中出 捨次郎
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.21, no.2, pp.347-370_1, 1927

1. 口蓋扁桃腺ニ於ケル格子状纖維ハ胎生第三ヶ月初期ニ於テ既ニ發生シ, 規則正シキ網羅状ヲナシテ實質中平等ニ存在シ, 實質組織ヲ多數ノ小部分ニ分チ, ソノ各部ニハ一個若クハ數個ノ細胞ヲ容ル.<br>該纖維網眼ハ更ニ之ヨリ分岐シテ樹枝状又ハ不規則ナル網状ヲナセル甚ダ纖細ナル多數ル細纖維ニヨリテ充タサレ, 此等細纖維ハ前述ノ細胞間ニモ入リ, 之等ヲ纒絡スルモノノ如シ.<br>2. 口蓋扁桃腺ノ格子状纖維ハ胎生第三ヶ月初期ニ於テ既ニ主副纖維ノ別明瞭ナリ. 即, 該時期ニ於テハ主纖維ハ多數細纖維ノ集リテ成レルコト恰モ絹絲ノ多數細纖維ヨリ成ルニ酷似シ, 其後次第ニ成育スルニ從ヒ該細纖維ノ一部ハ尚依然之ヲ認メ得ルモ一部ハ融合シテ太キ一本ノ纖維トナリ胎生第六ヶ月ニ至レバ此ノ融合セル纖維部ハ甚ダ強靱トナル.<br>3. 胎生時ニ於ケル格子状纖維ハ胎生初期ニ於テハ尚甚ダ纖細ナリト雖モ網羅状ニ黒染シ, 成人ニ於ケルモノト全ク同一ナリ.<br>4. 格子状纖維ハ膠基纖維ト明ニ區別ス可キモノニシテ胎生期ニ於ケル口蓋扁桃腺ニ於テハ前者ノ後者ニ變性移行スルヲ認メズ.<br>5. 口蓋扁桃腺ニ於ケル格子状纖維ハ胎生第三ヶ月末期以後ニ於テ濾胞ニ一致シテ圓形, 紡〓形若クハ不整形ニ全ク缺如スルカ, 或ハ著シク乏少ニシテ僅ニ斷片状ニ存在スルニ過ギズ. 而テ該格子状纖維缺如部 (即, 濾胞) ハ胎生初期 (第三・四ヶ月) ニ於テハ紡〓形若クハ不整形ヲ呈スルモ, 漸次發育スルト共ニ類圓形ヲ呈シ, 第六ヶ月ニ至レバ生後ニ於ケルモノト大差ナキニ至ル.<br>6. 胎生第三ヶ月ニ於テ扁桃腺上皮組織下ニ之ニ沿ヒテ稍太キ格子状纖維ノ走行スルヲ認ムルモ扁桃腺被嚢内ニハ全ク之ヲ認メズ. 其後扁桃腺ノ發育ト共ニ該纖維モ亦, 發育増殖スト雖モ, 被嚢内ニハ特ニ強靱ナル該纖維ヲ認ムル事ナシ. 即, 格子状纖維ハ被嚢ノ形成ニ關與スル事少シ.<br>7. 彈力纖維ハ胎生第三ヶ月ニ於テ既ニ扁桃腺上皮組織下ニ, 第四ヶ月ニ於テ皮嚢内ニ, 實質ヲ包ミテ走行スルヲ認メ, 其後次第ニ發育スルモ, 第六ヶ月ニ至レバ甚ダ著明ナル發育ヲ遂ゲ強靭ナル該纖維ハ屈曲蛇行シテ扁桃腺組織ヲ包ムニ至ル.<br>8. 扁桃腺實質内ニ於テハ彈力纖維ハ甚ダ纖細ナレ共, 胎生第三ヶ月ニ於テ血管壁ノ外, 上皮組織ニ接近セル極メテ小部分ニ略, 之ニ並行シテ線状ニ走行シ, 第四ヶ月ニ於テハ被嚢ニ近キ部ニ於テモ同樣, 該纖維ヲ認メ,上皮組織ニ近キ部ニ於ケルモノハ互ニ吻合ヲ作リテ網状ヲナシ, 稍之ニ遠ザカリテ扁桃腺深部ニ入レノバ未ダ吻合ヲ作ルニ至ラズシテ線状ヲナシテ存ス. 