小菅 一弘 川俣 裕行 福田 敏男 小塚 敏紀 水野 智夫
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.11, no.6, pp.849-855, 1993-09-15 (Released:2010-08-25)
3 6

This paper proposes a method to calculate the forward kinematics of a Stewart Plaftorm type of parallel link manipulators. The Stewart Platform consists of a base platform, a moving platform, and linear actuators connecting the both platforms. First we introduce a virtual parallel link mechanism, having the same kinematic structure as the original parallel mechanism. We assume that the moving platform of the virtual mechanism is directly driven by actuators and the limbs connecting both platforms have no actuators. A trajectory tracking control system is designed for this virtual mechanism based on the resolved motion rate control, so that the displacements of limbs are controlled by the actuators driving the moving platform. We calculate the forward kinematics by numerical simulation of the control system ; the position and orientation of the moving platform of the virtual mechanism is a solution for given displacements of limbs, when the tracking error of limbs converges to zero. The method is effective for a time varying displacements of limbs as long as the displacements are differentiable about time. The position and orientation of the moving platform is obtained without error, once the tracking error converges to zero. The simulation results illustrate the method.
阿志賀 大和 水野 智仁 山村 千絵
pp.301-309, 2013-12-15

座位安定性が咬合機能に及ぼす影響を明らかにするために,咬合バランス,咬合面積,咬合力,平均圧,最大圧を測定し検討した.対象は健常若年者10名とした.姿勢は安定座位と不安定座位の2種類とし,安定座位時の咬合バランスから咬合良好群と咬合やや不良群に分け,咬合良好群-安定,咬合良好群-不安定,咬合やや不良群-安定,咬合やや不良群-不安定の4群間で比較した. 咬合バランスは咬合やや不良群で不安定座位時に悪くなりやすく,咬合面積は咬合良好群-不安定が咬合やや不良群-安定や,咬合やや不良群-不安定より有意に大きく(p<0.05),咬合力は咬合良好群-不安定が咬合やや不良群-安定より有意に大きかった(p<0.05).平均圧,最大圧は有意差がなかった. 咬合・咀嚼機能を有効に発揮させるために,座位の安定性を高める必要があると考えられた.
水野 智仁 山中悠紀 佐藤 剛介 上田 絵美 松尾 真輔
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.28, no.1, pp.71-75, 2013 (Released:2013-04-11)

〔目的〕先行肢をつく位置と高さの違いが側方移乗動作に与える影響を調査する.〔対象〕日常的に側方移乗を行っている脊髄損傷者3名(男性2名,女性1名)とした.〔方法〕先行肢をつく位置が着座面の側方・斜前方,高さが着座面と同じ・10 cm上・20 cm上の6課題で側方移乗動作を実施させ,デジタルビデオカメラ画像から臀床距離と移乗動作に要した時間を算出し,反復測定two-way ANOVAで先行肢の位置と高さの影響を調査した.〔結果〕先行肢をつく位置に有意な効果を認めたが,高さによる有意な効果や交互作用は認められなかった.〔結語〕先行肢をつく位置を考慮した側方移乗動作の指導が有益である可能性が示唆された.
杉田 由加里 水野 智子 横山 徹爾
千葉大学大学院看護学研究科紀要 (ISSN:21859698)
no.38, pp.39-46, 2016-03

自治体にて生活習慣病予防の保健事業を展開する上で,特定健康診査・特定保健指導等のデータ及びレセプト等を分析し課題を抽出し,保健事業を立案,実施,評価し,次年度の事業計画に役立てるといった,PDCAサイクルを確実に回すことが求められている. 本研究の目的は保健事業を展開する上で,データを分析・活用している取組みの基盤となっている体制づくりに関する条件を明らかにすることである. 研究参加者は7市にて,保健事業の実施に1年以上直接関わっており,保健事業の実施に関する体制づくりについて語れる職員(保健師,管理栄養士)1名以上とし,調査は自治体ごとの半構成的インタビューとした. 筆頭著者の所属大学院研究科の倫理審査委員会の承認を受け,文書と口頭により研究の趣旨,匿名性の保持と途中棄権も可能であること等を説明し同意を得た.体制づくりにおける所属内外の条件として以下の点が重要と考えられた.1. 予算の獲得において関係者からの合意を得やすくするために,分析したデータを説明用の資料に活用する.2. データを分析することと,分析したデータを事業へ活用できる体制となるよう,担当部署の連携を意識して体制を構築していく.3. 医療機関との継続的な体制を維持していけるよう,制度開始時だけでなく毎年,医療機関の医師および事務職にも説明し合意形成を図っていく.4. 業務を委託している場合,委託機関の従事者のオーナーシップを引き出せるように,分析したデータの提示により情報の共有を図る. When developing, in districts, health services that are designed to prevent lifestyle-related diseases, it is essential to analyze data and receipts related to specific health checkups and specific health guidance as well as identify problems. It is also necessary to ensure the continuous operation of the plan-do-check-act. This study aimed to clarify the requirements for developing a system that can serve as a foundation for data analysis/utilization initiatives when operating health services PDCA cycle in districts. This study was conducted in seven cities that are implementing the system. In each of these cities, we surveyed 17 different public health nurses and registered dieticians. Semi-structured interviews were carried out in each cities. The study was approved by the ethics board of the institution to which the first author belongs to. The results suggested that the following are important internal and external requirements forsystem building.1 Using the analyzed data when preparing briefing documents to make it easier to gain budget approval from the government2 Building the system in cooperation with relevant sections/departments, so that it enables analysis of the data and their utilization in health services3 Maintaining a sustainable system of collaboration with medical institutions, obtaining agreement by providing explanations to administrative staff and doctors from the relevant institutions not only when the system is launched but every year4 In the case that administrative work is outsourced, we should share information by presenting the analyzed data in order to encourage a sense of ownership among staff working for the outsourcing organizations
木下 里美 大塚 眞理子 朝日 雅也 小田 心火 水野 智子 井上 和久 田口 孝行 加藤 朋子 井口 佳晴 鈴木 玲子 小川 恵子
埼玉県立大学紀要 (ISSN:13458582)
vol.4, pp.35-42, 2002

Relationship between the effect of field practicum in freshman year and the category of practicum facilities was analyzed based on the results questionnaire survey of the freshmen who had participated in the field practicum during a period from 2000 to 2002. The facilities where the practicum was performed were categorized to be "hospitals", "health and welfare facilities for the elderly "and "welfare facilities for adults and children with disabilities". Answers to the questionnaires concerning "communication with colleague students in the same group", "learning opportunities in the field" and "the report session in the university after the practicum" were analyzed. Many students responded affirmatively to these questionnaires and the effects of field practicum could be recognized. On the other hand, the following was also suggested as the further tasks to be solved for improving the practicum: 1. Opportunity to communicate with students from other departments are limited during the practicum term, and continuous efforts for realizing further communications after the practicum are required. 2. Learning opportunities and the achievement of learning objectives differed in some learning items due to the feature of facilities, and compensative efforts should be discussed in the report session after the practicum.
水野 智博
