島津 俊之
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.80, no.14, pp.887-906, 2007-12-01 (Released:2010-03-12)
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近年の英語圏地理学史研究では, 地理的知識の生産・流通・消費における空間の意義を問題化する知の空間論の視点が勢いを増している. 本稿では, 京都帝国大学教授として日本で最初の地理学教室を主宰した小川琢治が, 紀州を中心とする多様な空間的コンテクストの中で, 地理学に関わる思想・実践をどのように育んでいったのかを検討した. 少年期に紀州で育まれ, 後年の中国歴史地理研究に活かされた漢学の素養は, 不眠症に陥った青年期の小川を熊野旅行へと導いた. 熊野の物質的景観との遭遇は小川の地学への志向性を呼び覚まし, そこでは地表の外形や地表諸現象の相互関連への関心が表明された. 慶応義塾で地理学を教えた紀州出身の養父の理解は小川の理科大学地質学科入学を可能にし, 地学への志向を標榜する地質学教室は彼の地理学的想像力の内的進展を促した. 知の空間としての東京地学協会は, 小川に地理学を新たな専門分野として明視させる契機を与えた.
山田 俊弘 矢島 道子 須貝 俊彦 島津 俊之
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.132, no.3, pp.217-230, 2023-06-25 (Released:2023-07-07)

The historiography of geoscience in the 20th century in Japan is reconsidered through 57 volumes of diaries (1914-1963) of Mochizuki Katsumi (1905-1963), a geology professor at Shizuoka University, from the following four viewpoints: 1) Scientific thought of geotectonics: Considering Mochizuki's own theory of geotectonics from his relations with other researchers such as Otuka Yanosuke (1903-1950), professor at the Earthquake Research Institute and the Faculty of Science of the Imperial University of Tokyo; 2) Mutual relationship between geology and geography: Tracing Mochizuki's teachings and research in the two disciplines at the higher schools of Kanazawa and Shizuoka; 3) History of geoscience education: Illustrating the transition of ‘geoscience’ including human geography, from the World War II era to the post-war period; 4) The life history of a scientist: Positioning a personal history, which records details of educational reforms in the history of universities and cultural history of Japan.
島津 俊之

島津 俊之
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.75, no.2, pp.88-113, 2002-02-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
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島津 俊之
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.45, no.4, pp.333-350, 1993-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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It is challenging for social geographers to scrutinize the role of space in social theory. The author examines the significance of space in the development of Durkheim's conception of social morphology.The origin of social morphology is found in Durkheim's earlier presentation of the system of sociology. Durkheim, influenced by organicist theory prevailing in the 19th century, elaborated the system of sociology by analogy with that of biology and recognized the presence of‘morphology’inquiring into the way in which society is composed, i.e. into‘structure.’In The Rules of Sociological Method (1895), social morphology was regarded as a branch concerned with the classification of‘social types’in terms of differences in structure. However, at that time, it was to‘function’of society, such as morality or the law, that Durkheim attached much importance as subject matter. In fact social morphology, in the Rules, was assigned to provide for sociological explanations the‘laboratories’(social types) furnished with the value of alleged independent variables, i.e.‘dynamic density’and‘social volume.’On the other hand, Durkheim made his own distinction between the‘base’and‘superstructure’ of society. In his view, the‘base’means social groups from which the‘superstructure’ i.e.‘function’originates, which are called the‘substratum.’In the Rules Durkheim regarded as the subject matter of sociology‘social facts, ’which were classified into two major categories: substratum (morphological facts) and social life (physiological facts). In this classification system the elements of space (dwellings and the network of communications) were incorporated into the concept of substratum for the first time. Durkheim thought that the substratum was social life consolidated while it was a visible vehicle through which invisible social life might be approached.The above significance of the substratum became a precondition for the renewal of social morphology as an explanatory analysis of the substratum. This renewal was completed probably in response to Friedrich Ratzel's conception of geography. In this stage Durkheim incorporated into the substratum various kinds of space connected with society, especially Ratzelian concepts of‘Raum’and‘Grenzen.’Thus it is considered that space is a visible‘social form, ’a visible manifestation of society. The task of social morphology was to explain from the category of‘collective representations’the shaping of the substratum as an amalgam of social groups and space.Durkheim, however, went in the direction of distinguishing analytically between social groups and space. He utilized Georg Simmel's‘form-content’-dichotomy for this distinction. Further, the category of social group was given the term‘population’while that of space was called‘social space.’In the end social morphology was conceived to include a double task of explaining the formation of population distribution and of social space.
島津 俊之
経済地理学年報 (ISSN:00045683)
vol.41, no.1, pp.20-36, 1995-03-31 (Released:2017-05-19)

