Japanese Society for Bioinformatics
Genome Informatics (ISSN:09199454)
vol.18, pp.183-191, 2007

We evaluate the performance of common substitution matrices with respect to structural similarities. For this purpose, we apply an all-versus-all pairwise sequence alignment on the ASTRAL40 [7] dataset, consisting of 7290 entries with a pairwise sequence identity of at most 40%. Afterwards, we compare the 100 highest scoring sequence alignments to their corresponding structural alignments, which we obtain from our structure alignment database. Our database consists of about 18.6 million pairwise entries. We calculated these alignments by applying the current version of GANGSTA [1], our non-sequential structural alignment tool, on about 26 million pairs. The results illustrate the difficulty of homology based protein structure prediction in cases of low sequence similarity. Further, the large fraction of structurally similar proteins in the ASTRAL40 dataset is quantitatively measured. Thereby, this investigation yields a new perspective on the topic of sequence and structure relation. Hence, our finding is a large-scale quality measure for any sequence based method, which aims to detect structural similarities.
Min-Joo Ko Eun-Joo Jung Moon-Hwan Kim Jae-Seop Oh
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.30, no.4, pp.504-506, 2018 (Released:2018-04-13)

[Purpose] This study was to investigate differences in the level of activity of the external oblique (EO), internal oblique (IO), and multifidus (MF) muscles with deep breathing in three sitting postures. [Subjects and Methods] Sixteen healthy women were recruited. The muscle activity (EO, IO, MF) of all subjects was measured in three sitting postures (slumped, thoracic upright, and lumbo-pelvic upright sitting postures) using surface electromyography. The activity of the same muscles was then remeasured in the three sitting postures during deep breathing. [Results] Deep breathing significantly increased activity in the EO, IO, and MF compared with normal breathing. Comparing postures, the activity of the MF and IO muscles was highest in the lumbo-pelvic upright sitting posture. [Conclusion] An lumbo-pelvic upright sitting posture with deep breathing could increase IO and MF muscle activity, thus improving lumbo-pelvic region stability.
Tomoko Otsuka Yosuke Kuroiwa Kazunari Sato Kazunari Yamashita Tadashi Hakomori Shin-ichiro Kimura Yasunori Iwao Shigeru Itai
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.66, no.5, pp.554-561, 2018-05-01 (Released:2018-05-01)

The properties of wet mass, which indicate the progress of high shear granulation processes, usually have an effect on final product properties, such as tablet dissolution. The mixer torque rheometer (MTR) is a useful tool for quantitatively measuring the ‘kneading state’ of wet mass and detecting differences in granules. However, there have been no studies of the relationship between the MTR torque and the final product properties to date. In this study, we measured the MTR torque of wet granules at different kneading states, which were prepared by changing the granulation conditions. We then evaluated the relationship between the MTR torque and the dissolution rate of the final product properties. The amperage of the high shear granulator is usually monitored during granulation, but we could not detect a difference in the kneading state through the amperage. However, using MTR torque we were able to quantify the difference of the wet mass. Moreover, MTR torque showed a high correlation with dissolution, compared with the correlations with other intermediate properties, such as granules particle size and tablet hardness. These other properties are affected by following processes and are not properties that directly relate to the kneading state. Thus, MTR torque is a property of wet mass after granulation, and it can be used to directly evaluate differences of the kneading state, and as a result, dissolution. These results indicate the importance of controlling the kneading state, i.e., the progress of granulation, and the utility of MTR for detecting differences in wet mass.
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
Fisheries science (ISSN:09199268)
vol.69, no.2, pp.369-378, 2003

