中村 國則 斎藤 元幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.29, no.3, pp.446-460, 2022-09-01 (Released:2022-09-15)

Rationality has been one of the most important theoretical concepts in cognitive science. Up until now, plenty of rationality concepts have been proposed to represent human decision-making processes. This paper aims to draw a map of rationality in psychology and cognitive sciences literature by clarifying their theoretical features, functions, and similarities. In doing so, this paper reviewed many rationality concepts proposed in the pieces of literature on higher cognition, including reasoning or judgment and decision making. It explained how these rationality concepts explained biases in human thinking and how they have changed through a history of judgment and decision-making research. This paper pointed out that rationality is now considered the goal of or evidence for cognitive model and that recent rationality concepts treat decision making as resolving trade-off between plural conflicting aims such as expected utility and computational efficiency, through the review of rationality concept in reasoning and judgment and decision-making literature.
斎藤 元幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.24, no.1, pp.79-95, 2017-03-01 (Released:2017-09-01)

Causal knowledge enables us to explain past events, to control present environment,and to predict future outcomes. Over the last decade, causal Bayes nets have been rec-ognized as a normative framework for causality and used as a psychological model to account for human causal learning and inference. This article provides an introduction to causal Bayes nets. According to causal Bayes nets, causal inference can be divided into three processes: (a) learning the structure of the causal network, (b) learning the strength of the causal relations, and (c) inferring the effect from the cause or the cause from the effect. For each process, I describe the predictions of causal Bayes nets, review experimental results, and suggest future directions. Although there are a few excep-tions (e.g., Markov violation), most of the results are consistent with the predictions of causal Bayes nets. The current problems of the Bayesian approach and its future perspective are discussed.
斎藤 元秀
法学新報 (ISSN:00096296)
vol.123, no.7, pp.383-410, 2017-01-16

二〇一四年三月、ロシアがウクライナのクリミア半島を併合し、国際社会の厳しい批判をよんだ。米国がロシアに対して厳しい経済制裁を実施した結果、米露関係は悪化し、一九七三年以来最悪の状態にある。しかし、中国は巧妙に立ち回り、ロシアとの友好関係の維持に努めている。 ウクライナ危機については、リチャード・サクワ、アンドリュー・ウイルソン、ラジャン・メノン、ユージン・ルマーの研究をはじめ、これまでさまざまな分析がなされている。しかし、断片的な分析はあるものの、中露関係の文脈でクリミア危機を体系的に考察した研究はほとんど見当たらない。 本稿で明らかにしたいのは、次の諸点である。⑴ロシアはウクライナをどのように位置づけているか、⑵中国にとってウクライナの重要性とは何か、⑶プーチン大統領はなぜクリミア併合(編入)を決意し、いかなるプロセスを経てクリミア併合作戦を実施したのか、⑷中国はクリミア併合をどのように考え、クリミア併合後、中露関係はどのように展開したのか、⑸予見しうる将来における中露関係の展望はどうか。
中村 國則 斎藤 元幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.30, no.4, pp.391-392, 2023-12-01 (Released:2023-12-15)
大澤 一雅 國井 大輔 斎藤 元也
システム農学 (ISSN:09137548)
vol.26, no.2, pp.67-77, 2010-04-10 (Released:2015-06-04)

斎藤 元秀
ロシア・東欧研究 (ISSN:13486497)
vol.2008, no.37, pp.3-16, 2008 (Released:2010-05-31)

As Russia seeks a resurgence of power under the tandem leadership of Putin and Medvedev, its foreign policy reflects both internal and external influences, especially US and Chinese factors. The objectives of this paper are three-fold. The first is to illustrate key features of the Putin-Medvedev foreign policy, including a review of Richard Sakwa's remarks on Putin's “new realism.” The second is to trace how Russia's foreign policy has evolved in relation to the United States, Europe, Central Asia, China and Japan. The third is to assess Russia's diplomacy under the tandem leadership of Putin and Medvedev.As to the external factors, the US factor plays a central role in the formulation of Russian foreign policy. Moscow tends to weigh the probable responses of Washington as it pursues its global foreign policy goals. Russia's policy towards an expanding Europe, including the eastward expansion of NATO, is no exception. Russia's policy towards the Asia-Pacific region, as well as in Central Asia, is increasingly influenced by the Chinese factor. In this regard, Moscow tries to maintain relations with Beijng on a good-neighborly basis, while trying to keep a rising China in check, making use of a combination of the Japanese, Indian, and US cards.According to Dmitry Trenin of the Moscow Carnegie Center, Russia saw itself as the Pluto of a Western solar system in the aftermath of the disintegration of the USSR. Now, however, it has begun to create its own Moscow-centered system. Although Russia has not been successful in this attempt, the foreign policy of the Putin-Medvedev regime has resulted in several achievements: (1) the prevention of the early entry of Georgia and the Ukraine into NATO; (2) the alienation between Washington and its allies in the Old Europe; (3) the demonstration of a resurgent Russia in the Southern Caucasus through the realization of the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia from Georgia;(4) the closure of the US Manas Airbase in Kirgiz.Currently, Russia is facing significant challenges in dealing with the global economic crisis, ignited in the US. In this case, Russia appears to be attempting to mend fences with the US, while seeking, at the same time, to reduce US influence in the Caucasus and Central Asia. The US and China factors, together with domestic concerns, are likely to continue to drive Russia's foreign policy under the tandem leadership of Putin and Medvedev.
斎藤 元秀
法学新報 (ISSN:00096296)
vol.123, no.7, pp.383-410, 2017-01-16