本稿は, デュルケムの社会空間論を発掘し, その意義と限界を明らかにすることを通じて, <社会-空間理論>構築への足がかりを得ようとするものである. これは, 彼の地理学的想像力を再評価する試みでもある. デュルケムにおける社会空間論の起点は, 1893年刊行の『社会分業論』の時点で形成されていた. 彼のいう社会空間は, 一貫して<社会が占める地理空間〉>を意味する概念であり, ラッツェルの刺激によって考案されたとも考えられる. デュルケムの社会存在論のなかで, 社会空間は社会集団とともに<基体=社会の身体>と位置づけられ, <社会の精神>たる社会生命に対峙することになる. 社会空間は, 社会生命が空間に下ろした<足場>ともなる. 一方で, 未開社会を対象に<知識社会学>を展開したデュルケムは, 社会空間が分類体系や空間カテゴリーのモデルになったと推論する. 社会空間は, ある種の社会生命の生成に際して, それに<かたち>を与える媒介変数の地位を与えられたのである. デュルケムの社会空間論は, 様々の限界や矛盾を孕む一方で, 豊かな地理学的想像力の見木を提供するものでもある. それは, 社会空間を社会の不可欠な要素と認識し, その役割を積極的に評価しようとするものであった.
平野 昌繁 島津 俊之 野尻 亘 奥田 節夫
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.43, no.5, pp.493-503, 1991-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

A large number of gigantic landslides were triggered by typhoon rain in 1889 over the Totsukawa area, Nara prefecture, resulting a serious hazard. Their localities are identified exactly based on the Koaza name in the historical record, the Yoshinogun-Suisaishi. The identification of landslide localities over South- and East-Totsukawa areas was tried this time, and the results were summarized.Landslide larger than 4×104m2 in area have been shown by cliff marks on the topographic map in 1911 (Meiji-44) as same as in the case of West-Totsukawa area reported before. Topograhic features of gigantic landslides are still recongnized clearly on the aerial photos in 1953 taken even 65 years after the hazard.Description of the localities by Koaza name is frequent at the portions near the settlements or along the trafic routes at that day. In addition, some exaggeration in total number of large landslides is detected, if compared with the number of criff marks in the topographic maps in, 1911, even taking into account of the difference in threshold magnitude for description. Despite these biassed nature, it is clearly true that the Yoshinogun-Suisaishi surves the extraordinarily detailed record of the landslide localities, and this has come from the timing that the hazard occurred just after the detailed survey and registration of land-owner relationship there.
島津 俊之
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.59, no.1, pp.7-26, 2007 (Released:2018-01-06)
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In recent Anglophone cultural and historical geography, attention has been increasingly paid to modern photography’s role in creating geographic knowledge and to its important role in nation-state building and imperialism. It has been pointed out that the mass production and consumption of photographic images tend to mold and reproduce people’s imaginative geographies. This paper focuses on the practice of ‘the production of landscapes’ undertaken by the Kubo Photo Studio, a local photo studio during the Meiji and Taisho periods in Japan. The production of landscapes here refers to two things: first, the production of landscape photographs as material representations ; second, the production of cognitive landscapes as non-material representations. These two sides of the production of landscapes interact mutually.The Kubo Photo Studio was established in about 1907 by photographer Masao Kubo at Shingu, Wakayama Prefecture. The southern part of the Kii Peninsula, including Shingu, has been called ‘Kumano’ since ancient times, and is blessed with a warm climate and a scenic natural environment of mountains, streams and coasts. Kumano occupies the southern half of the area inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2004 as the ‘Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range’.Kubo Photo Studio, run by Masao Kubo and his son Yoshihiro Kubo, produced and sold a variety of photography books and picture postcards featuring the natural and cultural landscapes of Kumano. In particular, the phrase ‘Kumano Hyakkei’, meaning ‘one hundred views of Kumano’, was often employed for titles or subtitles for photography books and picture postcards. Being aware that Kumano was a sacred site deeply revered by the imperial family in ancient times, Masao Kubo dedicated Kumano Hyakkei Shashin-cho (Picture Album of One Hundred Views of Kumano) to the imperial family in 1900. While an earlier production of Kumano Hyakkei was based on the national value of the landscapes of Kumano as a whole, one also finds a sort of localism in which landscapes in and around Shingu were implicitly privileged by Masao Kubo. Later, under the supervision of Yoshihiro Kubo, Kumano Hyakkei became the title for travel guidebooks conforming to the tourist view. Nevertheless, such ordinary landscapes as ports, towns, villages, agriculture, and fisheries can be observed throughout a series of Kumano Hyakkei. Various photographic images, produced by Kubo Photo Studio as ‘archives of landscape’, played a vital part in molding the collective view of the landscapes of Kumano, and also in dictating what should be seen and how.
島津 俊之
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.38, no.6, pp.544-560, 1986-12-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

