白石 太一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.112, pp.3-24, 2004-02

小論は、歴博の基幹研究「地域社会における基層信仰の歴史的研究」に関連して実施した奈良県の中世以来現在まで利用が続く墓地の調査成果に基づいて、中・近世の大和における墓地の利用形態の変遷、すなわち墓地景観の変遷過程とその意味を考察したものである。奈良盆地では、現在も複数の大字、すなわち近世村が墓郷を形成し、大規模な共同墓地である「郷墓」を営む場合が多い。その多くは、墓地としては中世の中頃までには成立しており、中世後半には五輪塔などの石塔が盛んに造立された。これらの郷墓では近世初頭以降、墓郷を構成する複数の村ごとに墓域を分割するとともに、遺骸埋葬地と石塔造立地を異にする両墓制的な墓地利用が行われたと想定される。これに対し奈良盆地の東南方の宇陀地域では、墓地は現在も大字単位に営まれるのが基本であり、ごく最近まで両墓制的慣行が行われていた。またこの地域は中世墓地の発掘調査例が多いが、それら発掘例では火葬ないし土葬の埋葬を行った上に石塔が立てられており、単墓制の墓地であった。それらの多くは在地武士層の一統墓であり、豊臣政権の支配の確立とともに廃絶したものと想定される。一方現在まで継続して利用されている墓地は、ほとんどすべて近世に成立したものであり、中世から近世へ続く墓地はほとんど見いだせない。宇陀地域では、中世の在地武士層の血縁的な一統墓から近世の地縁的な村落墓地へと大きく転換しているのである。盆地部の郷墓は宇陀の中世墓地とは異なり、すでに中世の段階から地域の共同墓地であった。おそらく平安時代には成立していたと想定される地域の葬地をもとに、一三世紀頃に律宗の僧侶などによって葬送祭祀のための講の組織化が進められて「惣墓」となり、さらに新しく成立した近世村を基本的構成単位とする「郷墓」に変化したものと想定される。また盆地部でも宇陀でも、近世初頭前後に単墓制から両墓制へという大きな変化が共通してみられるが、これは遺骸の処理を村で行い、祖先祭祀のための石塔の造立を家で行うという矛盾が生み出したものにほかならない。このように大和では、中世から近世にかけて墓地の景観自体が大きく変化している。こうした墓地景観の大きな変化は、宗教的・信仰的要因、血縁から地縁へという社会の大きな変化や家の成立といった社会的要因、さらに近世的支配の成立とそれにともなう村の確立といった政治的要因などが複雑に作用した結果にほかならない。This paper considers changes in the types of use of graveyards, that is, the process of change in their appearance that occurred in Yamato during the Medieval period and Early Modern period. The study is based on the results of studies of graveyards in Nara Prefecture that have been in use from the Medieval period through to the present day carried out in relation to one of the National Museum of Japanese History's basic research themes "Historical Analysis on Basic Beliefs in Local Societies".Even today, there exist in the Nara basin many instances in which several large villages from the Early Modern period encompass a local graveyard and run it as a large communal graveyard. Most of these were established as graveyards by the middle of the Medieval period, and during the second half of the same period the erection of gravestones that were five-tiered stone monuments that symbolized the five main elements (earth, water, fire, wind and air) of esoteric Buddhism became common. It is assumed that some time after the beginning of the Early Modern period, these communal graveyards were divided into separate graveyards for each of the villages and that in the early stage of that period the adoption of a dual grave system became common whereby a distinction was made between the burial area where the remains of the dead were buried and the gravestone area. Still, it is no easy task to locate materials for examining the way in which these graveyards were used during the Medieval period.In contrast, in the Uda district in the southeast of the Nara basin it is normal even today for graveyards to be operated in the earlier form of a communal graveyard, and until very recently the dual grave system was customary. There are many examples of archeological surveys of medieval graveyards in this region, which have shown that a single grave system had been adopted whereby remains were either cremated or buried and a gravestone erected over the site. It is believed that these were family burial plots of the samurai class and that they disappeared with the rise to power of the Toyotomi regime. However, nearly all the graveyards that are in operation in the region today were established during the Early Modern period, so that virtually no graveyards that continued operating from the Medieval period into the Early Modern period can be found. In other words, a huge change took place in the Uda region as the family graves of the samurai class from the Medieval period came to be replaced by graveyards that served local villages.Communal graveyards in the Nara basin area differ from the medieval graveyards of Uda in that by the Medieval period they were already local communal graveyards. This probably is due to the creation of communal graveyards that came about with the systemization of funeral services as a result of efforts by priests of the Buddhist Ritsu Sect around the 13th century centered on local burial grounds thought to have been established during the Heian period. It is believed that these later became local graveyards that were a fundamental structural unit of Early Modern villages that became established under a new system of control Even though both the Nara basin area and Uda underwent a huge change over to the dual grave system from the single grave system around the beginning of the Early Modern period, this can only be the product of a contradiction that was created by the disposal of remains being taken care of in the village while gravestones for worshipping ancestors were built at family homes.As seen by the above, the appearance of graveyards itself was subject to huge change in Yamato from the Medieval period to the Early Modern period. In conclusion, this paper argues that these huge changes were caused by the complex interaction of factors related to religion and folk beliefs, social factors that saw a huge social change occur when groups based on blood ties were replaced by groups based on residence and the establishment of the Ie system, as well as political factors in which the formation of the regime in the Early Modern period was accompanied by the establishment of villages.
井原 今朝男
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.157, pp.213-247, 2010-03