Bioaccumulation and distribution of Mn and Zn in the total soft tissues, digestive glands, residuals and adductor muscles of the horse mussel <i>Modiolus modiolus</i> from three sites, including industrialized and non-industrialized locations in Eastern Canada, were investigated. Extremely high digestive gland metal concentrations were found in individual mussels, as high as 1819 μg/g Mn wet weight and 1964 μg/g Zn wet weight, with mean values from 358 to 404 μg/g Mn and from 399 to 614 μg/g Zn for the collection sites. High Mn to Zn interrelationships were observed inall types of tissues and at all sites. Between different tissues, Zn was interrelated by linear relationships, and Mn was best described by power curve relationships for all tissue types. In the total soft tissue, Mn and Zn interrelations were fitted to power regression curves with different slopes between the three study sites. This indicated that horse mussel was exposed to different metal levels inthe environments and could be useful for monitoring these metals. The uptake of both metals at extremely high concentrations, the lack of regulation and the occurrence of interactions all suggest that Mn and Zn may play a biological role in horse mussels. Zn and Mn interactions, surprisingly, were not disrupted at the very high concentrations of either metal, which proves that the mechanism of metal interactions does not involve a detoxification role.
Nimrod Bar-Am
Flávio C. Magalhães Renata L. F. Passos Michele A. Fonseca Kenya P. M. Oliveira João B. Ferreira-Júnior Angelo R. P. Martini Milene R. M. Lima Juliana B. Guimarães Valério G. Baraúna Emerson Silami-Garcia Luiz O. C. Rodrigues
vol.29, no.1, pp.1-12, 2010-01-31 (Released:2010-04-30)
15 30

To evaluate the effects of heat acclimation on sweat rate redistribution and thermodynamic parameters, 9 tropical native volunteers were submitted to 11 days of exercise-heat exposures (40±0°C and 45.1±0.2% relative humidity). Sudomotor function was evaluated by measuring total and local (forehead, chest, arm, forearm, and thigh) sweat rates, local sweat sodium concentration, and mean skin and rectal temperatures. We also calculated heat production (H), heat storage (S), heat exchange by radiation (R) and by convection (C), evaporated sweat (Esw), sweating efficiency (ηsw), skin wettedness (wsk), and the ratio between the heat storage and the sum of heat production and heat gains by radiation and convection (S/(H+R+C)). The heat acclimation increased the whole-body sweat rate and reduced the mean skin temperature. There were changes in the local sweat rate patterns: on the arm, forearm, and thigh it increased significantly from day 1 to day 11 (all p<0.05) and the sweat rates from the forehead and the chest showed a small nonsignificant increase (p=0.34 and 0.17, respectively). The relative increase of local sweat rates on day 11 was not different among the sites; however, when comparing the limbs (arm, forearm, and thigh) with the trunk (forehead and chest), there was a significant higher increase in the limbs (32±5%) in comparison to the trunk (11±2%, p=0.001). After the heat acclimation period we observed higher wsk and Esw and reduced S/(H+R+C), meaning greater thermoregulatory efficiency. The increase in the limb sweat rate, but not the increase in the trunk sweat rate, correlated with the increased wsk, Esw, and reduced S/(H+R+C) (p<0.05 to all). Altogether, it can be concluded that heat acclimation increased the limbs' sweat rates in tropical natives and that this increase led to increased loss of heat through evaporation of sweat and this higher sweat evaporation was related to higher thermoregulatory efficiency.
Nan-Yin CHEN Hsi-Huai LAI Tai-Hao HSU Fang-Yi LIN Jian-Zhi CHEN Hui-Chen LO
Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry (ISSN:09168451)
vol.72, no.5, pp.1283-1289, 2008-05-23 (Released:2008-05-23)

Tremella mesenterica (TM) is a common food and folk medicine widely used in several Asian countries as a tonic for the lungs. In the present study, we compared the effects of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS), intracellular polysaccharides (IPS), and ethanol extract (EE) of Tremella mesenterica on the induction of apoptosis into human lung carcinoma A549 epithelial cells. The EE, but not the EPS or the IPS, almost completely inhibited the growth of A549 cells. The results of Annexin V-FITC/PI staining and flow cytometric analysis indicated that the percentage of Annexin V+/PI− cells in EE-treated cells increased to 32.8%. The results of further investigation showed a disruption of mitochondrial transmembrane potential (ΔΨm), the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the activation of caspase-3 protein in EE-treated cells. These findings suggest that EE can decrease cell viability and induce apoptosis in A549 cell lines by activating a mitochondrial pathway.
The Showa University Society
The Showa University Journal of Medical Sciences (ISSN:09156380)
vol.16, no.1, pp.55-63, 2004

