竹村 利夫
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.51, no.9, pp.721-729, 1978-09-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
1 1

The Takashozu fault system, running NE-SW direction, is located at the northwestern foot of the Takashozu Mountains, Toyama Prefecture, and separates the Tonami Plain from the high mountains. Along the fault line, several kinds of fault topographies have developed, such as terminal facets, kern cols, kern buts and valleys flowing parallel to the strike of the fault. At Inami and Akasobu, the Miocene andesitic rock has thrusted up from south to north onto the terrace gravels of the middle and upper Pleistocene ages. The Takashozu fault has dislocated vertically the several levels of terrace surfaces here and there along the fault line. The higher the terraces are, the larger the amount of displacement is. In the drainage basin of the Sho River, it is inferred that not only Pleistocene terraces but also Holocene terrace gravel beds have been cut by the fault activities. In the southwestern part of the Tonami Plain, the gradient of the terrace surface is steeper in the older terraces. The valley dissecting the higher terrace surfaces shows an asymmetric form, i.e., the valley walls of the northern side are generally steeper than those of the southern side. It would be considered that the principal factor forming this asymmetric valley topography is the continuous upheaval of the mountains located to the south of the plain.
岩塚 守公
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.33, no.3, pp.97-104, 1960-03-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
1 2

Flood damages are brought frequently on the land of Japan by heavy rainfall in typhnon season (from middle August to late September) and the rainy season (from early June to middle July), and her communities suffer a large amount of loss by those damages. In 1958, from Sept. 26 to 27, a large scale typhoon (So called the Kanogawa Typhoon) attacked the eastern Japan (Fig, 1), and the followed heavy rainfall caused violent flood damages on several parts in these regions. The distribution of rainfall at that time was very complicateb (Fig. 2), and an extremely heavy rainfall were concentrated on the middle part of Izu Peninsula, Tokyo metropolitan area and another several regions. The characteristics of disasters, however, much differed in each regions, in accordance with their physio-and socio-characters. In Tokyo metropolitan area, the extensive alluvial plain develops to the east, and flood damages happened often there by overflowing from large rivers (the Arakawa, the Edogawa and Tamagawa etc.). But rainfall distribution brought by that typhoon was somewhat un usual and the rain did not concentrate on the upper part of these large river area but on the place near Tokyo Bay. So, by overflowing rlom small rivers, flood damages were more severe in and around the low upland and the hill to the west of city than on the extensive alluvial lowland along to these large rivers. The total amount of flooded houses reached to about 460 thousands at that time. Kanogawa is a small stream which runs in the nouthern part of Izu Paninsula. The disaster occured in the Kanogawa river basin was characterized by the violent inundation, covered almost whole lowland in this river basin, and the severe damage, caused by this inundation: for example, 1, 273 of people were killed and injured, the amount of flowed and destroyed houses exceeded the number of flooded houses and the amount of flowed and buried arable lands are much more than the quantity of flooded (Table 1). Chiefly from the physical points of view, we tried to make clear the causes which brought the disasters in this river basin. These causes may be briefly summarized as follows; 1) The extremely heavy rainfall concentrated on the upper part of this river basin, and theextremely volumenous runoff took place very rapidly, because of the full saturation of the land surface by foregoing much rainfall and the steep gradient of the river and its branches. 2) Moreover, bridges obstructed the flowing of runoff and temporarily reserved more volumenous water behind them. So, when these bridges were destroyed, the extremely volumenous runoff flowed suddenly downwards. 3) Consequently, the volume of maximum discharge far exceeded the estimated hiqh waten dis charge flood and the bank was broken at everywhere. The bank on undercut slopes of meander course were especially destroyed than others. 4) At the mountain region, many landslides and debris flows occurred, and the debris flows caused some damages on roads and horseradish (Wasabi) fields which are the important fields for the cash products in this region.
松本 正美
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.49, no.10, pp.655-668, 1976-10-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