本稿は、前近代の触穢と精進法のあり方を通じて、前近代の呪術・信仰が生業・技術や権力の動き・さらには民衆生活をどのように規制していたのかについて検討し、これまでの通説であるケガレ観念の国家的管理論や、天皇・禁裏や伊勢神宮は神聖な空間が維持され、穢多・清目・河原者には「服忌によっても禊祓によっても払拭できない穢」が集中したとする見解を実証面から批判したものである。本稿では、室町期の内裏では禁中触穢が繰り返され、天皇は四方拝や毎日拝を神事でないことを理由に穢のときでも公事として実施していた史実を指摘した。系譜上の父母である上皇・国母が死去した際には、倚廬とよぶ粗末な庵をつくり十四日間忌みこもりを行なっており、禊ぎと祓えによって死穢をキヨメる呪術的儀礼であったことをあきらかにした。ここから中世天皇や禁中が穢れと浄の混在する世界であったことを指摘した。第二に、伊勢神宮の最初の服忌令とされる「文保記」の史料検討を行い、東海地方の神官や民衆が触穢に対処する精進法の個別事例集としての性格をもっていたことを指摘し、在地の民衆知では生業を優先的に営むために、物忌みや禁忌の期間を短縮し、「斃牛馬を掃除の人、穢の限以後、別憚り無き也」との規定を作り出し、被差別民に対しても穢れは消滅するもの・払拭できるものという社会思潮を有していたことをあきらかにした。第三に、鎌倉末から南北朝期の東海地方の下層民衆は、死人の葬儀を忌避し「触穢を遁れるため」に「野棄」や「速懸」と呼ばれた死体遺棄という独自な埋葬方法を実施した。それは中世社会において「死去の不審」があったため、生きかえることを期待した民衆の行動であり、野棄・速懸は下層民衆独自の合理的な知の体系性をもった民衆知であったことを指摘した。中世天皇や禁裏は、触穢思想の枠内において機能していたが、地方の民衆知は、触穢思想を相対化し、生き抜くための生業活動を優先させていたことを指摘した。This article looks at how magic and religion in the pre-modern age regulated occupations and technology, moves of authority, and moreover, common people's lives through the ways in which shokue, touching impurity, and shojin-ho existed during that period. Then, from a demonstrative point of view, it criticizes the generally accepted theory of government control over the impurity conception and the view whereby sacred space was maintained for emperors, the imperial palace and the Ise Shrine and eta, kiyome and kawaramono built up "impurities that could not be eradicated even through bukki, mourning or misogiharae, a form of Shinto purification." In this article, I have pointed out historical evidence that shokue repeatedly occurred at the imperial palace in the Muromachi Period and that emperors carried out shiho-hai, Prayer to the Four Quarters (a Japanese imperial New Year's ceremony) and mainichi-hai, everyday prayer, as political operations even when they were impure under the excuse that these were not Shinto rituals. Whenever a joko ( a retired emperor) or kokubo ( an empress dowager) , the genealogical father or mother, passed away, a humble hermitage called Iro was made to retreat in mourning for fourteen days. I reveal that this was a magic ritual designed to lustrate the impurity of death through misogi and harae, forms of Shinto purification. As such, I have pointed out that the medieval emperors and their palace were in a world where impurity and purity co-existed.Secondly, I have examined the historical papers of "Bunpo-ki," which is regarded as the first bukki ordinance by the Ise Shrine, and point out that this was a collection of individual shojin-ho cases on how Shinto priests and common people in the Tokai area dealt with shokue. I have unfolded that through folk wisdom in the area in order to carry on occupations on a preferential basis, periods of monoimi, fasting, and kinki, taboo, were reduced, and an order that "a person who cleans dead cows and horses must not hesitate after the period of impurity" created, Additionally, social thought existed that the impurities of discriminated people could also be dissolved and eradicated.Thirdly, lower class people in the Tokai area between the end of the Kamakura Period and the Northern and Southern Courts Period recused themselves from funerals of dead people, and carried out a unique way of burying by abandoning a corpse called "nosute" and "hayagake" "in a bid to avoid shokue." This was because of "suspicion of death" in medieval society and people took this action in the hope of resurrection. I have pointed out that nosute and hayagake were folk wisdom of the lower classes based on a rational intellectual system.I have indicated that while medieval emperors and their palaces functioned within the frame of the shokue principle, regional folk wisdom made the shokue principle relative and prioritized occupations activities for survival.
山本 光正
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.108, pp.165-181, 2003-10-31 (Released:2016-03-29)

