臼杵 陽
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.36, no.2, pp.67-82, 1993

The aim of the article is to survey Jewish immigration to Palestine (Aliya) from Yemen, Yemenite settlement in Silwan near the old city of Jerusalem, and their separation from the Sephardi rabbinate in Jerusalem. The article relies upon recent studies on this subject written in Hebrew.<br>The first mass Aliya of Yemenites in 1882 (called <i>'Aliyat Tarmab</i> according to the Jewish calendar), which was coincident with Bilu's Aliya, that is, the first Zionist Aliya, has been ignored in Zionist's historiography. Recently academic endeavors have been made to explore early history of Yemenites in Jerusalem before World War I, as well as <i>Old Yishuv</i> in general.<br>Yemenites immigrated to the Holy Land, motivated mainly by the messianic aspirations, but found themselves disappointed in difficult situations in Jerusalem. Most of them remained too poor to find their accommodations. Israel Frumkin (1850-1914), editor of <i>ha-Vatzelet</i>, the second Hebrew magazine in Palestine, gave assistance to poor Yemenite immigrants so as to settle them in an Arab village, Silwan (Shiloah in Jewish history), which had been the main community center of Yemenites until the Arab Revolt of 1936.<br>When Yemenites immigrated, they were under the patronage of the Sephardi rabbinate which was recognized as the sole Jewish representative, <i>millet</i>, in Jerusalem by the Ottoman authorities. But later they differed with the Sephardi rabbinate on problems such as Haluka (charitable funds from abroad to Palestine) and Balad Askari (Tax for exemption from conscription), finally to separate as <i>de facto</i> independent <i>kolel</i> (a Jewish community in Palestine from a particularcountry or town) from the Sephardi rabbinate in 1908.
臼杵 陽
世界 (ISSN:05824532)
no.625, pp.163-174, 1996-08
臼杵 陽
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1999, no.121, pp.95-107,L11, 1999

This article focuses on one of the most controversial questions of politics and religion in Israel, that is to say, on the controversial dispute about conversions to Judaism. These is controversy between Orthodox Jews, who have monopolized such Jewish religious matters as conversions and marriage ceremonies in Israel, and Reform and Conservative Jews who have not been officially authorized to carry out conversions and perform weddings in Israel. While Reform and Conservative Jews are the majority among Diaspora Jewry, especially in the United State, they are a minority among Israeli Jews. Reform and Conservative Jews in the United State are entitled to immigrate to Israel as Jews in accordance with the Law of Return, but they are not recognized as &ldquo;true Jews&rdquo; by Orthodox Jews in Israel. The Reform and Conservative Jews are forced to convert again to Orthodox Judaism if they are to enjoy their religious life as equals to the Orthodox brethren in Israel.<br>In January 1998, Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu appointed then Finance Minister Yaakov Ne'eman as chairman of a committee to try and seek a compromise solution among the three major denominations of Judaism (Orthodox, Reform and Conservative) on the question of conversions of Jews and on other religious matters in Israel. The debate of the Ne'eman committee, which was composed of representatives of the three denominations, poured oil on fire with regard to this decisive question of &ldquo;Who is a Jew?&rdquo;, that is to say, who has authority over the question of the definition of a Jew in Israel.<br>First, this paper analyzes the monopoly enjoyed by Orthodox Jews in official religious institutions such as Ministry of Religion, the Chief Rabbinate, Rabbi Courts, and Local Religious Councils in light of the relationship between state and religion. Second, the paper discusses, in the context of the relationship between religion and politics, the political roles of a Sephardi orthodox religious party, &ldquo;Shas (Sephardi Torah Guardians)&rdquo;, which has tried to propose legislation establishing a conversion law and a local council law to the Israeli Parliament (Knesset). Third, the paper examines the recommendation of the Ne'eman committee and its repercussion among the concerned parties in Israel and the United States. A preliminary unsigned copy of the commitee's recommendation in November 1998 proposed to set up a joint institute for conversion studies at which Orthodox, Conservative and Reform rabbis would all teach, but actual conversions would be performed only by Orthodox rabbinical courts.<br>In conclusion, since the recommendation of the Ne'eman committee was vehemently refused by the Orthodox-controlled Chief Rabbinate Council, despite the approval of the recommendation by the Knesset, Reform and Conservative movements continued to struggle for the plurality of Judaism in Israel and against the Orthodox monopoly. They petitioned the High Court of Justice to instruct the appointment of Reform and Conservative rabbis in Local Religious Councils.
臼杵 陽
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.28, no.2, pp.59-84, 2012

