岩本 通弥
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.132, pp.25-98, 2006-03

本稿は柳田國男「葬制の沿革について」に対して示された,いわゆる両墓制の解釈をめぐって,戦後の民俗学が陥った「誤読」の構造を分析し,戦後民俗学の認識論的変質とその問題点を明らかにし,現在の民俗学に支配的な,いわゆる民俗を見る視線を規定している根底的文化論の再構築を目的とする。柳田の議論は,この論考に限らず,変化こそ「文化」の常態とみた認識に立っており,その論題にもあるように,葬制の全体的な変遷を扱うものであった。ところが戦後,民俗を変化しにくい存在として捉える認識が優勢になると,論題に「沿革」とあるにも拘らず,変遷過程=「変化」の議論と捉えずに,文化の「型」の議論と読み違える傾向が生まれ,それが通説化する。柳田の元の議論も霊肉分離と死穢忌避の観念が超歴史的に貫徹する,あたかも伝統論のように解釈されはじめる。南島の洗骨改葬習俗と,本土に周圏論的に分布する両墓制を,関連のある事象として,これを連続的に捉える議論や解釈・思考法は,1960年代に登場するが,一つの誤読を定説化させた学史的背景には,民俗を変化しにくい地域的伝統と見做す,こうした根底的文化論が混入したことに尽きている。このような理解を生み出す民俗あるいは文化を,伝統論的構造論的に把捉する文化認識は,いわゆる京都学派の文化論を介して,大政翼賛会の地方文化運動において初めて生成された認識であるが,加えて戦後のいわゆる基層文化論の誤謬的受容によって,より強固に民俗学内部に浸透,定着化する。基層文化論は柳田の文化認識に近似していたナウマンの二層化説を,正反対に読解して受容したものであり,その結果,方法的な資料操作法のレベルにおいても,観察できる現象としての形(form)を,型(type)と混同して,民俗資料の類型化論として捉えられていく。In this paper, I explain the epistemological transformation of folklore in Japan following the Second World War and the issues it raises through a study of the structure of the "misreading" by Japanese folklore surrounding the interpretation of the so-called dual grave system demonstrated in response to Kunio Yanagita' s "A History of the Burial System." The paper' s aim is to reconstruct the theory of underlying culture that prescribes the approach to folklore and dominates folklore studies at the present time. Yanagita' s argument is not limited to this discussion for it is based on the recognition that the normal state of "culture" is none other than change itself, and as suggested in the title he covered the general changes in the burial system. However, when the perception that it was difficult to change folk customs gained ascendancy following the Second World War, despite the inclusion of the word "history" in the title, the argument that the process of transition equals "change" was not understood. This gave rise to the tendency to misinterpret his argument as one concerning the "type" of culture, which became accepted. Yanagita' s primary argument began to be interpreted as a kind of theory of tradition where the concepts of the separation of the soul and body and the avoidance of the defilement of death transcended history. The debate, interpretation and school of thought that viewed the custom of reburial following washing of the bones in Japan's southern islands and the dual grave system that spread in mainland Japan following the theory that customs spread by radiating outward from Kyoto as continuous and related phenomena emerged in the 1960s. The situation where one misinterpretation was allowed to become established theory was set against an academic backdrop that mixed in the theory of underlying culture, according to which folk customs are regarded as regional traditions that do not easily change. The perception of culture that interpreted the folklore and culture responsible for this kind of understanding as traditional and structural is a perception that was first generated among the movement for regional culture promoted by the Taisei Yokusankai (The Imperial Rule Assistance Association) by way of the Kyoto school of cultural theory. On top of this, the erroneous acceptance after the war of the so-called theory of underlying culture permeated right through to the inner echelon of folklore studies and became established theory. This theory of underlying culture led to the converse interpretation and acceptance of Naumann's dual-layer thesis, which resembled Yanagita's perception of culture. The result is that even at the level of methodic approaches for manipulating data there is confusion between the form and type of observable phenomena, which continues to be used in the classification of folklore materials.
岩本 通弥
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.141, pp.265-322[含 英語文要旨], 2008-03