近世の旅に関する研究は大きく分けて、旅における行動・見聞及び交通の実態を明らかにしようとするものと、社寺参詣そのものに重点を置き民衆の信仰を明らかにしようとするものがある。これらの研究はいずれも史料の関係から男性を中心としたものであったが、女性史研究の活発化に伴い、女性の旅についても研究成果が発表されるようになった。旅の研究は旅日記を主な素材として行われるが、女性の場合旅日記を書くことができるのは相当の教養を身につけた階層であるため、庶民女性の旅の実態をみることは困難である。女性の旅全般について把握するには、旅日記以外の史料の発掘が課題といってよいだろう。既に宿坊の台帳類や、供養塔等の石造物を利用した研究も行われているが、本稿では納経帳と絵馬によって女性の旅の一端を述べてみた。納経帳は千葉県市原市の万光院に同市勝間の茂手木氏が奉納したもので、同家の先祖「とら」が寛政七〜八年にかけて、西国・坂東・秩父の観音霊場及び四国八十八ヶ所を巡ったものである。納経帳は「とら」の足跡を追うことしかできないが、女性が一人でこれだけの旅をしたことは注目される。絵馬は信州の善光寺に参詣した女性達が千葉県岬町の清水寺に奉納したもので、明治から大正まで年代不明も含めて二六点が確認されている。図柄や墨書から旅のコースや参拝の様子・同行者の地域・名前を読みとることができる。絵馬は近代のものだが、近世においても同様の旅が行われていたと考えられる。納経帳・絵馬共に旅日記に比較すると情報量は少いが、これらのデータを蓄積することにより、近世における女性の旅の実態を明かにしていくことができるであろう。 Research on early modern travel can be divided into two main kinds. One seeks to clarify the actual forms of behavior, experience, and transportation related to travel, while the other attempts to clarify popular religious beliefs by focusing on temple and shrine pilgrimage as such.For reasons of research materials, both approaches have tended to focus on men. With heightened interest in research on women's history, however, the body of research on travel by women has now started to grow. While travel research typically relies on travel diaries as its principal source of materials, travel diaries by women are written only by women of considerable education, hence class, making it difficult to observe the actual forms of travel by commoner women.Clearly the effort to grasp travel by women as a whole makes the discovery of materials other than travel diaries a pressing concern. Some research has made use of registries from temple inns (shukubo) and statuary such as devotional pagodas (kuyoto). This study relies on a votive scripture ledger (nokyocho) and votive tablets (ema) to reveal a facet of travel by women. The ledger was offered to Mankoin Temple in Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture, by the Motegi family (Katsuma, Ichihara City) and records the journey made by the family's ancestor "Tora" who visited the Kannon spiritual sites in Shikoku, Bando, and Chichibu and made the eighty-eight site Shikoku pilgrimage. The ledger only enables us to trace the footsteps of Tora, but the fact that a single woman could make such a journey deserves attention. The twenty-six votive tablets dating from the Meiji and Taisho periods, on the other hand, were offered to Kiyomizudera Temple in Misaki, Chiba Prefecture by women who had made a pilgrimage to Zenkoji in Shinshu. From the images and inscriptions on the tablets, we know the course they traveled, details of their pilgrimage, and their names and regions of origin. Although the tablets date from the modern period, it is believed that women in the early modern period conducted similar journeys.Votive ledgers and tablets do not provide the quantity of information available from travel diaries. Nonetheless, with the accumulation of information contained in such materials it should be possible to clarify further the nature of travel by women in early modern Japan.
蔵橋 純海夫
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.45, pp.p213-256, 1992-12

備後国太田荘は、永万二年(一一六六)平清盛の子重衡によって後白河法皇に寄進され院領荘園となった。その後平氏滅亡により、同荘は文治二年(一一八六)後白河法皇から高野山根本大塔領へ寄進され、以後室町時代に至るまで高野山領荘園の一として続いた。高野山施入当時の荘田面積は、約六一三町歩年貢米一八三八石余を出す大きな荘園であった。さて、紀州高野山には、備後太田荘に係わる当時の文献資料が多数伝えられており、一九〇〇年代の初め頃から今日にかけて、荘園経営や文化財等に係わる論考が諸賢によって多数発表されてきている。しかしながら、太田荘の政所寺院としての性格をもつ今高野山についての研究は、一部の文化財や天然記念物等に係わってあるのみで皆無に等しい。そこで本稿は、広島県史跡「今高野山」の興亡の歴史と住侶及び文化財等についての概観をまとめたものであるが、今高野山に関する在地の中世資料は度重なる災禍によって消滅し、勢いその解明は高野山文書や寺外に伝わる文書及び寺内に伝わる文化財等に僅かに記された刻銘や墨書、後代に書き記された寺の縁起などによってしか手がかりがつかめないため深く追求しえていない。本報告は初めに今高野山の誕生と興亡の歴史を辿り、ついで住侶についての考察、文化財の概観について述べ、終わりに今高野山の歴史年表、歴代住職一覧表、その他今高野山に伝わる古記録等を資料として収録したものである。In the 2nd year of Eiman (1166), Ota-no-Shô in Bingo Province (present Hiroshima Prefecture) was donated to Ex-Emperor Goshirakawa-In by Taira-no-shigehira, the son of Kiyomori. Later, in the 2nd year of Bunji (1186), the manor was donated by Goshirakawa-in to the Konpon-Daitôryô of Kôyasan, and remained a manor of Kôyasan until the Muromachi Period. The area of the manor's rice fields, at the time it was donated to Kôyasan, was about 613 chôbu(=approx. 1,500 acres), and the manor produced more than 1,838 koku (1 koku = about 180 liters) of rice as land rent.A large number of contemporary historical documents concerning Ota-no-shô in Bingo Province have been handed down at the Kôyasan Temple in Kishû (present Wakayama Prefecture). Since the beginning of the 1900s, many theses have been published on the management of the manor and on its cultural properties. However, few studies, except a few on its cultural properties and precious natural monuments, have been made into the Ima-Kôyasan, which was in character the administrative temple of Ota-no-shô. The author, in this paper, looks at the history of the rise and fall of the Ima-Kôyasan, which is designated as a place of historic interest by Hiroshima Prefecture, and gives a brief description of the priests who lived there, and of its cultural properties.Local document of the Middle Ages relating to the Ima-Kôyasan were destroyed in successive disasters. This being the case, elucidation had to depend on only the Kôyasan documents, other documents handed down outside of the temple, a small number of carved inscriptions or records in Chinese ink on cultural properties, and Engi (history) of the temple written later on. This scarceness of materials made a thorough investigation difficult.In this report, the author first retraced the history of the foundation, prosperity and decline of the Ima-Kôyasan, then discussed the priests living in the temple, and gave a brief description of its cultural properties. At the end of the paper are included as data a chronological table of the history of the Ima-Kôyasan, a list of successive chief priests, and other ancient records handed down at the Ima-Kôyasan.
朴澤 直秀
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.112, pp.487-499, 2004-02-27

