矢島 正見 山本 功
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.19, pp.74-94, 1994 (Released:2017-03-30)

1. Aim The purpose of this paper is to study how a kind of comics called "YUUGAI (harmful) comics" became the social problem, and how petitions which ask for the revision of the Tokyo prefectural ordinance were presented to the assemblies. 2. Methods We investigated them by two methods. First, we collected the petitions presented to the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly or to the 23 ward assemblies. We analized them: by whom, when, how were they presented? A tatol of 156 petitions were collected. The main groups which represented the petitions were CHOUNAIKAI (neighborhood associations), SEISHOUNEN'IINKAI (juvenile committee), women's groups, PTAs, and volunteer probation officers. Second, we interviewed the representatives of the petitioners. A sample of 32 persons were interviewed. We asked them their knowledge and opinons about "YUUGAI comics," and how they presented their petitions. 3. Findings (1) Only three types of compositions were found among these petitions. These were not written independently but copied from one another. And we suppose the original composition was the notification given by the Liberal Democratic Party. (2) The movements were developed not on their own initiatives. They were asked to petition by the other groups concerned. Most of them were police and the organs concerned. So, we conclude that the "YUUGAI comics" problem was developed through the network of police, neighborhood associations, PTAs, and so on. The petitions for the revision of the ordinance were directed by police and the organs concerned.
矢島 正浩
日本語の研究 (ISSN:13495119)
vol.6, no.4, pp.16-31, 2010-10-01

矢島 正浩 揚妻 祐樹

矢島 正見 山本 功
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
no.19, pp.74-94, 1994

1. Aim The purpose of this paper is to study how a kind of comics called "YUUGAI (harmful) comics" became the social problem, and how petitions which ask for the revision of the Tokyo prefectural ordinance were presented to the assemblies. 2. Methods We investigated them by two methods. First, we collected the petitions presented to the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly or to the 23 ward assemblies. We analized them: by whom, when, how were they presented? A tatol of 156 petitions were collected. The main groups which represented the petitions were CHOUNAIKAI (neighborhood associations), SEISHOUNEN'IINKAI (juvenile committee), women's groups, PTAs, and volunteer probation officers. Second, we interviewed the representatives of the petitioners. A sample of 32 persons were interviewed. We asked them their knowledge and opinons about "YUUGAI comics," and how they presented their petitions. 3. Findings (1) Only three types of compositions were found among these petitions. These were not written independently but copied from one another. And we suppose the original composition was the notification given by the Liberal Democratic Party. (2) The movements were developed not on their own initiatives. They were asked to petition by the other groups concerned. Most of them were police and the organs concerned. So, we conclude that the "YUUGAI comics" problem was developed through the network of police, neighborhood associations, PTAs, and so on. The petitions for the revision of the ordinance were directed by police and the organs concerned.
市原 信 矢島 正晴 梅沢 章男 児玉 昌久
バイオフィードバック研究 (ISSN:03861856)
vol.11, pp.5-10, 1984

The microcomputer-based, multi-purpose biofeedback (BF) sytem was developed for several clinical applications. The main components of system were as follows : the microcomputer, (Apple II), a color CRT display, a synthesizer, an anlog-to-digital converter with 12 channel analog multiplexer. To fascilitate data processing, a Z80 CPU card with the disk operating system (CP/M) was also installed. First, 2-channel EMG BF training was introduced to motor disturbance caused by cervical spinal cord injury. Two EMG activities obtained from an upper limb of a subject were sampled by the system, then fedback as graphic patterns on a CRT or as auditory stimuli via a synthesizer. This multiple BF procedure with integrated feedback information was effective for reducing the muscle co-contraction in such a subject and the appropriate motor pattern tended to be established easily. Second, potentiometers were attached one each to two weight scales to which subject's weight was allocated. Analog outputs from the potentiometers were fed to the BF system. It was shown that reliable data to evaluate the voluntary control of standing posture in cerebral palsied children, could be obtained with the simple measuring devices and the system. It was discussed that, as shown in the second example described above, the quantitative data acquisition could be realized only with the addition of simple sensors or transducers. Furthermore, thtypical BF training process in clinical applications was summarized in terms of softwares of this system. The process consist of planning, execution, and evaluation of BF training, all of which are controlled and optimized at the software level. It was exemplified well in the multiple EMG BF training in the present report. It was suggested that further quantitative data analysis with this BF system is necessary to reveal the critical role of feedback information for more effective application of BF procedures to clinical situation.
西辻 直之 古藤 真実 福澤 洋一 矢吹 義秀 上谷 公之 久保 宏史 吉野 浩和 長井 博昭 中曽根 隆一 矢島 正隆 岡田 彩子 有吉 芽生 曽我部 薫 菊地 朋宏 宮之原 真由 山田 秀則 村田 貴俊 野村 義明 花田 信弘
一般社団法人 口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.67, no.2, pp.89-93, 2017

<p> (公社)東京都港区芝歯科医師会は,JR新橋駅西口SL広場において,事前の告知や当日の呼びかけに応じた成人男女250名を対象に,「歯周病予防のための新唾液検査事業」を5年間にわたり4回実施した.事業目的は,歯周病のスクリーニング可能な唾液検査の受診を契機に,受診者の歯周病への理解を促し,検診の重要性を啓発することである.</p><p> 各受診者から採取した唾液を用いて生化学検査を行い,結果を受診者に郵送した.また,事後アンケートを実施し,「受診したきっかけは何か」,「唾液検査は簡単か」,「唾液を採取することに対して抵抗があるか」,「次回の検査も受けたいか」,「検査結果票はみやすいか」,「検査結果をみて歯科を受診するか」,「検査結果をみて歯周病について関心が深まったか」の7項目への回答を求めた.</p><p> 事後アンケートで回答者(回収率;年平均22.1%)の9割が選択した項目は,「この検査が簡単だと感じた」,「次回も受けたいと思う」および「検査により歯周病に興味をもった」であった.以上より,唾液検査は歯周病への関心を高めるとともに,受診契機の一要因となることがわかった.</p>
山岸 光 吉田 善一 坂上 榮松 守屋 俊浩 増澤 恒明 矢島 正男 池田 博通 尾坂 一 小口 京吾 若林 優治
公益社団法人 精密工学会
vol.2008, pp.955-956, 2008

永井 哲夫 海老原 務 新谷 博明 須佐美 英作 大橋 淳 宮岡 等 酒泉 和夫 藤野 雅美 矢島 正隆 浅井 昌弘
特定非営利活動法人 日本口腔科学会
日本口腔科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290297)
vol.38, no.2, pp.438-447, 1989-04-10 (Released:2011-09-07)
1 13

Tw enty patients with typical glossodynia were examined from a psychological aspect.They all had premorbid inclination toward hypochondriasis and obsession (e. g., punctiliousness, or extreme perfectionism).Perseveration in response to “ superficial sensation of paresthesia of the tongue” occurring secondary to dental treatment or onset of stomatitis was the basis of the symptoms. According to time-course changes in the symptoms, patients attributed an erroneous significance to normal oral tissues, by which the lingual tonsil and lingual papilla were recognized as abnormal. They also showed signs of “ cancerphobia” because they were in the cancer-associated age group or had a past or present history of cancer in their near relatives. These findings, which are three important causative factors of this condition, were found to be common