加藤 桂子
史論 (ISSN:03864022)
vol.3, pp.196-210, 1955
藤 桂 吉田 富二雄
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.2, pp.121-132, 2009

The relationship of Internet behavior to sociability and aggression in real life was investigated in a web-based survey. Weblog users (n=395) and online-game users (n=206) were asked to respond to questionnaires that included their behavior on the Internet, as well as to scales that measured real-life sociability, aggression, and social isolation. Results indicated that Self-reflection on weblogs and Feeling of Belonging during online-games related to enhancement of sociability. By contrast, Internet behavior such as flaming, as well as immersive and addictive use, related to decrease of sociability and increase of aggression regardless of the type of application that was used. These findings suggest that the effects of weblogs and online-games use depend on the type of behavior, as well as the types of application, that are used. It is also suggested that social isolation in real life decreased sociability through immersive and addictive use, and increased aggression through flaming.
藤 桂 吉田 富二雄
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.2, pp.121-132, 2009-11-30 (Released:2017-02-20)

The relationship of Internet behavior to sociability and aggression in real life was investigated in a web-based survey. Weblog users (n=395) and online-game users (n=206) were asked to respond to questionnaires that included their behavior on the Internet, as well as to scales that measured real-life sociability, aggression, and social isolation. Results indicated that Self-reflection on weblogs and Feeling of Belonging during online-games related to enhancement of sociability. By contrast, Internet behavior such as flaming, as well as immersive and addictive use, related to decrease of sociability and increase of aggression regardless of the type of application that was used. These findings suggest that the effects of weblogs and online-games use depend on the type of behavior, as well as the types of application, that are used. It is also suggested that social isolation in real life decreased sociability through immersive and addictive use, and increased aggression through flaming.
藤 桂 吉田 富二雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.6, pp.494-503, 2010

This study examined the influences of online gaming on sociability and aggression in real life. It was hypothesized that the effects of online gaming would differ depending on the interaction style of the online-gamers. Online-gamers in Japan (<I>n</I>=1 477) were asked to respond to questionnaires that measured interaction style during online gaming, the effects of sociability and aggression, as well as social and individual orientation in real life. Factor analysis of the scores for interaction style extracted five factors. Covariance structure analysis indicated that sociable interactions such as "Broadening relations" and "Feeling of belonging" promoted sociability in real life. In addition, "Release from daily hassles" promoted sociability and decreased aggression. In contrast, non-sociable and aggressive interactions decreased sociability and increased aggression. The results also suggested that a social orientation in real life promoted sociable interactions during game playing, while an individual orientation promoted non-sociable and aggressive interactions. These results supported the hypotheses and suggested that online gaming resulted in positive outcomes for those who are socially, but negative outcomes for those who are not.
藤 桂 吉田 富二雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.80, no.6, pp.494-503, 2010 (Released:2012-03-20)
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This study examined the influences of online gaming on sociability and aggression in real life. It was hypothesized that the effects of online gaming would differ depending on the interaction style of the online-gamers. Online-gamers in Japan (n=1 477) were asked to respond to questionnaires that measured interaction style during online gaming, the effects of sociability and aggression, as well as social and individual orientation in real life. Factor analysis of the scores for interaction style extracted five factors. Covariance structure analysis indicated that sociable interactions such as “Broadening relations” and “Feeling of belonging” promoted sociability in real life. In addition, “Release from daily hassles” promoted sociability and decreased aggression. In contrast, non-sociable and aggressive interactions decreased sociability and increased aggression. The results also suggested that a social orientation in real life promoted sociable interactions during game playing, while an individual orientation promoted non-sociable and aggressive interactions. These results supported the hypotheses and suggested that online gaming resulted in positive outcomes for those who are socially, but negative outcomes for those who are not.
藤 桂 吉田 富二雄
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.62, no.1, pp.50-63, 2014-03-30 (Released:2014-07-16)
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インターネットの発展に伴い, 若年層において, インターネットがいじめの手段として用いられることも多くなってきた。このネットいじめに関しては, 多くの先行研究より, 被害者が誰にも相談しない場合が多いことが示されてきた。そこで本研究は, ネットいじめの被害者における, 周囲への相談行動が抑制されるまでの過程について検討を行った。その際, ネットいじめの脅威に対する認知が, 無力感を媒介して周囲への相談行動を抑制するという仮説に基づいて検討を行った。まず予備調査を実施し, 高校生および大学生8,171名より, 283名(3.5%)のネットいじめ被害経験者を抽出した。続いて本調査では, そのうち217名に, ネットいじめの被害経験, 被害時の脅威認知, 無力感, 周囲への相談行動を尋ねた。その結果, 被害時の脅威認知は, 孤立性, 不可避性, 波及性の3因子から構成されることが示された。また, ネットいじめ被害によって強められた脅威認知が, 無力感を経て相談行動を抑制していることも示された。これらの結果は仮説を支持するものであり, ネットいじめの速やかな解決のためには, 被害時の脅威認知を低減させる取り組みが重要であることが示唆された。
富塚 澄江 藤 桂
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.88.16010, (Released:2017-09-30)