宇野 功一
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.145, pp.275-315, 2008-11

都市祭礼を中核とする経済構造を以下のように定義する。①祭礼の運営主体が祭礼に必要な資金を調達し、②ついでその資金を諸物品・技術・労働力・芸能の確保に支出して祭礼を準備、実施し、③祭礼が始まると、これを見物するために都市外部から来る観光客が手持ちの金銭を諸物品や宿泊場所の確保に支出する。以上の三つの段階ないし種類によってその都市を中心に多額の金銭が流通する。この構造を祭礼観光経済と呼ぶことにする。また、②に関係する商工業を祭礼産業、③に関係する商工業を観光産業と呼ぶことにする。本稿では近世と近代の博多祇園山笠を例にこの構造の具体像と歴史的変遷を分析した。近世においては、この祭礼の運営主体である個々の町が祭礼運営に必要な費用のほとんどを町内各家から集めた。そしてその費用のほとんどを博多内の祭礼産業に支出した。祭礼が始まると、博多外部から来る観光客が観光産業に金銭を支出した。博多は中世以来、各種の手工業が盛んな都市だった。このことが祭礼産業と観光産業の基盤となっていた。祭礼産業は祭礼収益を祭礼後の自家の日常の経営活動に利用したと考えられる。観光産業も観光収益を同様に扱ったと考えられる。一方、祭礼後の盂蘭盆会のさいには周辺農村の農民が博多の住民に大掛かりに物を売っていた。このような形で、博多の内部で、そして博多の内部と外部の間で、一年間に利潤が循環していた。近代の博多では商工業の近代化と大規模化が進まず、小規模な商工業者が引き続き多数を占めていた。そのため資本・生産・利潤の拡大を骨子とする近代資本主義にもとづく経済構造は脆弱だった。明治末期以来の慢性的な不況や都市空間の変容などさまざまな要因により、町々が祭礼費用を調達することは困難になっていった。しかし小規模な商工業者たちにとって祭礼収益や観光収益が年間の自家の収益全体に占める割合は高かった。この理由で、祭礼費用の調達に苦しみつつも、博多祇園山笠はかろうじて近代にも継続された。I shall define the economic structure centered on urban festivals as follows: (1) The management body of the festival raises funds necessary for the festival; (2) it also prepares for and carries out the festival, using the funds to secure goods/techniques/workforce/entertainment; and (3) once the festival begins, tourists visiting from outside the city to watch the festival pay money for goods and accommodation. A large amount of money circulates around the city thanks to the above three stages/conditions. This is what I describe as a festival and tourism economy. Also, commerce and industry related to step (2) shall be referred to as festival industry, while those related with step (3) are tied in with the tourism industry.In this article, I analyze the complete image of this structure and its historic transition, taking examples from the Hakata Gion Yamakasa some years ago and, by contrast, the present day.Previously, each town that managed a festival would collect the funds necessary for festival management mostly from households in the town. The funds would be spent largely on the festival industry within Hakata. Once the festival began, tourists from outside Hakata would contribute money to the tourism industry. Since the Middle Ages, all kinds of handicraft industries have prospered in Hakata, becoming the basis of the festival and the tourism industries.It appears that the festival industry would spend the earnings from the festival on daily management activities after the festival. On the occasion of Urabon-e (an Obon festival), farmers from neighboring farming villages would sell goods to Hakata residents on a grand scale. In this way, profits were circulated throughout the year between Hakata and its outlying areas.In the modern era, modernization and scaling-up of commerce and industry did not happen in Hakata, and small businesses continued to constitute the majority. For this reason, there was no strong development of an economic structure based on modern capitalism whose essence was the expansion of capital/production/profit. It became increasingly difficult for the towns to raise funds, due to various factors such as the chronic depression from the end of the Meiji era, and the transformation of city spaces. However, for small businesses, profits from festivals and tourism accounted for a high proportion of their total yearly profit. This is how the Hakata Gion Yamakasa managed to continue through to the modern era, in spite of the difficulty of festival fund raising.
佐藤 孝雄
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.107, pp.119-165, 2003-03-31

