千葉 茂樹 木村 純一
一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会
岩石鉱物科学 (ISSN:1345630X)
vol.30, no.3, pp.126-156, 2001 (Released:2008-08-30)
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Bandai volcano is located in the southern part of Tohoku-Honshu arc, Japan, and has been active from about 300 ka. Most recently, the volcano erupted in 1888 and the phreatic eruption caused volcanic body collapse and produced huge debris avalanche deposit. Here we present new data of the tephrochronology and volcanic geology of Bandai volcano and discuss its growth history. The tephra-loam association in this area consists of the Hayama and the Mineyama Loam Formations. Sixty-three layers of tephra are recognized in the Mineyama Loam Formation, and seventy-seven layers of tephra in the Hayama Loam Formation. The volcanic activity is classified into seven stages based on tephrochronology: Stage 1: 300 ka≤(presumed age), Stage 2: 300-280 ka, Stage 3: 250-230 ka, Stage 4: 170-85 ka, Stage 5: 75-57 ka, Stage 6: 36-28 ka, Stage 7: 24-0 ka. Pyroxene andesite lavas and tephras are eruptions of Bandai volcano throughout its activity, and more than 13 large avalanche deposits are found in Stages 2, 5, 6, and 7 including 1888 debris avalanche. Modes of eruptions were almost sub-plinian with lava effusions from Stages 2 to 3, whereas sub-plinian was subsequently followed by vulcanian with lava effusions from Stages 5 to 7. Sub-plinian eruptions occurred in the earliest phase of Stages 5, 6, and pumice falls with occasional pumice flows were associated. Stage 4 consists of two eruption types. Large debris avalanches were commonly produced related with the sub-plinian eruption, except for 1888 eruption. Bandai volcano is a complex of at least five stratocones, and resurge of volcanic activity caused collapse of pre-existed volcanic body. This cyclic feature is considered to be the behavior of the volcano.
木村 純一
地球化学 (ISSN:03864073)
vol.52, no.1, pp.29-53, 2018-03-25 (Released:2018-03-25)

Earth's mantle formed at 4.6 Ga and evolved through the Hadean magma ocean stage and subsequent plate tectonics stage since 3.5 Ga. Mantle convection driven by the internal heat is the major driving force of the plate tectonics with considerable tectonic roles of both oceanic and continental plates formed at mid-ocean ridges (MOR) and subduction zones (SZ), respectively. The MOR and SZ regions are the places of plate formations by intensive magma geneses where significant element fractionations between solids and melts are taking place. The MOR and SZ regions are the major factories of tectonic and geochemical mantle evolutions because their products of plates and residual mantles are mixed back into the mantle by stirring or isolated almost permanently. The geochemical fractionations in the MOR and SZ magmatism are modelled based on petrochemical mass balance and elemental and isotopic growths of the magmas and the residues are examined. These combined to enable depicting the thermal, chemical, and isotopic evolutions of the Earth's mantle over 3.5 Gyr. The present-day mantle appears to be geochemically heterogeneous and forms large mantle domains in both deep and shallow portions by Mesoproterozoic (1.7 Ga). These suggest relatively sluggish mantle convection after Mesoproterozoic due to mantle cooling.
木村 純一 宮崎 隆 常 青 バグラロフ ・ボグダン 仙田 量子
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.126, no.2, pp.163-179, 2017-04-25 (Released:2017-06-12)
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The source mantle of the ocean crust on the Pacific Plate is examined using Pb–Nd–Hf isotopes and compared to a global isotope database of ocean basalts. The entire eastern half of the Pacific Plate, formed from an isotopically distinct Pacific mantle along the East Pacific Rise and the Juan de Fuca Ridge, largely remains on the seafloor. Conversely, the western half of the Pacific Plate becomes younger westward and is thought to have formed from the Izanagi–Pacific Ridge (IPR). The ridge subducted along the Kurile–Japan–Nankai–Ryukyu (KJNR) Trench at 70-65 Ma and currently forms the leading edge of the Pacific Plate stagnated in the mantle transition zone beneath China. The subducted IP formed from both Pacific and Indian mantles. Isotopic compositions of the basalts from borehole cores of 165-130 Ma in the western Pacific show that these are of Pacific mantle origin. However, the scraped-off ocean floor basalts (80-70 Ma) in the accretionary prism along the KJNR Trench have Indian mantle signatures. This indicates: (1) the younger western Pacific Plate of IPR origin formed from the Indian mantle, (2) the Indian–Pacific mantle boundary has been stationary in the western Pacific at least since the Cretaceous, and (3) the IPR moved over the boundary. The Indian mantle is thought to have formed from a depleted MORB source mantle (DMM) due to an ancient melt depletion event (2-3 Ga) and subsequent isotopic growth and mixing with a sub-continental lithospheric mantle. In contrast, the Pacific mantle originated from a primitive mantle at 3-1.5 Ga followed by isotopic growth alone. These different formation processes may relate to the formation of the supercontinent and superocean where the Indian mantle was formed in a sub-continental environment whereas the Pacific mantle formed in an oceanic ridge environment.
木村 純一 土谷 信高 佐野 栄 中馬 教允 吉田 武義
地球化学 (ISSN:03864073)
vol.31, no.3, pp.133-151, 1997-08-04 (Released:2016-12-21)