本稿は日本近代の産育儀礼の通史的展開として、その一大転機と位置付けられるであろう民力涵養運動期における「国民儀礼」の創出について、民俗学的観点から分析する。第一次大戦の戦後経営ともいえる民力涵養運動は、日露戦後の地方改良運動の延長と見做されたためか、近代史でも地方改良運動や後続の郷土教育運動・翼賛文化運動に比べ、研究蓄積はさほど厚くないが、民俗学的にみると、その史料には矯正すべき弊習として従前の暮らしぶりも描写されるなど、実に興味深い記述が多い。この運動は形式上、内務省の示した「五大要綱」に応じた、各県・各郡・各町村の自己変革であるため、その対応は地方毎であるが、列島周縁部では、例えば岩手県では敬神崇祖の強調で伊勢大麻を奉祭する「神棚」設置が推進され、鹿児島県では大島郡に対し、「神社ナキ地方ハ我カ皇国ノ不基ヲ定メ賜ヒタル…先賢偉人ノ神霊ヲ奉祀スヘキ神社ヲ建立スルコト」と命じるなど、一九四〇年代の神祇院体制への土台として地域的平準化が図られており、従前の竈神や納戸神・便所神などへの素朴で個別的な民間信仰は、天照の下に統合され、家内安全も豊作・安産祈願も「天照のお蔭」と思わせるような換骨奪胎過程が見てとれる。そのほか各地の記事を通覧すると、門松や注連縄、初詣や七五三、神前結婚式の普及を推奨したり、礼服規定で喪服を黒に統一するなど、今日日本で「伝統」と見做される「国民儀礼」の多くは、この期の運動によって成立するが、それまで地方毎に多様だった民俗文化を平準化し、「文化的ならし」を図る一方、自治奉告祭や出征兵士の送迎、三大節など、地域共同体に何かしらの出来事があれば、「氏神」に参集させ、新たな形式の「集団参拝」を強要するなど、私的で人的であった習俗を、公的で外部からも見える可視的な社会的儀礼へと変換させた。それは地域内階層差や初生児優遇の儀礼を平等化する一方、忠君愛国へ向けた儀礼の全国的画一化の端緒ともなった。This paper adopts a folklore perspective to examine the emergence of "national rites" during the period of the Movement for the Cultivation of National Strength (Minryoku Kanyo Undo) , which can be called one of the major turning points of Japan's modern period, in the context of the development of children's rites during that era. The Movement for the Cultivation of National Strength, which operated following the First World War, has been regarded as an extension of the Movement for Local Improvement (Chiho Kairyo Undo), which occurred after the Russo-Japanese War. This is perhaps the reason why the study Japan's modern history contains relatively little on the Movement for the Cultivation of National Strength compared to the Movement for Local Improvement or the Movement for Homeland Education (Kyodo Kyoiku Undo) and the Cultural Assistance Movement (Yokusan Bunka Undo) that followed. When the Movement for the Cultivation of National Strength is viewed from the perspective of folk studies we find many interesting descriptions, such as materials containing depictions of existing lifestyles with bad customs that should be remedied. Because the movement consisted of voluntary reforms by villages, towns, counties and prefectures throughout Japan in accordance with the Five Major Guidelines advocated by the Home Ministry, the response differed from region to region.In Iwate Prefecture, for example, due to the emphasis placed on worshipping Shinto deities and one's ancestors, people were encouraged to put up "kami-dana" dedicated to Ise Taima. In Oshima-gun in Kagoshima Prefecture, the local populace was told that places that did not have shrines were disloyal to the Japanese empire and were ordered to build shrines where the spirits of great people could be worshipped. In this way, regional standardization took place which laid the foundation for the Jingi-in of the 1940s which controlled shrines. Simple and separate folk beliefs such as belief in the "kamadogami" (tutelary deities of the hearth) and "nandogami" and "benjogami" (deities of the closet and toilet) were united under a belief in Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess. Safety within the home and prayers for an abundant harvest and for safe childbirth were also recast so that people felt indebted to Amaterasu. A survey of articles from other areas throughout the country reveals that people were encouraged put up New Year decorations such as "kadomatsu" and "shimenawa", visit a shrine on New Year's Day, take part in the Shichi-go-san children's festival and get married in a Shinto ceremony. Rules governing formal wear prescribed that all mourning dress be black. Thus, many of the "national rites" that are regarded as "traditions" in present-day Japan came about as a result of this movement, which developed "cultural practices" by standardizing folk culture that had varied widely from region to region. At the same time, the movement transformed private and individual rites to public rites that were social rites visible from the outside. For example, customs practiced by a community such those for informing deities festival, sending off and welcoming home soldiers and the celebration of the three big national holidays became occasions for gathering at ujigami shrines where a new style of "group worship" was demanded. While on the one hand this brought equality with respect to class differences within communities and rites that gave preferential treatment to the firstborn, on the other hand it can also be said to have been the beginning of the nationwide standardization of rites that paved the way for "loyalty and patriotism".
高久 健二
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.151, pp.161-210, 2009-03-31