For an archeologically discussion of the establishing process of Ainu's animal cult, including the “sending-off” ceremony for bears, it is first necessary to investigate modern Nusa sites, places where outdoor sacred altars were built, that have ethnographic information available and to organize the characteristics and remains of animals there so as to compare them with other archaeological evidence. However, only a few attempts have been made for Nusa sites in the mountains, far from an Ainu settlement, called a kotan. In particular, the species and characteristics of animal remains at a kotan's Nusa site important due to its relationship with the “sending-off” ceremony for reared bear cubs, called an iomante, have effectively not been studied.As far as I know, the Nijibetsu Shuwan Kumaokriba Site in Shibecha-town, east Hokkaido, is the only remains that is appropriate for the investigation of animal remains. The History Study Group of the basin of the River Kushiro excavated the Kumaokuriba Site in 1976 and 1978 with an about 5mm mesh sieve for collecting fine samples, and recovered over 18,000 pieces of animal body fragments from the Site, it is said that Mr. Kotaro Hashibami, a neighbor of the Site, sent off 200-300 bears from late 19th century (early Meiji era) to 1939 at the site, which is also famous for being the site of the last iomante (December 1939) that was observed by Dr. Takemitsu Natori and his colleagues. However, although these animal remains have a high academic significance, they have not been analyzed in detail.I scrutinized the animal body remains between December 1996 and January 1998. As a result, a statement of the details and characteristics of the animal body remains can be summarized as follows:・ The excavated species were 15 in total including wild animals such as brown bear (Ursus arctos yesoensis), fox (Vulpes vulpes schrencki), river otter (Lutra lutra), sable (Martes zibellina brachyura), deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis), Blackiston's fish owl (Ketupa blakistoni), and large eagles (Haliaeetus sp.); as well as boar (Sus scrofa, of course, which has a possibility of pig) and domestic animals such as dog (Canis familiaris), sheep (Ovis domesticus), cattle (Bos taurus), and horse (Equus caballus), which originally did not inhabit Hokkaido and is unknown as a cult object.・ At least 59 mandibular bones of brown bears were detected, including 11 cubs (<2 years old) that are the objects of the iomante. Beside, bones of extremities, those of trunks, which are rarely observed at rock shelter Nusa sites in the mountains, were also found, though their quantity was lower than 30 % of the mandibular bones on a population basis.・ Cranial bones were more marked in the excavated bones of small terrestrial animals (rabbit, fox, river otter, and otter) than in those of brown bears. One hundred, 49, and 7 mandibular bones of rabbit, fox, and river otter, respectively, were found. Small amounts of bones of extremities and trunks that were derived from one individual had been excavated. Moreover, only 3 sable mandibular bones were found; no sable otter bones were observed.・ The deer specimens were derived from only 2 individuals; this may be attributable to the hunting with bow or trap, and hunting by chasing animals being banned in the early Meiji era, and a reduced population size due to heavy snowfalls.・ The Blackiston's fish owl specimens obtained were derived from at least 3 individuals, with nearly entire body pars being excavated. These findings indicate the possibility of a “sending-off” ceremony for owls, something that is poorly researched in ethnographic information, and will be valuable for archeological study of the establishing process of that ceremony.
山田 慎也
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.193, pp.95-112, 2015-02

本稿では,徳島県勝浦郡勝浦町のビッグひな祭りの事例を通して,地域固有の特徴ある民俗文化ではないごく一般的な民俗が,その地域を特徴付けるイベントとして成功し,地域おこしを果たしていく過程とその要因について分析し,現代社会における民俗の利用の様相を照射することを目的としている。徳島県勝浦町は,戦前から県下で最も早くミカン栽培が導入され,昭和40年代までミカン産地としてかなり潤っていたが,その後生産は低迷し,他の地方と同様人口流出が続いていた。こうしたなかで,地域おこしとして1988年,ビッグひな祭りが開催され,途中1年は開催されなかったが,以後現在まで連続して行っている。当初役場の職員を中心に,全国で誇れるイベントを作り出そうとして企画され,その対象はおもに町民であった。しかも雛祭り自体は勝浦町に特徴あるものではなく,また地域に固有の雛人形を前面に出したわけではない。各家庭で収蔵されていた雛人形を,勝浦町周辺地域からあつめて,巨大な雛段に飾ることで,イベントの特性を形成していった。さらに,町民が参加するかたちで,主催は役場職員から民間団体に移行し,開催会場のために土地建物を所有する。こうして民間主催のイベントにすることで,行政では制約が課されていたさまざまな企画を可能とするとともに,創作的な人形の飾り方を導入することで,多様な形態での町民の参加が可能となり,その新奇性からも町内外の観覧者を集めることに成功した。そして徳島県下から,近畿圏など広域の観光イベントとして成長していった。さらに,このノウハウとともに,集まった雛人形自体を贈与し,地域おこしを必要とする全国の市町村に積極的に供与することで,全国での認知も高まっていった。こうした状況を生み出す背景となったのは,実は戦後衣装着の人形飾りを用いた三月節供の行事が全国に浸透し,大量に消費された雛人形が各家庭で役目を終えたままとなっているからであり,それらを再利用する方法がみいだされたことによる。さらに自宅で飾られなくなった雛人形を観光を通して享受していくという,民俗の現在的な展開をも見て取ることができる。This article aims to reveal how folk customs manifest themselves in the modern society. To this end, the Big Hina-doll Festival in Katsuura Town, Katsuura District, Tokushima Prefecture, is used as a case study to analyze how and why a folk custom has developed to an event that represents and revitalizes a community even though it is not original or indigenous to the community.Katsuura Town, Tokushima Prefecture, was the first town in the prefecture to start orange cultivation before World War II and prospered as an orange-growing town until around the late 1960s to the early 1970s. Then, with the decline of orange cultivation, the town, like so many others, suffered depopulation. Against this backdrop, the Big Hina-doll Festival was held to revitalize the town in 1988, since when it has been held annually up to the present time except for one year. This was originally designed for town people and led by the town office staff who aimed to make it a nationally recognized festival. Although neither hina-doll festival nor hina dolls were unique to the town, the event distinguished itself by displaying a great number of hina dolls collected from households in and around the town on a huge red-carpeted staircase.Then, with more town people joining the management, the festival was transferred from public to private hands, and a private association possessed premises as a venue for the festival. Thus, by privatizing the festival, a variety of limitations due to being a public event were removed. Moreover, the adoption of new creative ways of displaying hina dolls enhanced the flexibility for town people to participate in the festival. This novelty drew a large audience from in and around the town, and the festival gradually grew to an event that attracted tourists from all over the prefecture and the Kinki Region. Furthermore, the town increased the national recognition of the festival by providing its knowhow, as well as collected hina dolls, for municipalities requiring revitalization programs all over Japan.The reason behind this success was because the festival was recognized as a new opportunity to reuse hina dolls which had spread throughout the country since the end of World War II along with the custom of the Girls' Festival in March and then been packed away at households as their daughters grew up. This also reflects the contemporary development of folk customs that hina dolls are shared through tourism after they were no longer used at home.
荒木 敏夫
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.179, pp.295-311, 2013-11

