佐藤 倫広 松本 章裕 原 梓 岩森 紗希 小原 拓 菊谷 昌浩 目時 弘仁 保坂 実樹 淺山 敬 高橋 信行 佐藤 博 眞野 成康 今井 潤 大久保 孝義
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.12, pp.1347-1355, 2014 (Released:2014-12-01)
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Encouraging self-medication is expected to reduce healthcare costs. To assess the current situation of self-medication practices in the general population, we conducted a questionnaire survey regarding the use of over-the-counter (OTC) medications or dietary supplements in 1008 participants (37% men; mean age, 64±13 years) from Ohasama, a rural Japanese community. A total of 519 (52%) participants used OTC medications or dietary supplements, with common cold medication (36%) and supplements (28%) such as shark cartilage products representing the most common choices. Stepwise logistic regression showed female gender, a higher frequency of visits from a household medicine kit distributor, dyslipidemia, and lower home systolic blood pressure levels as predictors for the use of such materials (chi-square values: 25.3, 12.6, 7.0, and 4.6, respectively; all p<0.03). Stratifying the participants according to the use of antihypertensive treatment showed a negative association between systolic blood pressure and the use of OTC medications or supplements only in participants being treated for hypertension. These results suggest that although the adoption rate of self-medication in Japan can be increased in rural areas, it may remain lower in urban areas. The present study clarifies the factors associated with the use of OTC medications or dietary supplements and indicates that appropriate self-medication practices might improve the control of hypertension, particularly in patients undergoing antihypertensive treatment.
河添 仁 飯原 なおみ 土居 智明 森田 修之
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.125, no.12, pp.959-969, 2005-12-01

The proclamation of April 2002 of a Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare ordinance has enabled doctors to prescribe drugs for an outpatient without a limit on the length of prescription terms except for a few drugs. There is a concern that the prescription-term deregulation could cause careless drug therapy management in order to extend the interval between patient hospital visits. The purpose of this study is to make pre- and post-deregulation comparisons of two items, prescription terms and implementation of clinical examination that complied with package-insert precautions, and to discuss the approaches to increase safety. Prescription terms have lengthened progressively. In the preregulation period of January to March 2002, the mean prescription term was 19.9 days; in the post-regulation period of July to September 2002, it was 24.9 days; and in July to September 2003, 28.6 days. Even for anti-tumor agents, there were prescriptions over 90 days after deregulation. There was no significant difference between the pre- and post-deregulation compliance ratios for the package-insert precautions in eight drugs of investigated nine. However, one case had a delay in detection of liver dysfunction, which was caused by deviation from the once-a-month testing indicated in the package-insert precautions for prolonged prescription terms. The evidence suggested that the deregulation led to negligent drug therapy management. To assure safe therapy, the following should be addressed : first, sufficient function of a computerized prescriber order entry system and second, creation of a new framework with pharmacists' active involvement such as collaborative therapy management with physicians.
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
no.260, pp.1044-1045, 1903-10-26
荒井 基晴 前田 一人 佐藤 宏樹 三木 晶子 澤田 康文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
pp.16-00041, (Released:2016-06-27)

We created a draft of new patient information leaflets to ensure patients’ proper use of drugs and to highlight safety issues and improvement plans extracted and proposed by small group discussions (SGD) with pharmacists. A total of 3 SGDs (participants: 15 pharmacists) were conducted with the aim of improving patient information leaflets for oral diabetes drugs. First, the disadvantages and advantages of the current instructions as well as requests for ideal patient information leaflets were obtained from participants.Conventional patient information leaflets that could be improved were useful to understand drug efficacy, adverse effects, and instructions for daily consumption of medicines, and to encourage patients to re-check drugs at home and inform their family of the measures to be taken in the case of adverse effects from the standpoint of patients. However, some disadvantages arose; for example, the instructions were difficult to read because of small lettering and illustrations and too much text. It was not tailored for individual patients, and descriptions about serious adverse effects caused patients much anxiety. Therefore, we have created a draft of new patient information leaflets with diabetes that are simpler and easier to understand and use concise wording and illustrations that are impactful.
安本 三治 山下 純一 橋本 貞夫
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.98, no.11, pp.1551-1553, 1978-11-25

