馬場 駿吉 高坂 知節 稲村 直樹 佐藤 三吉 鈴木 茂 遠藤 里見 石戸谷 雅子 小野寺 亮 山田 公彦 大久 俊和 荒井 英爾 鈴木 雅明 大山 健二 粟田口 敏一 戸川 清 岡本 美孝 松崎 全成 寺田 修久 喜多村 健 石田 孝 馬場 廣太郎 島田 均 森 朗子 池田 聖 金子 敏郎 今野 昭義 山越 隆行 石井 哲夫 窪田 市世 鍋島 みどり 田口 喜一郎 石山 哲也 中野 雄一 中村 英生 五十嵐 文雄 古川 仭 作本 真 山下 公一 久保田 修 宇佐神 篤 伊藤 博隆 鈴木 元彦 間宮 紳一郎 横田 明 加藤 薫 大屋 靖彦 河合 〓 岩田 重信 横山 尚樹 井畑 克朗 瀧本 勲 稲福 繁 坂倉 康夫 鵜飼 幸太郎 雨皿 亮 山田 弘之 坂倉 健二 平田 圭甫 伊藤 由紀子 村上 泰 竹中 洋 山下 敏夫 久保 伸夫 中井 義明 大橋 淑宏 阪本 浩一 村田 清高 平沢 昌子 原田 康夫 森 直樹 白根 誠 多田 渉 小林 優子 竹林 脩文 河野 嘉彦 夜陣 紘治 平田 思 宮脇 修二 津田 哲也 山下 隆司 二階堂 真史 柿 音高 永澤 容 増田 游 後藤 昭一 西岡 慶子 折田 洋造 東川 康彦 武 浩太郎 進 武幹 前山 忠嗣 百田 統洋 堤 昭一郎 茂木 五郎 川内 秀之 松下 太 吉村 弘之 高田 順子 石川 哮 定永 恭明 大山 勝 松崎 勉 坂本 邦彦 廣田 常治 内薗 明裕 鯵坂 孝二 中島 光好
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.88, no.3, pp.389-405, 1995-03-01
13 16

The efficacy and safety of Kampo preparation Sho-seiryu-to were studied in a joint double-blind trial in comparison with a placebo. The study was carried out on 220 patients with perennial nasal allergy at 61 hospitals. Granules in a dose of 3 g were administered 3 times daily for 2 weeks. Moderate to high improvement was recorded in 44.6% of the treated patients and in 18.1% of those receiving placebo. The difference is significant (p <0.001). Side effects were noted in 6.5% of the treated patients and in 6.4% of the controls (not a significant deference). The side effects were mild and had no influence on the daily life of the patients.
池岡 博之 大橋 淑宏 丸岡 健一 古下 博之 中井 義明 小野山 靖人
一般社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.88, no.11, pp.1562-1566, 1985-11-20 (Released:2008-03-19)

In order to examine the effects of irradiation on the nasal epithelium, rabbits received 200kV hard X-ray irradiation at 3, 000 rad to their nasal septum. The nasal mucosa after the irradiation was examined with scanning and transmission electron microscopy in a time-course manner. Immediately after the irradiation, few morphological changes were observed on the nasal epithelium with scanning electron microscopy, while transmission electron microscopy disclosed some morphological changes such as vacuolation and ballooning of epithelial cells, and enlargement of intercellular space. 2 weeks after the irradiation, sporadically affected changes were observed. The affected signs of the epithelial cells were observed at the wider area according to the course of time after the irradiation. 4 weeks after the irradiation, stratified arrangement of non-ciliated cells or undifferentiated cells were noted in an extensive area of the nasal mucosa 8 weeks after the irradiation, the nasal epithelium were chiefly consisted of undifferentiated cells. Accordingly, the following conclusions were derived from the present investigation; 1) Irradiation affected the nasal ciliary epithelium. 2) The damage of the nasal epithelium by irradiation was not recovered easily.
中井 義明 大橋 淑宏 江崎 裕介 石塚 洋一 松下 隆 伊藤 博隆 馬場 駿吉 平川 勝洋 原田 康夫 菊屋 義則 岡崎 英登 黒川 道徳 二宮 優子 村上 譲 伊東 一則 深水 浩三 大山 勝 松根 彰志 飯田 冨美子 小川 敬 大堀 八洲一 花田 武浩
耳鼻咽喉科展望 (ISSN:03869687)
vol.33, no.Supplement5, pp.655-673, 1990-10-15 (Released:2011-08-10)

