橋本 悠希 小泉 直也
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.51, no.1, pp.64-71, 2015

Japan (Japanese lacquer) has many kinds of interesting characteristics. Even among them, we focus on electric non-conductance and weakness of ultraviolet rays. From these features, it is assumed that an ultraviolet laser remove Japan locally, and several layers can be connected via removed point. This hypothesis means that it is possible to build a Japan-based multilayered electronic circuit. In this paper, we explain a development method of a Japan-based electronic circuit, and report three experiments to confirm feasibility of our hypothesis. In addition, we discuss application potentiality of Japan-based electronic circuit.
須佐 雄輝 小泉 直也 上間 裕二 常盤 拓司 杉本 麻樹 稲見 昌彦
研究報告 エンタテインメントコンピューティング(EC) (ISSN:21862583)
vol.2011, no.24, pp.1-6, 2011-03-19

パーソナルファブリケーションに代表されるような,個人の手によって行う創造活動が増えている.その結果,食分野においても,「キャラ弁」 などの文化が生まれてきた.そこで,食品による創造活動に着目し,菓子による造形のワークショップを開き,観察を行った.その観察から 「菓子組み」 の価値を見つけ出し,その実現に必要となる機能を抽出した.それらをシステムの設計指針として菓子組みを支援する造形アプリケーションの開発を行った.It has become popular to do creative work by one's own hands, for example a culture known as "Personal Fabrication". As a result, in the field of food, it has also burn a culture that creates "Characterized" lunch boxes. Therefore, we focused on the creative works of food, and held a creative workshop using sweets, then we observed it. From the observation, we discovered a value of "Sweets Assemblance", and we extracted features to realize the sweets as-semblance. we regarded them as a design guide, and we developed a sweets assemblance support application.

1 0 0 0 OA 英米の俗信(2)

小泉 直
愛知教育大学研究報告. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18845177)
vol.62, pp.53-61, 2013-03-01
小泉 直美
ロシア・東欧研究 (ISSN:13486497)
vol.2001, no.30, pp.55-77, 2001 (Released:2010-10-27)

During 10 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has become a middle-class power, while the United States as the only superpower is increasingly inclined to behave on its own way in the international scene. How is Russia trying to cope with the US? This question is closely related to a broader issue, i.e. how Russia is making its adaptation during the system change of international relations.This article attempts to answer this question by addressing itself to the issue of strategic stability. Under the Cold War system the strategic stability between the US and the Soviet Union was attained by controlling offensive nuclear weapons with defensive nuclear weapons promised not to develop and deploy by both sides. But since the end of the Cold War, nuclear proliferation has become perceived bigger threats, which pushed the US to the development of the National Missile Defense (NMD) . Thus Russia wants to maintain the old strategic stability, while the US wants to develop the NMD. The negotiation started between the two.First we analyze Russian behavior in the nuclear arms negotiation and the intention of various actors with the specific emphasis on the arguments on the military reform. Then at the latter half of the article we examine Russian attitude toward the issue of non-proliferation problems. This time we focus on the situation of military industrial complex and its reconstruction process, and also the specialists' arguments on the matter. We will analyze them from the end of the Cold War until September 11, 2001. The reason why we stop at September 11 is to show that Russia did not suddenly change on September 11.As conclusions we argue that first, Russia initially tried to maintain the old strategic stability but it turned out to be impossible to do so because of her financial constraints and the urgent need for military reform. President Putin slowly began to stop Russia's pretending a superpower by renouncing his previous goal to maintain the strategic parity with the US. Then, on September 11, 2001, he grasped at the chance and decided to become a big power in the new US-led international system.Second, when it comes to a new threat, nuclear proliferation, Russia was also slow to recognize its significance because its huge military industry needs to export military weapons in order to survive. And we find that while making efforts to secure the US non-proliferation commitments, Russia is also trying to sell more weapons to even the 'rouge nations' like Iran. But now the US can't stop those commitments for its Key words; strategic stability/START/NMD/nuclear non-proliferation/Iran

1 0 0 0 IR 英米の俗信(3)

小泉 直
愛知教育大学研究報告. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18845177)
no.63, pp.83-91, 2014-03-01
小泉 直子 井上 芳樹 塚本 利之
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.38, no.3, pp.667-676, 1983-08-30 (Released:2009-02-17)

