宮本 文人 谷口 汎邦
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.436, pp.19-29, 1992-06-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

The purpose of this study is to investigate children's cognitive maps of school buildings. Sketch-map and placings of specific locations of floor plan were employed to externalize children's cognitive maps. The subjects were the second, the third, and the fifth graders. Some of second graders' maps seems to be as accurate as fifth graders' ones in the placings of specific locations. In one school building, the block slanting at 45 degree angle was distorted to be at right angle and pararell about 30 children's cognitive maps. In the other school building, about 10 children's sketch-maps indicated rotated distortions.
矢部 明人 宮本 文穂 礒田 聡史 谷 信幸
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集F4(建設マネジメント) (ISSN:21856605)
vol.69, no.2, pp.102-120, 2013 (Released:2013-06-20)
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現在,日本国内の橋梁維持管理の現場では,目視や各種センサを使ったモニタリング(Structural Health Monitoring:SHM)によって定期的に変状検知が実施されている.特に常時監視についてはSHMの有効性を示す研究成果が報告されている.一方で,SHM導入・維持に関する各種コストや技術的課題が指摘されており,より簡便な手法の開発が必要となっている. 本研究では,SHMに関する各種問題を解決する手段の一つとして,国内の多くの橋梁がスパン10m~20m程度の短スパン橋梁であることを鑑み,それらを対象に,公共交通機関である路線バスを利用した新たなモニタリング手法の提案および検証と実証実験を行った.
立花 美緒 安田 幸一 宮本 文人
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.87, no.793, pp.510-520, 2022-03-01 (Released:2022-03-01)

This study investigated English lessons and physical settings at ten schools in Denmark. First, English education and space used in English lessons were examined by interviews with teachers. Next, behavior observations of students and teachers in English lessons were conducted. Teachers are found considering that adequate open spaces have good effects on English lessons, especially speaking English and group works. The characteristics of the fifteen English lessons were clarified through exploring the relationship of contents, activities, and system of settings.
立花 美緒 藤井 佳人 安田 幸一 宮本 文人
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.775, pp.1841-1851, 2020 (Released:2020-09-30)

It has been a growing concern to educators not only to support students to acquire the knowledge and skills of each subject but also to develop the students' broader competencies for their life and society. Dewey (1900) discussed it in School and Society. Rychen and Salganik (2006) proposed key competencies in the OECD DeSeCo project; use tools interactively, interact in heterogeneous groups, and act autonomously. In terms of space for interaction and socializing students, this paper focuses on the central common space like a square in schools, 'common core, ' Kuhn (2012) mentioned as one of the four characteristic features new schools share. This study investigated the spatial composition and use of common cores in five upper secondary schools, 'gymnasier' in Denmark, where central common spaces in upper secondary school architectures have been developed since the 1970s. First, functions, spatial composition, and environmental elements of the common core were examined by analysis of architectural drawings and on-site surveys. Next, interviews with teachers on the use of common cores and behavior observations of students and teachers were conducted. It was found that school buildings with common cores were designed not to have too many total floor areas by the ambiguity of common cores; they had multiple functions, such as lounge, auditorium, canteen, and open classrooms at the same time or by time-sharing. One of the sample schools also deleted another function from the school building programme by using public facilities instead and managed spaces for class efficiently with an online reservation system. In terms of defense, natural surveillance was taken into account in the five common cores, where students were staying near the entrance. For administrations or rooms of teachers or staff are adjacent to them. Some common cores were found to be composed of various scaled realms. Teachers considered common cores more importantly as flexible spaces for interactions, events, and students' autonomous actions than specific functional spaces such as the canteen, auditorium, entrance. They appreciated the common core's visibility, transparency, and having the heart of the whole school. On the other hand, some students grew more independent with the openness of common cores, but others might not overcome it. Acoustic absorption, the balance of open and closed space, and creating various spaces were considered indispensable. A mid- to long-term plan for maintenance should be drawn up on the grounds of their air volume and the fact that some air conditioning were left broken there. Students selected relatively small enclosed realms for group work in class and self-study rather than large main spaces. Spatial articulations and segments were, therefore, considered to be effective as learning environments in the common cores. The characteristics of common cores in the five schools were clarified through exploring the relationship between space composition, use, and behavior of students and teachers.
中西 希代子 宮本 文夫 橋本 博之 本郷 猛 林 千恵子 石井 俊靖
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.20, no.1, pp.37-41, 2013-04-22 (Released:2017-01-27)

