松浦 年男
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.158, pp.29-61, 2020 (Released:2021-02-16)

Masahiro Shōgaito
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.Supplement.1, pp.155-185, 2021 (Released:2021-11-09)

The author found fragments of Chinese texts in Uighur script at the St. Petersburg Branch for Oriental Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences and identified their corresponding Chinese originals. The phonological system of the Chinese written in Uighur script is basically the same as that of the northwestern dialects of Tang and Five Dynasties. Although the fragments were composed later during the period of Yuan Dynasty, its phonological system is undoubtedly quite different from that of colloquial Chinese used in Yuan Dynasty. As a result of detailed examination of the texts, it has become clear that the phonological system behind the texts is well reflected by the inherited Uighur pronunciation of Chinese characters similar to the Japanese Ondoku system, i.e., Chinese reading of Chinese characters.On the other hand, it is occasionally observed that Chinese characters are sporadically inserted into Uighur lines in the above texts. These inserted Chinese characters must have been read in Uighur. These Chinese characters appear not only as words, but also as phrases and sentences. An interesting fact is that in some bilingual texts such as Thousand Character Essay, the Uighur inherited reading of Chinese is followed by its corresponding Uighur translation. Furthermore, in other texts represented by Abhidharmakośabhāṣya-ṭīkā Tattvārthā, it is recorded how Uighur speakers read Chinese texts in Uighur pronunciation, translating the contents into the Uighur language. Taking these facts into consideration, a conclusion is inevitable that Uighurs had their own way of reading Chinese texts which is typologically comparable to the Japanese Kundoku system, i.e., Japanese reading of Chinese characters.Japanese is known as a language in which Ondoku and Kundoku are well developed. It is extremely difficult to understand the contents of Chinese texts merely by listening to Ondoku reading, where a large number of homonyms are created by the loss of many phonological distinctions.Japanese Buddhist monks recite Chinese Buddhist texts following the Ondoku system, but at the same time they understand the contents by Kundoku reading utilizing ideographic nature of Chinese characters. The author would like to argue that Uighur monks of the Yuan dynasty period employed the same kind of method when reciting Chinese texts.
服部 四郎
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1957, no.32, pp.1-42, 1957-12-31 (Released:2013-05-23)

Analyzing and criticizing de Saussure's theory on langage, langue and parole', the author introduces his own distinction between the features of social habit and the individual features (which include the f. of individual habit, disposition and constitution and the casual f.), both of which, he maintains, are found in de Saussure's ‘parole’ and ‘la partie passive du circuit’, i. e. the psychological and physiological activity of the utterer, the sounds produced thereby and the physiological and psychological activity of the hearer (s).He criticizes Professor Tokieda's linguistic theory in terms of his own concepts ‘utterance’, ‘sentence’, ‘form’;‘utterer’, ‘expresser’, ‘first personer’ and ‘indefinite personer’.The ‘utterance’ is a unique speech-event, which includes the psychological and physiological activity of the utterer and the sounds produced thereby.The recurrent features of social habit in the utterances which are recognized as the repetions of ‘the same words’ by every speaker of a speechcommunity are defined as the ‘linguistic production’. A linguistic production consists of one or more ‘sentences’. A sentence is composed of an ‘intonation-pattern’ marking its end, one or more ‘taxemes’ and ‘forms’.(Cf. the, author's article ‘The analysis of meaning’ in For Roman Jakobson, 1956)The ‘expresser’ of a sentence is, according to the author, theoretically independent from the utterer of the utterance corresponding to the sentence.The ‘word’ is a minimal ‘free form’. The phonetic side of a word is called its ‘shape’, and its semantic side its ‘sememe’.In Japanese, nouns ‘indicate’, verbs and adjectives ‘indicate and express, ’ and enclitics and some suffixes ‘express.’ With relation to the expressing words and forms, it is necessary to discriminate between the ‘first personer’ and the ‘indefinite personer’. For instance, the form sizuka da «(it is) quiet» expresses the first personer's judgment, while the adjective atatakai «warm»expresses the indefinite personer's. The latter can take an interrogative intonation-pattern and make an interrogative sentence, while the former can not.
頼 惟勤
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1951, no.17-18, pp.1-46,182, 1951-03-20 (Released:2010-11-26)

