川口 俊明
教育學研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.78, no.4, pp.386-397, 2011-12-29

本稿の目的は、教育学における混合研究法の可能性について検討することである。混合研究法(Mixed Methods Research: MMR)とは、量的調査と質的調査を組みあわせる研究法のことである。日本でも混合研究法に注目する研究者は増えているが、どのように量的調査と質的調査を組みあわせるか、どのように混合研究法を使った研究を評価するか等の議論がほとんどない。本稿では、教育学における混合研究法の主要な論点・利点・今後の方向性を提示する。
垂見 裕子 川口 俊明 西 徳宏
日本テスト学会誌 (ISSN:18809618)
vol.19, no.1, pp.135-153, 2023 (Released:2023-06-30)

本稿の目的は,全米教育統計センター(NCES)が実施する大規模学力パネル調査の特徴を整理し,そこから日本の学校を対象とした大規模学力調査の在り方に関する示唆を得ることである。具体的には,以下の3点から整理を行う。(1)米国のNCESが実施する大規模パネル学力調査は1970年代以降,どのように発展・変化してきたのか。(2)これら大規模学力パネル調査を実施するために,どのような調査実施体制がとられているか。(3)NCESが実施する大規模学力パネル調査の主たるテーマである「格差」の視点が調査設計にどのように表れているか。 分析の結果,日米の大規模学力パネル調査の蓄積に大きな差があること,その差は彼我のテスト文化の違いのみならずテストを支える体制・雇用慣行の違いによること,何のために学力テストを実施するのかという目的意識が重要であること等が示された。
川口 俊明
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.165-184, 2009-05-31 (Released:2018-05-01)
7 4

This paper explores school effects in Japan, using a Multilevel Model Analysis.“School Effects” consider how schools can affect childrenʼs learning outputs. This is one of the important subjects in the sociology of education. Since the Coleman Reports of the 1960s, there has been much research investigating school effects all over the world. This is termed “School Effectiveness Research” (SER). Recently, SER researchers are planning comparative studies within countries, and this research has considerable attraction.Unfortunately, very few researchers in Japan knew about SER until 2000. Pioneers in SER in Japan are Nabeshima and Shimizu. They investigated school effects using the concept of “Effective Schools” conceived by Edmonds, one of the most famous early SER researchers. Japanese SER researchers argue that “Effective Schools” are characterized by “teacher cooperation,” “leadership,” and “good classroom climates.” Finally, they conclude, “If all schools had these characteristics, social disadvantage would be less than at present.”However, the concept of “Effective Schools” in Japan is problematic, and thus we need to reanalyze carefully the conclusions of pioneer SER research in Japan.In this paper, I firstly point out the lack of the concept of “Effective Schools” and propose a Multilevel Model Analysis (Hierarchical Linear Modeling) to analyze school effects. Secondly, I investigate school effects in Japan using the Multilevel Model Analysis, and analyze academic achievement tests at 5th grade conducted in Z City in the district of Kansai. The sample size is 3,366 children from 43 schools and explanatory variables are achievement score at 4th grade, childrenʼs gender, and childrenʼs cultural social class.The findings are as follows. Firstly, almost all the variance in academic achievements at 5th grade exists within schools. There is small variance between schools. Variance between schools is less than 5 percent. Secondly, the most important explanatory variable affecting achievement at 5th grade is achievement at 4th grade. The most explanatory variables following this are childrenʼs gender and cultural social class. Thirdly, although the variance between schools is very small, there is a score gap of 5 to 6 points between “the most effective school” and “the most ineffective school.” Thus, there are very small score gaps between schools, but this does not mean that schools have no effect on the alleviation of social disadvantage caused by gender or social class.We draw the following conclusions from this analysis. First, junior high schools in Japan have very similar learning environments, and so there are only small score gaps between schools. Secondly, the prior achievement score has a very strong effect on achievement score at the 5th grade level. Investigating school outcomes without taking prior achievement scores into account is therefore very problematic. In Japan, few argue the importance of prior achievement tests, but this is a critical point for the analysis of achievement scores. Thirdly, it is important that researchers of SER in Japan understand that there is only small variance between Japanese schools and argue seriously about “what schools can and cannot do.”
川口 俊明
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.78, no.4, pp.386-397, 2011-12-29 (Released:2018-12-26)