古人皇子は,舒明天皇の皇子であり,母は蘇我馬子の娘の蘇我法提郎女である。本稿は,こうした存在の古人皇子を,これまで明らかにされてきた7世紀の王権の制度的事実を踏まえて,その歴史的位置を確かめてみるものである。その結果,1,古人皇子は,「ミコノミヤ(皇子宮)」を所持していることが確実視でき,古人皇子「謀反」事件の史料を検討することで,「古人皇子宮」に近侍する〈ウジビト〉として蘇我田口臣氏・倭東漢氏らを想定することができ,また,「古人皇子宮」の中核的構成員である〈トネリ〉も確かめることができる。2,古人皇子は,古人「大市」皇子とも呼ばれることに着目し,検討を加えた結果,古人皇子は,大和国城上郡大市郷と関わり,そこには古人皇子の「ミコノミヤ(皇子宮)」そのものか,「ミコノミヤ(皇子宮)」の家産体制を支える重要な生産基盤が存在したと考えられる,また,大市郷を本貫地とする渡来系氏族の「大市」氏との関わりも深くもっており,「大市」氏は,古人皇子の養育氏族と考えることができると思える。The father of Prince Furuhito no Oe was the Emperor Jomei, and his mother was Soga no Hohote no Iratsume, daughter of Soga no Umako. This paper focuses on Prince Furuhito no Oe and his illustrious background, and verifies his historical position in the light of the now more clearly understood history of the royal throne in the 7th century.The results show the following points:1. It is almost certain that Prince Furuhito no Oe owned miko no miya (temporary residences); examination of historical records of the rebellion by Prince Furuhito no Oe allowed us to assume that the Soga no Taguchi no Omi clan, and Yamato no Aya clan were ujibito (clan members), retainers belonging to the miko no miya of Prince Furuhito no Oe, and confirmed the toneri (footmen), who were the core members of the miko no miya of Prince Furuhito no Oe.2. Focusing on the fact that Prince Furuhito no Oe was also called Prince Furuhito no Ochi, further examination was conducted; as a result, it can be considered that Prince Furuhito no Oe had a connection with Ochi Village in Shiki no Kami no Kori County, Yamato Province, and in the area the miko no miya of Prince Furuhito no Oe, or an important production base supporting the homestead system of the miko no miya existed. Moreover, he had strong links with the Ochi clan, a Chinese and Korean clan who used Ochi Village as their base, and it can be thought that the Ochi clan were supported by Prince Furuhito no Oe.
田中 晋作
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.110, pp.163-186, 2004-02-27 (Released:2016-03-29)

今回のシンポジュウムで与えられた課題は,古墳時代の軍事組織についてである。小論の目的は,この課題について,今までに提示してきた拙稿をもとに,とくに,古墳時代前期後半から中期を対象にして,①古墳時代前期後半以降にみられる軍事目的の変化,②中期前半に百舌鳥・古市古墳群の被葬者集団による常備軍編成の可能性,③中期における軍事組織の編成目的について検討し,つぎの私見を示すことである。前期後半,それまでの有力古墳でみられた示威や防御を目的とした武器が,一部の特定古墳で具体的な武装形態を反映した副葬状況へと変化する。この変化は,既存有力古墳群でみられるものはなく,この段階で朝鮮半島東南部地域の勢力とそれまでにない新たな関係を結んだ新興勢力の中に現れるものである。中期に入り,百舌鳥・古市古墳群の被葬者集団によって,形状および機能が統一された武器の供給がはじまり,大規模な動員を可能とする基盤が整えられる。この軍事組織の編成を保障するために,両古墳群の被葬者集団の特定の人物もしくは組織のもとに,人格的忠誠関係に基づいた常備軍が編成される。さらに,武器の副葬が卓越する一部の古墳で,移動や駐留を可能とする農工具を組み込んだ新たな武器組成が生まれる。このような武器組成は,国内に重大な軍事的対峙を示す痕跡が認められないことから,計画的で,遠距離,かつ長期間にわたる軍事活動を視野に入れた対国外的な組織の編成が行われていたことを示すものである。以上の検討結果によって,古墳時代前期後半以降にみられる軍事組織の編成は,政治主体が軍事力の行使によって解決を必要とした課題が,それまでの対国内的な要因から,朝鮮半島を主眼とした対国外的な要因へと変化したことを示していると考える。 The given theme in this symposium is the archaeological analysis of military organization in the kofun period. The aim of my article is to investigate 3points of analysis from the latter half of first period to the middle period of the kofun era. The first point is the evolution of change of the organization and function of the military since the latter half of the first period. The second point of analysis concerns the ability to establish a standard army in the first half of the middle period by the developing political power whose members were later buried during in the Mozu-Furuichi cluster of mound tombs. The final point is the aim of organization in the middle period.In the latter half of the first period, the change in the burial procedure of weapons in tombs reflects the change in the aim and purpose of the demonstration of power and use of defense. This influence was also reflected in the condition of the armament itself. At that time, this change was brought about by newly-risen groups connecting with other groups located in the south-east region of the Korean peninsula.During the middle period the foundation for the large scale mobilization of armies was established through the supply of similarity equipped weapons. These were unified in function and form and supplied by the Mozu-Furuichi group. The standard army was controlled by the presiding organization or chief of this group and bound by a pledge of allegiance. The standard army would then guarantee the stability of the military organization.Further, a new composition of weapons included farm implements used in the transferring and stationing of armies appeared in some tombs which surpassed previously buried weapons. This composition of weapons indicates the existence of a military organization that has the ability for deliberate, long-distance and long-prolonged military action, if the circumstance at a given time did not include a serious military confrontation in the country.Through these investigations I hope to present the following conclusion. The focus of the military organization that was established since the latter half of the first period in the kofun era changed from internal to external, mainly regarding the Korean peninsula.
西本 昌弘
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.134, pp.75-91[含 英語文要旨], 2007-03