Japanese Buddhist priests have tradition of sutra reading, This sutra reading is performed melodiously and is called-“Syomyo”. Some kinds of syomyb were brought from China at the time of T'ang dynasty. We called These Kan-on-syomyo: For the pronunciation of these syomyos is called kan-on that is, a kind of Sine-Japanese pronunciation.In this thesis the author warift to confirm the tone, in which Chinese characters were. pronounced at the time of Tang dynasty, utilizing Kan-on-syomyo as clues. Signs used. for describing sycmyo music are called “Hakase”, One hakase stands for one. Chinese character, like the Ssu-henfu in Chu.-yin-fu-hall. Utilizing these hakase signs as key under certain methodological considerations, the author wants to find out the tone class and tone' value. The composition of syomyo in hakases is always done under musical consideration-that is, determined by the position the. character takes in the musical structure of phrases. The result is that the same tone can be sung in. various ways.Because of the discrepancy between music and spoken language, the tone confirmed through this inquiry correspond only to a certain. group of characters which resemble each other as regards the tone class or tone value.
大竹 昌巳
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.148, pp.81-102, 2015 (Released:2016-05-17)

契丹語はモンゴル諸語と親縁関係を有する死滅した言語で,11–12世紀の契丹小字文献によってその姿を知ることができる。本稿は,契丹小字文献における母音の長さの書き分けについて,同源語の比較やテキストにおける分布特徴の分析,接尾辞の異形態や綴字交替の分析等を通じて以下の点を示す。(1)V, CVのように開音節型の字素の母音は長母音を表記している。(2)VCのように閉音節型の字素の母音は基本的に短母音を表すが,長母音ē+子音を表す一連の字素も存在する(Vは母音,Cは半母音を含む子音を表す)。また,比較言語学的観点からは,(3)契丹語の長母音には現代モンゴル語の(母音間の子音の脱落による母音縮合の結果生じた)二次的長母音に対応するものに加えて,(4)モンゴル祖語やテュルク祖語にかつて存在した一次的長母音と対応すると考えられるものが存在する可能性についても論じる*。
鈴木 博之 四郎翁姆 才譲三周
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.159, pp.69-101, 2021 (Released:2021-03-30)

森山 卓郎
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1992, no.101, pp.64-83, 1992-03-25 (Released:2007-10-23)

In Japanese, there are two kinds of forms which stand for epistemic modality(EM) : one type 'daroo' can be used in questions, and the other-so-called secondary modal forms(e. g. 'kamoshirenai')-can not.This paper explains this phenomenon and analyzes the meaning and function of 'daroo' in relation to a new discourse model in Japanese.EM implies that the contradictory assumption is also probable in the supposed world. On the other hand, a typical question stands for the optional relation of the supposed worlds. Because of this relation, the secondary modal forms can not be used in questions. For example, a collocation such as *kare-wa tabun ichinensei kamoshirenaika ?(Lit.Possibly, may he be a freshman?) is ungrammatical.'Daroo' however can be used in. quetions. The meaning of 'daroo'should be regarded as the indicator of judgement-forming process(IJFP)in discourse. In questions, 'daroo' functions as the moderation of the demand for a clear answer. In declarative sentences, 'daroo' means possibility, in case the hearer's information is neglected, but- if the hearer's information is mentioned, 'daroo' means a sort of confirmation. These phenomena can be explained if we assume that IJFP can involve the hearer's judgement in the discourse, and these arguments are supported by morphological evidence.
早田 輝洋
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.148, pp.33-60, 2015 (Released:2016-05-17)

従来の満洲語の文典も辞書も満洲語の形式-ngge, -ingge, ninggeの区別を明確にしていない。これらの形式については名詞と形容詞の別も十分に記述されていない。 本稿では満洲語資料の時代をa)ヌルハチ,ホンタイジの時代(16世紀末~1643),b)順治年間(1644–1661),c)康煕年間(1662–1722)に分けた。a)は殆どすべて無圏点文字による手書き資料,b)c)は主に有圏点文字による木版本資料である。a)にだけ動詞語幹に-nggeの直接続く例が14例もあった。a)時代の資料をもとに仮定した派生規則の例外は,当然b)c)と時代が進むにつれ多くなる。派生形態素ni-nggeの単純形態素ninggeへの変化は顕著な通時変化の例である。 a)b)の満洲語話者は満洲地区で生育し,c)の話者は北京という完全な漢語環境で生育している。康煕帝の時代の満洲語はそれ以前の満洲語と文法的にも顕著に違うことが分った*。
ミヤモト エジソン 中村 美智子
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.2005, no.128, pp.113-129, 2005-12-25 (Released:2007-10-23)

服部 匡
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.2004, no.125, pp.83-109, 2004-03-25 (Released:2007-10-23)