第六ヶ月ニ至レバ該纖維ハ實質中平等ニ網状ヲナシテ存在スルニ至リソノ走行ハ上皮組織並ニ被嚢ニ近キ部ニ於テハ略, 之ニ並行シテ走行シ, 互ニ吻合ヲ作リテ網状ヲ呈シ, 稍, 之ヲ遠ザカリテ扁桃腺深部ニ入レバカクノ如ク一定セズシテ不規則ニ網羅状ヲナス. 其後益々發育スト雖, 扁桃腺被嚢或ハ周圍組織ニ於ケルモノニ比シ一般ニ甚ダ纖細ナリ.<br>9. 彈力纖維ハ腺窩ニ近接セル扁桃腺實質部ニ於テハ, 腺窩ヲ色ミテ之ト略並行ニ輪状ニ走行セル太キ纖維ト, 上皮組織ト略, 垂直ニ放線状ニ走行セルモノト及ビ腺窩上皮組織ニ並行ニ縦走セルモノトル略三種ヨリ成リ, 互ニ吻合シテ網羅状ヲナシ, 籠状ニ腺窩ヲ包ム.<br>10. 口蓋扁桃腺ニ於テハ彈力纖維ハ濾胞ニ一致セル部ニ略圓形ヲナシテ全ク缺如スルカ, 或ハ著シク乏少ナリ.<br>11. 膠基纖維ハ胎生第三ヶ月ニ於テ扁桃腺被嚢部並ニ上皮組織下ニ之ニ沿ヒ纖細ナル纖維トシテ走行シ, 其後次第ニ發育スト雖, 扁桃腺被嚢部ニ於ケルモノ特ニ著明ニシテ, 胎生第六ヶ月ニ至レバ強靱ナル該纖維ハ屈曲蛇行シテ扁桃腺實質ヲ包ム. 上皮組織下ニ於ケルモノハ胎生第十ヶ月ニ至レバ再ビ甚ダ纖細トナル.<br>12. 膠基纖維ハ扁桃腺實質中ニ於テハ胎生第三ヶ月, 第四ヶ月ニ於テ極メテ纖細且, 淡染セルモノ線状或ハ粗鬆ナル網状ヲナシテ細胞間ニ少量存シ, 第六ヶ月以後ニ於テハヨク發育シテ濃染シ, 全實質中ニ分布ス. 然レドモ濾胞ニ於テハ之ヲ缺如スルカ, 或ハ甚ダ乏少ナリ.<br>13. 胎生期ニ於テハ扁桃腺被嚢ハ主トシテ膠基纖維並ニ彈力纖維ヨリ成リ, 格子状纖維ハ之ニ與ル事少シ. 然ルニ扁桃腺實質組織内ニ於テハ間質組織ハ主トシテ格子状纖維ヨリ成リ, 膠基纖維, 彈力纖維亦存在スト雖, 彼ニ比スレバ甚ダ纖細ニシテ間質組織トシテハ前者ニ比シ意義少シ.<br>14. 胎兒口蓋扁桃腺ニ於テハ扁桃腺實質部タルト被嚢部タルトヲ問ハズ一般ニ格子状纖維ハ胎生初期 (第三ヶ月) ニ於テ既ニヨク發育分布セルニ反シ, 彈力纖維, 膠基纖維ハ胎生初期ニ於テ既ニ發生スレ共, 其發育極メテ微々タルノ顯著ナル相違アリ. 而テ胎生中期 (第五, 六ヶ月) 以後ニ至レバヨク發育分布サルルニ至ル.<br>15. 口蓋扁桃腺實質部ニ於ケル各纖維ハ, 扁桃腺周圍組織ニ於ケルモノニ比スレバ甚ダ繊細ニシテ, 彈力纖維, 膠基纖維ニ於テ殊ニ顯著ナリ.<br>16. 扁桃腺被嚢ハ胎生第三ヶ月ニ於テ既ニ其
国吉 京子 井上 幸 中島 誠 川野 通夫 澤田 正樹 一色 信彦
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.82, no.11, pp.1587-1592, 1989-11-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