筆者は1975年の6月に Harvey の処女作“Explanation in Geography”(第15章まで)の邦訳を完了した.それを機会に,現代地理学め歴史と構造とを整理してみようとしたのが本稿である.我が国のこれまでの地理学史や地理学方法論は,地理学の「対象」や,それを取り扱う「方法」に関する議論に終始している.しかし,そのような「対象」や「方法」の論理は,「主体」の論理に先行されねばならない.本稿はその論理を「人間の人間化」と規定し,その論理を詳述するとともに,それをHartshorneからHarveyへの流れに沿って具体化している.人間が「生理的人間」から「知的存在」を経由して「志向的意識の主体」へと純化されるにつれ,その各段階にそれぞれの地理学が存在し,しかも人間の規定様式が地理学の内容を制約するのである.現代地理学の構造と歴史は,英文要旨の中に図表化しておいた.これらの認識が,地理学そのものを洞察する唯一の手段であると信じる.
吉川 虎雄 貝塚 爽平 太田 陽子
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.37, no.12, pp.627-648, 1964-12-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
23 27

土佐湾北東岸に発達する海鍛丘は,上位より羽根岬面,室戸岬面および沖鷲地に分け皇れ,いずれも南東より北西に低くなる.室戸岬面の高さは南海地震の際の隆起量と正の相関を不し,地震削の沈降量とは負の相関を示す.約120年を周期としておこった大地震の際の室戸岬付近の隆起は,その間の沈降よりも大きく,段丘面の高度分布はこのような隆起沈降を差引した結果である南東より北西への傾動陸起にキって決定されたと考えられる.このような隆起地域であるにもかかわらず,各段丘面の形成過程に沈水期が挾まれているのは,氷期後の海面上昇速度が地盤の隆起速度を上回ったからに他ならない. 室戸岬面は,その地形発達の過程より判断して,約9万年前にはじまる. Riss- Würm問氷期に形成されたと考えられる.室戸岬付近の大地震1周期の問における地盤隆起の平均速度は約2mm/年と算定され,もしRiss-Würm問氷期以後かかる性質の地殼変動が一様に継続したとすれば,室戸岬面は室戸岬付近において約180mの高さにあるはずであるが,これは事実と一致する.また水準測量の結果によると,安田の水準点を基準とした吉良川の水準点の高度は,大地震1周期の問に平均1.2mm/年の割含で増大しているが,もしRiss.Würm間氷期以後このような地殼変動がつづV・てきたのであれば,室戸岬面は吉良川において安田よりも細10m高いはずであるが,これも事実とほぼ一致する.したがって, Riss-Würm間糊以後,室戸岬付近は現在と同じく平均2mm/年の速さで北西へ傾動しつつ隆起してきたと考えられる. このような地殼変動と第四紀における海面変化とを複合した結果は,この海岸の地形発達の過程とよく一致するので,この地域の海岸段丘の分化を生じたのは,地殻変動の緩急ではなく・海面変化の結果であり,その間地殼変動はほぼ一様に推移したと考えられる.
原沢 文弥
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.31, no.5, pp.277-291, 1958-05-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

The consolidation of the post towns on the five main highways, and on the other roads designated. by the Tokugawa government, was originally for the supply of men and horses for official needs, chiefly for the going up to and coming down from Edo for the alternate-year residence of daimyos. In using the regularly stationed men and horses at these post towns, official needs were first met on priority basis and the transportation of common travellers and merchants' goods and luggage was always deferred. The chief duty of post towns was to offer men and horses for official traffic, which was indeed a heavy burden to these towns. Although taxation on the lands they lived on was exempted in compensation for the expense and service, it was not sufficient to make up for the loss. Therefore, these towns were permitted to cover it by gaining profit offering service for common travellers and carrying merchandise in their leisure hours, or by obtaining the license of keeping inns and shops in the towns. The profit thus gained by transporting goods and luggage of common travellers was very importan_??_ to maintain the functions of post towns. But private travellers and goods were not only deferred in transport but were transshipped at every post town. And this transsipment had such shortcomings as damage in the goods, delay in the time of transport, and more cost in carriage and commission. It was only too natural, therefore, that merchandise in general tried to avoid being forwarded in this relay system; they would have avoided if they had been able to. But the system was protected and carried out by the authority of the government; the five main highways and the other roads designated by the government were privileged traffic routes located with the strong governmental protection at their back. The inconveniences of these routes were not keenly felt in the earlier stages of the Edo government, when traffic was not so dense and transport of merchandise was small. Besides, the authority of the government made it impossible for people to resist. But as more merchandise came to be transferred and more people began to travel, the inconveniences and conflict of interests became more and more apparent. By and by there appeared gradually an indication that people would try to avoid the privileged routes. In addition, the gradual loosening of the government in the enforcement of laws and regulations accelerated the tendency. Consequently, there arose a new means of transport contrived by private transport agencies to forward merchandise through by carriers using horses or oxen. These carriers and horses (or oxen) sometimes avoided certain post towns on the way; mostly they tried to utilize only the byways if available. Thus the new means of transport was born by the need of cheap and puick way of forwarding goods, while the old privileged routes had the protection of the government or feudal lords in their background. As the traffic on the byways prosperd, more goods came to be sent by them and the main highways wera more neglected, which was a vital problem to post towns since their functions must be paralyzed in the end. The two were destined to conflict and the power of the government was another factor to complicate the matter. This made a characteristic feature of the traffic system in the Edo period, especially in its middle and later stages. Whether one liked it or not, the situation turned favorable on the byways and the traffic on them became more and more heavy while it became impossible in the end to maintain the post-town system. The Present study has chosen a certain area with the Usui Pass in its center where byways developed most remarkably and using litigious document and maps of villages preserved in places which used to be post towns, has considered the relation between the post towns and the byway traffic.
松本 正美
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.50, no.11, pp.617-634, 1977

