天野 晴華

古賀 敬太
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies (ISSN:09153586)
vol.35, no.1, pp.21-42, 2021-10-31

Kanzo Uchimura (1861-1930) was a representative Japanese Christian who exerted great influence on modern Japanese Christian history. This article refers to the Lese Majesty Incident in which Uchimura was prominently involved. This important affair symbolized the collision between Japanese national polity, kokutai, and Christianity, and resulted in the persecution of Christianity. The incident happened because Uchimura rejected the worship specified in the Imperial Rescript on Education, causing a dispute over the compatibility of Christianity and national education based on the rescript, or kokutai. Tetsujirou Inoue (1856-1944), a famous Tokyo Imperial Universityprofessor, attacked Uchimura and Christianity by publishing a series of articles named Collision between Education and Religion. In response to this criticism, Tokio Yokoi, of the Kumamoto faction, Masahisa Uemura, from Yokohama and Uchimura who came from Sapporo, refuted Inoue‘s thesis from their own standpoints. This article tries to clarify Uchimura and Uemura’s standpoint on the one side and the problematic standpoint of the Kumamoto faction on the other, and point out two different responses within Christianity concerning the relationship between Chistianity and kokutai. Also we must remember that this difference is closely connected with theological issues, that is: orthodox theology as distinct from liberal theology. We will deal with this issue in the next article: Kanzo Uchimura and His Time( 2) - Theological issues.
古賀 敬太
国際研究論叢 = OIU journal of international studies : 大阪国際大学・大阪国際大学短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09153586)
vol.35, no.1, pp.21-42, 2021-10

Kanzo Uchimura (1861-1930) was a representative Japanese Christian whoexerted great influence on modern Japanese Christian history. This articlerefers to the Lese Majesty Incident in which Uchimura was prominentlyinvolved. This important affair symbolized the collision between Japanesenational polity, kokutai, and Christianity, and resulted in the persecution ofChristianity. The incident happened because Uchimura rejected the worshipspecified in the Imperial Rescript on Education, causing a dispute over thecompatibility of Christianity and national education based on the rescript, orkokutai. Tetsujirou Inoue (1856-1944), a famous Tokyo Imperial Universityprofessor, attacked Uchimura and Christianity by publishing a series of articlesnamed Collision between Education and Religion. In response to this criticism, Tokio Yokoi, of the Kumamoto faction, MasahisaUemura, from Yokohama and Uchimura who came from Sapporo, refutedInoue's thesis from their own standpoints. This article tries to clarify Uchimuraand Uemura's standpoint on the one side and the problematic standpoint of theKumamoto faction on the other, and point out two different responses withinChristianity concerning the relationship between Chistianity and kokutai. Also we must remember that this difference is closely connected withtheological issues, that is: orthodox theology as distinct from liberal theology. Wewill deal with this issue in the next article: Kanzo Uchimura and His Time( 2) -Theological issues.
古賀 敬興 平川 周作 石橋 融子 堀 就英
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.62, no.3, pp.100-104, 2021-06-25 (Released:2021-07-02)

マイクロ波分解装置を用いたミネラルウォーター類以外の清涼飲料水のスズ,ヒ素,鉛分析法の検討と性能評価を実施した.3元素を通して,真度93~100%,併行精度0.7~6.1 RSD%,室内精度0.9~8.6 RSD%であった.スズの試料調製においては,マイクロ波分解処理後に硫酸を添加する操作を追加することによって添加回収率および再現性の向上が確認された.また,本手法の適用性を検証するため,性状の異なる5種類の清涼飲料水について添加回収試験を実施した結果,回収率は92~102%であった.本手法によって幅広いミネラルウォーター類以外の清涼飲料水の分解処理およびスズ,ヒ素,鉛の定量分析への適用が期待でき,さらに既開発法と比較して作業時間の短縮および作業の簡便化が実現できた.