阿部 寛史 田淵 諒子 奥田 康仁 松本 晃幸
日本森林学会誌 (ISSN:13498509)
vol.100, no.1, pp.8-14, 2018-02-01 (Released:2018-04-01)
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SSRマーカーを用いて,集団内,地域,全国の空間スケールでショウロ(Rhizopogon roseolus)の遺伝解析を行った。集団内ではショウロのジェネットは小さく(平均0.6 m,≦1.6 m),頻繁な更新があること(1年で95.8%)から有性生殖に依存した繁殖戦略を持つことが示された。また,空間自己相関解析の結果,老熟して融解した子実体から埋土胞子化する近距離(0~4 m) において正の空間遺伝構造が検出された。次に,鳥取県内の7集団の遺伝的特徴を比較したところ,鳥取砂丘の5集団は高い遺伝的多様性を持ち,他の2集団との間に有意な遺伝的分化を示した(例32.2 kmでFST=0.234)。日本国内のサンプルについてSTRUCTURE解析を行ったところ,地理的位置に対応した四つの遺伝的クラスターに分類された。以上から,地域間の遺伝子流動が長期間にわたり制限されたことで,集団間の遺伝的分化が進行していると示唆された。分化した集団に特有の遺伝変異はショウロの育種において有用な遺伝資源となる可能性がある。
入澤 千晶 鈴木 謙一 中川 晴夫 菅野 理 加藤 弘彰 阿部 寛 石郷岡 学 石井 延久
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.37, no.3, pp.267-271, 1991-03

A 62-year-old male visited our department complaining of left flank pain and urinary retention on November 6, 1989. Intravenous pyelography showed small stone shadows in bilateral ureters and lower calyx of kidney and the left kidney was not visualized. Endoscopically, calculi were seen in bilateral ureteral orifice. An ureteral catheter could not be passed up from there bilaterally. On November 13, 1989, January 24 and 26, 1990, calculi were passed out spontaneously. Analysis of the stones revealed silica calculus. The patient had a past history of duodenal ulcers. He was administered magnesium silicate and magnesium alminometasilicate as an anti-acid drug for ten years. Sixteen cases of silica calculus in Japan are reviewed.
阿部 寛 中西 紀元 三上 直子
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.30, no.4, pp.396-401, 1996

石鹸は古来, その安価さと使用時の泡立ちの豊かさ, 洗い上がり時のさっぱり感から, もっとも手軽に用いられてきた身体洗浄料基材であった。しかしながら, 近年の素材のマイルド化の流れの中で, すすぎ時のきしみ感や洗い上がりのつっぱり感等が指摘されることもあった。<br>そこで石鹸の優れた特性を保ちつつ, マイルド感のある界面活性剤の探索を行ったところ, 脂肪酸のリジン塩が, 以下の特性を有する優れた洗浄料基材となることを見いだした。<br>(1) 皮膚一次刺激性, 眼粘膜一次刺激性ともに, 一般のマイルド系界面活性剤と同等以上の低刺激性である。<br>(2) 他の脂肪酸塩類に比べ速やかに生分解される。<br>(3) 低濃度から高濃度にいたるまで良好な起泡力を示し, また適合pH領域が広く, 弱アルカリ性でも使用可能である。<br>(4) 官能面では, 洗浄時には泡立ちの早さ, 泡量, 泡保ちに優れ, 使用後にはさっぱりしながら, しっとり, すべすべした感触を感じさせる。
徳山 英一 本座 栄一 木村 政昭 倉本 真一 芦 寿一郎 岡村 行信 荒戸 裕之 伊藤 康人 除 垣 日野 亮太 野原 壮 阿部 寛信 坂井 眞一 向山 建二郎
海洋調査技術 (ISSN:09152997)
vol.13, no.1, pp.27-53, 2001-03-31