横田 忠夫
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.25, no.12, pp.470-477, 1952-12-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

The author investigated some village at the upper streams of the River Oi and Abe, Shizuoka Prefecture. Consequently I understood that tie internal social relation of the village at the upper stream of the river was extremely different from that of the village at its lower stream. I also noticed that the difference in the possession of forests was greatly related to the difference in the social relation as a result of an investigation in regard to the possession of forests in each village. Having researched how the difference in their possession occured in those villages, I observed that ultimately it had been caused by the geographical conditions of facility or difficulty of trafic (communication), the difference in agricultural productivity etc. I could understand that at the lower stream of the river, the forests were mnonopolized by a few men who lived in the village, while in the upper stream: of the river, they had been trausfered to timber merchants or other ones who were outside those villages. It was also known that the difference in the powers of the forest-owners had caused the difference in the social relation in each village.
長井 政太郎
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.15, no.11, pp.822-852, 1939-11-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

The Yamagata Kyôdo Kenkyû-kai (Society for Geographical Reserach of Yamagata Prefecture) has collected about 40, 000 place names in its prefecture, each of which beside the Chinese letters, are printed in the Japanese syllabary to give their correct pronoun-ciations. It is explained that the number of places having names relating to rice field forms 10 percent of the total, followed by names relating to plants, fields, beasts, and geographical features after which come those of castle, buddhist temple and various graves. The use in names of the old distributions of pasture, deccangrass (Hi-e in Japanese, ) formerly the chief crop in this region, Sanka (a kind of vagapond in the past) and many other points that are very interesting from the historical point of view, are also explained by this study.
貝塚 爽平
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.31, no.2, pp.59-85, 1958-02-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
7 68

関東平野の第四紀後半の地形面は,関東ロームを鍵とすることによつて編年することができる.そのためには,まず関東ローム自体の層序区分と対比を行う必要があつた.関東ロームの区分や対比には層位学的,地形学的考察とともに,重鉱物組成の調査が有力な手段として用いられた.関東ロームの編年と,主としてそれにもとつく地形面の編年は第8図に模式化して示されている.この編年によつて,関東平野の地形面は, DlI, DuIa, DuIb, DuI, Aの各面に区分され,その地理的分布は第11図に示された.地形面の編年と地形面の性質あるいはその成因についての考察から,区分された各地形面形成時代の古地理図を描くことができ(第9図),そして,関東平野の発達史の概略を知ることができた.それは第2表に要約されている.
阿部 和俊
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.65, no.12, pp.911-919, 1992-12-01 (Released:2008-12-25)

