近藤 照彦 武田 淳史 武田 信彬 下村 洋之助 谷田 貝光克 小林 功
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.71, no.2, pp.131-138, 2008 (Released:2010-08-06)

We performed a physio-psychological research on the mental, physical relaxation and health-keeping effect of Shinrin-yoku (forest walking) in Kawaba village. Eleven male and 8 female healthy elderly residents in Kawaba village, whose average age was 74.0±3.5 years old for male and 74.9±2.9 years old for females volunteered for this experiment. All members walked for one hour in the Kawaba Forest on August 17 under cloudy skies, 30-32°C temperature, 58-60% humidity, and, 0-2m/sec wind condition and walked again for another one hour in a non-forest rural agricultural area on August 21 under almost the same weather conditions. Phytoncides in the air, Profile of Mood State (POMS) test, blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), fasting levels of serum natural killer cell activity (NK), plasma catecholamine (adrenaline, noradrenalin and dopamine), plasma cortisol, and serum adiponectin were measured before and after walking. Phytoncides were detected in the forest and non-forest, all members showed a decrease of POMS total scale, BP, adrenalin and serum cortisol. Six (3 male and 3 female subjects) of them expressed an increase of serum NK cell activity after the forest-walking. One female showed a high serum NK cell activity after both forest and non-forest rural walking.Our experiment on the forest-walking in Kawaba village indicated that its relaxation and health-keeping effects, probably due to walking in the fresh forest air.
井上 基浩 中島 美和 北條 達也 糸井 恵 北小路 博司
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.76, no.4, pp.263-272, 2013-08-28 (Released:2013-10-18)

目的 : 弾発指は滑膜性・靱帯性腱鞘部(A1 pulley)での浅・深指屈筋腱、長母指屈筋腱の滑走障害が原因とされている。本研究では、障害指A1 pulley部に刺鍼し、弾発時疼痛と弾発現象の程度に対する鍼治療効果を観察した。方法 : 弾発指15名19指を対象とし、無治療等の対照群は設定せず、全例に対して同一の鍼治療を行った。治療は障害指A1 pulley部で屈筋腱の橈・尺側に置鍼術(鍼刺入状態で10分間維持)を最高で5回(1回5~7日)行った。毎回の治療前後に、弾発時疼痛と弾発現象の程度を、それぞれ無症状を0mm、最も耐え難い症状を100mmとしたVisual analogue scale (VAS)で評価した。また、各症状の初回治療前に対する5回目治療前の変化率を求め、50%を基準に改善の有無を判定し、改善の有無と罹病期間の関係について調査した。結果 : 弾発時疼痛、弾発現象の程度において、初回治療前から5回目治療前のVASは、順に57.1±22.2 (mm, mean±SD) →26.0±29.8、61.2±23.1→26.1±27.6となり、有意な改善を示した。また、初回治療時の直後評価でも、弾発時疼痛、弾発現象の程度のVASは、順に40.8±19.6、44.3±23.9となり、有意な改善を認めた。加えて、5回までの治療で、疼痛は4指、弾発現象は6指に完全消失を確認した。弾発時疼痛および弾発現象の改善の有無と罹病期間の関係に関しては、改善を示した方が罹病期間が有意に短かった。考察 : 弾発現象の改善は、鍼治療が靱帯性腱鞘の変性・肥厚に影響したとは考え難く、鍼治療による局所血流の変化が腱鞘滑膜の炎症性腫脹に影響したものと考えた。弾発時疼痛の軽減は、上記による屈筋腱の滑走性改善に加え、鍼治療による疼痛抑制系の賦活の関与を考えた。無治療やSham治療等の対照群の設定がないため、明確にプラセボ効果等の影響を除外できないが、罹病期間により効果に差が生じたことから、障害A1 Pulley部への鍼治療は、罹病期間が短く、腱鞘滑膜の炎症性腫脹を主因とする弾発指に対して有効性示す可能性を考えた。
中野 猛夫
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.42, no.1-2, pp.1-13, 1978 (Released:2010-08-06)

