宮田 律
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.3, pp.102-152, 1988-03-31
黒木 英充
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.3, pp.1-59, 1988-03-31

The purpose of this thesis is to criticize the theory of the "Mosaic Society" in the field of Middle Eastern area studies through analyzing the process of a disturbance that occurred in Aleppo in the early nineteenth century. Many Orientalists have observed the Middle Eastern society as divided into various religious sects, linguistic groups, quarters, guilds and so on, and they have concluded that there was no unity among them. Sometimes, the antagonism among the population, especially between the religious sects, has been premised in the study of the modern history of the Middle East. Aleppo was the third largest city in the Ottoman Empire at that time, and its population was composed of not only Muslims, but also Christians of various sects and Jews. Turkish, Armenian, Kurdish, and Syriac as well as Arabic were spoken in Aleppo. It is natural that the Orientalists would recognize the city as a typical "Mosaic Society." In order to examine this theory, we employ an urban disturbance as a test. It is not an everyday happening and the social relations that cannot be observed in the description of daily events can be found in the document of the disturbance. In this thesis, a disturbance that continued from October, 1819, to February, 1820, is studied. The date is before the Egyptian occupation of Syria in the 1830's and the Ottoman Tanzimat period. Therefore, the reality of the urban society before the modernization will be described. From the 18th century to the period studied here, there were two strong political factions in Aleppo. One was the Janissaries, the local para-military group, with its followers, and the other was the Ashraf, the people who asserted themselves as the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, with their followers. The factions opposed each other, competing for political, economic, and social resources, and sometimes struggled violently. However, they did not injure the common people. In the disturbance, which started in the evening of 23 October, 1819, the two factions joined in unity and revolted against the Ottoman governor because of his and his agent's evil policy, heavy taxes and his forces' violence in the city. The rebels attacked the forces' barracks in the city, killed some soldiers and forced the rest to retreat to a monastery that was north of the city where the governor stayed. The a'yan were also expelled or ran away to the same place. The leaders of the two factions assembled, proclaimed the cause of the revolt, and presented their demands to the governor. Here, they shared a common identity, ahl al-balad: people of the town. They organized the people to battle against the governor's forces, and controlled foods and ammunitions in the city. It was besieged by the forces and the supplies were cut. After fierce battles and frequent exchanges of messengers during two months, the division between the factions of Janissaries and Ashraf became clear. However, they did not fight each other and continued battling the forces for a month more. The governor, with reinforcements from many districts, began to destroy houses in the northern suburbs. Finally, the European consuls in the city played the role of mediators and all of the gates of the city were opened on 3 February, 1820. The governor executed and exiled the leaders of the rebels, mainly from the Janissary faction. However, on 2 June, the poor women from the eastern and southern suburb quarters, where most of the Janissary faction lived, rushed to the court of Islamic law and appealed to the judge for help, protesting against the governor's oppressing policy. The judge went to the governor's office and discussed the matter. After that, the heavy extra taxes were abolished and the price of the grain was reduced. After analyzing the process of this disturbance, it becomes clear that not only the two factions but also other people in the city formed unity against the governor. The author of the document is estimated to be a Maronite priest and this means that the information in the city was well supplied among the people beyond the sectarian category. Although there are not many mentions of Christians and Jews in the document, the people from the northern suburbs are frequently found in the description of the battle. Many of the population in the northern suburbs are known to have been Christians and they may naturally have joined the troops against the forces. Therefore, in this period, there was unity among the people in Aleppo. To this estimation, there may be a counterargument that it was possible only because they had a common enemy. But it may equally have happened that they could not have formed the unified front. It was possible because they had common norms that did not appear in the daily life.
宮岡 孝尚
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.13, pp.233-256, 1998-03-31

