木村 重光
日本植物病理学会報 (ISSN:00319473)
vol.73, no.4, pp.283-288, 2007 (Released:2007-12-06)
8 9

黒ダイズ(品種:紫ずきん)のカメムシ類被害粒から子嚢菌酵母を単離した.それらは,形態的観察,生化学的性質,5.8Sを含むITS領域の塩基配列の相同性解析等の結果から,Eremothecium coryli (Peglion) Kurtzmanと同定された.本菌を健全なダイズ(品種:舞姫およびエンレイ)に有傷接種した結果,病徴が再現され,罹病部から接種菌が再分離された.E. coryliは,海外ではダイズに“yeast-spot disease”を起こす病原菌として報告があるが,本邦では未記録である.そこで,本菌によるダイズの病名をダイズ子実汚斑病(英名:yeast-spot disease)と提唱したい.
木村 重圭
甲南女子大学研究紀要. 文学・文化編 = Konan Women's University researches of literature and culture volume (ISSN:1347121X)
no.40, pp.A65-A76, 2004-03-18

Painting circles in Osaka were formed gradually in the early 18th century. They were developed by Tachibana Morikuni. Ooka Shunboku and Yoshimura Shuuzan, etc., who studied under the Kano school. Their teacher was Tsurusawa Tanzan, who studied under Kano Tan'yu in Edo and became active in Kyoto. Some painters who had been well trained under Tanzan brought up their pupils in Osaka and introduced a wide development into the schools of Tachibana, Ooka, Yoshimura and Mori. On the other hand, following the example of Sesshuu, Mori Sosen produced monochrome horses in ink, in his case on screens. In this paper, I examine the development of these schools in Osaka and the characteristic subjects of their paintings.
清水 晃 岡田 幸助 河野 潤一 寺西 永 木村 重 矢挽 輝武 南條 巌
神戸大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:04522370)
vol.17, no.2, pp.p259-267, 1987

兵庫県下の1養豚場で発生した豚の皮膚病について, その発生状況ならびに細菌学的および病理学的検索を行い, 次のような結果を得た。1. 1979年8月, ランドレース種で, 生後2∿3日齢の1腹10頭中7頭に皮膚病の発生が認められ, うち3頭が死亡した。2. 皮膚病の症状は, 滲出性表皮炎のそれと極めて類似していた。皮膚の異常は鼻, 眼瞼周囲, 耳の発疹に始まり, 重症例では全身の表皮および被毛に粘稠に富む滲出物が膠着し, 黒褐色を呈した。3. 皮膚炎の病理組織学的変化は, 表皮の細菌塊を伴う滲出物, 錯角化症, 上皮細胞の空胞化と壊死, 棘細胞症などの病像を認め, 滲出性表皮炎と診断された。4. 発症豚の皮膚病変部および死亡豚の心臓, 肝臓, 腎臓, 脾臓からS. hyicus subsp. hyicusを分離した。また, 母豚の乳頭周辺部からも該菌が検出された。5. 分離株のS. hyicus subsp. hyicus型別用セットによるファージ型別では, 供試菌18株中17株が型別され, 型別可能株はS9/S39/S188とS9/S188の2つのファージ型に分けられた。発症豚7頭中5頭はS9/S39/S188のファージ型で, 残り1頭と死亡豚では両ファージ型菌が同時に検出された。また, 健康な母豚の乳頭から分離された菌株も, この2つのファージ型を示した。このことより, 今回の滲出性表皮炎にはこの2菌型が関与していたことが示唆された。6. 分離株18株の3濃度ディスク法による薬剤感受性は, 全株がPC, PcA, PcM, SPM, LCM, CM, TC, KM, GMおよびCERに高度の感受性を示した。7. 発症豚に対し, アルコール, グリセリン, クレゾール混合液を全身に塗布して治療を試みたところ, 軽症例では, 症状は漸次軽減した。本論文の要旨は, 1984年4月, 第97回日本獣医学会において発表した。 / In August, 1979,a type of dermatitis occurred suddenly in 7 newborn pigs of a litter, 2 or 3 days old, on a farm in Hyogo prefecture. Three of the affected pigs died 3-9 days after the onset of the disease. It presented symptoms qutie similar to those of exudative epidermitis. Eczeme and eruption extended from the auricular and abdominal region to all over the body. The surface of the body was covered by the exudate and its color turned dark brown. Histopathologic examination of skin from a dead pig revealed lesions characterized by exudation and accumulation of parakeratotic cellular debris on the epidermal surface, vacuolar degeneration and acanthosis of the epidermis. Coccoid bacterial organisms were abundant in the epidermal exudate. Necrosis and ulceration of epidermis were seen in severe lesions. From the above findings, the pig was diagnosed as exudative epidermitis. Staphylococcus hyicus subsp. hyicus was isolated in pure culture from the skin lesions of the affected pigs, and from parenchymatous organs (heart, liver, kidney and spleen) of the dead pig. The organism was also isolated from the teat of the mother sow of the previously described pigs. A total of 18 isolates of S. hyicus subsp. hyicus from the pigs with exudative epidermitis and the mother sow were subjected to phage typing using the 4 S. hyicus phages, S9,S13,S39,and S188. Seventeen isolates (94.4%) were typable at routine test dilution and were differentiated into 2 phage patterns of S9/S39/S188 (n=11) and S9/S188 (n=6). All of the 18 isolates were highly sensitive to penicillin, oxacillin, ampicillin, erythromycin, spiramycin, lincomycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, kanamycin, gentamicin and cephaloridine.
河野 潤一 清水 晃 梅田 史郎 木村 重
神戸大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:04522370)
vol.19, no.1, pp.p85-92, 1990