It is well known clinical fact that weather change may precipitate the onset symptoms in patients with bronchial asthma, arthritis, etc.There are many reports, analysing a weather chart, that the frequency of asthmatic attack is related to meterologic changes.In this report, it is discussed whether climatic factors which are purely created in the Controlled Climate Chamber affect the lung function (forced expiratory volume in one second-FEV1), serum cotisol levels, and serum cyclic-3′5′-adenocine monophosphate (c-AMP) levels in asthmatic children.The subjects for this study were 64 patients with childhood asthma who had no asthmatic symptoms at the time of the study. Patients were entered to the Controlled Climate Chamber which was automatically controlled as following programs, 1, gradual drop of temperature from room temperature (25°C) to 5°C over 60min (A group), 2, temperature pre-set at 5°C (B group), 3, gradual decrease of 50mb in atmospheric pressure (C group), 4, increase of 50mb over 60min followed by steady state for 30min (D group). Conditions in the Controlled Climate Chamber for controll group were mainteined in the same temperature and pressure are those of outside the chamber on the same day. All procedures were performed during from 12.45p.m. to 14.15p.m..The FEV1 was measured before and immediately, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, and 90min after entry to the chamber.Also venopunctures were done before and after 90min to measure the serum cortisol and serum c-AMP levels.Slight but not statistically significant decrease of FEV1 was observed in A group. In B group, significant decrease of FEV1 was observed immediately after, and at 5min, 15min after entry. Slight decrease without statistical significance were observed after 60min and 90min.In C group, significant decrease of FEV1 was observed only at 90min. At other times, the decrease was not significant.On the other hand, striking increase of FEV1 was observed at all the time in D group.Simultaneously measured serum cortisol level showed slight decrease without statistical significance in all groups.The changes of c-AMP level did not show any constant tendency in all groups.These results suggest that cold climate and low barometric pressure may induce the decrease of lung function in patient with childhood asthma and high barometric pressure certainly induce improvement of lung function. The change of serum cortisol level and c-AMP level showed variable tendencies. It is speculated that more distinct change may be obtained, if the samples for evaluation of serum cortisol and c-AMP level are obtained earlier the 90min after entry to the chamber.
松浦 悠人 藤本 英樹 古賀 義久 安野 富美子 坂井 友実
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.79, no.2, pp.119-129, 2016-05-31 (Released:2016-07-04)

目的:肩こりは国民の多くが経験する症状であるが,肩こりに関する研究は非常に遅れているのが現状である.そこで本研究では,肩こりの特性を明らかにするため,肩こりを有する者と有しない者の比較検討を行った.方法:対象は自覚的な肩こりの有無により,肩こりを有する成人男性13名(NP群,平均年齢20.2±0.7歳)と肩こりを有しない成人男性10名(CON群,平均年齢21.2±1.5歳)とした.肩こりの評価にはVisual Analogue Scale(VAS),圧痛・硬結所見を用い,ストレスの評価には自覚的ストレスのVAS,State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI),MOS 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey(SF-36),唾液コルチゾールを用いた.唾液コルチゾール濃度は,酵素免疫測定法(ELISA法)により求めた.また,唾液の採取時間は,午前9時から10時以内の採取とした.結果:NP群の肩こり感全体のVASは56.9±17.3mmであった.圧痛・硬結所見では,硬結所見に有意差は認められなかったが,左右僧帽筋上部線維,右頭板状筋の圧痛がNP群で有意に高かった(P<0.05).自覚的ストレスのVASではNP群59.1±23.7mm,CON群10.8±17.6mmで有意差が認められた(P<0.05).STAIでは,特性不安ではNP群52.7±9.1点,CON群44.6±9.9点で有意差は認められなかったが,状態不安においてNP群42.2±6.6点,CON群35.9±9.1点で有意差が認められた(P<0.05).SF-36では,下位尺度8項目のうち,身体機能,日常役割機能(身体),体の痛み,全体的健康感,活力,心の健康に有意差が認められた(P<0.05).唾液コルチゾール濃度はNP群16.3±8.2nmol/L,CON群14.8±4.5nmol/Lで有意差は認められなかった.考察・結語:肩こりの心理・身体的な特性について検討した結果,唾液コルチゾール濃度では有意差は認められなかったが,肩こりを有する者は,自覚ストレス度や不安度が高く,精神的・身体的な健康度が低いことが示された.このことから,肩こりに身体的要因のみならず,心理社会的要因が関与している可能性が示唆された.
久保田 一雄 田村 耕成 倉林 均 武 仁 白倉 卓夫 田村 遵一
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.60, no.2, pp.61-68, 1997 (Released:2010-04-30)