Synthesis of 3-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-5-fluorouracil (3-Thf-FU) (III), which has been found to be a metabolic intermediate of 1,3-bis (tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-5-fluorouracil (Thf_2-FU) and an effective antitumor agent, is reported. 1-Alkane- or 1-arene-sulfonyl-5-fluorouracil (I) was trimethylsilylated by treatment with N, O-bis (trimethylsilyl) acetamide and treated with 2-acetoxytetrahydrofuran in the presence of stannic chloride to give 1-alkane- or 1-arene-sulfonyl-3-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-5-fluorouracil (II). III was obtained by deblocking of II with methanolic ammonia.
朴 恵林 三木 晶子 佐藤 宏樹 馬来 秀行 浅井 康平 小西 ゆかり 澤田 康文
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.6, pp.913-923, 2016 (Released:2016-06-01)

We conducted a workshop that aimed to clarify problems with care workers supporting medication use in nursing homes, to propose measures for solving these problems, and to raise awareness of these problems among care workers. Eighteen care workers from different fee-based elderly nursing homes were enrolled in the workshop, and divided into four groups. The participants in these groups identified the issues based on their experiences regarding medication-related incidents, and discussed related problems and viable measures using the KJ method. The issues identified by each group were “dropping a medication”, “wrong resident”, “refusal to take medication”, and “confusion”. To resolve these problems, the participants recommended: “conducting study sessions or testing of manuals and medication knowledge”, “strengthening monitoring systems”, “enhancing information sharing”, etc. The involvement of pharmacists was hardly mentioned, despite the workshop being designed for “medication assistance”. A post-workshop questionnaire revealed that 88.9% of the participants acknowledged an increased awareness of safe assistance in the use of medication. A follow-up questionnaire, distributed approximately seven months after the workshop, revealed that 82.4% of participants applied the experience and knowledge they learned at the workshop to their work. The workshop seemed to raise awareness and lead to preventive measures for safe medication assistance. Communication between care workers and other health care professionals, such as pharmacists, is important to designing and implementing safe medical care in nursing homes.
三好 伸一
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.120, no.11, pp.1149-1157, 2000-11-01

Vibrio vulnificus is an opportunistic human pathogen causing wound infection and septicemia, characterized by hemorrhagic and edematous damage to the skin of limbs. When injected into the dorsal skin, an extracellular metalloprotease from this vibrio (V.vulnificus protease : VVP) enhanced the vascular permeability through activation of the Hageman factor-plasma kallikrein-kinin cascade and/or stimulation of exocytotic histamine release. Additionally, VVP caused the hemorrhagic skin lesion through disorganization of the vascular basement membrane layer due to specific degradation of type IV collagen, which is known to form the backbone structure of the basement membrane. However, injected VVP was quickly inactivated by a plasma glycoprotein, α-macroglobulin, at a molar ratio of 1 : 1. This glycoprotein was leaked from the capillaries by the actions of VVP, which resulted in in situ inactivation by physical entrapment. When VVP (45000 Da) was incubated at 37℃, a 35000 Da fragment was generated by the autocatalytic removal of a 10000 Da C-terminal polypeptide. This N-terminal fragment showed significant proteolytic activity, however, because of a markedly decreased affinity to the protein substrates, its permeability-enhancing and hemorrhagic activity was reduced to less than 50%. These findings indicate that the C-terminal polypeptide is not essential for but promotes skin reactions caused by VVP.
福島 紀子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.5, pp.717-719, 2016 (Released:2016-05-01)