This study, informed by terror management theory, examined the influence of fear and avoidance of death in daily contexts on habitual health-related behavior. Four hundred adults above the age of 30 years were asked to respond to web-based questionnaires that measured their fear and avoidance of death, buffering factors to existential threats in the Tripartite Security System model (Hart, Shaver, & Goldenberg, 2005), habitual health-related behavior, frequency of holding services for deceased people, and experiences related to death. Covariance structure analysis revealed that fear of death promoted health-related behavior by eliciting buffering factors to existential threats. By contrast, conscious refusal and avoidance of death inhibited buffering factors as well as health-related behavior. These results suggested that confronting the fear of death and seeking a life that values relationships and self-esteem as a member of society are essential for promoting daily health-related behaviors.
岸本 直美 藤 桂
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.91.18029, (Released:2020-03-10)

This study focused on casual conversation as a component of companionship at nursery schools with the aim of assessing its influence on nursery teachers’ stress reactions. We conducted a questionnaire survey among 312 nursery teachers. Factor analysis of the content of casual conversation identified the following four factors: light small talk, state and development of children, complaining about interpersonal relationships, and thoughts and beliefs about childcare. Similarly, factor analysis of the effect of casual conversation identified the following four factors: pleasure derived from sharing and empathy, smooth communication and awareness, reconfirming one’s specialty as a nursery teacher, and exhaustion from providing sympathy unwillingly. Covariance structure analysis indicated that light small talk reduced nursery teachers’ stress reactions. In addition, casual conversation about the state and development of children as well as thoughts and beliefs about childcare promoted pleasure derived from sharing and empathy, thereby reducing stress reactions. Meanwhile, complaining about interpersonal relationships at the nursery school increased stress reactions. The findings suggest that the effect of casual conversation depend on the content.
平野 智子 藤 桂
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.18031, (Released:2020-01-20)

In this study, we aimed to determine whether cognitive reevaluation of psychological distress in visiting nurses promotes the development of their professional identities and elicits feelings of mutuality of caring. In study 1, we administered a questionnaire survey to 371 visiting nurses. A covariance structural analysis showed that, although most of the visiting nurses suffered more psychological distress from caring for clients, their professional identities were further developed through feelings of mutuality of caring caused by the successive reevaluation of future care for clients. In study 2, we intervened visiting nurses via e-mail. The results showed that, in experimental conditions in which visiting nurses successively reevaluated their psychological distress while considering future care for clients, the nurses had higher scores for measures of professional identity. These results supported our hypothesis and demonstrated the effectiveness of successively evaluating patient care, to elicit feelings of mutuality, in developing the professional identities of visiting nurses, who experience various kinds of psychological distress.
丸山 淳市 藤 桂
産業・組織心理学研究 (ISSN:09170391)
vol.35, no.3, pp.381-392, 2022 (Released:2022-12-29)