To clarify possible involvement of hot spring bathing in the occurrence of acute myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction at Kusatsu, its effects on blood pressure, heart rate, plasma cortisol and hematocrit were examined in 9 healthy young men. Abrupt increase in systolic blood pressure was observed immediately after starting a 3-minute 47°C or a 10-minute 42°C hot-spring bath. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure were abruptly decreased one minute after completing either 47°C or 42°C bathing. The heart rate was increased gradually after the start of either 47°C or 42°C bathing and was decreased gradually after the completion of either 47°C or 42°C bathing. It was considered that the plasma Cortisol level was increased 15 minutes after starting 47°C bathing and the hematocrit was increased 15 minutes after starting 42°C bathing. We have already reported that fibrinolytic activity was decreased and platelet function was activated by 47°C bathing. Taken together, it is suggested that the mechanism of the occurrence of thrombotic diseases after hot spring bathing may be explained by considering transient changes in blood pressure, heart rate, blood viscosity, fibrinolytic activity and platelet function induced by hyperthermal stress.
高橋 春樹 中川 隆雄 仁科 雅良 須賀 弘泰 西浦 輝浩 出ロ 善純 小林 尊志 澁谷 美穂子 佐藤 隆幸 西久保 俊士
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.72, no.1, pp.50-55, 2008 (Released:2013-03-14)

Content We investigated 76 cases during the 6-year period from 1999 to 2005 in which a patient who developed a consciousness disorder while bathing was brought to the Emergency and Critical Care Center of Tokyo Women's Medical University Medical Center East. In. 86% of the cases the patient was in cardiopulmonary arrest, and they had a group of diseases with a poor prognosis in which the outcome was death, even the 6% of the patients who were resuscitated.The most common age group was the 70-to 79-year group, which contained 46% of the patients, and those 70 years of age and older accounted for 70% of the total.  Examination was possible in 16 cases, and the most common category, in 10 of them, was “drowning/suspicion of transient ischemic attack”. Adequate examinations were not performed on the patients who died in the outpatient department. Moreover, because the autopsy rate was low, it was impossible to make a definitive etiological diagnosis. However, the fact that “many were elderly persons whose autonomic nervous system's regulatory function is reduced” and that “the incidence was highest during the winter (53% during the 3 months from December to February)” suggests involvement of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases secondary to changes in blood pressure. Many preventive measures have been described in the literature, and improvement in the resuscitation rate is expected as a result of becoming familiar with. and thoroughly implementing them. All 10 cases that occurred in public baths, where the time before discovery should have been short, were cases of cardiopulmonary arrest, and it is impossible to clearly explain why resuseitation attempts failed in all 10 of them. In order to identify the causative diseases we think it would be worthwhile to consider 1) performing a whole-body CT examination after confirming death, and 2) perforrning open-chest cardiac massage (only in patients brought to the hospital within a short time).
粕谷 大智 竹内 二士夫 山本 一彦 伊藤 幸治 坂井 友実
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.62, no.4, pp.201-206, 1999 (Released:2010-04-30)

We executed an acupuncture therapy to 62 lumbar spinal canal stenosis cases who were diagnosed by CT, MRI photo state and clinical symptom and examined the result.The 36 men and 26 women in this study had a mean age of 67.3 years.An acupuncture was executed by aiming to give an effect to the soft tissues and a blood circulation around the area where the stenosis was recognized then pierced facet joint closely and deeply and gave an electric acupuncture stimulus.14 cases were very good and 17 cases had good results according to the JOA score. No cases worsened.We concluded an acupuncture treatment was effective for treating lumbar spinal canal stenosis.
渡部 一郎 渡部 朋子
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.78, no.4, pp.353-362, 2015-10-27 (Released:2015-11-12)

有酸素運動は、生活習慣病予防や糖尿病治療で有用である。近年、末梢毛細血管観察装置(M320、JMC社、京都)による鮮明な毛細血管血流のリアルタイム動画の観察や血流速度測定が可能となった。健常男子7名に自転車エルゴメーターによる有酸素運動を施行し、皮膚温、手指爪上皮部毛細血管平均血流速度(以下平均血流速度)の測定、毛細血管血流と有酸素運動の関係を検討した。有酸素運動は呼気代謝装置(VMAX29c、Sensormedics社、米国)を用いV-slope法で求めた嫌気性呼吸代謝閾値の90%の運動強度の有酸素運動を20分間施行した。平均血流速度には、運動前後で対応のあるt-検定を用いた。皮膚温はサーモグラフィ(FLIR SC620、FLIR Systems Inc.,米国)による高解像度の全身動画を用いた。心拍数と皮膚温の統計学的検討には、one-way repeated-measure ANOVA、下位検定としてBonferroniの多重比較検定を用いた。有意水準はP<0.05とした。心拍数は、運動前と比較し、運動後4分、7分、10分、11分、13分から20分に有意の増加を認めた。左手第4指温は、運動開始時と比較し、運動終了後6分から10分に有意の上昇を認めた。母趾温は、運動開始時と比較し、運動8分に有意の低下を認めたがその後徐々に改善した。毛細血管血流速度は、運動前124.6±3.4μm/s(平均値±標準誤差;以下同様)、運動後133.1±2.2μm/sと有意の増加を示した。対面で可能な、非侵襲性のサーモグラフィや手指毛細血管血流のリアルタイム動画観察は、患者自身が、運動療法の有効性を理解し、そのモチベーションを高める可能性がある。
山崎 律子 本多 泰揮 原田 潮 鈴木 裕二 大塚 吉則
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.70, no.3, pp.165-171, 2007 (Released:2010-04-30)

