後藤 武史 稗田 寛 山中 健輔 中村 祐二 宮城 成圭 古賀 裕
West-Japanese Society of Orthopedics & Traumatology
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.32, no.3, pp.755-758, 1984 (Released:2010-03-16)

In crystallographic study of tophaceous substances and deposits in gouty synovial fluids using differential-interference microscopy, polarized light microscopy and X-ray diffraction method, the following results were obtained.1) Substances of subcutaneous tophi and deposits in gouty synovial fluids were found to be needle-like crystals. By polarized-light microscopy, they were negatively birefringent with extinction on the long axis.2) The needle-like crystals obtained from subcutaneous tophi and/or synovial fluids in gouty patients have been positively confirmed as monosodium urate monohydrate (NaC5H3N4O3·H2O) by X-ray diffraction technics.
関 孝和 建部 賢明 建部 賢弘 後藤 武史 小松 彦三郎
数理解析研究所講究録 (ISSN:18802818)
vol.1858, pp.27-55, 2013-10

[編集] 関孝和, 建部賢明, 建部賢弘; [校訂] 後藤武史; [再校訂] 小松彦三郎
藤田 朗 後藤 武 藤井 正昭 百武 ひろ子 久米 由美 豊田 晶子 岡田 曜子 高 美玲
一般財団法人 住総研
住宅総合研究財団研究論文集 (ISSN:18802702)
vol.31, pp.67-77, 2005 (Released:2018-01-31)

後藤 武俊
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.45, pp.41-57, 2019 (Released:2020-10-02)

This paper examines the issues concerning public support for private organizations providing opportunities for truant students, considers the limitations of previous studies, and suggests an alternative viewpoint. In this study, we focus on the characteristics of the concept of “public,” which means “common” and at the same time connotes “diversity” from the meaning of “openness.” We also focus on another aspect of “public,” which is used to justify giving or receiving public funds and support.In the first chapter, we analyzed the current conditions of truant students and private organizations giving educational services based on some national surveys in Japan. We estimated that the actual number of truant students was larger than indicated in national surveys. We also noted that those private organizations accepted many high school students and young people over 19 years old.In the second chapter, we analyzed previous studies about issues related to public support for private educational services and found two significant points. The first point was that they had tried to change the image of public education through focusing on the aspect of “diversity” in the meanings of “public,” and tried to justify public funds and support for many types of private educational services. They had also required a quality assurance system and funding system in order to nurture private organizations, not to suffocate them. The second was that they had confronted the challenges of standardization required in the process of quality assurance as publicly-funded activities. In many examples, quality assurance required many documents to be written and rules stipulated by governments to be obeyed. Then they brought about transformation of original ideas and activities in private organizations. This standardization also caused a division among private organizations in terms of whether they could receive public support or not. Considering these points, we found the limit of public support for private organizations based on the logic of “public” education, which inevitably requires having the minimum aspects of “common” education. If we recognized various types of education as public, we could not do it in case of activities that are not aiming for education directly.In the final chapter, in order to overcome the limit of “public” education, we focused on the viewpoint of “the right to exist” of students and young people who have many difficulties. They have received various kinds of support about the right to exist from private organizations, and this support sometimes includes educational activities. Focusing on this viewpoint, we could effectively encourage those organizations giving comprehensive support for students and young people who have difficulties, because we could derive public support from the two sides: one is the logic of public education and another is the logic of the right to exist. Justified by this logic, various types of organizations and activities could be recognized as public. But in order to make these organizations work as a safety net for all students and young people, we also needed to build one-stop services, which estimate the conditions of students and young people and refer them to the organization best suited to their needs and difficulties.
後藤 武士
一般財団法人 日本英文学会
英文学研究 (ISSN:00393649)
vol.26, no.2, pp.185-220, 1949

<p>All the books that come between Liza of Lambeth and The Moon and Sixpence are regarded in this essay as so many records of Mr. Maugham's long pilgrimage to find himself. Among them Mrs. Craddock and Of Human Bondage are especially important for the study of his later works. There are two minor characters worthy of note in Mrs. Craddock. The one is Miss Ley, whose attitude towards life is a shrug of the shoulders, and whose temperate philosophy of "live and let live" is also entirely that of the author. The other is Dr. Ramsay, whose position in this novel is the very one which Mr. Maugham later steps into to write in the first person. For all its defects as a novel, the attractive sincerity of the author makes Of Human Bondage a highly original book. Seeing that his own philosophy of life as outlined in The Summing Up about twenty years later is practically that of Philip almost unmodified, I felt justified in accepting the hero's spiritual adventure which ends in a triumphant nihilism or refined agonsticism as the foundation of the author's compassion and tolerance, the keynotes of his later works. Of Human Bondage, however, is, like Liza of Lambeth, an isolated attempt which has no successor. In The Moon and Sixpence we see the emergence of Somerset Maugham, the mature writer who has found his material and his style. His outlook on life has acquired new freedom and composure. Moreover, he adopted a new technique of writing in the first person singular. This may be but a variety of the autobiographical form suggested by the method of Henry James, but it is a technique so perfectly in keeping with his disposition that it makes us feel the more that he has at last found himself. In spite of the author's disapproval of the technique of "the stream of consciousness," the psychoanalytical view is found reflected in the treatment of Strickland's art and in the author's own reference to the psychology of the writer in creating scoundrels. Cakes and Ale and The Razor's Edge are direct successors to this novel. Importance is attached to those written in the first person as works most characteristic of Mr. Maugham and more detailed comments are given to them than to the rest. The importance of The Painted Veil, otherwise a negligible book, lies in the fact that it is the first instance of Mr. Maugham taking up the theme of the reality of the spirit. In Cakes and Ale the art of Mr. Maugham is revealed in full maturity. It is indeed the work of a man who knows his own limitations. Rosie is most typical of his excellent characterizations. The Narrow Corner reflects a conflict in the author-a conflict between the self that has accepted the actualities of human life as they are and another self that now begins to suspect the existence of the spirit that the former has tried to believe non-existent. Those who were disappointed by Theatre, Up at the Villa, and Christmas Holiday must have been pleased to find a worthy successor to Cakes and Ale in The Razor's Edge. From every point of view it shows the culmination of Mr. Maugham's novels written in the first person. Its central theme makes one suspect the presence, in the author's heart, of a craving for God and immortality which his reason has forced back to the deep recesses of the subconsciousness. Both of the two latest works Then and Now and Catalina are to be regarded as the products of Mr. Maugham's belief that the novelist should turn to the historical novel towards the end of his career, a lesson the author learned from the failure of his second book. Mr. Maugham has rightly complained that the critics have, using the word in a slightly depreciatory sense, called him "competent." But it can not be denied that what we feel after we have read some of his novels is not unqualified admiration. For all the merits they have, they always leave for (at</p><p>(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)</p>
八百 隆文 後藤 武生 藤井 克司 李 賢宰 小池 佳代

背戸 博史 大桃 敏行 泉山 靖人 後藤 武俊 柴田 聡史 申 育成 高橋 文平 安住 真紀子 大迫 章史 高橋 望 下村 一彦 岡 敬一郎 高橋 哲 松井 一麿