Keio University Faculty of Pharmacy opened an insurance pharmacy on its campus in 2001. This pharmacy was opened with the objectives of 1) educating pharmacists to serve the regional community; 2) heightening students' motivation; and 3) providing practical education geared to the needs of actual healthcare settings. Since my appointment as director in 2003, I have led various initiatives to determine an ideal business model for a university pharmacy. This paper reports these initiatives and discusses the mission and future prospects of university pharmacies. In terms of education, all 4th-year students provide medication guidance to simulated patients at our university pharmacy counters, and are briefed by pharmacists about pharmacy administration and dispensing activities. Over three periods each academic year, trainees from other universities have been accepted for long-term on-site training. Students also work at local facilities for elderly persons to learn how to effectively communicate with this demographic and to better understand their unique pharmacokinetic profiles, impaired QOL, etc. Students can also participate in health promotion and drug education courses for regional residents, and support their self-medication. Pharmacies are important points of contact with local communities where residents' lives can be medically monitored. It is important for pharmaceutical universities to operate their own pharmacies in order to determine and stay abreast of the evolving challenges society expects pharmaceutical science to address. University pharmacies need to become models for general community pharmacies.
中島 晴信 宮野 直子 松永 一郎 中島 ナオミ 鹿庭 正昭
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.127, no.5, pp.865-888, 2007-05-01
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To clarify the marketing status of antimicrobial products, descriptions on the labels of commercially available antimicrobial products were investigated from 1991 through 2005, and the results were analyzed using a database system on antimicrobial deodorant agents. A classification table of household antimicrobial products was prepared and revised, based on which target products were reviewed for any changes in the product type. The number of antimicrobial products markedly increased over 3 years starting from 1996, among which there were many products apparently not requiring antimicrobial processing. More recently, in the 2002 and 2004 surveys, while sales of kitchenware and daily necessities decreased, chemical products, baby articles, and articles for pets increased; this poses new problems. To clarify the use of antimicrobial agents in the target products, a 3-step (large, intermediate, small) classification table of antimicrobial agents was also prepared, based on which antimicrobial agents indicated on the product labels were checked. The rate of identifying the agents increased. However, this is because of the increase of chemical products and baby articles, both of which more frequently indicated the ingredient agents on the labels, and the decrease of kitchenware and daily necessities, which less frequently indicated them on the labels. Therefore there has been little change in the actual identification rate. The agents used are characterized by product types: quaternary ammonium salts, metal salts, and organic antimicrobials are commonly used in textiles, plastics, and chemical products, respectively. Since the use of natural organic agents has recently increased, the safety of these agents should be evaluated.
関口 慶二
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.81, no.5, pp.669-674, 1961-05-25 (Released:2010-02-19)

Thermal analysis was carried out on 26 kinds of binary systems, having caffeine as one component and various carboxylic acids as the other. Molecular compounds were formed by caffeine with o-, m-, and p-hydroxybenzoic acid, gallic acid, m-me-thoxybenzoic acid, m-nitrobenzoic acid, o-, m-, and p-aminobenzoic acid, phenylacetic acid, malonic acid, oxalic acid dihydrate, and maleie acid. Caffeine did not form a molecular compound with benzoic and phthalic acids. Comparison of the result of thermal analysis and the report of Higuchi and others regarding caffeine complex in aqueous solution suggested that there is some difference in the behavior of caffeine between anhydrous state and in aqueous solution.
生田目 一寿
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.2, pp.231-236, 2016 (Released:2016-02-01)

Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are an extremely important issue facing global health care. To improve “access to health” where people are unable to access adequate medical care due to poverty and weak healthcare systems, we have established two consortiums: the NTD drug discovery research consortium, and the pediatric praziquantel consortium. The NTD drug discovery research consortium, which involves six institutions from industry, government, and academia, as well as an international non-profit organization, is committed to developing anti-protozoan active compounds for three NTDs (Leishmaniasis, Chagas disease, and African sleeping sickness). Each participating institute will contribute their efforts to accomplish the following: selection of drug targets based on information technology, and drug discovery by three different approaches (in silico drug discovery, “fragment evolution” which is a unique drug designing method of Astellas Pharma, and phenotypic screening with Astellas' compound library). The consortium has established a brand new database (Integrated Neglected Tropical Disease Database; iNTRODB), and has selected target proteins for the in silico and fragment evolution drug discovery approaches. Thus far, we have identified a number of promising compounds that inhibit the target protein, and we are currently trying to improve the anti-protozoan activity of these compounds. The pediatric praziquantel consortium was founded in July 2012 to develop and register a new praziquantel pediatric formulation for the treatment of schistosomiasis. Astellas Pharma has been a core member in this consortium since its establishment, and has provided expertise and technology in the area of pediatric formulation development and clinical development.
杉野 雅浩 三上 充宏 石原 智樹 細谷 治 從二 和彦
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.8, pp.977-985, 2015 (Released:2015-08-01)

A generic drug is defined as a drug product that is comparable to a brand name drug in terms of dosage, form, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics, and indicated use. Generic drugs for topical use, in the case of sheet-like products, are required to be the same as the original drug in terms of application area and dosage form. The composition of such generic drug formulations may differ from that of the original product. The adhesive of any pharmaceutically-active tape that directly contacts the skin plays a role in delivering the active ingredient into the skin, and affects the sensation and ease of handling. Therefore, adhesives are an important ingredient in these products. Thus, the aim of this study was to characterize original and generic lidocaine tape products, and to evaluate the adhesive properties of each. The tack force, peel strength and shear adhesion were measured as adhesive properties. In addition, in vitro drug releasing profiles and skin permeation profiles of the products were evaluated. In vivo transdermal absorption was also evaluated to predict the possibility of adverse effects. Adhesive properties differed among the three analyzed products. These differences may have been caused by differences in the adhesives. Drug-releasing profiles and skin permeation profiles also differed among the three products, even though the pharmacokinetics were not significantly different. By obtaining an adequate understanding of the characteristics of original and generic products, we will be able to provide better tailor-made medications for drug therapies for patients.
市川 聡
藥學雜誌 = Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (ISSN:00316903)
vol.128, no.10, pp.1403-1430, 2008-10-01

&nbsp;&nbsp;Nucleosides and nucleotides are one of the most important elements for cells by the fact that they are components of DNAs and RNAs. In addition, they play important roles in most fundamental cellular metabolic pathways such as energy donors, second messengers, and cofactors for various enzymes. Therefore, there exists a rich source in drug discovery targeting nucleosides and nucleotides. In order to utilize nucleosides and nucleic acids on the drug development, it is very important to develop reactions and methods, by which the highly coordinating and labile nucleoside intermediates can be used. With these in mind, we have been working on synthetic nucleoside and nucleic acid chemistry. First, branched sugar nucleoside derivatives, which are potential antitumor agents, have been synthesized utilizing samarium diiodide (SmI<sub>2</sub>) mediated Reformatsky reaction or aldol reaction. 3&prime;-&beta;-Carbamoylmethylcytidine (CAMC) was found to exhibit potent cytotoxicity against various human tumor cell lines. Synthetic methodology of the caprazamycins, which are promising antibacterial nucleoside natural products, was also developed by the strategy including &beta;-selective ribosylation without using a neighboring group participation. Our synthetic route provided a range of key analogues with partial structures to define the pharmacophore. Simplification of the caprazamycins was further pursued to develop diketopiperazine analogs. Medicinal chemistry of oligodeoxynucleotides has been conducted. Thus, novel triazole-linked dumbbell oligodeoxynucleotides and modular bent oligodeoxynucleotides were synthesized. They exhibit excellent binding affinity to NF-&kappa;B or HMGB1 A-box protein, which are important therapeutic targets. Therefore, the results obtained conclusively demonstrated these oligodeoxynucleotides could be proposed as powerful decoy molecules.<br>
武田 豊彦 鈴木 裕介 稲津 邦平 坂元 照男 前川 秀幸
薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.109, no.6, pp.p395-401, 1989-06