A database which allows bi-directional communication between an emergency room (ER) and a department of pharmacy services was developed to facilitate the rapid treatment of patients with life-threatening exposure to toxic substances. Accurate information regarding the substances involved is essential for effective treatment. These substances may be prescription drugs or may be of domestic origin such as washing detergents or herbicides. Microsoft<SUP>®</SUP> Access 2000 was employed as the database software to store patient records from 1995 to 2001. For cases involving intoxication or poisoning, the data fields were as follows : the date and time, the estimated period of exposure, ingestion mode, the suspected toxic materials, classification of drugs, and electrocardiogram. To maximize ease of use, information could be entered via a dialog screen. Live access was always maintained for both facilities, ieonce data had been entered in the database, it could be immediately accessed from either the pharmacy division or the ER. To protect patient confidentiality, only the patient's identification number was entered. The database itself was protected by password access. Major advantages of this system are that it can be online 24 hours per day and it will reduce the time involved in transferring information from the pharmacy services to ER.
Radu Rosca Edward Rakosi Comsa Iulian-Agape RADU Gaiginschi
JSME international journal. Ser. B, Fluids and thermal engineering (ISSN:13408054)
vol.44, no.4, pp.634-640, 2001-11-01

The paper presents the application of a three component model to the theoretical study of the combustion process of a Diesel engine fueled with sunflower oil and sunflower oil-Diesel fuel mixtures. The model assumes that the working fluid consists of three components: the fresh air, the flame and the burned gases.<BR>The combustion model uses the energy conservation equation:<BR>v<SUB>c</SUB>·Q<SUB>c</SUB>·dξ<SUB>α</SUB>=dU<SUB>α</SUB>+dL<SUB>α</SUB>+dQ<SUB>wα</SUB>, [1]<BR>where v<SUB>c</SUB> is the fuel cyclic dose, Q<SUB>c</SUB> is the fuel heating value, ξ<SUB>α</SUB>=v<SUB>cα</SUB>/v<SUB>c</SUB>, v<SUB>cα</SUB> is the quantity of burned fuel up to the moment α, U<SUB>α</SUB> is the internal energy of the working fluid, Q<SUB>wα</SUB> is the heat exchanged through the cylinder walls and L<SUB>α</SUB> is the mechanical work.<BR>The heat release law was assumed to be a Vibe type one:<BR>ξ<SUB>α</SUB>=R<SUB>c</SUB>·[1−exp(−6.9·A<SUP>m</SUP><SUB>P</SUB><SUP>p+1</SUP>)]+(1−R<SUB>c</SUB>)·[1−exp(−6.9·A<SUP>md+1</SUP>)], [2]<BR>where:<BR>·A<SUB>p</SUB>=(α−α<SUB>d</SUB>)/(α<SUB>P</SUB>−α<SUB>d</SUB>) and A=(α−α<SUB>d</SUB>)/(α<SUB>F</SUB>−α<SUB>d</SUB>);<BR>·α<SUB>d</SUB>-start of combustion angle;<BR>·α<SUB>f</SUB>-end of combustion angle;<BR>·α<SUB>P</SUB>-end of rapid combustion angle.<BR>Using Eqs. [1] and [2] we have obtained the cylinder pressure during combustion, for the vegetable fuels taken into account; the peak values were confirmed during the experiments.
Ahn Mi-Jeong Bae Ji Young Mikage Masayuki Park Jong Hee
Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU = 和漢医薬学会
和漢医薬学雑誌 (ISSN:18801447)
vol.27, no.5, pp.204-209, 2010

韓国民間薬 「Da-Rae-Jul-Ki」 は, 排尿障害, 脳卒中, 胃腸カタル, 急性胃炎, 胃癌などに使用される。 その基源は一般にマタタビ科マタタビ属植物の小枝であるとされるが, これまで確証がなかった。 そこで, 韓国や日本に生育する本属植物, <I>Actinidia arguta</I> (サルナン), <I>A. arguta</I> var. <I>rufinervis</I>, A. <I>kolomikta</I> (ミヤママタタビ), <I>A. polygama</I> (マタタビ), および <I>A. rufa</I> (ナシカズラ) の枝を比較組織学的に検討した。 その結果, 検討した 5 分類群はコルク層の細胞層数, コルク細胞の大きさ, 一次皮層の幅に対する二次皮層の幅の比, 纖維束間の石細胞の有無, およびその大きさ, 分泌道の形, 導管や髄柔細胞の大きさなどの違いにより区別され, Da-Rae-Jul-Ki は <I>A. arguta</I> の小枝であることを確証した。
Sulfikar Ryo Honda Mana Noguchi Ryoko Yamamoto-Ikemoto Toru Watanabe
Japan Society on Water Environment
Journal of Water and Environment Technology (ISSN:13482165)
vol.16, no.2, pp.94-105, 2018 (Released:2018-04-10)