薬子の変については、藤原薬子・仲成の役割を重視してきた旧説に対して、近年では平城上皇の主体性を評価する見方が定着しつつある。これに伴い、「薬子の変」ではなく、「平城太上天皇の変」と呼称すべきであるとの意見も強くなってきた。しかし、平城上皇の主体性を強調することと、薬子・仲成の動きを重視することとは、必ずしも矛盾するものではない。私は前稿において、皇位継承に関する桓武の遺勅が存在した可能性を指摘し、平城上皇による神野親王廃太子計画について考察を加えた。私見によると、薬子の変もこの桓武の遺勅を前提とする神野廃太子計画と一連の動きのなかで理解することができると思われる。そこで研究史を振り返りながら、平城・嵯峨両派官人の動向に再検討を加え、薬子の変にいたる原因と背景について考察した。本稿の結論は以下の通りである。桓武天皇は死去のさいに、安殿・神野・大伴の三親王が各一〇ヶ年ずつ統治すべきことを遺勅したが、平城はこれを破って、第三子の高岳親王を皇位につけようとし、神野親王の廃太子を計画した。薬子の変の遠因は神野廃太子計画にも通じるこの皇位継承問題であり、平城の即位前後から平城派と嵯峨派の両派官人の対立ははじまっていたとみられる。神野の廃太子に失敗した平城は、三年ほどの治世で譲位した。これは嵯峨が一〇ヶ年統治したのち平城が数年間復位して、高岳への皇位継承をより確実にしようとの意図からであった。しかし、嵯峨が平城のこの提案を拒絶したため、平城は譲位したことを後悔しはじめ、嵯峨側との対立をさらに深めていった。薬子の変の直前には、平城派の官人が衛府や要衝国の国司に任じ、かつて北陸道観察使であった藤原仲成らが越前方面などで平城派の勢力拡大に努めていた。このため嵯峨側は弘仁元年(八一〇)九月、平城派官人の衛府や国司の任を解き、彼らを辺遠国に左遷するとともに、自派の官人で衛府と要衝国を固めた。また伊勢・近江・美濃三国の国府と故関に遣使して鎮固し、平城側の蜂起を未然に防ぐことに成功した。薬子の変では越前・近江・伊勢方面に勢力を扶植した仲成の活動が突出しており、平城の藩邸の旧臣の多くは平城に同調しなかった。変における平城上皇の主体性は否定できないが、薬子らの父種継の復権・顕彰が図られた事実や、薬子・仲成の係累が乱後も長く許されなかった事実を勘案すると、薬子・仲成がやはり中心的な役割を果たしていたことを認めない訳にはゆかない。平城上皇や薬子・仲成にとって、王都・王統に関する桓武の構想は否定すべきものであり、それゆえその遺命を無視して、高岳立太子を実現し、平城遷都を計画したのである。薬子の変は桓武の構想を肯定するか否定するかの戦いであったといえる。In recent years, it has become accepted that retired emperor Heizei played a major role in the Kusuko Incident, which is at odds with the old theory that emphasized the roles played by Fujiwara no Kusuko and Fujiwara no Nakanari. This has even been accompanied by vociferous claims that the name of the incident should be changed from the "Kusuko Incident" to the "Retired Emperor Heizei Incident". However, stressing that Emperor Heizei played an active role and attaching importance to the actions of Kusuko and Nakanari are not necessarily contradictory. In a previous paper the author suggested that it is possible that Emperor Kammu had left a will concerning accession to the throne. The author also examined retired Emperor Heizei's plan for getting rid of Crown Prince Kamino. It is the author's opinion that the Kusuko Incident can be understood within the context of a series of events as well as the plot to remove Crown Prince Kamino, which was premised on Emperor Kammu's will.The author examined the factors that led to the Kusuko Incident and their background by looking back at the history of research on this topic and conducting a further investigation of the movements of both the faction of officials aligned with Heizei and the faction of officials aligned with Saga.When he died, Emperor Kammu willed that the three princes Ate, Kamino and Otomo should each reign for ten years. However, Emperor Heizei failed to observe this and sought to put his third son Takaoka on the throne, thereby plotting to stop Prince Kamino from becoming Crown Prince. Consequently, a remote cause of the Kusuko Incident was this problem of succession to the imperial throne, which was also related to the plan to remove Crown Prince Kamino. The confrontation between the Heizei faction and Saga faction of officials had apparently begun around the time Heizei ascended to the throne.Emperor Heizei, who had failed in his bid to remove Crown Prince Kamino, retired after reigning for about three years. He did so intending to restore himself to the throne for several years after Emperor Saga had reigned for ten years so that he could then ensure that Prince Takaoka became emperor. However, because Saga thwarted Heizei's plan, Heizei began to regret his retirement and intensified hostilities with the Saga camp.Immediately prior to the Kusuko Incident, officials from the Heizei faction were appointed as commander of the national military forces and as regional administrator of the region adjoining the capital. Together with his men, Fujiwara no Nakanari, who had at one time had been administrator of a wide area in Hokurikido, strove to increase the influence of the Heizei faction in Echizen and other areas. As a result, in September 810 the Saga camp stripped Heizei-faction officials of military and political duties, and as well as demoting them to provinces near the capital placed officials from their own faction in the positions of national military commander and regional administrator of the region adjoining the capital. In addition, by blockading the three provincial governments of Ise, Omi and Mino and former checkpoints, they succeeded in preventing an uprising by the Heizei camp.The activities of Nakanari, who had continued his influence in Echizen, Omi and Ise, played a prominent role in the Kusuko Incident and many of Heizei's attendants from the time when he had been Crown Prince did not sympathize with Heizei. It cannot be denied that Emperor Heizei played an active role in the Kusuko Incident. However, if we take into account the fact that an attempt was made to reinstate Kusuko's father Tanetsugu and the fact that Kusuko and Nakanari's sons were not forgiven long after the incident, we must acknowledge that Kusuko and Nakanari did indeed play a central role.Emperor Heizei, Kusuko and Nakanari believed that Kammu's ideas on the imperial capital and throne should be denied, and it was for this reason that they ignored the late emperor's instructions and made Prince Takaoka Crown Prince and planned to return the imperial capital to Heijo. In conclusion, the Kusuko Incident was a battle over whether to affirm or deny Kammu's ideas.
齋藤 孝正
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.86, pp.185-198, 2001-03-30