二〇一四年三月、ロシアがウクライナのクリミア半島を併合し、国際社会の厳しい批判をよんだ。米国がロシアに対して厳しい経済制裁を実施した結果、米露関係は悪化し、一九七三年以来最悪の状態にある。しかし、中国は巧妙に立ち回り、ロシアとの友好関係の維持に努めている。 ウクライナ危機については、リチャード・サクワ、アンドリュー・ウイルソン、ラジャン・メノン、ユージン・ルマーの研究をはじめ、これまでさまざまな分析がなされている。しかし、断片的な分析はあるものの、中露関係の文脈でクリミア危機を体系的に考察した研究はほとんど見当たらない。 本稿で明らかにしたいのは、次の諸点である。⑴ロシアはウクライナをどのように位置づけているか、⑵中国にとってウクライナの重要性とは何か、⑶プーチン大統領はなぜクリミア併合(編入)を決意し、いかなるプロセスを経てクリミア併合作戦を実施したのか、⑷中国はクリミア併合をどのように考え、クリミア併合後、中露関係はどのように展開したのか、⑸予見しうる将来における中露関係の展望はどうか。
雷 莉萍 斎藤 元也 安田 嘉純 范 海生 高須 理
一般社団法人 日本リモートセンシング学会
日本リモートセンシング学会誌 = Journal of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan (ISSN:02897911)
vol.27, no.2, pp.129-140, 2007-04-10

In order to grasp the balance between supply and demands of vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce and Chinese cabbage which are produced on a large scale, forecast of their harvest time and area is a problem to be awaiting solution in Japan. This study proposed an approach of forecasting the harvest time and area of cabbage by using SPOT images in Tsumagoi country and discussed practical application to provide forecasting information. Firstly, cabbages field-based were extracted by the proposed post-classification method using the field polygon data. The field polygon data is a section of cultivated field which was interpreted from the digital aerial photography. Next, the pixel-based cabbages harvest time was estimated for extracted cabbage fields from the profiles of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) corresponding to cabbage growing and relationship between NDVI and harvest date. Results of extracted cabbage field and estimated harvesting period respectively derived from SPOT5 images of May 5 and July 28, 2005, were verified by ground investigation. According to the profile of NDVI, cabbage pixels with multiple growing stages in the image can be divided into two groups of leaves number increase term and leaves weight increase term. Results for the cabbages during the early stage in term of leaves number increase, presented a low accuracy because their spectral reflectance in SPOT is similar to bareland. Results for the cabbages in term of leaves weight increase showed strong coincidence with ground investigation. Furthermore, it was found that results of forecasted harvest area respectively from multi-years SPOT image can give a trend analysis of cabbage possible supplying field comparing with the historical information of the past harvested field and shipped amount to market. As a result, this study suggested an operational application of satellite remote sensing in forecast of vegetable harvest time and area, aimed to provide the services for the coordination between supply and market demand of vegetables. Moreover the past information contained in ancillary data such as remote sensing data, shipped field data and so on should be incorporated into the forecasting process.
斎藤 元 阿保 七三郎 北村 道彦 橋本 正治 泉 啓一 天満 和男 三毛 牧夫
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.28, no.8, pp.1819-1823, 1995-08-01

胸部食道癌術後, 後縦隔経路再建胃管-右主気管支瘻が発生した症例に対し, 有茎大胸筋弁による瘻孔閉鎖術を施行し治癒しえた症例を報告する.患者は63歳の男性, 胸部中部食道癌に対し1993年7月14日, 胸腹部食道全摘, 3領域リンパ節郭清, 後縦隔経路食道胃管吻合術を施行した.第13病日, 術後透視にて異常なく経口摂取開始となったが, 咳嗽が激しく経口摂取困難, また誤嚥性肺炎を合併.その後, 絶食, 中心静脈栄養, 経腸栄養を実施していたが, 第120病日, 食道造影にて胃管気管支瘻を確認, 12月21日, 有茎第3肋間筋弁を用いた瘻孔閉鎖術を施行したが, 術後膿胸を合併, 第40病日に胃管気管支瘻の再発を確認.当科に転院後, 1994年3月14日, 有茎大胸筋弁による瘻孔再閉鎖術を施行.術後経過良好, 気管支内視鏡, 食道内視鏡にて治癒を確認, 現在外来加療中である.本症では, 術後経過, 内視鏡所見, 術中所見より胃管自動縫合器縫合線部循環障害が瘻孔形成の原因と考えられた.
宇都 浩三 風早 康平 斎藤 元治 伊藤 順一 高田 亮 川辺 禎久 星住 英夫 山元 孝広 宮城 磯治 東宮 昭彦 佐藤 久夫 濱崎 聡志 篠原 宏志
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.110, no.2, pp.257-270, 2001
7 13

To understand the eruptive mechanism of the 2000 Miyakejima volcanic activity, we conducted intensive geological, petrographic, and mineralogical studies on the pyroclastics of the August 18 eruption. Volcanic ashes, which were rich in accretionary lapilli, covered most of the islands. Cauliflower-shaped bombs and lapilli were ejected along with accidental lava blocks. Black-colored angular scoriaceous particles with abundant vesicles 10 -100 μm in diameter are found among ashes, comprising about 40 wt. % of total constituents. These bombs, lapilli, and black ashes have identical bulk chemical compositions and constituent mineral compositions, suggesting a common origin. Existence of oxidized ashes and accretionary lapilli attached to a large flattened bomb and chemicallyreacted anhydrite particles trapped in the voids of bombs suggest that bombs were still hot and ductile when they were emplaced on the ground. We, therefore, conclude that the August 18 eruption was a phreatomagmatic eruption and cauliflower-shaped bombs and black ashes were essential magmatic materials. Significant SO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions from the volcano after August 18 also suggest convective upwelling of magmas to a shallower level beneath the volcanic edifice. We propose a magma-ascending model in which vesiculating magmas continuously ascend through the wall of subsided piston-like blocks.