水谷 哲也 五十嵐 滋 塩 雅之 池田 靖雄
vol.70, pp.37-38, 2008-03-13

NΣラベル付カルキュラスは,外部の物理的または論理的現象を制御する人間またはコンピュータプログラムの,時間に依存して変化する知識・信念およびそれに基づく決定を記述・分析・検証する形式的体系である.この体系で,信楽高原鐡道列車衝突事故およびJAL焼津沖ニアミス事故の論理的分析を行う.これらは連続系を制御するシステムであり,誤解や誤認識をもつヒューマンファクターを内包している.これらの例を分析することにより,人工知能と,プログラムが制御する外部環境およびヒューマンファクターの関係についての研究が行われる.NΣ-labeled calculus is a formal system in order to describe time-concerned recognition, knowledge, belief and decision of humans or computer programs together with related external physical or logical phenomena. Formal verification and analysis of the Shigaraki Kougen Railway accident and the JAL near miss accident in this formalism will be presented as examples of cooperating systems controlling continuously changing objects including human factor with misunderstanding or incorrect recognition. Through these examples, relationship among artificial intelligence, external environment and human factors will be investigated.
水野 毅 神谷 哲朗
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2005, no.5, pp.481-482, 2005-09-18

The amplitude of negative stiffness of zero-power magnetic suspension depends on the gap between the electromagnet and the suspended object. It is a problem when such suspension is used in an active vibration isolation system because its stiffness against direct disturbance becomes lower when load is applied to the isolation table. This paper presents a nonlinear feedback control scheme for keeping the amplitude of negative stiffness constant. The efficacy of the derived control scheme is demonstrated experimentally.
望月 俊男 久松 慎一 八重樫 文 永田 智子 藤谷 哲 中原 淳 西森 年寿 鈴木 真理子 加藤 浩
日本教育工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13498290)
vol.29, no.1, pp.23-33, 2005

本研究では, 電子会議室で協調学習を行う学習者の発言データをもとに, そこで各学習者が発言している議論の内容とプロセスを可視化するソフトウェアi-Beeを開発した.i-Beeは任意の期間を単位として, 各学習者がどのようなキーワードをもとに発話したのか, 相互関係をまとめたマップを提示する.また, 過去にさかのぼってマップの変化の過程を確認できる.ある大学の授業で, i-Beeを利用して電子会議室上で議論を行い, その有効性を検討したところ, 学習者がi-Beeを見ることで, 自分自身や他の学習者の議論への関わりや, その時点までの関わりの変化の特徴に気づくことができることが分かった.また, 学習者がこれまで関わってこなかった学習者や話題にアクセスしたり, 議論への関わり方をリフレクションすることを促すリソースとなることが示された.
原田 達也 川野 裕介 大谷 哲史 森 武俊 佐藤 知正
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 = Journal of Robotics Society of Japan (ISSN:02891824)
vol.24, no.8, pp.933-944, 2006-11-15

A portable radio device with ad hoc wireless networking function is realized as a platform of various physical and informational support systems based on"Lifelog Contents"that is the records of experiences in the daily life. Lifelog should be created by collecting various information through a wireless network without putting a strain on human and environment. By attaching sensors and actuators to our radio device, they can participate in the wireless network and effectively communicate with each other. We adopted Bluetooth as wireless communication technology that has such good features as low power consumption, sufficient data throughput, high resistance to noise and so on. Since our device has flexible multihop networking functions, it can construct a large scale network. We realized a prototype of Lifelog based electric appliances operational support system with our devices. Utilization of Lifelog reduces the burden for controlling a huge amount of convoluted electric appliances by constructing the probabilistic model of user's operational behavior and predicting user's successive operations. The system gives prediction results to the user and executes operations via the wireless network. Experimental results prove that the operational system is useful and developed device is sufficient performance for Lifelog based support systems.
石戸谷 哲夫 Ishitoya Tetsuo 東京教育大学 Tokyo University of Education
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.28, pp.63-77, 1973-10-15

The data for teacher role expectations were obtained from answers to the questionnaire of 34 role items. The respondents were 685 samples of parents and 103 samples of elementary school teachers in a suburban community. The same questionnaire forms were used for the parents and the teachers so as to compaire their expectations to each role item. The parent's subset and the teacher's subset of teacher roles were statistically compaired, and the inter-subset conflicts and the inter-subset conflicts were investigated. The teachers show higher degree of consensus than the parents in terms of teacher roles. The teacher role expectations of parents are more politically conservative and more identical to the teacher-stereotypes than those of teachers. The inter-subset conflicts of teacher roles are greater than intra-subset conflicts. The main sources of intra-subset conflicts are concerned with freedom of teacher and teacher-stereotypes. Intra-subset conflicts are relatively often showed by the older respondents. Thus the greatest contlicts are found between older parents and younger teachers in the role items concerned with freedom of teacher and teacher-stereotypes.