In order to study the development of speech in infants with cleft palate, we investigated the development of consonant articulation in two cases (A, B) with cleft soft palate and in two cases (C, D) with cleft lip and palate before and after palatoplasty. We taperecorded their consonants in meaningful speech sounds and transcribed them.We made the following observations: (1) The frequency of consonants in meaningful speech sounds did not vary with the type of cleft or the timing of palatoplasty, and increased radically in the latter half of the second year and the first half of the third year. (2) Glottal stops occurred in the pre-palatoplasty periods but had almost disappeared three to ten months after palatoplasty in cases A, B, and C, whose velopharyngeal function was competent. (3) The speech sounds of these three cases were judged to be intelligible when the numbers of glottal stops decreased, the numbers of voiceless stops accounted for over 50% of all stops, and bilabial voiceless stops [p] appeared.
藤原 裕美 青木 正則 川口 和幸 工田 昌也 平川 勝洋 原田 康夫
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.84, no.9, pp.1267-1272, 1991-09-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

A galvanic current may be caused in the oral cavity when two or more dissimilar metallic repair materials are present, and it is well known among dentists that severe pain, called “galvanic pain”, may result. We report two cases of glossitis thought to have been caused by oral galvanism. We measured the galvanic current in patients with glossitis and found significantly larger electric currents in the patients than in controls. We suspect that oral galvanism is the cause of glossitis when the conditions are as follows: 1) Anemia, medications, mechanical stimulation by dental repair, zinc deficiency, etc. have been ruled out; 2) Currents greater than five micro-amperes are demonstrated.
内田 真哉 足立 直子 西村 泰彦 牛嶋 千久 出島 健司
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.101, no.2, pp.121-126, 2008-02-01 (Released:2011-10-07)
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Many patients with severe dysphagia are male, the larynx has often dropped, and even tracheostomy is sometimes difficult. During surgery to prevent aspiration in such patients, techniques that can be performed even in the presence of a dropped larynx are necessary. In addition, since complications are generally present in such patients, minimally invasive surgical techniques are desirable. Therefore, we developed a laryngeal closure method in the subglottic area that prevents postoperative suture failure and can also be performed in patients with a dropped larynx. This surgical technique was performed in patients with severe dysphagia.The subjects comprised 5 patients who had undergone this procedure more than 6 months previously. All were males aged ≥70 years and had demonstrated repeated episodes of pneumonia.In this surgical technique, laryngeal closure is performed in the subglottic area, and the dead space formed in the suture area is filled with an anterior cervical muscle flap. The status of ingestion before and after surgery and the course were observed and evaluated.There were severe complications in any patients. In all patients, the prevention of aspiration was achieved, and the status of ingestion improved.This surgical procedure may be an accurate aspiration-preventive technique that is minimally invasive and infrequently induces suture failure.
湯田 厚司 前田 太郎 川口 信也 篠木 淳
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.85, no.4, pp.627-633, 1992-04-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
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Foreign bodies in the ear and nose are commonly found by otorhinolaryngologists. A statistical review was made of 99 patients with foreign bodies in the ear and 73 patients with foreign bodies in the nose, treated at the Maeda ENT Hospital between June 1, 1988 and May 31, 1991.1. The patients with foreign bodies in the ear showed a wide age range, but most of those with foreign bodies in the nose were children.2. Foreign bodies in the ear were seen more often in summer because of insects, but foreign bodies in the nose showed no seasonal differences.3. The most frequent foreign bodies in the ear were insects (37.4%), followed by toy parts (26.3%) and cotton (8.1%).4. The most frequent foreign bodies in the nose were toy parts (43.8%), followed by food (23.3%) and paper (15.1%).
松井 利憲 山田 恭子 村松 裕子 斎藤 喜澄 川口 英洋 渡邊 芳男 木村 徹男 形浦 昭克
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.89, no.1, pp.95-101, 1996-01-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
5 4

A statistical analysis of 334 cases involving foreign bodies in the otorhinolaryngological field treated in our hospital between March 1988 and February 1995 is reported. The 344 cases represented 0.92% of the total number of outpatients (36406) during the same period. We found that 114 cases involved the external auditory canal (34%), 71 cases the nasal cavity (21%), 134 cases the oral cavity and pharynx (40%), and 15 cases the esophagus and trachea (4%). Cases involving the external auditory canal and nasal cavity, especially the nasal cavity, were most frequently found in children under 10 years old. The most frequent foreign bodies were hairs in the external auditory canal. Plastics were most common in the nasal cavity. Foreign bodies in the oral cavity and pharynx were mainly found in the f aucial tonsil, and most of the foreign bodies found in this area were fish bones. There were 14 cases of foreign bodies in the esophagus, and of these, 12 involved items lodged at the first narrowing portion, while 2 cases involved the second narrowing portion. Again, fish bones were the most common foreign bodies found in the esophagus. In the trachea, there was only one case of a foreign body, which involved a peanut.
鈴川 佳吾 鈴木 光也
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.96, no.5, pp.435-439, 2003-05-01 (Released:2011-10-07)
3 1