横山 篤夫
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.102, pp.11-94, 2003-03-31

西谷 大
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.90, pp.79-150, 2001-03-30

酒井 清治
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.50, pp.165-194, 1993-02-26

山本 志乃
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.181, pp.11-38, 2014-03

日本における定期市は,近代化の過程で多くが姿を消したが,一方で,現在でも地域の経済活動として機能していたり,形を変えて新たに創設されるものがあるなど,普遍性をもった商いの形である。定期市への出店を生業活動としてみた場合,継続的な取引を成り立たせる販売戦略がそこには存在する。本稿では,これを生業の技術のひとつと考え,現行の定期市における具体例を用いて分析を試みた。事例としたのは,藩政期にさかのぼる歴史をもつ高知の街路市で,親子2代約60年にわたって榊(サカキ)と樒(シキミ,本稿では地元の呼称にしたがってシキビと表記する)のみを扱ってきた店である。サカキとシキビはともに歳時習俗に関わる身近な植物であり,高知では年間通して需要がある。もとは山に自生するものを切り集めて売っていたが,1970年代より中山間地域の現金収入手段のひとつとしてとくにシキビの栽培が奨励されたことから,人工栽培された良質の枝を仕入れて販売するようになった。その際,キリコとよばれる伐採専門の技術者が,山主と契約してサカキ・シキビの管理・伐採に携わる。高知では概して,コバ(小葉)とよばれる小ぶりでつやのある葉が好まれる。こうした商品価値の高い枝に育てるのは,山主の丹念な消毒作業と,キリコの技術による。一方で街路市の売り手は,さまざまな技量を駆使し,安い単価で少しでも多くの荷を捌く。この店に対しては,品物の質がよいことと良心的であることが最大の評価として聞かれ,結果として多くの常連客を抱えている。つまり,山主・キリコ・売り手の3者それぞれがもつ技の連携によって,小規模ながらも客に対して最良の品を提供する流通を成り立たせてきたことになる。また売り手にとっては,この連携を継続することが究極の目標でもあり,街路市の商売に潜在する共存への指向性が改めて浮き彫りとなった。Regular markets held on fixed days of the week or month is one of general business forms in Japan. While many were disappearing in the modernization process, some are still working as a local economic activity, and some have been newly established in a different form. If you make a living by running a stall at a regular market, you need a sales strategy to continue your business. Regarding this as one of occupational techniques, this paper analyzes a concrete example of current regular market business.As a case study, this paper focuses on a shop that has only dealt in Japanese anise (shikimi, also known as shikibi in the study area) and cleyera (sakaki) for about 60 years over two generations at the street market in Kochi, whose history dates back to the feudal period. Both Japanese anise and cleyera are familiar plants used for seasonal events and celebrations, and they are in demand at all times of the year in Kochi. People used to gather branches from trees growing wild in the mountains for sale. Since the 1970s, however, as Japanese anise cultivation was promoted as one of ways for earnings in the hilly and mountainous areas, people have sold high-quality branches supplied by tree farms. Expert loggers called kiriko have been involved in this process through management and lumbering of Japanese anise and cleyera under contract with landholders. In Kochi, in general, branches with small, shiny leaves called koba are very popular. These commercially valuable branches can be produced by landholders' careful sterilization and loggers' high techniques.On the other hand, street market vendors make use of their various skills and keep prices low to sell as many products as possible. The store in this study is most highly evaluated for its good quality and trustworthiness, so it has a large patronage. It has collaborated with landholders and loggers by combining respective skills so that the distribution system can provide customers with best products, in spite of its small scale. Continuing this cooperation is vital for vendors. In other words, the study reveals the potential orientation of street market business to a harmonious relationship.
千田 嘉博
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.112, pp.427-449, 2004-02-27

