岡田 光弘
科学基礎論研究 (ISSN:00227668)
vol.18, no.2, pp.59-65, 1987-03-25 (Released:2010-01-20)

論理記号の意味を論理記号導入規則と呼ばれる推論規則に基づいて与えて論理的意味論を展開する研究が論理学者達によっていろいろな観点からなされてきた。例えばGentzen ([4] II.§5) による説明はその最初のものであろう。Dummett, PrawitzおよびMartin-Löf等による最近の一連の論理的意味論の運動もこのような流れの上にある。また, LorenzenおよびLorenzの学派によるoperational logicおよびdialogical logicもこのような意味論の変形と考えられる。Gentzenはまた, そのような意味論を彼の与えた数論の整合性証明の哲学的意義の説明に際して展開した。Dummettの意図はそのような意味論に基づいて直観主義推論の哲学的基礎付けを行うことにあった 。これらの哲学的立場の共通する特徴はFrege-Russellのパラドックスの出現以来生じてきた論理学, 数学基礎論における哲学論争を哲学的意味論の論争として捉え直すという前提に立っている点にある。伝統的な捉え方に従うと, QuineやPutnamらが指摘するように, 数学基礎論における論理主義, 直観主義, 形式主義の論争は中世の存在論哲学の普遍論争における実念論, 概念論, 唯名論の間の論争に対応すると考えられてきた。ここで普遍論争とは普遍観念 (または一般観念) の存在論的位置付けに関する論争のことであり, 実念論, 概念論, 唯名論は各々一般観念がプラトンのイデアのような形で実在するという立場, 我々の精神において構成されるという立場, 単に記号として使用しているだけでありその存在を前提する必要がないとする立場, に対応している。数学や論理学で使用される観念についての論争もこのような存在論的なレベルの論争と解釈されてきたわけである。これに対して先に挙げた人々の共通した前提の一つはこの論争を存在論的枠組の中でではなく, 意味論の問題として, つまり言語哲学的レベルの枠組みで捉えようとする傾向があることである。つまり, 論理主義, 直観主義, 形式主義等の立場の違いを同じ数学言語, 論理言語に対して採用される意味論の違いによって説明しようとするわけである。例えば古典論理の立場では正しいとされる「Aまたは非A」という形の排中律は直観主義論理の立場では一般には正しいと見なされないが, この立場の違いもそれぞれが別な意味論体系を採用していて, この別な意味論体系に従って, 「または」という論理結合詞に対して違った意味解釈を与える, ということによるとみなされる。以下において我々はこのような枠組みの中で「論理記号導入規則による意味論」と呼ばれる意味論の採用がいかに我々の論理的数学的言語行為に合ったものであるかをPrawitz-Dummettの議論を踏まえながら述べ (§1), 次にこの意味論の中核部分を最も基本的な形で展開する (§2) 。最後にこの意味論による直観主義論理推論の基礎付けの可能性およびそこに含まれる問題点について検討する (§3) 。

3 0 0 0 OA 矛盾は矛盾か

岡田 光弘
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.36, no.2, pp.79-102, 2003-12-30 (Released:2009-05-29)

In this paper we show some logical presumptions for the contradiction-form to really mean contradiction. We first give an introductory note that the same argument-form of Russell paradox could be interpreted to derive a contradiction (as Russell did) and to derive some positive non-contradictory results (such as Gödel's lemma on incompleteness and Cantor's lemma on cardinality), depending on the context. This surprisingly suggests that a logical argument of a contradiction itself is rather independent of interpreting it as contradiction or non-contradiction. In the main section (Section 2) we investigate further in the hidden logical assumptions underlying a usual derivation of contradiction (such as the last step from the Russell argument to conclude a contradiction). We show the logical form of contradiction does not always mean a contradiction in a deep structure level of logic. We use the linear logical analysis for this claim. Linear logic, in the author's opinion, provides fundamental logical structures of the traditional logics (such as classical logic and intuitionistic logic). The each traditional logical connectives split into two different kinds of connective, corresponding to the fundamental distinction, parallel or choice, of the fundamental level of logic; more precisely the connectives related to parallel-assertings and the connectives related to choice-assertions. We claim that (1) the law of contradiction is indisputable for the parallel-connectives, but (2) the law of contradiction is not justified for the choice-connectives. (In fact, the law of contradiction has the same meaning as other Aristotlean laws (the indentity, the excluded middle) from the view point of the duality principle in linear logic, and the disputability of the law of contradiction is exactly the same as the disputability of the law of excluded middle, in the linear logic level.) Here, although (1) admits the law of contradiction, the meaning of contradiction is quite diferrent and, in the author opinion, more basic than the traditional sense of contradiction. (2) tells us that the disputability of the law of contradiction for the choice-connectives is equivalent to the disputability of the law of excluded middle. However, this disputability is more basic than the traditional logicist-intuitionist issue on the excluded middle, since admitting the traditional law of excluded middle (from the classical or logicist viewpoint) is compatible with this disputability of the excluded middle (and equivalently the law of contradiction) with respect to the choice-connectives of the linear logic. Then, the traditional logics (classical and intuitionistic logics) are perfectly constituted from this fundamental level of logic by the use of reconstructibity or re-presentation operator, (which is the linear-logical modal operators). With the use of modal operator the originally splitted two groups of logical connectives merge into a single group, which makes the traditional logical connectives. (The use of slightly different modalities results in the difference between the traditional classical logic and the traditional intuitionistic logic.) With the use of modal operator, the contradiction-form becomes to get the traditional sense of contradiction. This situation shows that the traditional sense of contradiction presumes re-presentation or reconstruction of the inference-resources, which is now explicit by the use of linear logical modal operator(s), and which also makes possible the denotational or objectivity interpretation of logical language. The merge of the two different aspects (the parallel-connectives and the choice-connectives) into one, by the presence of the modal operators, also eliminates the original conflict (on the indisputability of the law of contradiction in the parallel-connectives side and the disputability of that in the choice-connectives side.)
岡田 光弘
The Philosophy of Science Society, Japan
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.53, no.2, pp.95-114, 2021-03-31 (Released:2021-03-31)

We discuss the equational representations of the elimination rule of inductive types, with a focus on the type “natural number”, in the context of the series of approaches to separating an equational calculus from logic. We go back to a source of the purely equational representation of the elimination rule, Wittgenstein's uniqueness rule. We analyze Wittgenstein's argument, in comparison with others', which gives supplementary remarks to Marion-Okada (2018).
岡田 光弘 金子 洋之 峯島 宏次

岡田 光弘
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.100, pp.63-86, 1996-03

100集記念号1. 序論2. 明晰判明性基準による形而上学立論に対する批判3. Descartesにおける論証概念と現代論理学の演繹理論4. 論証概念の二重構造説は可能か5. Referencesと注It has often been pointed out that Descartes' metaphysical proofs (on Cogito, on the existance of God, and others) contained a circular argument or a logically problematic argument. One typical example of such a claim is the so called "Cartesian Circle". The purpose of this paper is to alalyse those metaphysical proofs of Descartes from the logical view point and to clarify some misunderstandings in the literatures of Descartes studies. For that aim we clarify his notion of "proof (or demonstration)" and the so called "rule of clearness and distinctness", from the logical point of view. In the course of our investigation, we also clarify the role of the notion of "memory" in his theory of proofs and knowledge. As a conclusion, we reach the view point that Descartes has a unique and coherent notion of proof, in contrast to some researchers' view point that he distinguishes two kinds of proofs, namely metaphysical proofs and scientific proofs.