Daily intake of glyphosate in 2010 and 2011 at Chiba prefecture was estimated using total diet samples prepared according to the market basket method. One hundred eighty six and 175 kinds of foods were purchased from supermarket at Chiba in December 2010 and December 2011, respectively. The purchased foods were divided into 14 food groups as total diet samples, and contents of glyphosate in those groups was analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence (HPLC-FL). Glyphosate was detected from second food group (Cereals and potatoes) and 13th food group (Seasonings and spices, other foods) among 14 food groups. Estimated daily intake of glyphosate in all food groups were 24.2μg/day in 2010, and 17.6μg/day in 2011. These estimated daily intake were accounted for 0.064% in 2010, and 0.047% in 2011 of the ADI assuming a body weight of 50 kg. The foods contribute to glyphosate detected from second food group were breads, fu, boiled noodle, macaroni, and that in 13th food group was soy sauce. Glyphosate detected by HPLC-FL method from above two food groups and those foods was identified by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Above these foods were all contained flour. Therefore, it seems to be high possibility that detected glyphosate is originated from flour.
金 鐘石 宮本 文人 志水 英樹 石田 真
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.478, pp.79-88, 1995
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The purpose of this paper is to grasp the present stocks of student unions on national university campuses. Data about areas and plans of student unions were collected from 62 national university campuses. The consequences are as followers: 1) Through theory of quantification analyses, the existence of student union was related to the year of the establishment of campus, the area of campus and the number of students and etc. 2) Function of facilities and building forms of student unions were classified into 4 types respectively. 3) According to the research of students' utilization about 4 student unions, students demand facilities of training room, recreation room, sleeping room, lounge, television-video room, shower stall and etc.
中村 秀明 王 桂萱 江本 久雄 宮本 文穂
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木学会論文集E (ISSN:18806066)
vol.62, no.1, pp.107-118, 2006