日本産およびアメリカ産肝蛭を家兎に単数感染させ,各種変化について検索した。臨床症状は認められなかった。肝蛭卵および沈降抗体の検出時期は多数感染例と同様であった。肝病変は,肉眼的にも組織学的にも軽微であった。血液性状は,白血球数および好酸球数の若干の増加を認めた。血清の生化学的性状は,日本産肝蛭感染家兎において感染後9-10週に,GPT活性および総コレステロールの上昇を認めたが,そのほかでは著しい変化はなかった。肝蛭単数感染家兎の胆嚢から採集した虫卵の孵化率は,多数感染例におけるそれより低率であった。感染虫体の発育状況は,単数および多数感染例とも同様であった。 / Rabbits were experimentally infected either perorally with a single metacercaria or intraperitoneally with a newly excysted juvenile fluke of Japanese Fasciola sp. and American Fasciola hepatica. No clinical signs were noted. Fluke eggs were first detected in feces at the 63rd and 53rd post infection days for F. sp. and F. hepatica, respectively. Precipitating antibodies were first detected in sera at the 4th post infection week for both of the Fasciola species. Gross lesions showing adhesions, haemorrhages, nodules, scars, hyperplasia of connective tissue and thickening of the bile duct were all moderate. Histopathologically, tract lesions and haemorrhages were noted. In hematological examinations, no remarkable changes were observed in erythrocyte counts, leukocyte counts and hemoglobin content. Eosinophil percent increased in 6-8 weeks after infection. In biochemical examinations of sera, no remarkable changes were noted in concentrations of total protein, albumin and globulin, and the GOT activity. The GPT activity and total cholesterol concentration increased at the 10th and 9th post infection weeks, respectively, in the rabbits infected with F. sp. Hatching rates of fluke eggs that were collected from the gallbladder of the infected rabbits were 5-46% for F. sp. and 7-51% for F. hepatica. While, hatching rates of eggs that were collected from those infected with a multiple dose of Fasciola were 18-57% for F. sp. and 67-81% for F. hepatica. Body size and development of the inner organs of the flukes recovered from the rabbits that were infected with a single dose were the same as those recovered in the infections of multiple dose of the Fasciola species.
廣瀬 聰明 野中 伸介 上野 栄和 木村 重治 吉本 正太 道家 孝幸 杉 憲 岡村 健司
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.35, no.3, pp.883-887, 2011 (Released:2011-12-21)

We performed arthroscopic rotator cuff repair (ARCR) for all rotator cuff tears. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical results of ARCR using double-row technique. We retrospectively studied 64 patients (65 shoulders) who had received ARCR using double-row technique and who were followed up for more than 2 years. The patients were 30 males and 35 females. The mean age at operation was 65 years old (range, 44-86). The mean postoperative follow-up period was 25 months (range, 24-36). The clinical results were assessed using JOA scores and MRI by Sugaya's classification. Tear size was small tear in 9 shoulders, medium in 36, large in 12, and massive in 8. The mean JOA total score was significantly improved from 66 points preoperatively to 96 points postoperatively. Postoperative MRIs showed 20% re-torn cuff in all cases, especially, 40% in large and massive tears. In 45 shoulders which had MRI taken regularly, re-tear by MRI was revealed within 3weeks: none, at 3 months: 4 shoulders, at 6 months: 1shoulder, at 1 year: 4 shoulders, and 2 years: none. In this study, the clinical results of ARCR using double-row technique was mostly satisfactory. But JOA score in no tear group (97points) was better than re-tear group (92points). So we have to consider the methods to prevent re-tear after ARCR.
清水 晃 河野 潤一 葉杖 真二 木村 重 田村 弘
日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science) (ISSN:00215295)
vol.49, no.5, pp.819-824, 1987

実験用のマウス (ヌードマウスを含む), ラット, ウサギおよび捕獲されたドブネズミ, クマネズミ, ハツカネズミ, フェレットから分離されたStaphylococcus aureus267株について, ヒト系 (Hセット) およびウシ系 (Bセット) S. aureus型別用ファージセットを用いて, 型別を試みた。実験用小動物由来139株の型別率はHセットで75.5%, Bセットで93.5%であり, 捕獲げっ歯類由来128株の型別率はHセットで32.8%, Bセットで62.5%であった。Hセットを用いて, 同一飼育場から購入したマウス・ラットの分離株をしらべると, マウス株のすべてがII群に, ラット株の大多数がI群および混合群に属した。Bセットを用いると, 捕獲されたドブネズミ株の多くはIV群に, クマネズミ株の多くはIII群に, ハツカネズミ株の多くはII群に属した。捕獲げっ歯類由来株の型別には, Bセットが型別率, 識別能力の点でHセットより有用と思われた。
木村 重光 徳丸 晋 菊地 淳志
日本応用動物昆虫学会誌 (ISSN:00214914)
vol.52, no.1, pp.13-18, 2008-02-25