Diurnal variations were recorded of 10 substances from the urine of 22 healthy women, ranging from 32 to 65 years of age. Twenty-four-hour urine collections were done at each micturition and blood samples were taken on the same day.From the data, it was examined whether the use of creatinine ratio as a measure of the completeness of a 24-hour urine samples was reliable.The results were as follows:1. Maximum/minimum concentration ratios of various urinary substances were 1.2-4.6, 1.9-9.0, 1.3-11, 1.3-8.0, 1.6-12, 1.5-12, 1.7-11, 1.8-9.8, and 2.0-12, for (specific gravity-1) ×1, 000, creatinine, urea nitrogen, uric acid, calcium, inorganic phosphorus, cadmium, zinc, and copper, respectively. There were very large individual variations-2.6-78-for the ratios of urinary β2-microglobulin.2. Blood urea nitrogen slightly increased with age, but other substances showed no such changes.3. The mean values of each substances matched between those taken at individual micturitions and those taken over 24 hours.4. Concentrations of substances in early morning urine did not always show the high levels compared with those of a 24-hour urine.5. Creatinine concentrations decreased with age. For elderly women, this fact resulted the high values from correction by creatinine for the concentrations of urinary substances.6. Wide diurnal variations for values corrected by specific gravity or creatinine were observed of urinary 10 substances, and such substances were inaffective in correcting urinary concentrations.7. The mean specific gravity of a 24-hour urine of all subjects was 1.018. For elderly women, the value calculated by specific gravity, that is, the one multiplied by 18/(G-1)×1, 000, was more accurate than the creatinine ratio.8. Urinary protein or glucose had almost no influence on specific gravity, except in the case of glucose concentrations over 500mg/dl.
小泉 直也 田中 秀和 上間 裕二 稲見 昌彦
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.18, no.2, pp.141-150, 2013-06-30 (Released:2017-02-01)

Our contribution is to propose the method to augment food texture using sound AR system with crossmodal effect, to evaluate prototype implementation, and to confirm the validity of our system. There is cognitive scientific knowledge regarding the relation between food texture and sound. However, they are effective only in laboratory situations and are not suitable in everyday lives. Our research question is how the user interface design improves our daily eating experience and we focus on the food texture. Our hypothesis is that it is possible to augment the food texture by introducing sound in synchronization with the motion of the user's mastication. For this purpose, we have designed a device and software for detecting the mastication action and controlling the sound augmented reality system. Additionally, we have evaluated sound delay, frequency control, and effects of our system. And finally, we have demonstrated this system at a public conference to show the possibility of usage in a living environment.
鈴木 英明 三田 肇 藤田 光 小泉 直也 岡田 珠美 水野 恭子 有川 量崇 池見 宅司
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯科保存学会
日本歯科保存学雑誌 (ISSN:03872343)
vol.53, no.3, pp.296-303, 2010-06-30 (Released:2018-03-29)

齲蝕は口腔内の細菌が産生する酸によって引き起こされる疾患であり,連鎖球菌の1種であるStreptococcus mutansを代表とする齲蝕原因菌による内因性疾患であることが明らかにされている.現在,実用化されている齲蝕予防法には,宿主対策としての歯質強化を目的としたフッ化物の応用があるが,それ以外は効果的な齲蝕予防対策が得られていないのが現状である.近年,齲蝕罹患率の減少や予防のためにさまざまな研究が行われており,齲蝕予防効果を付与した種々の口腔用剤や飲食物が考案されてきている.アントシアニンは,フラボノイドの1種で植物性食品素材の色素成分として検出され,抗酸化作用,抗肝障害作用,視神経機能改善作用,抗炎症作用,動脈硬化改善作用などを有する.今回,われわれはアントシアニン系のなかからナスの皮に含まれるポリフェノールの1種であるナスニンに着目した.本研究の目的は,デルフィニジン型アントシアニンに属するナスニンに齲蝕予防の可能性があるかどうかを,その抗菌作用についてin vitro実験において調べることである.検討の結果,以下の知見が得られた.1.S.mutansに対する最小発育阻止濃度は500μg/mlであった.2.Streptoccus sobrinusに対する最小発育阻止濃度は250μg/mlであった.3.Actinomyces viscosusに対する最小発育阻止濃度は500μg/mlであった.4.ナスニンの抗菌作用は,S.mutans,S.sobrinusおよびA.viscosusのresting cellに対して殺菌的であった.5.ナスニンは,S.mutans PS-14株ならびにS.sobrinus 6715株産生粗glucosyltransferaseのsucrose依存性非水溶性グルカン合成活性を顕著に阻害した.以上のことより,ナスニンは齲蝕原因菌に対して顕著な殺菌作用が認められ,抗齲蝕作用を有することが示唆された.
小泉 直美
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2011, no.164, pp.164_1-14, 2011