山川 均
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.113, pp.243-260, 2004-03-01

川村 清志
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.165, pp.175-204, 2011-03-31

松村 敏
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.95, pp.207-227, 2002-03

明治期に賃織業者を主要な生産主体として発展した桐生絹織物業の抱えていた深刻な問題は、賃織業者による原料糸詐取問題であった。すなわち、織元(問屋)が前貸しした原料生糸の一部を窃取して生糸商人に売り渡すことが恒常化していたのである。これは、発注主である織元が賃織業者の生産活動を常時監視しえない問屋制固有の重大問題であり、この問題はまた日本に限らずヨーロッパ経済史研究においても注目され、工業の主要な生産形態が問屋制から工場制に移行していった一要因とみなす研究者さえいるほどである。この問題に関する最近の研究として、近世期に織元がこの不正に対処した方法として株仲間による多角的懲罰戦略(不正を働いた賃織業者に関する情報を織元仲間に周知させ、以後仲間全員がその賃織業者との取引を拒絶するという私的な規約・制度によりこの不正を防止せんとする戦略)を高く評価する見解が現れている。近代(明治期以降)のように公権力による契約履行と所有権の保証が十分でない近世期においては、商人たちが私的に契約履行と所有権を保証する必要があったというわけである。ところが、この多角的懲罰戦略が実際に有効に機能したかという検証はないし、じつは国家権力が法と裁判によってこれらを完全に保証するという建前になった明治期以降においても、桐生の織元たちは繰り返し近世以来の多角的懲罰戦略を試みていたのである。すなわち裁判に訴えるコストなどから近代においても国家権力(近代法)による所有権と契約履行の直接的な保証は、賃織業者のわずかな不正を抑止させるまでには貫徹しない。そこで織元たちは、依然同業組合による多角的懲罰戦略を試行した。しかしそれが手直しされつつ繰り返されることからもわかるように、これもまた有効ではなかったのである。本稿ではその過程を追いつつ、多角的懲罰戦略が有効に機能しなかった要因とその意味を考察した。During the Meiji era, the silk textile industry in Kiryu, which had developed with subcontracting weavers as a major production unit, suffered from the problem of the pick and steal of material yarn by the weavers. That is, they stole part of the material raw silk advanced by the putter-out and sold them to the raw silk merchants, and that was an everyday affair in those days. It was a serious problem peculiar to the putting-out system, in which the putter-out that gave an order was unable to always monitor the production activity of the subcontractors. This problem attracted the attention of researchers not only in the study of Japanese economic history but also in that of European one, and some even regard it as one of the factors for transition in the production form from the putting-out system to the factory system.For the recent study on this issue, in the early modern times, there was a view that highly appreciated the multiple punishment strategy by principals (the strategy to prevent the swindle by private rules and system prescribing that the information about the agent that committed a swindle be known to the guild of principal and that all principals refuse to trade with the agent), as a measure that principal took against such swindle. In the early modern times (before Meiji), when fulfillment of contracts and proprietorship were not sufficiently ensured by the official power, merchants had to ensure them privately. However, there is no evidence that such a multiple punishment strategy actually worked efficiently. In fact, even after the Meiji Restoration, when it was the principle that the state power should completely ensure fulfillment of contracts and proprietorship by law and trial, the textile manufacturers in Kiryu repeatedly tried such multiple punishment strategy. In other words, even in the modern times, due to the trial cost, etc., the direct assurance of proprietorship and fulfillment of contracts by the state power (modern law) did not thoroughly prevent small injustices of subcontracting weavers. So the manufacturers still continued trying the multiple punishment strategy by the trade association. However, as we have seen from the fact that it was repeated while being revised, the measure was not effective, either. This paper, following the process, considers the reason why the multiple punishment strategy did not work effectively and what it implied.
千賀 久
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.110, pp.283-307, 2004-02

