謝 心範 山本 理
日本補完代替医療学会誌 (ISSN:13487922)
vol.17, no.1, pp.73-81, 2020

新型コロナウイルス感染症が中国の武漢で突然爆発的に蔓延した現象は世界の人々へ大きな驚きと衝撃を与えた.医療現場では,確実な治療法や治療薬も無い局面にどう対応すべきか混乱し,確かな効果を求める切迫した願いも強くなった.そのような状況下,漢方薬の出番があり,自然植物由来の「三薬三方」(3 つの薬と3 つの方剤の意)すなわち,金花清感顆粒,連花清瘟カプセル,血必浄注射液と宣肺敗毒湯,清肺排毒湯,化湿敗毒方の作用と効果がCOVID-19 感染症の現場から報告されたので紹介する.「三薬三方」は,植物由来成分の潜在力を総合的に利用し,人体自身の自己治癒力と免疫系の賦活,障害要因に対する抵抗力強化を可能にするものである.新型コロナウイルス感染症の現場から報告されている「三薬三方」の様々な効果は単一成分によって発揮されているのではないことは明白である.作用機序,原料,処方,加工法,効果,安全性の向上など更なる研究が必要である.
北田 正弘 桐野 文良 山本 和弘
公益社団法人 日本金属学会
日本金属学会誌 (ISSN:00214876)
vol.71, no.1, pp.85-89, 2007 (Released:2007-01-01)

The surface structure of a metallic mirror fabricated in the late Edo period has been investigated. A Sn layer of 100 nm thickness on the mirror surface is observed by cross-sectional Transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Hg is detected in the Sn layer by EDX analysis. This means that the surface Sn layer of the mirror was fabricated using an Hg-amalgam technique. By AES measurement, an Sn-Cu alloy at the interface between the Sn layer and the Cu base metal is detected. The Sn surface has been oxidized. The oxide layer consists of SnO2, SnO•SnO2, SnO and Sn in order of increasing distance from the surface.
山本 雅昭
広島経済大学経済研究論集 = HUE journal of economics and business (ISSN:03871436)
vol.41, no.4, pp.31-45, 2019-03

1.はじめに 2.2018年上期のスマートフォン製品市場 3.HuaweiとXiaomiの競争 4.Samsungと半導体事業 5.TSMCとSamsungの戦い 6.結び
山本 肇 鈴木 進
口腔病学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009149)
vol.24, no.1, pp.72-76, 1957 (Released:2010-10-08)

Recently the anthors experienced two autopsy cases of the suspected lead poisoning and decided it's diagnosis by demonstration of clear lead line at hard tissues, especially dentin. The other findings of the oral tissues were gingivitis ulcerosa and lead line about 1 mm wide at the labial gingiva of the lower incisor and buccal gingiva of the upper left second premolar and first molar in the first case and slight gingivitis in the second case. Moreover in polarogram, the anthors proved existence of lead at the liver of the first case and at the liver, bone and brain of the second case.
山本 正身
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1999, no.79, pp.44-58, 1999-05-10 (Released:2010-05-07)

Ito Jinsai's educational thought consisted mainly of the relationships among three conceptions; namely, human nature, the Way (of Man), and the teachings (of both Confucius and Mencius). These conceptions in turn were known to him through his inquiry into the essence of the thoughts of Confucius and of Mencius.For Jinsai the Way (of Man) should be found in daily human relations, and it was first generalized and presented to people as teachings by Confucius. However, as people were separated from Confucius's times, they interpreted the Way (of Man) arbitrarily; otherwise, they despaired of their ability to practice morality. To overcome these difficulties, Mencius contended that the Way (of Man) meant humanity and justice in human relations, and that man's inborn nature wa good.Thus Jinsai's educational thought was focused on a problem : how to urge people to participate in daily human relations. It would be said that his thought was one of the prominent achievements in educational thought which was constructed on the basis of Confucianism.
山本 雅弘
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1984, no.49, pp.42-56, 1984-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

The German youth movement at the beginning of the 20th century is generally interpreted as a movement of cultural criticism and as a spiritual movement exposing the petrified contemporary bourgeois culture. But this view fails to explain sufficiently the peculiar characteristic of this movement. The most radical and all-pervading common expression of the youth movement was definitely Wandern in nature. The Wandern activity as such contitutes the original characteristic of the youth movement. Aimlessness is the basic element of Wandern and it possesses a peculiar brightness and serenity of its own. Thus Wandern makes man turn to the fountains of life. As far as cultural criticism is concerned it has been pointed out that Bildung had become separated from the subject and thus become externralized; the youth movement, aware of this criticism, strove after an internalization of the world through a return to the springs of life. Only in this way true Bildung as the internal form of life can be conducted.
山本 剛史
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.30, pp.52-62, 2012-09-30 (Released:2018-02-01)

In this article, I show the significance of Hans Jonas' ethics of responsibility in the situation wherein the ethical problems of technology extend from the present to the future generations. Jonas used his consideration of the problem of bioethics of experiments on a human body as his opportunity to begin his study of ethics in earnest. At the same time, he criticizes the re-definition of death as this enables and promotes the practice of organ transplants from an irreversibly comatose donor. Both human body experiments and the re-definition of death are considered from the viewpoint of the defenseless victim who is sacrificed in the name of medical progress to save lives and conquer disease. Jonas insists on the "-descending order of permissibility-" as a general principle to prevent sacrificing the defenseless victim. According to Jonas' philosophy of life, it is not appropriate to understand the human mind and body as separate entities. Life itself is not lost even if it is assumed that consciousness does not recover if the body lives. Extraction of organs from such a person who is incapable of putting up a defense constitutes a sacrifice of the defenseless victim. Jonas positions future generations as the ultimate victim in "the principle of responsibility" and advocates a new ethic to forbid the act that offers them in a one-sided sacrifice. He reforms ethics from a form that assumes the individual and autonomous subject to a form that considers the relationship between the subject and object of the responsibility. Jonas shows that the fundamental human character, that is, two paradigms of the responsible subject, "parent" and "politician" enables one to make a self-sacrifice through one's identification with his/her problem. The ethics of Hans Jonas is imbued with the idea of prevention of sacrifice of the victim.