We propose the guideline to identify fault in offshore region mainly based on MCS profiles, combining high resolution bathymetric maps and geological data such as bore hole results. Based on the guideline we distinguished total 776 faults developing around Japan since the latest Miocene and 753 faults out of total numbers of faults are interpreted to have been active by Quaternary. Together with distinguishment of fault we examined the attributes of each faults such as surface and vertical distribution, criteria of offset, age of movement, certainty of a fault and so on. <br>The results of the distinguishment and examination of the fault leads to the conclusion that the ongoing tectonic framework around Japan characterized by 1) oblique Subduction along the Nankai Trough, 2) rifting at the Okinawa Trough, 3) E-W compressionl regeme along the Japan Sea margin, 4) E-W compressionl regeme along southwestern margin of the Okhotsk Sea and off southern Hokkaido, 5) E-W compressionl regeme along the Japan Trench, 6) rifting in the central arc of the Izu-Ogasawara Arc has been established since 3 Ma, at the earliest 6 Ma. <br>We utilized high resolution data set which we enable to access. Tow big problems, however, still remain in terms of reliability of fault recognition. Those are 1) age of fault movement and 2) spatial distribution of fault. To solve the first one, new technique is required in order to obtain core samples which provide critical evidence to determine age of fault movement. As is second problem concerned, new intensive seismic survey is indispensable to make a precise fault distribution map, especially in the boundary area between land and sea.
阿部 寛子
成城文藝 (ISSN:02865718)
no.40, pp.31-42, 1965-09
松本 俊治 細川 義則 阿部 寛 松森 英明 松崎 勝寛 箱崎 幸也 植草 利公 石岡 知憲 桑原 紀之 福田 芳郎 出口 英一 新井 健男 宮野 武 駿河 敬次郎 石川 浩
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.27, no.4, pp.442-451, 1986-04-25 (Released:2009-07-09)

先天性胆道疾患(先天性胆道閉鎖症14例,先天性総胆管拡張症5例,Alagille症候群1例)の肝内γ-glutamyl transpeptidase(γ-GTP)を組織化学的に検討し,血清γ-GTP値と比較した結果,胆管閉塞時の血清γ-GTP上昇には,肝小葉内γ-GTP活性増加と著明な胆管増殖が関係する事がわかった.肝内γ-GTPの電顕的検討を,先天性胆道閉鎖症3例,肝外胆管閉塞ラットで行い,胆管閉塞時の肝内γ-GTPの超微形態的局在状態を初めて明らかにした.胆管閉塞時,肝小葉内では,γ-GTPの増加した毛細胆管,肝細胞において,γ-GTPの毛細胆管腔,Disse腔への流出が起り,グリソン鞘では,γ-GTPの増加した増殖胆管で,γ-GTPの内腔への流出,増殖胆管周囲小血管への流出が起る事を示唆する所見も得られた.
川村 邦夫 阿部 寛
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.4, no.2, pp.134-140, 2002 (Released:2006-07-18)

It is no doubt that media fill (simulation) test is the best method to evaluate aseptic processing. However, there are some problems concerning the acceptable criteria of “a contamination rate of less than 0.1% with 95% confidence limit”, which is specified in official compendia, such as JP,USP, EU GMP, WHO GMP, and ISO 13408 part 1 (General). In performing the media fill test, critical issues in performing media fills are the number of fills. Statistical validity of the observed contamination rate for the process has not been well explained hitherto. Problems associated with the “number” of criteria may not necessarily be treated with statistics, and personnel training and operation are sometimes major factors to cause contamination. However, dogma of “a contamination rate of less than 0.1% with 95% confidence limit” should be discussed further. Operation characteristic curves, which show the relationship between percent defectives and acceptance probability, clearly indicate that the more the number of fills, the higher the acceptable probability of contaminated units becomes in the range of contamination rate less than 0.1%. This means that the larger number of fills accept the worse average quality at the range of percent defectives less than 0.1%. According to a table of ISO 13408-1 (1998), which shows the relationship between the number of fills and the number of acceptable contaminated units, 10 positive units are accepted by 16970 fills' as the rate of contaminated units are less than 0.1% with a 95% confidence limit. However, the 95% confidential range of 4 positive units in 16970 fills is calculated to be 1/1970-6/16970. This means that zero (0) positive unit in 16970 fills, that is sterile prduct, is out-of control with a 95% confidence level. Even though the product meets the requirement of “less than 0.1% with a 95% confidence limit”, zero contamination unit in 16970 fills or asepsis must be very rare case. It means that sterile products become out-of-control according to the existing criteria. It is recommended that the dogmatic criteria such as less than 0.1% with 95% confidence limit should be revised. An example of a proposed new criteria is expressed as follows: “The result of media fill should show that the aseptic processing is consistently within the control limit (with a confidence limit of 95%) by using 3000 or more fills, and show the asepsis of the process or the validity of sterility of the product” in stead of “less than 0.1% with a 95% confidence limit.”