日本の古墳から出土する飾り馬用の馬装具は,その系統の違いによって「新羅系」と「非新羅系」とに大きく分けられるが,その主流となるのは後者の特徴をもつ馬具である。この分類基準は,朝鮮半島の5世紀後半以降の馬具の製作地の違いを示す要素として,金斗喆氏が提示したものであり,「新羅系」馬具は主に高句麗と新羅,そして加耶の一部の馬具に見られ,「非新羅系」馬具は主に百済と加耶に集中するという傾向があるので,日本の馬装具の系譜を知る際にも有効な分類といえる。本論では,このうち「非新羅系」馬具を取り上げて,まず,日本出土のf字形鏡板付轡と剣菱形杏葉の故地の候補地である大加耶圏の馬装具の変遷のなかで,同地域で馬具の改造が頻繁に行われていたことに注目した。その多くは,「新羅系」・新羅製馬具から「非新羅系」への作り替えであり,その背景には百済地域からの強い影響が考えられ,特に高句麗との戦いで百済が一時的に滅ぼされた5世紀後半には,その難を逃れた工人を受け入れたことによる大加耶圏の工房の変容を想定した。また,剣菱形杏葉が考案された地域については,韓国での百済古墳の実年代観に議論の余地を残しているが,百済の公州地域でf字形鏡板と同時に創作された可能性のほうが強いと考えた。そして,日本列島にもたらされたf字形鏡板・剣菱形杏葉の馬装具は,百済から直接きたものと,百済製品が大加耶圏を経由してきた場合,さらに大加耶圏でそれらが模倣されたものが運ばれた場合とが想定できる。また6世紀前半には,新羅の心葉形鏡板・杏葉の馬装具が大加耶圏で改造されたものが,日本の楕円形の飾り馬具に系譜的につながると考えた。このように,5世紀後半から6世紀前半ごろまでの日本の馬装具の系譜は,まず百済に,その後は大加耶圏に求められた。これは,当時の朝鮮半島情勢のなかで,日本列島の倭と友好関係を維持していた地域を知るうえで有効な資料となる。Ornamental horse gear that has been excavated from burial mounds in Japan is broadly classified into one of two categories depending on differences in their origin. These relics are classified as either "Silla-type" or "non-Silla type", with the majority possessing characteristics found in the latter category. The criteria for these categories are based on elements indicating differences in the regions where horse gear was made on the Korean Peninsula from the second half of the 5th century, which have been put forward by Mr. Kim Doo-Chul (金斗喆). Horse gear belonging to the "Silla-type" are thought to be those from Koguryo and Silla and some parts of Gaya, while "non-Silla type" horse gear tend to be concentrated in Paekche and Gaya. These categories are most useful when determining the origin of horse gear discovered in Japan.This paper examines horse gear of the "non-Silla type", by first paying particular attention to the frequent modifications that were made to horse gear in Dae-Gaya, which has been nominated as the likely place of origin of bridles with f-shaped cheek pieces and diamond-shaped horse accessories that have been excavated in Japan. Most of this gear has been remade into the "non-Silla type" after having originally been made as horse gear fitting the "Silla-type" category. It is believed that strong influences from the Paekche region were at play here. In particular, during the second half of the 5th century when Paekche was temporarily decimated in a war with Koguryo, it is believed that the influx of craftsmen into Dae-Gaya who were fleeing the troubles there transformed the craft. Although there is ongoing debate as to the age of Paekche burial mounds in Korea, it is considered highly likely that the diamond-shaped horse ornaments were made in the Kongju (公州) region of Paekche at the same time as the f-shaped cheek pieces were made.It is assumed that the f-shaped cheek pieces and diamond-shaped accessories that were brought to the Japanese Archipelago were either brought directly from Paekche or, in the case of articles that were made in Paekche but came via Dae-Gaya, it was the imitations of these articles that were made in Dae-Gaya that were brought to Japan. It is also believed that horse gear such as heart-shaped bridles and ornaments made in Silla but modified in Dae-Gaya in the early part of the 6th century have historical links to Japanese horse gear that is cylindrical in shape.In this way, the origins of horse gear in Japan dating from the second half of the 5th century through to the early part of the 6th century are to be found first in Paekche, and then later in Dae-Gaya. These are most useful materials for learning about the regions that maintained friendly relations with the Japanese state of Wa amid the ever-changing state of affairs in the Korean Peninsular at that time.
小島 美子
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.36, pp.p375-388, 1991-11