本稿の目的は、教育学における混合研究法の可能性について検討することである。混合研究法(Mixed Methods Research: MMR)とは、量的調査と質的調査を組みあわせる研究法のことである。日本でも混合研究法に注目する研究者は増えているが、どのように量的調査と質的調査を組みあわせるか、どのように混合研究法を使った研究を評価するか等の議論がほとんどない。本稿では、教育学における混合研究法の主要な論点・利点・今後の方向性を提示する。
川口 俊明
福岡教育大学紀要. 第四分冊, 教職科編 (ISSN:02863235)
no.59, pp.1-10, 2010-02-10

本稿は、(1)異なる学校に通うことで、子どもたちのあいだにどの程度の学力差が生じるのか、(2)どのような学校が効果的なのか(=学力を大きく向上させることができるのか)、という2つの問題について、ある市で行われた学力調査をもとに分析している。分析には、日本の社会科学領域で昨今注目を集めているマルチレベルモデル分析(Multilevel Model Analysis)を用いている。公立小学校・中学校で行われた学力テストをもとにした分析の結果、以下の2点が明らかになった。第一に、学力の差は、小学校・中学校を問わず、きわめて小さいということである。第二に、「効果的な学校」と「そうでない学校」のあいだに、決定的な違いは見いだせないということである。これは、こと学力テストの点数に限って言えば、現行の教育システム内で個々の学校・教員の努力でできることは限られているということを意味している。教育研究・教育行政に携わる人々は、この知見を真剣に受け止めて検討していく必要があろう。
砂山 渡 川口 俊明 田村 幸寛
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:18804535)
vol.J93-D, no.10, pp.2032-2041, 2010-10-01

川口 俊明 前馬 優策 Toshiaki KAWAGUCHI Yusaku MAEBA 大阪大学大学院 大阪大学大学院 Graduate School Osaka University Graduate School Osaka University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.187-205, 2007-05-31

The aim of this paper is to discover a route for the resolution of "differences in scholastic ability," which are a serious problem in Japanese Education, using the idea of "Effective Schools". "Effective Schools" are schools which have relatively small differences in scholastic ability between social groups. This report looks at the continuation of effects of schools, and studies the characteristics of "Effective Schools" in Japan. In conventional studies on "Effective Schools" in Japan, seven characteristics are clarified: (1) Ordered child groups, (2) Mutual empowerment by students, (3) A school administration that values teamwork, (4) Connections between schools and outside organizations, (5) A positive school culture, (6) A system that encourages learning, and (7) Leadership. These were found in data from a single year, however, and were not based on data collected continuously. Therefore, surveys to date are inadequate. This report demonstrates the existence of "Effective Schools" and analyzes the characteristics of schools in one city in Hyogo Prefecture, based on continuous data. The findings are as follows. To begin with, from an analysis of scholastic ability data, it is clear that the evaluation of "Effective Schools" is considerably affected by grade groups. In previous studies in this area, attention had not been given to the differences between grade groups, and this suggests a danger in relying on data for a single year. In addition, caution must be exercised in basing policymaking on data on scholastic ability performed in a single year. Next, while the results of the surveys varied greatly by grade groups in most schools, there were two schools (A and B) that were continuously effective. School A was unified several years ago. The teachers are building a new school culture, involving "watching and checking inside school" and "taking learning hours." On the other hand, School B is characterized by "good class atmosphere" and "self-direction in learning." The two schools seem to have very different characteristics, but it can be pointed out that teachers of both are supportive in various aspects. Comparing these with the seven characteristics of "Effective Schools" in Japan, School A is a school that has (1) Ordered child groups and (6) A system that encourages learning (in School). By contrast, School B has (2) Mutual empowerment by students and (6) A system that encourages learning (at home). Moreover, both schools have (3) A school administration that values teamwork and (5) A positive school culture. From those analyses, it can be hypothesized that "Teacher Culture" and "School Culture" are important factors in the study of "Effective Schools."