We report a case of arytenoid dislocation, which may have been caused by endotracheal intubation.A 44-year-old man underwent surgery for middle ear cholesteatoma under general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation. The intubation was performed with no difficulty, but at the end of the operation the patient moved strongly before extubation. Postoperatively, he presented hoarseness. Fiberscopic study revealed immobility of the right vocal cord but normal mobility of right arytenoid cartilage, suggesting that the right crico-arytenoid joint may have been dislocated. After two weeks, there was no improvement, and we performed closed reduction. Immediately after fixation with laryngomicrosurgery, there was neither improvement of voice nor mobility of right vocal cord. After he started voice therapy, his voice began to improve, three weeks after the last surgery. Four weeks later, fiberscopic examination showed almost normal mobility of the right vocal cord.From the literature review, we concluded that closed reductions should be performed as soon as possible after such an incident.
愛場 庸雅 杉本 緑 松田 泰明 杉浦 欣一 中井 義明 中島 俊文
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.83, no.3, pp.391-395, 1990-03-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

The effects of therapeutic irradiation on olfactory function were investigated in 20 patients who received radiation therapy because of a malignant tumor of the nose or paranasal sinuses. The standard olfaction test with a T&T olfactometer and an intravenous olfaction test were given before the radiation therapy, during the period of radiation therapy and 1, 3, 6 and 12 months or more later.Five patients whose olfactory epithelium was outside the radiation field showed no damage to olfactory function. The olfactory function of the other 15 patients whose olfactory epithelium had been exposed to radiation was not obviously changed or damaged at the time of radiation therapy. However, 6 months after irradiation, some patients showed a decline in olfactory function, and after 12 months, 4 of 7 patients showed severe damage to olfactory function.These results suggest that a therapeutic dose of irradiation will not cause severe damage to the olfactory function during the period of radiation therapy, but could cause delayed olfactory disorders in some patients after a few years. These olfactory disorders might be caused by damage to or degeneration of the olfactory epithelium or olfactory nerve.
武藤 二郎
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.82, no.3, pp.325-336, 1989-03-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

Chinese Medicine helps to normalize and stabilize autonomic nervous system imbalances and endocrine and metabolic disorders.In the field of oto-rhino-laryngology, Chinese Medicine is very effective when it is applied according to the traditional Chinese medical diagnoses for: 1) Abnormal sensation in the pharynx in patients with autonomic dysfunction. 2) Chronic inflammation. 3) Recurrent otitis media and pharyngitis. 4) Tinnitus, vertigo and dizziness with circulatory disturbances.
戸田 直紀 両角 遼太 東 貴弘
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.114, no.8, pp.615-620, 2021 (Released:2021-08-01)

Dysphagia in older persons can be of diverse causation. Herein, we report the case of a 74-year-old man with severe dysphagia caused by myopathy of the cricopharyngeal muscle.His swallowing function had begun to deteriorate 6 years before his first visit to our hospital. Videoendoscopic and video-fluorographic examinations of swallowing revealed no dilatation of the esophageal orifice. The patient was treated by cricopharyngeal myotomy. Histopathologic examination revealed myopathy of the cricopharyngeal muscle. However, no improvement of the swallowing function was observed after the surgery. This finding, along with his weight loss of 10 kg during the 6-year period suggested that the patient had sarcopenia with a loss of general muscle strength, including of the muscles related to swallowing, due to malnutrition. After nutritional management by tube feeding and swallowing rehabilitation for 3 months, he showed improvement in the swallowing function, and finally resumed oral intake. Indeed, video-fluorography after 5 months of rehabilitation revealed that the anterior movement distance of the hyoid had increased. This result indicated that anterior movement of the hyoid plays an important role in the dilatation of the esophageal orifice during swallowing.
関谷 芳正 松田 太志 高橋 真理子 村上 信五
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.95, no.6, pp.639-646, 2002-06-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
3 2

Although Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) is becoming very popular all over the world, it is still not well known in Japan. In this paper, we will introduce and discuss the theory and practice of TRT.TRT is based on the theory of Jastreboffs neurophysiological model, which postulates that a number of systems in the brain are involved in the emergence of Tinnitus and the auditory periphery plays only a secondary role. The purpose of this method is habituation by using low level sound and directive counseling.Though this therapy is thought to be a powerful methods for Tinnitus, there are some uncertainties regarding the roles of sound and counseling.Larger scale control studies are nescessary to conform its effectiveness and rationalize the theory.
菅沼 俊哉 松島 純一 酒井 昇
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.86, no.11, pp.1531-1536, 1993-11-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