Bu konu ile ilgili olan arastirmalari dis politikanin karar verici unsurlarina gore, 'Sovyet Tehdidini Onemseyenler' ve 'Italyan Tehdidini Onemseyenler' olmak uzere ikiye ayrilabilir. Birincisi Batililar tarafindan desteklenip, Carlik Rusyasi ile Osmanlilar arasindaki tarihsel dusmanligin surdurulmesini vurgulamaktadir. Ayni zamanda bu tezi savunmalar arasinda Soguk Savasi doneminde ortaya cikan tarih dusunceleri abartip, Kurtulus Savasindaki Sovyetlerin yardimlari ile Turk-Sovyet dostlugun ilerledigini hafife almaktadir. Ikincisi ise, Turkiye Cumhuriyetinde yaygin olan ltalyan tehdidi ve Turk-Sovyet dostlugunu vurgulamaktadir. Fakat oncekine alternatif olup Sovyetlerin tehdidini yadsimasindan, Italyan tehdidini nispi olarak buyutmektedir. Bunun icin bu makalede basta olarak 'Italyan Tehdidini Onemseyenler'e karsi bazi tenkit noktalarini savunmak istiyorum. Turkiye 1930'lu yillarda "Yurtta Sulh, Cihanda Sulh" sloganin altinda dostca politikasi izlemektedir. Bu yuzden Akdeniz'de somurge politikasi izleyen Italya ile arasindaki iliskisi kotulesmistir. Aksine Turkiye Almanya'nin Sudet bolgesini ilhak etmesine kadar suren bazi haraketler ile Versailles duzenini yikmasina anlayis gosterip, Cekoslavakya Istilasi (1939.3.15) na da kaygsizca bakiyordu. Ama Alman-Roman Ticaret Antlasmasinin imzalanmasi (1939.3.23)ndan sonra, Turkiye Almanya'yi tehdid unsuru olarak degerledirmeye basIamistir. Turkiye'nin Londra Buyukelcisi Tevfik Rustu Aras'in Ingilizlere Turkiye, Yugoslavya ve Yunanistan'in Ingiliz-Italyan Akdeniz Anlasmasina katilacagini onermesi de bu var sayimi ispat etmektedir. 'Italyan Tehdidini Onemseyenler'in bas sebebi Arnavutluk Isgali (1939.4.7) dir. Ama bu olay sirasinda Turkiye tarafsiz kalacagini gostermistir. Yine, Maresal Fevzi Cakmak Bakanlar Kurulunda Italya'nin Bulgaristan'in cekimserligi ile Turkiye'yi istila planini terk ettigini ve ordusunu Habesistan'a gonderdigini bildirdi. Turkiye Italya'yi o kadar tehdid unsuru olarak gormuyordu. Bununla birlikte, Almanya Turkiye'nin Ingiltere'ye yaklasmasinin ana nedeni Arnavutluk Isgali kaynaklandigina inanip, bu olaydan sonra Alman Buyukelciligine atanmis olan von Papen Turk-Italyan munasebetini iyilestirmek icin cabalar harciyordu. Turkiye ise Almanya'nin durumunu yanlis anlamasindan istifade edip, Italyan tehdidini asiri olarak vurgulamasi ile Ingiltere'ye yanasmak zorunda kaldigini anlatmaktadir. Bunun icin Almanya'nin istegi uzerine Italya Turkiye'ye bir saldirmazligi teklifi vermisti. Ancak Turkiye bunu reddedip, Turk-Ingiliz Ortak Demecini yayinlamistir (1939.5.12). Alman-Italyan askeri ittifak muzakereleri ilerlememesine ragmen Ribbentorop ile Ciano arasindaki Milano gorusmesinde Italya bu Ittifak birdenbire onaylayip (1939.5.6-7), 'Celik Pakti' imzalamistir (1939.5.22). Bu Pakti imzalanmasin etkileyip simdiye kadar gozlemimizden kacmis olan unsurlardan Turk-Ingiliz muzakereleri surecinde ortaya cikip Mihver devletadamlarin kulaklarina geldigi haberlerin buyuk onem olusturdugu soylenebilir. Sonunda Italya onceden beli istedigi Akdeniz'deki Ingiltere'nin Ortak yerini kaybetmesini aciga vurmaktadir. Hem Almanya'dan hemde Ingiltere'den ayricalik verilmeye calisilan Italya'nin yanliz Almanlarin tarafina yonelmesinin nedenlerinden biri Turkiye'nin dis politikasi oldugunu soyliyebiliriz. Ikinci Dunya Savasi'nin patlamasindan ertesi gunu Italya butun dunya'ya karsi 'Nonbelligerenza(Savas disi)' Demeci'ni yayinladi. Buna ragmen Turkiye yine Italyan tehdidini vurgulamaya devam ediyordu. Donemin Turk dis politikasi sadece 'bekleme politikasi' degil, Ikinci Dunya Savas'nin esiginde uluslararasi munasebetlerinde onemli bir rol oynamaktadir. Turkiye'nin Italyan tehdidini vurgulmasinin gercek amaci Almanya'nin Balkan Yanmadasina inmesini engellemektir. Ancak bu amacini saklamistir. Turkiye Almanya'yi kisirmadan Ingiltere ile ittifaki etmeyi basarmistir.
鈴木 恵美
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.16, pp.209-231, 2001-03-31