The influent of municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) can contain micropollutants such as antibiotics, chlorine, detergents, and biocides. In vitro studies have shown that these micropollutants may induce antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Previous studies have reported increases or decreases of antibiotic-resistant bacteria between the influent and effluent of WWTP in an unpredictable manner. Thus, the triggers of resistance induction in WWTP are largely unknown. To investigate the effects of unit operations in WWTP on antibiotic resistance induction, we incubated sixteen strains of Escherichia coli susceptible to amoxicillin or norfloxacin under simulated conditions of the primary sedimentation tank, aeration tank and final sedimentation tank in sterilized and filtered wastewater from each tank at 25°C for 1, 6 and 2 hours, respectively, which are typical hydraulic retention time of each tank. The minimum inhibition concentration towards amoxicillin or norfloxacin was compared before and after incubation to evaluate the occurrence of induction. We found that resistance to both antibiotics was more likely to increase in the aeration tank than in the primary sedimentation tank or final sedimentation tank. The longer contact time with the wastewater and the aeration are factors that appeared to induce antibiotic resistance in an activated sludge process.
Kakeru ITO Miho YASUDA Yuki MAEDA Jean-Michel FUSTIN Yoshiaki YAMAGUCHI Yuka KONO Hiromitsu NEGORO Akihiro KANEMATSU Osamu OGAWA Masao DOI Hitoshi OKAMURA
Biomedical Research Press
Biomedical Research (ISSN:03886107)
vol.39, no.2, pp.57-63, 2018-04-01 (Released:2018-04-18)

Micturition behavior follows regular day/night fluctuations, and unwanted increase in micturition could occur during night in jet lag condition. To clarify the effect of jet lag on micturition behavior, we simultaneously detected circadian micturition patterns and locomotor activity rhythms of mice under experimental jet lag conditions, by applying the improved automated Voided Stain on Paper (aVSOP) method. When wild-type (WT) mice were phase-advanced for 8 hours, day-night variation of micturition was disrupted suddenly, and this irregular daily micturition continued until 8 days, although their activity rhythms entrained gradually day by day until 8 days. We also examined how jet lag induced changes of micturition in Per-null mice lacking Per1, Per2 and Per3 genes, whose endogenous clock is completely disrupted. We found both micturition and locomotor activity of Per-null mice promptly entrained to the new LD cycle. These findings suggest that the irregular micturition during jet lag is caused along with the gradual shift of the endogenous clock, and paradoxically, jet lag-associated abnormality was absent when endogenous circadian oscillations were genetically disrupted.
Jin-A LEE Yun-Mi KIM Young-Kyu PARK Young-Cheol YANG Bock-Gie JUNG Bong-Joo LEE
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.17-0236, (Released:2018-04-16)

Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae (BSFL) are rich in protein and have the potential to be used in animal feed. The aim of the present study was to determine the immunoprophylactic effect of BSFL against Salmonella Gallinarum in broiler chicks as an alternative feed additive. Results showed that BSFL improved body weight gain and increased frequency of CD4+ T lymphocyte, serum lysozyme activity, and spleen lymphocyte proliferation. Moreover, BSFL reinforced bacterial clearance and increased survivability of broiler chicks against S. Gallinarum. These data suggested that BSFL has prophylactic properties with stimulating non-specific immune responses, as well as reduced bacterial burden against S. Gallinarum.
Bo-Yeon LEE Qiang LI Woo-Jin SONG Hyung-Kyu CHAE Kyeong KWEON Jin-Ok AHN Hwa-Young YOUN
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.17-0563, (Released:2018-04-18)