This paper discusses the directionality of the scales in which expressions denoting a small quantity, like sukoshi, mare (ni), wazuka (ni) in Japanese, are positioned.When used as predicates, these expressions define a downward or negative scale which is paired with the upward or positive scale defined by their contraries.In contrast, these expressions are positioned in an upward scale when they are used adverbially.These facts can be explained by assuming that decreasing adverbial quantifiers are generally not allowed in Japanese.
泉井 久之助
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1953, no.22-23, pp.41-45,132, 1953-03-31 (Released:2010-11-26)

II se trouve dans le II° livre du Chouo-yuan (Suo-üan) de Liou-Hiang (environ le commencement de I'ère Chrétienne) une chanson nautonière dite Yuëh encore indéchiffrée qui pourrait, cependant, se lire en cam en se donnant, d'une manière un peu grossière, on le sait, une prononciation chinoise «ancienne»(du 6° siècle) de Karlgren (voir pp.42-43). La chanson, au nombre de trcnte-huit de caractères chinois, se diviserait en huit vers. Le sens général en serait:(Un nautonier Yueh transportant un prince sur le fleuve Yan-tse)«(I) J'adore, oh, un homme quiest un prince.(2) J'adcre, oh, ce grand prince.(3) Je sais, oh, ce grand prince.(4) Prince juste! prince cher!(5) Moi, je suis bien heureux.(6) Je me lui soumets du fond de mon coeur.(mot-à-mot: mon coeur se lui soumet).(7) Tous sont en état prospère.(8)(Moi) seul, je le salue longuement.»Ce déchiffrement, s'il est juste, pourrait être une preuve de l'existence ancienne d'une tribu d'une langue dite du «Sud» dans la région centrale.
青木 正博
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1996, no.110, pp.52-78, 1996-12-20 (Released:2007-10-23)

The subject of intransitive clauses with negated verbs in Russian is marked either by the genitive or nominative, while the object of transitive clauses with negated verbs - either by the genitive or accusative. The purpose of this paper is to discover the factors that determine the case marking on the subject and object, and to clarify the character of case marking pattern in the phenomenon of the genitive of negation.The analysis of the data shows that there are two main factors which determine the case of the subject in negated intransitive clauses. One is the possibility of the subject's activity in affirmative clauses. The other is the intensity of negation that weakens the possibility of the subject's activity. As for negated transitive clauses there are also two main factors which determine the case of the object. One is the transitivity in affirmative clauses. The other is the intensity of negation that weakens the transitivity.In regard to the case marking pattern in the phenomenon of the genitive of negation, the analysis shows that it is characterised by four factors: a) semantic content of the intransitive verb, b) semantic content of the NP (s), c) mood of the clause, and d) semantic content of the transitive verb, which affect the case marking.
服部 四郎
The Linguistic Society of Japan
言語研究 (ISSN:00243914)
vol.1989, no.95, pp.1-31, 1989-03-25 (Released:2010-11-26)

Language, i. e. spoken language, is one aspect of human activity. A human being communicates with others in daily life, and language is one of the media of their communication. However, it is not a thing outside of him, but a phonomenon found in his activity itself.It is a social custom learned after his birth, but his mother influences him not only after the birth, but also possibly when he is still in her womb.A human being can easily become bilingual, trilingual, etc, if he learns the languages probably before his puberty. Adult people, however, find it difficult to learn a foreign language. It is necessary to scientifically confirm when and how his ability of learning his mother tongue solidifies.There are a few people who can exactly recite extremely long poems or historical legends, but everyone does not have such an ability. However, everyone can freely speak his native language.The languages in the world have various structures and systems, but certain circumstances necessitate them to have common features.Utterances can be short, long, or extremely long. One utterance includes one or more sentences, and one sentence includes one or more words. Why has an utterance such a structure?It is impossible to memorize whole sentences uttered by various people, to say nothing of whole utterances, because kinds of sentences are almost infinite and there is no limit of the length of sentences. However, one language has a finite set of words, and everyone can learn before his puberty the basic vocabulary at least with the grammatical rules which combine words into sentences.Words are combinations of a meaning (a concept) with a sound-shape. Children automatically acquire the concepts of the things and events in daily life, and they learn to combine a concept with a sound-shape which is approved by the linguistic community.In order to discriminate several thousand words of one language, the sound-shapes of words necessarily have some definite structure. Therefore, they are combinations of syllables, which consist of one or more consonants plus a vowel or a diphthong (plus one or more consonants).The set of consonants or vowels (and diphthongs) is not a random one, but a systematic one, so that it is easy to memorize them.The sets of consonants and vowels can be systematic on account of the distictive features, which are very easy for a human being to memorize, because they are due to the articulations which are innately possible for him.