In der Siedlungsforschung in der Geographie Japans ist die Betrachtung der räumlichen Seite der die Ortschaft bildenden Sozialgruppen eins der Fächer, für die sich Forscher bisher interessiert haben. In diesem Bericht nennt der Verfasser die räumliche, hierarchische Anordnungsform der Sozialgruppen in der ganzen Ortschaft die räumliche Sozialstruktur der Ortschaft und macht sich die Erfassung der räumlichen Sozialstruktur und ihrer Verwandlung im Zenjoji-Dorf in der Kyoto-Präfektur zur Aufgabe.Anschaulich sind die kleine Ortschaft, das Dozokushudan (die Gruppe der Verwandtshaft), das Miyaza (die Gruppe mit einem Vorrecht für die Feier des Gottes) und das Kinringumi (die kleinste örtliche Gruppe) als die das Zenjoji-Dorf bildenden Sozialgruppen gefunden worden. Der Verfasser hat die Zeit von 1705 bis 1984 in vier Zeitabschnitte geteilt und die räumliche Sozialstruktur am Ende jeden Zeitabschnittes und ihren Verwandlungsprozeß geklärt (Abb. 8). Die Ergebnisse werden folgenderweise zusammengefaßt:(1) Der erste Zeitabschnitt (von 1705 bis 1845)Das Zenjoji-Dorf teilte sich in zwei kleine Ortschaften (Kamimura und Shimomura) und darin wurde ein Dualsystem entdeckt. Kamimura setzte sich aus etwa sechs Kinringumis (Goningumis) zusammen und Shimomura aus etwa acht Goningumis. Es gab je drei Miyazas in Kamimura und Shimomura, und in Kamimura wurden zwei Dozokushudans gefunden und in Shimomura vier Dozokushudans. Das Tempelchen des Sainokamis, das ein Grenzgott ist, lag am Punkt der Grenze zwischen Kamimura und Shimomura.(2) Der zweite Zeitabschnitt (nach 1845 bis vor 1906)Beide, Kamimura und Shimomura, verloren das Ujigami (der die Gemeinschaft vereinigende Gott), und jede von beiden Vereinigungen wurde schwach. Das Goningumi wurde neu ins Eiseigumi umgruppiert. Daher kam es, daß sich Kamimura aus vier Eiseigumi zusammensetzte und Shimomura aus sechs Eiseigumis. Die Vereinigung des Dozokushudans wurde schwach. Das Sainokami erlosch, und daher kam es, daß der Ort, an dem das Tempelchen lag, Sainokami genannt wird.(3) Der dritte Zeitabschnitt (von 1906 bis vor 1945)Kamimura und Shimomura als Sozialgruppen hörten auf zu existieren, und daher kam es, daß die beiden Räume, an denen Kamimura und Shimomura lagen, Kamide und Shimode genannt werden. Sainokami verlor die Funktion der Grenze, und neu war, daß der Seradani-Fluß als die Grenzlinie zwischen Kamide und Shimode erkannt wird. Das Dozokushudan erlosch. Das Eiseigumi wurde ins Tonarigumi umgruppiert, und daher kam es, daß je fünf Tonarigumis in Kamide und Shimode verteilt werden.(4) Der vierte Zeitabschnitt (von 1945 bis 1984)Das Miyaza verlor das Vorrecht für die Feier des Ujigamis, und seine Vereinigung wurde schwach. Dagegen verstärkte sich die Vereinigung des Tonarigumis. Darauf wurde die Vereinigung des Zenjoji-Dorfs relativ schwach.
高木 彰彦 遠城 明雄 荒山 正彦 島津 俊之 中島 弘二 山野 正彦 源 昌久 山本 健児 熊谷 圭知 水内 俊雄 久武 哲也 山野 正彦 源 昌久 山本 健兒 熊谷 圭知 水内 俊雄 内田 忠賢 堤 研二 山崎 孝史 大城 直樹 福田 珠己 今里 悟之 加藤 政洋 神田 孝治 野澤 秀樹 森 正人 柴田 陽一

公共空間と場所アイデンティティの再編について、地理思想史、理論的研究、経験的研究の観点から検討を行った。研究成果として、『空間・社会・地理思想』10(2006)、『空間・社会・地理思想』11(2007)、『空間・社会・地理思想』12(2008)を毎年刊行したほか、英文報告書として『Reorganization of public spaces and identity of place in the time of globalization : Japanese contribution to the history of geographical thought(10)』(2009)を刊行した。
島津 俊之