PurposeHalf body bathing is popular among young women as well as elderly people. As a matter of fact, it is reported that half body bathing has a smaller burden than whole-body bathing from the point of physical influence. To clarify the relation between bathing habitude and health maintenance, that is, as an approach to general understanding the physiological effects by repeating bathing stimuli, the physiological changes by continuing half body bathing were studied.MethodsHalf body bathing was repeated for 4 weeks in healthy female subjects (N=10, age: 30.1±4.8, height: 160.4±6.1cm, weight: 55.6±7.0kg, body mass index: 20.9±1.6kg/m2, mean±SD).Bathing was performed for 30 minutes and 3times a week, with a level of epigastrium without immersing arms. Changes of blood flow and energy expenditure were measured during bathing at 0W and 4W.Results and DiscussionBy continuing bathing, blood flow increased more rapidly and higher during bathing, in addition, resting energy expenditure increased by 200kcal/day with a significant difference.From these findings, it is assumed that repeated half-body bathing enhances the increase of blood flow through repeating thermal stimuli, which leads to elevated basal metabolism.
森本 佑子 田辺 雄一 堀 天明 宮内 勇貴 佐藤 麻紀 工藤 道誠 菅屋 潤壹
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
pp.2314, (Released:2019-10-25)

健康なボランティアの前腕浴における皮膚血流に対する炭酸ガスおよび乳化油剤の影響を測定した.浴湯中に炭酸ガス(60ppm)のみ,乳化油剤(10ppm)のみ,炭酸ガスおよび乳化油剤を溶解させた前腕浴において,炭酸ガスと乳化油剤の併用は,炭酸ガス単独にくらべて皮膚血流量を有意に上昇させた.乳化油剤が炭酸ガスの経皮吸収を高めた結果,炭酸ガスの皮膚血管に対する実効濃度が高くなった可能性が考えられた.  さらに,炭酸ガスと乳化油剤を組み合わせた入浴剤を作製し,健常成人を対象に,2週間の連用が発汗に及ぼす影響を調べた.連用後,入浴剤群では,安静時の鼓膜温が低下傾向を示した.発汗テストによる体温変化は連用前と同等であったが,発汗量は有意に増加した.鼓膜温および発汗量,発汗波頻度を用いた解析から,発汗量の増加は,発汗中枢を介したものであることが示された.コントロール群では,これらの変化は認められなかった.以上の結果から,乳化油剤を配合した炭酸入浴剤が発汗機能に有益な効果を有する可能性があることが示された.
坂井 友実 大崎 紀子 安野 富美子 曾川 義寛 矢野 忠
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.65, no.3, pp.137-146, 2002-05-01

Poor circulation is considered to be a cause of stiff shoulders, but there have been no studies on deep hemodynamics and the subjective estimation/palpation of stiff shoulders. We evaluated the relationship between deep hemodynamics and the degree of the subjective estimation/palpation of stiff shoulders by near-infrared spectrophotometry.<br>The subjects were 146 patients who visited our center and 23 healthy volunteers. Deep hemodynamics (tissue oxygen saturation: StO<sub>2</sub>, total hemoglobin concentration: total Hb) was measured in the scapular region of the bilateral shoulders using a deep hemodynamics measurement system (PSA-IIIN, Biomedical Science), and its relationship with the severity of the subjective estimation of stiff shoulders (5-grade rating) and that of palpation (4-grade rating) was evaluated. Deep hemodynamic values were affected by the body mass index (BMI) that is highly correlated with subcutaneous fat thickness. Therefore, analysis was performed in 70 patients and 8 healthy volunteers with BMI of 20-24 that does not affect hemodynamic values. Compared with the healthy volunteers, patients who reported marked shoulder stiffness showed a significant decrease in total Hb, and that who reported shoulder stiffness showed a significant decrease in StO<sub>2</sub>. On the other hand, compared with the healthy volunteers, patients with marked shoulder stiffness observed by palpation showed significant decreases in both StO<sub>2</sub> and total Hb; the decreases were more marked with more marked stiffness. These results suggested that deep hemodynamics is a diagnostic parameter of stiff shoulders.