This paper aims to draw a comparison between some major regions and cities in Japan on the basis of an analysis of the number of performances presented by foreign artists from April 1990 through March 1991. Due to data limitation, the analysis covers only the regions of Hokkaido, Metropolitan Tokyo, Tokai, Kansai and Kyushu, and the major cities in those regions. While numerous analyses in Japanase urban research have been undertaken from a political and/ or economic standpoint, few have pursued a cultural perspective in a geographical context. Studies available on urban cultural areas quite often analyze only in terms of availability of related facilities and the like. In this sense, this study follows a relatively new viewpoint in investigating the attractiveness of cities and regions. Metropolitan areas owe their growth to more than just economic factors, and one must not overlook the other attractions they offer. The number of performances presented by foreign artists, as shown in this study, are just one of the many sources of metropolitan attractiveness. At the outset, the number of performances presented in the various regions and cities are enumerated. The results indicate that Tokyo (23 metropolitan wards) and its immediate environs had, predictably, the largest share of the numbers of performances; classical music concerts were predominant among them. The number of such performances presented in Osaka was fairly high, but it significantly trailed that of Tokyo. However, if the greater Osaka metropolitan area including Kobe and Kyoto is thought to be a considerable increase in the number of performances in the area was evident. Nagoya and Fukuoka are unlike Tokyo and Osaka in that they have no other major city in close proximity; however, they had not so many performances. Sapporo in contrast, had very few performances by foreign artists. 27.3% of all the artists from overseas presented performances exclusively in the Tokyo metropolitan area; only 17.5% of all artists presented their performances in both Tokyo and Osaka metropolitan areas. Only 14.2% of the artists from overseas bypassed the Tokyo metropolitan area. And the fact that 38.7% of the artists did not present their performances in Osaka explains the significant difference between the two cities. Thus, a significantly major portion of the performances presented by the foreign artists in Japan was in Tokyo. This phenomenon emphasizes a very high level of attractiveness of Tokyo commensurate with the drawing power of its great population. The overcentralization of Tokyo is not simply an economic and political phenomenon; it reaches far into the cultural dimension as well, as emphasized by the study findings. The differences in the number of performances between the cities and regions is positively correlated with their population. The correlation factor among the population, the number of performances, and the total number of days of performances were found to be quite high, as may be seen in the correlation graphs (Figs. 1 and 2).
片平 博文
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.53, no.1, pp.1-17, 1980-01-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
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加藤 幸治
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.69, no.2, pp.102-125, 1996-02-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
2 1

石塚 利孝 鹿島 薫
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.59, no.4, pp.205-212, 1986-04-01 (Released:2008-12-25)

Lake Ogawara is located in the eastern part of Aomori Prefecture, north Japan. The authors obtained the Holocene lake sediments by all-cored borings at two sites of lake-side lowland, and presumed the Holocene water level changes of Lake Ogawara through diatom analysis of the sediments. At the Loc. A near the Chushi (I) shell-mound site formed early to middle Jomon period, the succession of three diatom zones can be subdivided. Zone I (-1.8_??_+1.0m); marine species constitute about 90%, and Paralia sulucata, Diploneis smithii are dominant. Zone II (+1.0_??_+2.6m); the rate of marine species decreases from lower to upper horizon, and Cyclotella striata v. subsalina, which lives in brackish lagoon, is dominant. Zone III (+2.6_??_+5.0m); fresh water species accounts for more than 90%, and marine species cannot be observed. Navicura radiosa, Fragilaria construens and Eunotia veneris are dominant. At the Loc. B near Futatsumori shell-mound site formed early to middle Jomon period, the succession of three diatom zone can be subdivided. Zone I (-0.5_??_-0.0m); Cyclotella striata v. subsalina accounts for about 50%. Zone II (0.0_??_+3.0m); fresh water species constitute more than 90%. Navicula radiosa, Melosira ambigua, which live in fresh-water pond, are dominant. Zone III (+3.0_??_+5.0m); fresh water species constitute more than 90%. But Eunotia veneris, which lives in a boggy environment, is dominant. On the basis of the result of diatom analysis, 14C date and tephrochronology, water level of Lake Ogawara was 2m higher than that of present about 4, 500_??_5, 000 y. 8. P., and it had lowered to the same level as present till 3, 500 y. B. P.. Since then water level has been stable.
後藤 拓也
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.74, no.7, pp.369-393, 2001-07-01 (Released:2008-12-25)