日本における施釉陶器の成立は7世紀後半における緑釉陶器生産の開始を始まりとする。かつては唐三彩の影響下に奈良時代に成立した三彩(奈良三彩)を以て,緑釉と同時に発生したとする考え方が有力であったが,今日では川原寺出土の緑釉波文塼や藤原京出土の緑釉円面硯などの資料から,朝鮮半島南部の技術を導入して緑釉陶器が奈良三彩に先行して成立したとする考え方が一般化しつつある。なおこの時期の製品は塼や円面硯などの極僅かな器種が知られるのみである。奈良時代に入ると新たに奈良三彩が登場する。唐三彩は既に7世紀末には早くも日本に舶載されていたことが近年明らかにされたが,新たに三彩技術を中国より導入し成立したと考えられる。年代の判明する最古の資料は神亀6年(729)銘の墓誌を伴う小治田安万呂墓出土の三彩小壺であるが,その開始が奈良時代初めに遡る可能性は十分に存在する。奈良三彩の器形は唐三彩を直接模倣したものはほとんど見られず従来の須恵器や土師器,あるいは金属製品に由来するものが主体となる。ここに従来日本に存在しなかった器形のみを新たに直接模倣するという中国陶磁に対する日本の基本的な受け入れ方を見て取ることができる。奈良三彩は寺院・宮殿・官衙を中心に出土し国家や貴族が行なう祭祀・儀式や高級火葬蔵壺器として用いられた。なお,先の緑釉陶器の含め三彩陶器を生産した窯跡は未発見である。平安時代に入ると三彩陶器で中心をなした緑釉のみが残り,越州窯青磁を主体とする新たな舶載陶磁器の影響下に椀・皿類を主体とする新たな緑釉陶器生産が展開する。生産地もそれまでの平安京近郊から次第に尾張の猿投窯や近江の蒲生窯などに拡散し,近年では長門周防における生産も確実視されるようになった。中でも猿投窯においては華麗な宝相華文を陰刻した最高級の製品を作り出して日本各地に供給しその生産の中心地となった。The glazed pottery first appeared in Japan in the latter half of the seventh century, these were green-glazed pottery. Before it was strongly believed that Nara sants'ai began to be made with the introduction of the Chinese Tang sant'sai technique in the Nara Period at the same time with green-glazed pottery. But now it is generally believed that green-glazed pottery appeared in Japan before Nara sants'ai with the introduction of the green-glazed technique of the southern Korean Peninsula, by the green-glazed tiles excavated at Kawaharadera Temple and the green-glazed circular ink slab excavated at Fujiwara capital, these were in the latter half of the seventh century. Today it is known by the archeological excavation that Chinese Tang sant'sai was brought to Japan by the end of the seventh century.The oldest Nara sants'ai pottery is the small vase dated 729 excavated at Owarida-no-Yasumaro grave, but it is possible to have been made in the early Nara Period. The shapes of Nara sants'ai are derived mainly from Sue ware and Haji pottery, or metal works that were popular in Nara Period, but few are imitated directly from the Chinese Tang sant'sai. We can understand that the Japanese newly imitated directly only the shape of Chinese ceramics that was not in Japan. In the Heian Period, Yueh kiln celadon were imported from China, and these Chinese ceramics greatly influenced the manufacture of green-glazed pottery, that was the main glaze of Nara sant'sai, like bowls and dishes. The green-glaze technique spread from the surrounding areas of Heian capital to the Sanage kilns in Aichi prefecture, Omi kilns in Shiga Prefecture, Nagato kilns and Suo kilns in Yamaguchi Prefecture. The Sanage kilns was the main that produced the highest green-glazed pottery elegantly inscribed floral pattern.
高橋 照彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.60, pp.133-169, 1995-03-31

西本 昌弘
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.134, pp.75-90, 2007-03-30

宮田 公佳
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.180, pp.209-229, 2014-02-28

小椋 純一
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.105, pp.297-317, 2003-03-31

五味 文彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.45, pp.119-141, 1992-12-25

橋本 裕之
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.80, pp.363-380, 1999-03-31