本論文は大川周明の生涯を通して彼のイスラームへの関心の変化を論じる。大川は右翼のアジア主義者として知られているが、イスラーム研究者でもあった。彼は東京帝大時代スーフィズムに関心をもった。しかし、彼は 1913年、内的志向の精神的イスラームから外的志向の政治的イスラームその関心を転換させた。同時期、「コーランか剣か」を預言者ムハンマドの好戦的表現だと考えていた。しかし、オスマン帝国崩壊後はイスラームに関して大川は沈黙を保った。約20年後の1942年、大川は著名な『回教概論』を刊行した。同書は読者の期待に反して、日本の戦争宣伝を意図するものではなかった。同書は日本的オリエンタリストの観点から理念型的なイスラームとイスラーム帝国絶頂期の理想化されたイスラーム国家の姿を描いたものだったからである。戦後、東京裁判の被告となったが精神疾患のため免責された。大川は松沢病院でクルアーンの翻訳を行なう一方、完全な人格としての預言者ムハンマドへの崇敬を通してイスラームへの関心を取り戻した。晩年の大川は開祖を通してキリスト教、イスラーム、仏教などの諸宗教を理解する境地に達したのである。
臼杵 陽
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.36, no.2, pp.67-82, 1993 (Released:2010-03-12)

The aim of the article is to survey Jewish immigration to Palestine (Aliya) from Yemen, Yemenite settlement in Silwan near the old city of Jerusalem, and their separation from the Sephardi rabbinate in Jerusalem. The article relies upon recent studies on this subject written in Hebrew.The first mass Aliya of Yemenites in 1882 (called 'Aliyat Tarmab according to the Jewish calendar), which was coincident with Bilu's Aliya, that is, the first Zionist Aliya, has been ignored in Zionist's historiography. Recently academic endeavors have been made to explore early history of Yemenites in Jerusalem before World War I, as well as Old Yishuv in general.Yemenites immigrated to the Holy Land, motivated mainly by the messianic aspirations, but found themselves disappointed in difficult situations in Jerusalem. Most of them remained too poor to find their accommodations. Israel Frumkin (1850-1914), editor of ha-Vatzelet, the second Hebrew magazine in Palestine, gave assistance to poor Yemenite immigrants so as to settle them in an Arab village, Silwan (Shiloah in Jewish history), which had been the main community center of Yemenites until the Arab Revolt of 1936.When Yemenites immigrated, they were under the patronage of the Sephardi rabbinate which was recognized as the sole Jewish representative, millet, in Jerusalem by the Ottoman authorities. But later they differed with the Sephardi rabbinate on problems such as Haluka (charitable funds from abroad to Palestine) and Balad Askari (Tax for exemption from conscription), finally to separate as de facto independent kolel (a Jewish community in Palestine from a particularcountry or town) from the Sephardi rabbinate in 1908.
臼杵 陽 加藤 博 長澤 榮治 店田 博文 鈴木 均 三沢 伸生

本研究ではこれまで看過されてきた戦時期日本の戦略研究としての回教・回教徒研究を積極的に再評価し、戦後展開した基礎的な地域研究としての中東イスラーム地域研究との断続性よりもそれへの継続性に力点を置いて検討することを目的とした。本研究による研究成果としては以下の四つの領域に分類することができる。第一に、アフガニスタン関係資料として、尾崎三雄家所蔵資料の整理・公刊である。第二として、戦時期日本の回教・回教徒研究に関しては、早稲田大学中央図書館に所蔵の大日本回教協会の映像資料「大日本回教協会関係写真資料(Photography of the Greater Japan Muslim League)Ver.1」のCD-ROM化、また、2006年1月にトルコ共和国アンカラにおいて行なったシンポジウム「戦時期日本のイスラーム政策」の成果の一端を『日本中東学会年報(The Annal of the Japan Association of Middle East Studies)』第23号の特集「第二次世界大戦前の日本と中東(Japan and the Middle East before World War II)」として刊行した。第三として、大日本帝国領に亡命していたタタール系ムスリムによって刊行されていたタタール語等の雑誌・新聞類の整理に関しては、第二次世界大戦中に旧満州国ハルビンで刊行されていたタタール語紙『ミッリー・バイラク』に掲載された写真を一枚のDVDにまとめた『Photography Collection of Milli Bayrak(Mukden,1935-1945)Ver.1』としてDVDを刊行した。第四として、戦前日本の回教・回教徒研究を推進・組織化した東亜経済調査局理事長であった大川周明が第一次世界大戦後に多くの論考を投稿していた道会雑誌『道』に掲載された大川周明の論考をデータ化してまとめた。
臼杵 陽
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1994, no.105, pp.30-44,L7, 1994