選択的拡大部門における拠点開発的な産地形成論は,わが国の周辺地域に「周辺型食料生産基地」の形成を促した.輸入農産物の急増によって,これち周辺型食料生産基地が著しい再編成を迫られることが,既存研究でたびたび予測されてきた.こうした議論に対する実証的回答を得るべく本稿は,国際化による顕著な再編成がいち早く現れた南九州ブロイラー養鶏地域を事例に,その再編成メカニズムを検討したものである. 1973年り畜産危機以降も垂直的統合を維持した一部的総合商社は,南九州を解体品供給地域と位置づけ,南九州養鶏地域の肥大化を促進してきた.しかし,輸入鶏肉急増による解体品価格の下落で, 1990年以降の南九州養鶏地域は急速な再編成を迫られる.南九州のうち宮崎県では1990年以降,全国有数のプロイラー飼養過密地域である児湯地域が急速な衰退を呈するが,それを規定した三つの要因が地域レベルで確認された.それは(1)飼養過密性に起因する生産低下,(2)大手ブロイラー処理場による集鳥戦略の変化,(3)低収益性と施設資金償還に起因する児湯地域内236農家の顕著な対応分化であり,これらの複合的作用が地域的差異を伴う再編成を進行させたのである.その一方,養鶏地域形成を主導した総合商社は,再編成において必ずしも中心的役割を果たさなかった.このように,国際化による南九州養鶏地域の再編成は,輸入鶏肉にに因する解体品価格の下落が,地域レベルに内包されていた低生産性を顕在化させるという,複層的メカニズムとして解釈できる.っまり・周辺型食料生産基地の再編成は国際化によって一面的に起因されるのではなぐ,地域レベルにおける飼養過密性の問題と,それに対処せざるを得ない処理場による集鳥戦略の変化が,きわめて重要な役割を果たしたと指摘できる.
湯澤 規子
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.74, no.5, pp.239-263, 2001-05-01 (Released:2008-12-25)

本稿では生産者の生活と紬生産との関わりを視野に入れて,結城紬生産地域における機渥の家族内分業の役割を明らかにすることを目的とした.その際,織り手の生活と紬生産の全体像をとらえるため,ライフヒストリーを分析対象とし,考察を進めた.結城紬生産地域では, 1980年頃まで年間約3万反に及ぶ結城紬が安定的に生塵されてきた.そこでは,生産関連業者が原料や製品の流通,加工を分業しており,さらに機屋と呼ばれる製織業者における生産工程は家族内分業によって担われている.機屋においては「織り」,「緋括り」,「下椿え」という三っの生産工程が存在し,妻が織り,世帯主が緋を括り,世帯主の父母が下持えに従事するというような家族内分業がみられる.結城紬の生産工程はすべてが手作業で行われ,緋括りや織りなど,特定の技能が要求される.家族内分業は,緋の括り具合や糸の織り込み具合など,生産者一人ひとりが持っ技能上の特徴に規定されており,その特徴は生産者の間でお互いに把握されていることが重要である.また,家族構成員の数や構成員それぞれの性別,年齢の違いなどは家族内における紬の生産環境に影響を与えており,それによって家族内分業にも違いがみられる.紬生産に従事している家は,農作業や家庭内で営まれる家事・育児を含めた労働力需要を家族労働力で調節する中で紬生産を行っている.長期的にみれば,家族構成員の出生や死亡,就学,就職,結婚などによって変動する家族労働力構成に対応して,紬の生産形態を変化させる例もみられる.本稿ではそのような生活と紬生産間の調節を家族内分業の柔軟性によるものと考えた.家族内分業には上記のような,農作業や家事労働との調節が含まれているため,紬生産の経営形態転換時においても,農作業や家事に従事する家族労働力の有無が直接的に影響を及ぼしていた.そのため,経営形態転換時の対応は各機屋ごとに多様であった.各機屋の多様な動向は,経営転換,廃業という行動が,外部からの経済的影響によって生じるというよりは,外部からの経済的影響がある中で,さらに各機屋が有する家族的な条件に規定されて生じていることを示している.
水津 一朗
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.44, no.8, pp.565-580, 1971-08-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
4 2

矢野 桂司
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.64, no.6, pp.367-387, 1991-06-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
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Wilsonのエントロピー最大化モデル以降,さまざまな空間的相互作用モデルが開発されてきた(石川, 1988). 従来,これらモデルの類似性については部分的に指摘されてきたが,それらを技術論的に統合しようと試みたものはみられない.本研究は,これらの新しい空間的相互作用モデルを,最尤法に依拠する一般線形モデルの枠組みによって統合した.そして,一般線形モデルの代表的な汎用ソフトであるGLIMを用いて, 1) 対数正規型重力モデル, 2) ポアソン重力モデル, 3) エントロピー最大化モデル, 4) 競合着地モデル, 5) 対数線形モデル,のキャリブレーションを,簡単な数値例を用いて示した.このような一般化の結果,近年展開されているさまざまな空間的相互作用モデルのキャリブレーションに関する技術論的な問題は,あまり重要でないことがわかった.むしろ,対象とする空間的相互作用システムのモデル化に対して,発地区,着地区あるいは当該地区間の関係を示す変数として,,どのような変数を採用し,モデルを特定するかといった概念化が,今後の空間的相互作用モデル研究の重要な課題となることを指摘した.