田井 明 久保 奈央 橋本 彰博 小松 利光
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B1(水工学) (ISSN:2185467X)
vol.68, no.4, pp.I_1057-I_1062, 2012 (Released:2013-03-26)

In order to analyze regional changes frequency of torrential rain that defined hourly precipitation of 50 mm, 75 mm and 100 mm, we represented the spatial distributions of frequency of torrential rain. Secondly, we analyzed relationship of human damage and precipitation pattern in past flood and sediment-related disasters. Number of candidate disaster which more than five persons are killed or went missing in is 49 since 1976. We used total precipitation, total precipitation and maximum hourly precipitation during a disaster period as indicators of precipitation pattern.The results of the present research are summarized as follows:(1)From the 1980-1989 decade to the 2000-2009 decade, frequency of torrential rain had increased in Shikoku area, Kyushu area, Tohoku area and Hokuriku area. In particular, in Tohoku and Hokuriku area, torrential rain did not occur about 30 years ago, but in resent years, torrential rain occurs (2)Relationship of human damage and precipitation are studied by means of the statistical hypothesis test. The results show that Kyushu area has a higher resistibility for disasters than Setouchi area.
松永 信博 増田 壮佑 中牟田 大嗣 徳永 貴久 矢野 真一郎 押川 英夫 橋本 彰博 藤田 和夫 古賀 雅之 岩下 智明 原田 敦彦
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
水工学論文集 (ISSN:09167374)
vol.51, pp.1415-1420, 2007 (Released:2010-08-25)

Laboratory experiments were carried out on water quality purification by a porous concrete block including Bacillus subtilis natto group. The block is called EcoBio-Block (EBB). The time variations of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were obtained experimentally under the aerated condition by changing the weight ratio of EBB to water. The time variations of BOD and COD were expressed universally by normalizing the data. The reduction rate of BOD increases with the weight ratio. On the other hand, that of COD takes the maximum value at the weight ratio of 0.01 and decreases after that. The rapid reduction of BOD and COD seen in the early stage may be due to the adhesion or adsorption of organic matter by EBB. The mineralization of organic matter and the nitrification of NH4-N by EBB become active at the later stage and the activity increases with the weight ratio. It was experimentally revealed that EBB has also the very high ability for the water quality purification in the DO-saturated water and it depends strongly on the weight ratio of EBB to water.
西村 善博 前田 均 田中 勝治 橋本 彰則 橋本 由香子 横山 光宏 福崎 恒
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.29, no.7, pp.795-801, 1991-07-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

加齢による呼吸筋力の変化を検討するため, 成人116名 (男性57例, 女性59例) を対象に, 座位にて全肺気量位での呼気最大口腔内圧 (PEmax) 及び残気量位での吸気最大口腔内圧 (PImax) を測定した. 口腔内圧測定の至適回数に対する予備的検討で, 最低3回測定すれば再現性のよい値が得られたので, 3回測定での最大値を用いた. PEmaxの平均値は, 男女それぞれ123.6cmH2O及び79.0cmH2O, PImaxの平均値はそれぞれ98.4cmH2O及び71.9cmH2を示し, 性別間で有意差を認めた. PEmax及びPImaxは男女とも年齢との間に有意な負の相関を認めた. PEmaxは全肺気量と有意な正相関を, PImaxは残気率と有意な負の相関を認めた. 残気率は加齢による増加を認めた. 以上の呼吸筋力の検討より, 加齢による吸気筋力低下の原因の一つに経年的な残気率増大が関与している可能性が示唆された. 一方, 呼気筋力の経年的筋力低下は肺機能諸量と明確な関係を示さず, 栄養状態, 全身的筋力低下など多因子の関与が推測された. 最大口腔内圧測定は最低3回行えば再現性のある値の得られることが確認された.
松永 信博 増田 壮佑 中牟田 大嗣 徳永 貴久 矢野 真一郎 押川 英夫 橋本 彰博 藤田 和夫 古賀 雅之 岩下 智明 原田 敦彦
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
水工学論文集 (ISSN:09167374)
vol.52, pp.1291-1296, 2008 (Released:2010-08-25)

Laboratory experiments were carried out on water quality purification with EcoBio-Block (EBB). EBB is a porous concrete block including Bacillus subtilis natto group. In this study, we examined experimentally denitrification effect of EBB by letting it live together with denitrification bacteria in soil. The time variations of TN, ON, DIN, NH4-N, NO2-N, and NO3-N were obtained under the aerated condition by changing the weight ratio of EBB to water. On the basis of those data, the denitrification rate, the mineralization rate, and the decreasing rate of DIN were obtained. As a result, we confirmed that the processes of organic matter decomposition, nitrification, and denitification were performed effectively by the symbiosis of useful microbial group and denitrifying bacteria.