コンクリート構造物に発生するひび割れを予測するためには,まず始めに温度解析を行い,その結果をもとに温度応力解析が行われる.これら数値解析の精度は,入力する材料特性値によるところが大きく,正確な材料特性値を入力しなければ,正確な解析結果は得られない.本研究では,鳥の群れや魚の群泳など群れを成して移動する生物の行動パターンを最適化に応用した Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) を用いて,現場での温度計測結果から熱特性値を推定する熱伝導逆解析手法を提案した.PSO による逆解析で求めたれた熱特性値は,一般的に用いられている値とは若干異なっているものの,複数の熱特性値が比較的容易に同定できる.
辻 澄子 中村 優美子 外海 泰秀 柴田 正 内堀 伸健 川田 誠 小林 建夫 鈴木 宏 室井 順子 鈴木 由記子 兼田 登 鈴木 英樹 宮本 文夫 伊藤 誉志男
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.37, no.2, pp.111-123, 1990
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農産物39種類195試料,水産物23種類115試料及び畜産物8種類40試料の生鮮食品合計70種類350試料並びに農産加工品58種類331試料,水産加工品38種類323試料,畜産加工品19種類147試料,菓子類18種類90試料,嗜好飲料31種類250試料,油脂・砂糖・調味料など15種類75試料及び調理加工食品11種類55試料の加工食品合計180種類1271試料中のH<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>を酸素電極法により測定した. <BR>生鮮食品70種類中,H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>を含有していない食品は56種類であり,平均値として1mg/kg未満のものが9種類であり,1mg/kg以上のものはピーナッッ(乾)(3.3mg/kg),カレイ(1.7mg/kg),ホタテ貝(4.0mg/kg),ホタルイカ(3.4mg/kg),及びカニ(1.2mg/kg)の5種類であった. <BR>一方,加工食品188種類中,H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>を含有していない食品は47種類であり,平均値として1mg/kg未満が82種類,1~5mg/kgの範囲の食品が41種類であり,5mg/kg(以下単位省略)以上の食品としては甘らっきょう(5.7),干ししいたけ(7.4),いかなご佃煮(9.1),焼のり(8.9),ひとえぐさ佃煮(7.8),乾燥ひじき(8,5),玉露(葉)(6.7),煎茶(葉)(6.2),玄米茶(葉)(6.4),番茶(葉)(6.4),ほうじ茶(葉)(30.4),紅茶(葉)(18.0),ウーロン茶(葉)(35.3),麦茶(45.0),コーヒーいり豆(140.3),インスタントコーヒー粉末(368.5),ココア(62.8),こいくちしょうゆ(7.6)の18種類であった.茶類及びコーヒー類は飲用状態ではいずれも5mg/kg以下となった. <BR>調理による食品中のH2O2含有量に対する影響について,加熱調理では,H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>量の増加傾向が,水もどし調理では,干ししいたけ以外はH2O2量の減少傾向が示された. <BR>従って,H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>含有量は調理方法により大きく変化することが判明した. <BR>更に,干ししいたけのように,水もどしすることにより,H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>量が増加傾向を示し,ばらっきも大きいことから,しいたけ成分からのH<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>生成の可能性が示唆された.
中西 希代子 宮本 文夫 橋本 博之 本郷 猛 林 千恵子 石井 俊靖
日本食品化学学会誌 (ISSN:13412094)
vol.20, no.1, pp.37-41, 2013

Daily intake of glyphosate in 2010 and 2011 at Chiba prefecture was estimated using total diet samples prepared according to the market basket method. One hundred eighty six and 175 kinds of foods were purchased from supermarket at Chiba in December 2010 and December 2011, respectively. The purchased foods were divided into 14 food groups as total diet samples, and contents of glyphosate in those groups was analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence (HPLC-FL). Glyphosate was detected from second food group (Cereals and potatoes) and 13th food group (Seasonings and spices, other foods) among 14 food groups. Estimated daily intake of glyphosate in all food groups were 24.2μg/day in 2010, and 17.6μg/day in 2011. These estimated daily intake were accounted for 0.064% in 2010, and 0.047% in 2011 of the ADI assuming a body weight of 50 kg. The foods contribute to glyphosate detected from second food group were breads, fu, boiled noodle, macaroni, and that in 13th food group was soy sauce. Glyphosate detected by HPLC-FL method from above two food groups and those foods was identified by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Above these foods were all contained flour. Therefore, it seems to be high possibility that detected glyphosate is originated from flour.
眞壁 祐樹 宮本 文夫 橋本 博之 中西 希代子 長谷川 康行
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.51, no.4, pp.182-195, 2010

畜水産物を主原料とする加工食品中の残留農薬について一斉分析法を検討した.均一化した試料に酢酸エチル-シクロヘキサン(1 : 1)および硫酸ナトリウムを加えて抽出,濃縮後,アセトニトリル/ヘキサン分配およびC18ミニカラムで脱脂し,グラファイトカーボン/PSAミニカラムで精製した.分析にはイオントラップ型GC/MSを使用し,スキャン法で測定した.スキャン法での測定が困難な農薬についてはMS/MS法でスキャン法と同時に測定した.試料4種(冷凍餃子,ウナギ蒲焼,コンビーフ,レトルトカレー)について292成分の添加回収試験 (0.1 μg/g添加) を行った結果,210 (レトルトカレー) ~262 (冷凍餃子) 成分が回収率 70~120% の範囲であった.本法は畜水産物を主原料とする加工食品中の残留農薬検査に有用な分析法であると考えられる.