Cytotherapy with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) has been studied in many species, and often requires in vitro cell expansion to obtain therapeutic doses of stem cells. Because the characteristics of MSCs, such as self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation, can be altered by long-term culture, it is important to maintain stemness during cultivation. This study assessed the changes in the characteristics of feline adipose tissue-derived (fAT)-MSCs during in vitro passaging. Stem cells isolated from the adipose tissue of donor cats were cultured for seven sub-passages. Proliferation capacity was analyzed by calculating the cell doubling time and by colorimetric assay. Expression of stem cell-specific markers was evaluated by quantitative reverse transcription (qRT)-PCR and immunophenotyping. Expression of adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation markers was also measured by qRT-PCR. Histochemical staining and measurement of β-galactosidase activity were conducted to detect cellular senescence. The cell proliferation rate decreased significantly at passage 5 (P5). Gene expression levels of pluripotency markers (Sox2, Nanog, and Klf4) and stem cell surface markers (CD9, CD44, CD90, and CD105) decreased during continuous culture; in most assays, statistically significant changes were observed at P5. The ability of cells to undergo adipogenic or osteogenic differentiation was inversely proportional to the number of passages. The proportion of senescent cells increased with the number of passages. These results suggest that repeated passages alter the proliferation and multipotency of fAT-MSCs. In clinical trials, early-passage cells should be used to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.
平島 真一 多田 教浩 三浦 剛 伊藤 彰近 ヒラシマ シンイチ タダ ノリヒロ ミウラ ツヨシ イトウ アキチカ Shin-ichi HIRASHIMA Norihiro TADA Tsuyoshi MIURA Akichika ITOH
岐阜薬科大学紀要 = The annual proceedings of Gifu Pharmaceutical University
vol.60, pp.1-9, 2011-06-30

酸化反応は有機合成における最も重要な柱の一つである。しかしながら、従来の酸化反応は重金属を大量に使用しなければならない、廃棄物が大量に副生するなどの問題点を有しており、いわゆる“グリーンケミストリー”の概念に必ずしもそぐわないものがほとんどであった。一方、最近では安価で原子効率が高い分子状酸素を酸化剤として用いた触媒的酸化反応が報告されている。この方法は適当な触媒を用いた場合に、反応後に副生されるものが理論的に水のみであり、理想の酸化反応として注目を集めている。係る背景において、筆者らは分子状酸素を用いる酸化反応について研究を行い、紫外光照射下(<400 nm)、HBrやBr2のような触媒量の臭素源存在下、芳香環上メチル基やアルコール類から対応するカルボン酸への酸化反応の開発に成功した。また、臭素源として触媒量のMgBr2を用いることにより可視光照射下(>400 nm)でも同様の酸化反応が進行することも見出した。さらに、上記の光酸素酸化反応を連続するエステル化反応へ展開し、芳香環上メチル基から芳香族カルボン酸エステルへの効率的な直接一段階合成法を確立することにも成功した。
Park Keun-Hong Kim Mi-Hyun Park Sang-Hyug LEE Hyun Jung KIM In Kyu CHUNG Hyung-Min
Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry
Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry (ISSN:09168451)
vol.68, no.11, pp.2224-2229, 2004-11-23
1 19

Adhesion molecules composed of Gly–Arg–Gly–Asp–Ser (GRGDS) peptides and cell recognition ligands were inculcated into thermo-reversible hydrogel composed of <I>N</I>-isopropylacrylamide, with a small amount of succinyl poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) acrylate (MW 3400) used as a biomimetic extracellular matrix (ECM). The GRGDS-containing p(NiPAAm-<I>co</I>-PEG) copolymer gel was studied <I>in vitro</I> for its ability to promote cell spreading and to increase the viability of cells by introducing PEG spacers. Hydrogel lacking the adhesion molecules proved to be a poor ECM for adhesion, permitting only a 20% spread of the seeded cells after 10 days. When PEG spacer arms, immobilized by a peptide linkage, had been integrated into the hydrogel, conjugation of RGD promoted cell spread by 600% in a 10-day trial. In addition, in a serum-free medium, only GRGDS peptides conjugated with the spacer arm were able to promote cell spread. In terms of the cell viability, GRGDS peptides conjugated with the PEG-carrying copolymer gel specifically mediated cell spread. This result supports the theory that specific recognition is the result of interaction between the integrin families on the fibroblast, and the RGD sequence on the p(NiPAAm-<I>co</I>-PEG) copolymer gel.
Kuo Chun-Hung 宮本 弘暁
Economics & Management Series

This paper studies the effectiveness of unconventional monetary policy on the labor market. By using the Japan's data, we estimate structural vector autoregressive models. Our empirical analysis demonstrates that while unconventional monetary policy boosts output and employment significantly, its effects on inflation and nominal wages are limited.