Recent advances in inductively coupled plasma source-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has enabled us to determine trace and ultra-trace elements contained in various geochemical samples. Due to the high sensitivity and rapid mass scanning features of ICP-MS, multiple element analysis for trace elements can be performed without any pre-concentration procedure. The high sensitivity also permits direct spot analysis of solid geochemicl samples using laser ablation (LA) or laser probe (LP) sampling techniques. Spatial resolution as fine as 5-15μm has been achieved in the LP system. However, despite the great analytical ability of ICP-MS, some care should be taken in quantitative analyses. Spectroscopic interferences such as oxide molecular ions (MO+), doubly charged ions (M++), and polyatomic ions (i. e., ArX+) affect the accuracy of measurements for the certain elements.Non-spectroscopic interferences, known as the matrix effect, also affect the analytical accuracy. There are two causes of the matrix effect: one originates in the plasma equilibrium and the other is the mass discrimination effect in an ion beam known as the "space charge effect". Differences in both the major chemical composition and introduction volume of analyte shift the aspect of the matrix effect. In order to attain high precision and accuracy in the analysis, optimization of the facility setting and analytical procedure is required to minimize those interferences. The problem in LA analysis is elemental fractionation mainly due to thermal heating of the sampling site during the laser ablation. This paper presents the facilities, functions, and analytical techniques of ICP-MS. Actual examples of terrestrial water analysis, rock analysis using solution samples, and micro analysis of minerals and bulk-rock analysis using LA-ICP-MS are also presented in this paper.
佐藤 寿祐 土屋 昭夫 小林 則之 木村 純一 林 英昭 小林 博 保母 良基 鴨井 久一
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯周病学会
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.28, no.2, pp.752-757, 1986-06-28 (Released:2010-08-25)
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クマザサ原形質溶液が歯周疾患に対して効果があるか, また, 歯周治療に応用できるかどうかを検討した。口腔内の環境因子である唾液内微生物において, その殺菌効果および乳酸生成抑制効果について調べた。臨床的には, 実験的歯肉炎および中等度歯周疾患においてプラーク付着状態, 歯肉溝滲出液量, 歯肉の炎症状態を診査し, また, 口腔内規格写真撮影によって観察測定した。その結果, クマザサ原形質溶液の濃度が高くなるにつれて, 殺菌効果および唾液内微生物の乳酸生成抑制効果が認められた。含嗽または投与により, 実験的歯肉炎ではプラーク付着抑制には有意な効果はみられなかったが, 歯肉溝滲出液量の減少傾向および歯肉の炎症に対する阻止効果が認められた。
中島 裕子 渡邊 乾 木村 純一
pp.548-555, 2020-11-15

琵琶湖病院のこと 今回、私たち就労継続支援B型BaseCamp★1の職員は、滋賀県大津市にある琵琶湖病院を取材する機会をいただいた。 琵琶湖病院は、2017年から組織的にオープンダイアローグをベースにしたケアミーティングに取り組んでいることで有名な病院で、NHKでも取り上げられたことがある。『精神看護』2019年11月号の特集(「琵琶湖病院で始まっているオープンダイアローグを取り入れた日常診療」)を読んでいた私は、前々から興味を持っていた。その琵琶湖病院の医師の村上純一さんが、私たちを病院へ招待してくださったのだ。
辻森 樹 原 智美 進士 優朱輝 石坂 知裕 宮島 宏 木村 純一 青木 翔吾 青木 一勝