This article analyzes whether civilian control over the Russian military has been reestablished after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Civilian control had been firmly established under the communist regime by the Brezhnev era and functioned very well. It was a kind of division of labor based upon the common ideology, in which the Communist Party leadership decides the overall direction of foreign and security policy, while the General Staff with its exclusive military expertise provides option formation and implementation. The Party leadership gave the military everything they need and want, and the military in turn does not interfere into the politics.<br>With the collapse of the Soviet Union, however, this controlling system also ceased to function. The political leadership can no longer look after the military's interests, while the military got fully politicized in and outside the Duma. Then the former President Putin tried to reestablish the control system, although it was not a democratic one, but the control by the president. Putin wanted to transform the military into a small but highly efficient and usable one in the local and regional conflicts. Although Putin's plan did not frame well, in 2007 with the new defense minister Anatolii Serdyukov appointed the situation began to change.<br>This article examines the three aspects of Putin's (and Medvedev's) reform efforts, namely the reform of military bureaucracy, the fulfillment of the military's interests, and the change of the official threat perceptions. First, in terms of civilianization of the defense ministry and the subordination of the General Staff to the civilian defense ministry, much efforts has been made, but still not enough. Due to lack of civilian military experts, it will take some more time to overcome the General Staff's exclusive status and power inherited from the Soviet era. Second, the political leadership attaches a great emphasis to the modernization of military equipment and the improvement of material conditions for military service. Still, the lack of capital and an inefficient way of using it have impeded visible progress. Third, after long procrastination finally the new official strategic documents, the National Security Strategy and the Military Doctrine, have been approved. They revised the official threat perception from a large scale attack from the West to local and regional conflicts along the borders. Nevertheless, we should notice that a deep distrust against the West, especially the U.S. and NATO, is rooted in the newly attained consensus.<br>In sum, civilian control in Russia is working far better than in the 1990's, but is still incomplete. There is much room for the military's dissatisfaction or distrust against the U.S. to exert its influence to the political decisions.
小泉 直美
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1992, no.100, pp.104-125,L12, 1992

The East European countries waged the Cold War as members of the Eastern block. But they also waged the Cold War against the Soviet Union. The Purpose of this paper is to analyze the beginning and end of this Cold War of East Europe from the viewpoint of the Soviet perception.<br>The Soviet rule over East Europe was the result of the Soviet threat perception, as well as the vacuume of power and Soviet capability to fill it up. In other words, the Soviets felt strong threat from the West and came to a conclusion that East Europe is a special and vital area for the Soviet national security through the experience over the Second World War. Then the end of this Cold War must be based upon the overcome of this perception by the new Russian leadership and the society. The paper will address to these processes.<br>As for the beginning of the Cold War of East Europe, we are going to pay attention to the period from August 1939 to June 1941, namely from the conclusion the Soviet-German Non-Agression Pact to the start of the Soviet-German War. This is because we think that these years got a decisive meaning for the formation of the Soviet security perception after WWII.<br>Then after fifty years, the time for change came with the <i>Perestroika</i> started by Gorbachev. The Soviet Union (then Russia) no longer has the capability to hold the East European nations as her protege nor alliance. Her threat perception is also being mitigated under the new post-Cold War situation in Europe. For all of this the paper will still give a suggestion for uncertainty over whether Russia has finally overcome her perception of vulneravility and of East Europe as her special zone.

1 0 0 0 IR 英米の俗信(4)

小泉 直
愛知教育大学研究報告. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:18845177)
vol.64, pp.61-69, 2015-03-01
小泉 直子 コイズミ ナオコ
日本赤十字広島看護大学紀要 (ISSN:13465945)
vol.12, pp.115-116, 2012

日時:平成23年10月14日(金)場所:日本赤十字広島看護大学 ソフィアホール講師:Dr.Andrea Baumann(アンドレア・バーマン先生 マクマスター大学)通訳:小泉直子