南 絢子 水野 智博 宮川 泰宏
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.34, no.2, pp.97-107, 2015-12-10 (Released:2015-12-25)

Following the Great East Japan Earthquake, many pharmacy students conducted support activities which was no requirement of pharmacist’s license. Although some pharmacy students reported their activities, there are no studies comprehensively analyzing this phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to survey the support activities of pharmacy students and to analyze the corresponding conditions. We conducted personal interviews with 22 pharmacy students involved in the support activities. The questionnaire included items about a student’s general attributes, activities, activity duration, and relevant locations. Further, we analyzed data on their attributes and personal information with respect to the support activities. Data on the activities were classified into 10 categories and evaluated based on pharmaceutical knowledge levels required for the support activities. According to the results of the interviews, the phases of the activities were classified into “sub-acute phase” and “chronic phase.” The relevant locations were medication collection points, shelters, and transit points for medical teams, temporary clinics, and temporary housing. Furthermore, according to the classification of activities by knowledge levels, activities depended on the students’ pharmaceutical knowledge; if they appropriately selected the activities (based on their pharmaceutical knowledge level), they could effectively participate in the support activities. The results of our survey suggest that pharmacy students can assist healthcare professionals, although the relevant activities are limited by the duration and pharmaceutical knowledge.
山中 悠紀 水野 智仁 石川 成美 笹倉 祐太 山本 亜衣 石井 禎基
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.31, no.4, pp.571-574, 2016 (Released:2016-08-31)

〔目的〕無償のソフトウェア(フリーウェア)による動作解析の実用性を検討すること.〔対象と方法〕大学生11名(男性5名,女性6名)にデジタルビデオカメラで矢状面から撮影した立ち上がり動画を画像上のマーキング箇所の座標値が取得できるフリーウェアで解析させ,作業時間と自覚的疲労度を評価するとともに,算出した股,膝,足関節角度と2次元動画解析ソフトウェアで求めた角度との差を分析した.〔結果〕115枚の画像解析に要した平均時間は約20分,自覚的疲労度はVASで30.0 mm程度であった.2種類の解析方法で算出した角度の最大値の差は股関節屈曲で0.12±0.25°,膝関節屈曲で0.14±0.30°,足関節背屈で1.02±0.38°であった.〔結語〕フリーウェアによる動作解析法は実用的である.
水野 智之
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.106, no.10, pp.1791-1817, 1997-10-20

In the present paper, the author attempts to clarify the process by which the family pedigrees (Kamon 家門) of aristocrats (kuge-shu 公家衆) were confirmed (ando 安堵) by the Muromachi shogunate, in order tb investigate the relationship between the shogun and the emperor during the period. First, the author focuses on the Muromachi shogunate from the regime of Ashikaga Takuji to that of Yoshiakira and examines the significance of the shogun confirming the status of main family (honke 本家) and concludes that such certification was not on the same level as chiten-no-kimi 治天の君 confirmations, which included the element of vassalage, but rather was carried out in order to quell rebellion and disputes within the warrior class. The author then turns to the question of how the shogun got involved in confirming the pedigrees of aristocratic families. He states that during the Northern and Southern Court period such confirmation was made by the emberor; however, from the Kanno era (1350-52), opinions on such matters submitted to the emperor by the Muromachi shogun (buke shisso 武家執奏) came to exert more and more influence on obtaining aristocratic status. Such actions were designed to bring the aristocracy into service to the shogunate. The author then focuses on the regime of Ashikaga yoshimitsu, in order to shed light on the process leading up to the shogun's confirmation of aristocratic pedigree. In this sense Yoshimitsu's shogunate can be divided into three periods. During the early and middle years of the regime, aristocrats sought confirmation of their proprietorships from Yoshimitsu on a personal basis, and this tendency strengthened during the later years of the regime. In. an investigation of the background and significance of shogunal confirmation of aristocratic families, the author sites that in the case of Yoshimitsu, 1) very cordial relationships exited between the atistocracy and the shogun, 2) it was a time when pedigree inheritance within aristocratic families has become unstable, and 3) confirmation was granted via personal liege to Yoshimitsu. Finally, the author views the period spanning the shogunates of Ashikaga Yoshimochi and Yoshimasa, in order to examine further developments in shogunal confirmation of aristocratic pedigree. During this period, confirmation would be granted either by the shogun in conjunction with the emperor or by the emperor alone. As to the relationship between the shogun and emperor under this state of affairs, the role played by Yoshimitsu in maintaining and recognizind aristocratic pedigree was gradually transferred to the emperor, as the shogun's function became limited to confirming proprietary rights related to aristocratic pedigree.
水野 智之
史学会 ; 1889-
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.126, no.2, pp.232-240, 2017-02
櫛田 真由 小谷 悠 水野 智博 室崎 千尋 浅井 玲名 肥田 裕丈 平林 彩 鵜飼 麻由 荻野 由里恵 後藤 綾 山下 加織 松本 友里恵 毛利 彰宏 鍋島 俊隆 野田 幸裕
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.39, no.1, pp.10-17, 2013-01-10 (Released:2014-01-10)

We held classes and practice sessions on medicines for pupils and parents at elementary schools with the aim of promoting appropriate drug use. Pharmacy students participated in this project as volunteers where they taught pupils and learned and improved their communication skills at an early stage in their professional development. To evaluate whether pupils improved their medicine-related knowledge after attending these classes and practice sessions, we conducted medicine-related questionnaires (pre- and post-questionnaires) before and after the classes and practice sessions. Positive answers for the post-questionnaire were significantly higher than those for the pre-questionnaire, suggesting that the medicine-related knowledge of pupils was improved by attending the classes and practice sessions. The present results suggest that this activity benefits the education of pupils regarding appropriate drug use in Japan.
新堀 有佳 安川 生太 荒木 聡子 鈴木 梢 水野 智仁 高橋 紘子 古殿 孝高 稲川 利光 渋谷 祐子
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.47, no.10, pp.599-606, 2014 (Released:2014-10-28)

透析患者が高齢化し透析期間が長期化する中で, 透析患者の日常生活動作の維持は重要な課題である. 今回われわれは, 維持透析患者に対しセルフエクササイズ形式のresistance exerciseによる透析中の運動療法を考案し, その効果を検討した. 透析中の血行動態が安定している当院外来透析患者を対象に運動療法を施行し, そのうち運動療法開始後6か月経過した9例を対象に解析を行った. 右大胸筋筋力・右大腿四頭筋筋力ともに有意差をもって増強を認め, また運動機能評価では速歩でのTimed “Up and Go” test (TUG), 普通歩行速度・最大歩行速度・30秒立ち座り・5回立ち座りで有意差をもって改善を認めた. 筋力増強や運動機能評価の改善を認め, 当院で施行した運動プログラムは有用であると考えられた.
西館 有沙 徳田 克己 水野 智美
教育実践研究 : 富山大学人間発達科学研究実践総合センター紀要 (ISSN:18815227)
vol.10, pp.27-33, 2015-12
