橋本 努
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.59, no.2, pp.19-34, 2018 (Released:2019-09-02)

Abstract: This paper raises a fundamental question and offers an original framework on war and peace arguments based on primarily examining contributions in the field of war and economic thought after World War II. Among the prominent figures in this field, I select three thinkers in the field of economic thought, E. Schumacher, J. Galbraith, and K. Boulding, who present-ed their own systematic visions of a peaceful society. The fundamental question on war and peace raised here is, how we receive the principles of bios and eros, and of prosperity, from an ideally peaceful situation, wherein the nature of peace is defined as “the negation of bios” (i.e., the principle of death). In order to examine this question, I propose an original frame-work and define the concepts of war and peace using categories of conflict and violence. In light of this fundamental question, in this paper, I reveal the contributions of the three thinkers to our understanding of creating a peaceful world. First, I present the background and explain the reasons for selecting these three figures. Second, I present the fundamental question and my theoretical framework to explore the responses of the three thinkers to the question. Finally, I clarify their responses and present an overview of their contributions to-wards a peaceful society. JEL classification numbers: B 20, B 52, P 40.
橋本 昭一
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.39, no.39, pp.66-73, 2001 (Released:2010-08-05)

Marshall's theoretical and educational efforts and success in the field of economics was already highly appreciated even in his day. Nevertheless, it is a curious fact that almost all of his students and disciples at Cambridge or at other institutions have gradually hesitated to follow the lines he indicated. This is one of the reasons why he was called a ‘soaring eagle’ or ‘enigma’. In order to not only reassess Marshall's economic thought, but also to elucidate his attitude foward contemporary economists and their methodology, much important material has been published in the last decade, namely by Whitaker (1990), Raffaelli (1990), Groenewegen (1995), Raffaelli (1995), Whitaker (1996), Groenewegen (1997), Groenewegen (1998). These works consist of a new bulky biography, collected works of 8 volumes, more than a thousand items of correspondence, a collection of ‘unknown voices’ in response to Marshall's economics, critical essays, and Marshall's unpublished lectures. Also very beneficial for Marshall scholarship are materials such as The collected Works of Sidgwick (1996) and Fawcett (1995). In the beginning of the new century, we can start to analyze such questions as ‘Is Marshall a communitarian or a libertarian in his circle?’ In this case, we should like to include Sidgwick and Fawcett in the Cambridge Circle.
橋本 泰成 牛場 潤一 富田 豊 木村 彰男 里宇 明元
認知神経科学 (ISSN:13444298)
vol.13, no.3, pp.249-254, 2012 (Released:2017-04-12)

本研究では、頭皮脳波を利用して三次元仮想空間内のキャラクタをリアルタイムに操 作するブレイン・マシン・インタフェース(BMI)を開発した。右手、左手および足の運動イ メージを自動で検知するシステムを構築して、繰り返しBMI を使用させたときの精度向上 (BMI 訓練効果)を計測することを目的とした。
橋本 周子
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.62, no.2, pp.13-24, 2011-12-31 (Released:2017-05-22)

Dans cet article, nous souhaitons eclairer le concept de gourmandise selon Brillat-Savarin par la lecture de son texte. Dans les recherches precedentes sur l'histoire de l'alimentation a Paris d'apres la Revolution Francaise, it est de coutume de decrire la vie a Paris comme une scene de carnaval. Dans ce contexte, le texte de Brillat-Savarin, qui est considers comme une sorte de symbole de la culture de la gastronomie francaise grace au succes de la Physiologie du gout (1826), n'a pas ete suffisamment analyse jusqu'a aujourd'hui. Bien que le titre nous false imaginer qu'il admire completement le <<gout>>, la chose la plus importante pour l'auteur fut en effet le plaisir modeste donne par la <<convivialite>>, qui est a l'ecart du plaisir sensuel du <<gout>> physique. Nous considerons d'abord son approche de justifier l'acte de gourmandise, non comme un vice mais comme un acte recommandable pour l'entretien du corps. Ensuite, apres avoir vu comment it transpose cet argument au niveau de la morale de la societe, nous considerons la tendance de son concept de gourmandise qui tend a rapprocher le plaisir de la sociabilite, quitte a mepriser le plaisir sensuel qu'il avait pourtant precedemment justifie.
橋本 和幸 田中 理恵 倉橋 朋子 上野 道子
了德寺大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18819796)
no.5, pp.7-18, 2011