In this study, we aimed to examine the effects of humor on employees' creativity, focusing on the relationship between humor and psychological safety. A total of 600 Japanese workers responded to questionnaires on workplace humor, psychological safety, and creativity. A covariance structural analysis showed that experience-sharing humor have a direct positive effect on employee's creativity, and humor have a positive effect on creativity through the mediation of psychological safety. Based on these results, we discussed that workplace humor that promotes sharing one’s experiences among colleagues can influence creativity directly and indirectly.
永野 惣一 藤 桂
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.5, pp.463-473, 2016 (Released:2016-12-25)
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This study examined the hypothesis that communicating with the weak ties promotes professional self-efficacy and work engagement, which mediates reflection of one’s past career. As a preliminary survey, semi-structured interviews were conducted with incumbent employees and analyzed regarding career reflection arising from communication with weak ties. As part of this survey, Japanese employees (n = 340) were asked to respond to questionnaires that measured communication between weak ties, career reflection, professional self-efficacy, and work engagement. Factor analysis of the scores for career reflection extracted four factors: re-evaluation of own work styles, rebuilding of non-work activities, improvement of work autonomy, and evocation of work crisis awareness. Covariance structure analysis indicated that communication about work-related contents and expectations of the future with weak ties promoted the re-evaluation of the employees’ own work styles, which was shown to promote professional self-efficacy and work engagement. These results support the original hypothesis and suggest that communicating with weak ties is an important resource for promoting positive change in employees’ sense of work.
丸山 淳市 藤 桂
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.1, pp.21-31, 2016 (Released:2016-04-25)
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In this study we aimed to examine the contents of humor in the Japanese workplace and to understand the effects of humor on mental/physical health and self-evaluation of job performance. Japanese workers (N = 436) responded to questionnaires addressing workplace humor, feelings about workplace, workplace communication, mental/physical health, and perceived job performance. An exploratory factor analysis indicated that there are five types of workplace humor: norm-violating humor, experience-sharing humor, workplace-enjoying humor, people-recalling humor, and outside-mocking humor. A covariance structural analysis showed that norm-violating humor and workplace-enjoying humor decreased mental and physical health by promoting both negative feelings in the workplace and self-disclosure about the negative side of work. Results also revealed that experience-sharing humor, people-recalling humor, and outside-mocking humor had a positive effect on the self-evaluation of job performance as well as mental and physical health, by promoting both positive feelings and mutual communication in the workplace. Results suggest that humor in the workplace has various influences on workers depending on the type of workplace humor.
柳田 宗孝 荒井 崇史 藤 桂
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.1, pp.1-11, 2018-04-25 (Released:2018-04-25)
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Many empirical studies have indicated a possible relationship between psychopathic traits and immoral behaviors. Conversely, some studies suggest that social support from a person’s family moderates this relationship. This study examined the moderating effect of family, friend, or romantic partner support on the relationship of psychopathic traits with immoral intentions and behaviors. A total of 486 college students completed the questionnaire. The results indicated that insufficient family support promotes immoral financial behaviors among students with strong psychopathic traits, which is consistent with previous studies. However, excessive support from family, friend, or a romantic partner promotes interpersonal immoral behaviors among students with strong psychopathic traits. These findings suggest that social support moderates the relationship between immoral behaviors and psychopathic traits. The results also suggest that an appropriate level of family support without excessive interference or overprotection as well as appropriate social support from a friend or romantic partner are essential to regulate the effect of psychopathic traits on immoral behaviors.
粂川 義雅 三浦 収 藤本 悠 伊藤 桂 荒川 良 横山 潤 福田 達哉
The Japanese Society of Soil Zoology
Edaphologia (ISSN:03891445)
vol.104, pp.19-24, 2019 (Released:2020-03-29)

ニホンアカザトウムシPseudobiantes japonicus の2 つの異なる系統群(クレードA とクレードB) の分布域が接触する四国中央部において両系統群間の交雑や遺伝子移入の有無を明らかにするために, ミトコンドリアDNAと核DNAのPCR-RFLP解析を行った.両クレードの混棲が確認されたのは1地点のみであったが,その地点を含め,この地域内で,核DNAの遺伝子におけるヘテロ接合と判定される個体やミトコンドリアDNAと核DNA間における不一致は発見されなかった.これは,クレードA とクレードB が接触地域において交雑や遺伝子移入を経験していないことを示唆し,これらのニホンアカザトウムシは隠蔽種であると考えられた.