漢方製剤である麻黄附子細辛湯の通年性鼻アレルギーに対する効果を検討した。漢方の古典の記載に忠実に基づいた製法により得られたエキスを含む細粒剤と, それまでの経験に基づいた製法により得られたエキスを含む散剤の比較試験を実施した。有効率 (著効+有効) は散剤投与群で63.5%, 細粒投与群で76.7%と, 両群とも良好な結果であり, 統計学的に差は認められなかった。各症状の改善率において, 細粒投与群が散剤投与群より鼻汁, 鼻閉症状に高い効果を示したが, 統計学的な差は認められなかった。細粒剤といわゆる抗アレルギー剤の有効率を比較すると, くしゃみ発作および鼻汁は同程度の効果が, 鼻閉については優る効果であったと考えられる。副作用については, 散剤投与群で6.2%, 細粒剤投与群で5.1%の症例に認められたが, いずれも症状は軽微であり, また臨床検査値にもなんら異常は与えなかった。
杉浦 欣一 大橋 淑宏 江崎 裕介 古谷 博之 大野 義春 中井 義明
The Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan, Inc.
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.94, no.4, pp.506-515, 1991-04-20 (Released:2008-03-19)

There is amount of epidemiologic, clinical and laboratory evidence to document that viral infection is involved in otitis media with effusion(OME).However, few studies have demonstrat- ed the direct influence of viruses on the tubotympanum.The purpose of this study is to establish the effect of influenza A virus invaded in the tubotympanum, in an attempt to elucidate the possible mechanism by which the virus contributes to the pathogenesis of OME.80 guinea pigs with normal otoscopic findings were inoculated with 0.2m1 suspension of influenza A(3.3 x 108PFU/ml)into their tympanic cavities through their tympanic membranes.To serve as controls, the same number of guinea pigs were injected with 0.2ml of physiologic saline solution into their tympanic cavities.At 3, 7, 14, and 28 days postinoculation, they were used for examination of the mucociliary function.Middle ear effusions were observed only in the animals inoculated with the virus.Mucociliary dysfunction was observed only in the animals inoculated with the virus.The ciliary activity in the bulla was declined at any time examined.On the other hand, the ciliary activity in the eustachian tube and the tympanic orifice was slightly lowered between 7 and 14 days, but the level was not different from that of the control.However, the number of active ciliated cells(showing more than 500 beats/min)was significantly smaller than that of the control.The mucociliary clearance time of the tubotympanum was more prolonged than that of the control at 3, 7, and 14 days, and returned to the control level at 28 days.A variety of morphologic changes were observed in the tubotympanum treated with the virus. Major pathologies observed included a general inflammatory cell infiltration, vacuolation and other degeneration of ciliated cells, and vascular damage and increased vascular permeability.Regener- ation of cilia or ciliated cells followed the degeneration, which included an increased number of basal cells and new formed centrioles.However, the viral infection had an influence on the epithelial cells with new centrioles.Our study has demonstrated that viral infection could evoke mucociliary dysfunction of the tubotympanum and create an increased susceptibility to bacteria.Therefore, viral infection could enhance bacterial infectious process in the tubotympanum.Through the failure viruses could contribute to the occurrence of OME.
江暗 裕介 中井 義明 大橋 淑宏 金 朋郁
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.85, no.2, pp.227-231, 1992

A 35-year-old male patient visited our outpatient clinic with sudden onset of right ear fullness. Right tubal stenosis was considered to be responsible for his complaint. A roughsurfaced flat tumor was found close to the right Rosenmuller's fossa, and biopsy was performed immediately under fiberscopy. Whether his hearing loss was due to a conductive or sensorineural disturbance was not conclusively determined because the audiogram was complicated. The tumor was diagnosed histopathologically as not malignant but inflammatory, "epithelioid granulosis in the pharyngeal tonsil". Physical examinations did not support either sacoidosis or active tuberculosis. The final diagnosis, based on a retrospective study of his lesion, was old epipharyngeal tuberculosis and sudden deafness.