日本民謡には,一般に西物と東物の違いがあるといわれているが,私は以前に山口県と秋田県の民謡を例として,『日本民謡大観』所載の民謡を分析し,音階や旋律法などいろいろな点でこの2つにはやはり大きな違いがあることを明らかにした。本稿では,県全体としては西物の特徴をもつ山口県の民謡を,さらに日本海側の長州地方,瀬戸内海側の周防地方に分けて同じ資料を集計し直し,日本海側と瀬戸内海側では違いがないかどうかを調べてみた。その場合,前論文でもっとも鮮やかな違いが現われた音階を本稿ではとり上げた。資料の多少や,民謡の種類による音階の偏りなど,偶然的要因を考慮しても,なお違いがはっきりしていたからである。その結果,長州では周防よりも民謡音階がかなり大きい割合を占めることがわかった。そのため日本海側に隣接する島根県と,瀬戸内海側に隣接する広島県の民謡の音階を分析してみた。その結果,島根県の民謡は圧倒的に民謡音階の世界であることが明らかになった。とくに島根県の東半分にあたる出雲では,秋田県を超えるほどの高い比率で民謡音階が現われた。これに対して広島県側では,民謡音階の曲が約半数あり,律音階系の曲(律音階とその変種,都節音階とその変種を含む)が残り半分を占めていた。やはり日本海側と瀬戸内海側では大きな差が現われたわけである。これらの結果をいささか飛躍して,音階が比較的変わり難い要素であることを考え,日本音楽の起源の問題にまで広げて考えてみると,民謡音階の民謡を歌っていた人々は,日本海側の地に入り,そのまま瀬戸内海側に進むのではなく,東に進んだ可能性も考えられるし,日本海側には継続的に民謡音階の刺激があった可能性なども考えられるのではないかと思われる。またこれらの音階分析の過程で,核音とテトラコルドの存在が不明確な例が約20曲現われた。このような形はこれまでもまったくなかったわけではないが,この場合のようにまとまって現われた例は珍しく,今後音階上の問題として検討する必要があるだろう。It is generally said that there are differences in Japanese folk songs between the western group and the eastern group. I have analyzed folk songs contained in the "Complete Collection of Japanese Folk songs", taking examples from the songs of Yamaguchi and Akita prefectures, and have clarified that there is a large difference between them in the scales and melodies.In this paper, I have classified the folk songs of Yamaguchi prefecture, which have the characteristics of the western group as a whole, into those of the Chōshū region on the Japan Sea side and those of the Suō region on the Inland Sea side. I then collected the statistics of the two groups again to determine whether there was any difference between them. For the purpose of this study, I used the scale which showed the most distinct characteristic in my previous paper. The scales showed clear distinctions even after considering accidental factors, such as the volume of materials, and imbalance of scales according to the types of folk songs.My results showed that the Minyō (folk song) scales accounted for a considerably larger part of the folk songs in the Chōshū region than the Suō region. I then analyzed the folk song of Shimane prefecture, adjacent to Yamaguchi prefecture on the Japan Sea side, and that of Hiroshima prefecture, adjacent on the Inland Sea side. The results showed that the Minyō scale is found in an overwhelmingly large part of the folk songs in Shimane prefecture. In particular, in the Izumo region, which corresponds to the eastern half of Shimane prefecture, the Minyō scales appeared with a very high ratio, almost exceeding that of Akita prefecture. On the other hand, in Hiroshima prefecture, the Minyō scales appeared in about half of the songs examined, and the Ritsu-type scales (including the Ritsu scale and its variations, and the Miyakobushi <capital city melody> scale and its variations) accounted for the remaining half. A large difference has been seen again between the Japan Sea side and the Inland Sea side.Considering that the scale is an element rather difficult to change, and admitting a certain extent of logic jumping with these results in considering the problem of the origin of Japanese music, the people who sang songs with the Minyō scale entered the country on the Japan Sea side, and instead of proceeding to the Inland Sea side, they possibly proceeded to the east. Or it is possible that there was a continuous flow of people who sang folk songs with the Minyō scale to the Japan Sea side.Also in the process of this analysis, I found that the existence of nuclear notes and tetracords was not clear in about 20 pieces. Such examples existed elsewhere, but it was rare for them to appeare in such a large number as in this case. This problem will require further discussion as to how it relates to the scales.
岩淵 令治
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.199, pp.261-299, 2015-12-25

山田 慎也
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.193, pp.95-112, 2015-02-27