A five-year-old boy received treatment for ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) for six months in the Pediatric Department of Hokkaido University Hospital.Following mild upper respiratory infection, aphtous stomatitis and dizziness, horizontal nystagmus was noted in the primary eye position and he was sent to the ENT clinic for neurootological examination.The findings of nystagmus varied from day to day and it was suggested that the brainstem and cerebellar vermis were damaged, but CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) did not reveal any significant lesion. The symptoms were considered most likely due to herpetic encephalitis, therefore, a ten-day course of acyclovir 180 mg/day was initiated.Shortly after administration was begun, herpes simplex virus genomes were detected in the patient's cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This case, therefore, was finally diagnosed as herpes simplex encephalitis.Three months later, neurological examination showed that the child had almost returned to normal, and he was discharged.
近野 哲史 黒川 雅史 山田 誠二郎 梶川 泰 友田 幸一
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.108, no.10, pp.783-790, 2015 (Released:2015-10-01)

Thyroid fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is a simple, cost-effective and minimally traumatic technique for the diagnosis of thyroid nodules. We report on two cases of acute thyroid swelling after FNAB. In both cases, within two hours after completion of the procedure, the entire thyroid gland enlarged rapidly. Ultrasound showed diffuse swelling of the entire thyroid gland with a heterogeneous appearance. There were no signs of bleeding or airway obstruction. The next morning a repeat US showed that the thyroid had returned to its normal size.It has been demonstrated that nerve fibers storing neuropeptides such as vasoactive intestinal peptide, substance P, cholecystokinin, neuropeptide Y, peptide histidine isoleucine, galanin, and calcitonin gene-­related peptide (CGRP) exist in the thyroid.The clinical and ultrasound data support the hypothesis of capillary leakage as the underlying mechanism, possibly evoked by neuropeptide release.
真栄田 裕行 金城 秀俊 上里 迅 安慶名 信也 又吉 宣 鈴木 幹男
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.112, no.6, pp.397-403, 2019

<p>Introduction</p><p>Although many tumors arising from parapharyngeal space are benign, we sometimes find malignant tumors. We have attempted to examine the clinical findings of parapharyngeal tumor in our institution and to consider how to deal with malignant tumor.</p><p>Materials</p><p>There were 29 cases of parapharyngeal space tumors involving malignancies in our institution.</p><p>Results</p><p>There were 20 benign cases composed of 7 cases of schwannoma, 6 cases of pleomorphic adenoma, 3 cases of paraganglioma, and one case each of cavernous haemangioma, cyst and meningioma, basal cell adenoma. On the other hand, there were 4 malignant tumors composed of one case each of malignant schwannoma, carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma and malignant paraganglioma. We presumed that one cases out of the 4 malignancies cases was a malignant tumor from the preoperative image findings. However, it was difficult to diagnose the other 3 cases with malignancies by investigation.</p><p>Discussion</p><p>Malignant tumors occurring in the parapharyngeal space were distributed salivary gland tumors and others. Because salivary gland tumor grow earlier and invade muscles, nerves and vessels rapidly, it is difficult to treat them radically. On the other hand, because the tumors arising from the salivary gland have a specific pathology, and exhibit slow growth, patients can expect a long life term despite having such tumors. In our examination, death occurred in one case only, the carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma.</p>
河田 了
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.95, no.8, pp.874-875, 2002-08-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
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田辺 正博 一色 信彦 北嶋 和智
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.71, no.8, pp.1141-1148, 1978-08-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

A reflectionless tube described by Sondhi is utilized to obtain the glottal waveform.The rationale of this method is that the effect of vocal-tract resonances on glottal waveform is considerably reduced by phonating into a reflectionless uniform tube.Measurement of the transmission characteristic (frequency response) of the tube proved minimal attenuation caused by the tube.The obtained glottal waveform in four normal subjects and in nine patients with laryngeal pathologies are reported herein and methods presently available for estimating the glottal waveform are also discussed. The glottal waveform with reflectionless tube proved to be simpler and more practical for clinical use.
齋藤 春雄
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.86, no.2, pp.302-303, 1993-02-01 (Released:2011-11-04)