The aim of this article is to explain the time-lag between two Jewish mass emigrations from Iraq and Egypt in the domestic and regional contexts of the Arab-Israeli Conflict in the 1950s.<br>The Jewish mass emigration from Iraq, on the one hand, suddenly began in consequence of the enactment in 1950 of the law depriving any Iraqi Jew who, of his own freen will and choice, desires to leave Iraq for good of his nationality. On the other hand, the majority of Jews of Egypt, who remained after the Palestine War of 1948, emigrated from Egypt after the Suez War of 1956.<br>Both Iraq and Egypt dispatched their armies to Palestine after British retreat from the mandate, while Israel declared the new Jewish state of Palestine in May, 1948.<br>Iraq and Egypt reacted differently to the repercussion of the 1948 War. Iraq suffered from serious economic difficulties after World War Two, which led to domestic political unrest. The Palestine War provided the Iraqi government with good opportunities to turn the general public's eyes to the Palestine question. After the War, N&ucirc;r&icirc; al-Sa'&icirc;d, the most influential politician in Iraq and advocator of the federation of the &lsquo;Fertile Crescent&rsquo;, utilized the Palestine cause in order to maintain his legitimacy in unstable domestic politics. N&ucirc;r&icirc;'s parochial policy toward Palestine made it more difficult for Iraqi Jews to live in peace. Finally, about twelve hundred thousand Iraqi Jews were forced to emigrate from Iraq to Israel in 1950 and 1951. The oldest Jewish community in the world disappeared.<br>In contrast to Iraq, Egypt did not implement any special policy against Jews of Egypt after the 1948 War. Two-thirds of Jewish population in Egypt did not hold Egyptian nationality. They immigrated to Egypt after the British occupation in 1882. They continued to be foreigners until the nationalization of foreign companies in Egypt after the Suez War. No Egyptian government followed discriminatory policies to the Jews even after the Free Officers' Revolution in 1952. On the contrary, the Officers pursued peace with Israel through secret negotiations after the Armistice Agreements according to recently published researches, which are based upon newly available British, American and Israeli official documents, on Egyptian-Israeli relations.<br>The American policy of the Eisenhower administration influenced both Arab regional politics and secret peace negotiations between Arab states and Israel. The U. S. administration tried to attain a resolution between Egypt and Israel so as to secure a regional cooperation of the Arab states in the south of the &lsquo;Northern Tier&rsquo; upon a concept of the containment of Communism.<br>N&ucirc;r&icirc;, the Iraqi premier, pursued his old concept of the federation of the&lsquo; Fertile Crescent&rsquo; in the framework of the Baghdad Pact under British patronage. British also intended to maintain Imperial hegemony over Middle East through the Baghdad Pact, while Americans considered the Pact as a grand strategy against Communism. This contradiction produced American-British inconsistency in terms of their interests in the area. This situation reflected upon Egyptian-Iraqi confrontatins concerning participation in the Pact and also upon peace negotiations between Egypt and Israel.<br>Israel felt isolated in the above-mentioned regional circumstances. Israel expected the U. S. administration would agree with the supply of armaments. But U.S. were reluctant to supply their arms against Arab interests in their area strategy. Israel, therefore, sought other sources and turned her endeavors to reach an agreement with France.<br>Egypt also sought her arms from the Eastern Bloc, which led U. S. change their Arab policy of supporting Egypt, and finally to the outbreak of the Suez War. After the war, &lsquo;Abd al-N&acirc;sir declared that enemies&rsquo; companies would be nationalized. He also deported British and French nationals includin
臼杵 陽
Japan Association for Middle East Studies (JAMES)
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.9, pp.1-35, 1994-03-31 (Released:2018-03-30)

長澤 榮治 鈴木 恵美 松本 弘 岩崎 えり奈 臼杵 陽 飯塚 正人 泉 淳 辻上 奈美江 ダルウィッシュ ホサム 錦田 愛子 横田 貴之 石黒 大岳