Cephalothine sodium (CET-Na) in crystals can be obtained by freezing the aqueous solution and subsequent warming at a fixed temperature for facilitating crystallization prior to vacuum application for drying. The product has, however, been found to unavoidably contain traces of the amorphous CET-Na, which causes a rapid color development during storage. By using thermal analysis, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), electric conductometry, and polarized light cryomicrographic techniques, the solubilities in water, freezing point, eutectic point, and melting behavior of CET-Na in aqueous solution were investigated. The investigation demonstrated that CET-Na in supersaturated aqueous solution is very stable, and that seeding with microcrystalline CET-Na to the supersaturated solution and subsequent cooling of the mixture till its freezing point gives neither any evidence for crystallization nor for growth of the seed crystals. The freeze-drying of CET-Na in the supersaturated solution after seeding has been demonstrated to give crystalline CET-Na contaning neither of amorphous nor of quasicrystalline form.
味澤 幸義 赤羽 健司 赤羽 増夫 佐藤 和明 玉井 哲郎 斉藤 勝 田中 信之 鎌田 晃爾 小林 通洋
藥學雜誌 = Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (ISSN:00316903)
vol.116, no.9, pp.735-747, 1996-09-25

A number of benzimidazole derivatives were synthesized and tested for cholecystokinin A (CCK-A) receptor inhibitory activity in order to study structure-activity relationships. Significant CCK-A receptor inhibitory activities were found in the compounds having carboxyl or tetrazolyl group. As the most preferred compound, 4-(5,6-dichlorobenzimidazol-2-yl)-N-(3-methoxypropyl)-N-pentylglutaramic acid (4g) was selected.
赤川 信一郎 森川 則文 池田 佳代 岡崎 照夫 高橋 俊輔
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.2, pp.175-179, 2015 (Released:2015-02-01)

A strategy named “Japan is back” adopted in June 2013 specifies that pharmacies shall be regarded as community-based places where health-related information is provided, and the public shall be encouraged to use the services of pharmacies and pharmacists who can advise on health and appropriate use of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, and promote self medication. In Japan there are approximately 55000 pharmacies and 260000 pharmacists, and community residents are recommended to use these resources. As advisors on healthcare in the community, pharmacists are required to make judgments regarding drug use in individuals performing self medication and using OTC drugs in consideration of their symptoms and level of understanding of their health conditions, and recommend that they consult a medical center if necessary. To meet these requirements pharmacists need to have the skills to monitor each individual's lifestyle, behavior, and environment as well as trends in society, and assess their health status. However, education that allows pharmacists to practice such skills remains insufficiently developed. We consider that to be able to detect diseases early among community residents and appropriately support them using pharmacotherapy, it is very important to train pharmacists to do the following at pharmacies: 1) determine individuals who should be treated early using symptomatologic skills; 2) promote public awareness of disease; and 3) perform biochemical examination (blood is collected by fingerprick promptly to obtain biochemical data) in cooperation with the Department of Clinical Pharmacotherapy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hiroshima University.
韓 立坤 森本 千恵 蔚 ろん海 奥田 拓道
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.125, no.5, pp.449-453, 2005 (Released:2005-05-01)
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The antiobesity effects of Coleus forskohlii were investigated in ovariectomized (ovx) rats. Eight-week-old female Wistar rats were assigned to four groups: a sham-operated group fed the control diet (MF, sham-m) ; an ovx-m group fed the control diet; a sham-operated group fed the control diet containing 50 g/kg of Coleus forskohlii extract (sham-c) ; and an ovx-c group fed the control diet containing 50 g/kg of Coleus forskohlii extract. The body weight, adipose tissues, and cell diameter were investigated in ovx rats after Coleus forskohlii extract treatment. Administration of Coleus forskohlii extracts reduced body weight, food intake, and fat accumulation in ovx rats. Our results suggest that Coleus forskohlii may be useful in the treatment of obesity.

2 0 0 0 OA カレー粉

藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
no.36, pp.73-74, 1885