Nunakawaite' (strontiojoaquinite) is an orthorhombic variety of strontiojoaquinite [Sr2Ba2(Na,Fe)2Ti2[Si4O12]2O2(O,OH)2·H2O]; it is a rare joaquinite group mineral that is only found in a riebeckite-bearing albitite in the serpentinite-matrix mélange of the Itoigawa–Omi area. The mineral was originally named after 'Princess Nunakawa' (nunakawa hime) in the Japanese Shinto mythology 'Kojiki'.'Nunakawaite' is characterized by remarkably high Ba, Zr, Nb, Zn, LREEs, MREEs, and enriched in U (35.8–721 µg·g-1), Pb (2.2–31 µg·g-1), and Th (7.42–2365 µg·g-1). LA-ICPMS analyses show highly variable U/Pb (238U/206Pb = 9.245–68.98) and Pb (207Pb/206Pb = 0.0758–0.756) isotope ratios, and the scattered trend define an isochron line with a lower intercept at 89.19 ± 1.07 Ma. The 'nunakawaite' U–Pb age confirms that the 'nunakawaite'-hosted riebeckite-bearing albitite formed at late Cretaceous. This implies that the serpentinite-matrix mélange unit with early Paleozoic jadeitites and late Paleozoic blueschist, eclogite and amphibolite was reactivated by a significantly younger tectonic event.In-situ Sr-Pb isotope analyses show two different isotope trends between Sr-rich accessory minerals in riebeckite-bearing albitite ('nunakawaite' and ohmilite) and those in jadeitite (itoigawaite, stronalsite, vesvianite, Sr-rich epidote). The Sr-Pb isotopes also support the idea that the riebeckite-bearing albitite formed by a fluid-induced metasomatic event different from the jadeitite-forming metasomatism at early Paleozoic. The formation of riebeckite-bearing albitite at ~90 Ma is coeval with late Cretaceous granitic intrusion of the Omi area (youngest zircon U–Pb: 90.8 ± 1.1 Ma: Nagamori et al. 2018). The granitic intrusion might have acted an important role in the formation of 'nunakawaite'. In other words, reactivation of metasomatic mineralization in the Paleozoic serpentinite mélange is recorded in the Cretaceous riebeckite-bearing albitite.
深海 雄介 木村 純一 入澤 啓太 横山 哲也 平田 岳史
日本地球化学会年会要旨集 2010年度日本地球化学会第57回年会講演要旨集
pp.272, 2010 (Released:2010-08-30)

千葉 茂樹 木村 純一
岩石鉱物科学 (ISSN:1345630X)
vol.30, no.3, pp.126-156, 2001-05-30
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Bandai volcano is located in the southern part of Tohoku-Honshu arc, Japan, and has been active from about 300 ka. Most recently, the volcano erupted in 1888 and the phreatic eruption caused volcanic body collapse and produced huge debris avalanche deposit. Here we present new data of the tephrochronology and volcanic geology of Bandai volcano and discuss its growth history. The tephra-loam association in this area consists of the Hayama and the Mineyama Loam Formations. Sixty-three layers of tephra are recognized in the Mineyama Loam Formation, and seventy-seven layers of tephra in the Hayama Loam Formation. The volcanic activity is classified into seven stages based on tephrochronology: Stage 1: 300 ka≤(presumed age), Stage 2: 300-280 ka, Stage 3: 250-230 ka, Stage 4: 170-85 ka, Stage 5: 75-57 ka, Stage 6: 36-28 ka, Stage 7: 24-0 ka. Pyroxene andesite lavas and tephras are eruptions of Bandai volcano throughout its activity, and more than 13 large avalanche deposits are found in Stages 2, 5, 6, and 7 including 1888 debris avalanche. Modes of eruptions were almost sub-plinian with lava effusions from Stages 2 to 3, whereas sub-plinian was subsequently followed by vulcanian with lava effusions from Stages 5 to 7. Sub-plinian eruptions occurred in the earliest phase of Stages 5, 6, and pumice falls with occasional pumice flows were associated. Stage 4 consists of two eruption types. Large debris avalanches were commonly produced related with the sub-plinian eruption, except for 1888 eruption. Bandai volcano is a complex of at least five stratocones, and resurge of volcanic activity caused collapse of pre-existed volcanic body. This cyclic feature is considered to be the behavior of the volcano.
中村 仁美 岩森 光 千葉 紀奈 中井 俊一 木村 純一 常 青 風早 康平
日本地球化学会年会要旨集 2014年度日本地球化学会第61回年会講演要旨集
pp.238, 2014 (Released:2014-09-12)

近年,我々は,初めて有馬温泉水中の希土類元素(REEs)の定量とともに,Sr-Nd-Pb同位体比組成を得ることに成功した(Nakamura et al., accepted).これは,低温(~500度)で脱水したスラブ起源流体の組成と河川水の混合で説明することができ,スラブ起源流体は非火山域であっても,構造線などの大断層沿いに上昇している可能性があることを示唆する.本研究では,溶存イオン種と濃度,軽元素同位体情報を基に,中央構造線沿いの有馬型温泉水を調査・採水し,標準添加法によりREEs組成を定量分析する.これらの結果に基づき,スラブ起源流体を含む有馬型温泉水の特徴が,非火山域である西南日本から,火山域も含む中部日本にかけて,どのように変化するかについて制約を与える.
西原 歩 巽 好幸 鈴木 桂子 金子 克哉 木村 純一 常 青 日向 宏伸

渡辺 寧 村上 浩康 松枝 大治 吉田 武義 水田 敏夫 石山 大三 清水 正明 木村 純一 渡邊 公一郎 今井 亮 浦辺 徹郎 鹿園 直建 林 謙一郎 実松 健造 星野 美保子

世界各地の重希土類およびインジウム鉱床の調査を実施し,ベトナム,タイ等東南アジア地域で重希土類に富む花崗岩風化殻を発見するとともに,日本,中国,ベトナム,ペルー, ボリビアでのインジウムの資源量の見積もりを行った.これらの結果,中国以外の地域でも重希土類およびインジウムの資源ポテンシャルが存在することが判明し,また鉱床成因のための必要条件が考察された.