E. coryliはダイズ子実汚斑病(仮称,英名:yeast-spot disease)の原因菌として知られている.ダイズ子実汚斑病(仮称)を媒介するカメムシ類の種を特定するために,2006年の7月から9月にかけて京都府および広島県内のダイズ圃場において,ホソヘリカメムシ,アオクサカメムシ,イチモンジカメムシおよびブチヒゲカメムシを採集した.採集されたホソヘリカメムシ,アオクサカメムシ,イチモンジカメムシおよびブチヒゲカメムシ成虫のE. coryliの保菌率はそれぞれ,77.7%, 35.7%, 20.4%および43.8%であった.また,採集されたホソヘリカメムシ幼虫のE. coryliの保菌率は11.5%であったが,アオクサカメムシおよびブチヒゲカメムシ幼虫からは分離されなかった.採集されたホソヘリカメムシ,アオクサカメムシ,イチモンジカメムシおよびブチヒゲカメムシ成虫はそれぞれ, 81.6%, 50.0%, 16.7%および40.0%が,健全ダイズ種子にE. coryliを媒介した.これら4種のカメムシが,ダイズ子実汚斑病(仮称)病原菌E. coryliを保菌,媒介することができることが示唆された.

1 0 0 0 名画への旅

木村重信 高階秀爾 樺山紘一監修
清水 晃 河野 潤一 葉杖 真二 木村 重 田村 弘
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science) (ISSN:00215295)
vol.49, no.5, pp.819-824, 1987

実験用のマウス (ヌードマウスを含む), ラット, ウサギおよび捕獲されたドブネズミ, クマネズミ, ハツカネズミ, フェレットから分離されたStaphylococcus aureus267株について, ヒト系 (Hセット) およびウシ系 (Bセット) S. aureus型別用ファージセットを用いて, 型別を試みた。実験用小動物由来139株の型別率はHセットで75.5%, Bセットで93.5%であり, 捕獲げっ歯類由来128株の型別率はHセットで32.8%, Bセットで62.5%であった。Hセットを用いて, 同一飼育場から購入したマウス・ラットの分離株をしらべると, マウス株のすべてがII群に, ラット株の大多数がI群および混合群に属した。Bセットを用いると, 捕獲されたドブネズミ株の多くはIV群に, クマネズミ株の多くはIII群に, ハツカネズミ株の多くはII群に属した。捕獲げっ歯類由来株の型別には, Bセットが型別率, 識別能力の点でHセットより有用と思われた。
清水 晃 尾崎 潤一郎 河野 潤一 木村 重
Japanese Society of Food Microbiology
食品と微生物 (ISSN:09108637)
vol.8, no.3, pp.135-141, 1991-12-20 (Released:2010-07-12)

From May, 1987 to May, 1989, raw fish and meat samples obtained from retail shops in Hyogo Prefecture were examined for the contamination with Staphylococcus aureus. The isolates were tested for some biological characteristics and enterotoxigenicity. S. aureus was isolated from 148 (44.7%) of 331 fish and 125 (59.5%) of 210 meat samples. It was found in 19 (25.3%) of 75 scad, 35 (34.7%) of 101 sardine, nine (28.1%) of 32 mackerel, 43 (71.7%) of 60 saury, 39 (78.0%) of 50 squid, three (23.1%) of 13 oyster, 102 (92.7%) of 110 chicken, 13 (26.0%) of 50 pork, and 10 (20.0%) of 50 beef samples. Two hundred and thirty (82.1%) of 280 fish isolates and 119 (95.2%) of 125 meat isolates were biotyped. Most of them were biotype B or C. Two hundred and two (72.1%) of the 280 fish isolates and 50 (40.0%) of the 125 meat isolates were typable with the human phages. Most of the fish isolates belonged to mixed groups, group III and group II. Most meat isolates belonged to group III. Eighty (94.1%) of 85 fish isolates and 44 (64.7%) of 68 meat isolates were typable with the eight coagulase-typing antisera. The most predominant type among the fish isolates was type VII, followed by types III, II, I and VIII; that among the meat isolates was type VII, followed by types VIII, III, VI, II and V. Nineteen (22.4%) of the 85 fish isolates and 38 (30.4%) of the 125 meat isolates produced enterotoxin. The most predominant enterotoxin type produced by the fish isolates was B, followed-by A, AB and AD; that produced by the meat isolates was B, followed by C, A and AB. Forty-seven (55.3%) of the 85 fish isolates and 39 (31.2%) of the 125 meat isolates were resistant to one or more of six antibiotics. The most predominant resistance pattern among the fish isolates were PC; that of the meat isolates were LCM/EM and PC.