In 1999, the associational law, the law 153, was enacted at last after long fierce debates. In the course of the enactment of this law, it turned out to be obvious that the intention of the Egyptian government was to enlarge its system of social control by integrating NGOs, especially human rights groups, which have remained partly free of governmental control under the Ministry of Social Affairs. This impetus of the Egyptian government from the time of Nasser can be explained by the specific character of Egyptian NGOs of which their [political potentiality] has been one of the peculiar aspects. The human rights groups in Egypt consist of the intellectuals of [Arab Left] with strong attachment to certain political orientations. Therefore, the government was afraid of the human rights groups because their activities might harm the international reputation of the government and exert bad influences on the foreign investments to Egypt and the globalization of the Egyptian economy. On the other hand, it can be also surmised that the government tacitly intended to include the Islamic charitable organizations which were half-nationalized during Nasser regime. While the present and short-term aims of the law 153 were to integrate human rights groups into the existing control system, the long term purpose might be to prevent the religious and Islamic organizations from their upsurge.
近藤 久美子
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.3, pp.43-73, 1988-03-31

鈴木 真吾
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.31, pp.1-27, 2015-07-15

In the second half of the nineteenth century, belediyye (municipality) was established in major Ottoman cities. Its principal role was to maintain public health by means of street cleaning and disinfection. Though it was the autonomous body, a Provincial Health Inspector (Vilayet Sihhiyye Mufettisi) regularly examined the task of sanitary services offered by the municipality. Also, he often ordered it to take preventive measures such as a medical care for the poor and a vaccination for children. Street sweepers who were recruited by Dutch auction cleaned the street, collected the garbage and disinfected the city. Hygiene guidelines issued by the municipality instructed its inhabitants on how to maintain public health. But at the same time, these kinds of municipal services were strongly demanded by inhabitants of Izmir who considered it essential to keep the environment clean in order to defend against poisonous air. Thus, it can be said that the sanitary reform of the municipality was not only the top-down process, but also the bottom-up process. Personal hygiene was stressed as well as public hygiene. With the progress in bacteriology, the sanitary measure in this period seems to have become an individual thing.
末近 浩太
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.15, pp.259-314, 2000-03-31

飯野 りさ
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.29, pp.37-65, 2014-01-15

This article deals with a socio-cultural structure of singing tradition in the historic city of Aleppo with a specific focus on singer-notable relations in the old city. This study explores the background for the continuity of this tradition by shedding light on two socio-cultural aspects; first the positioning of this tradition and singers in society and second their relations with the elite. In the Mashriq region, Cairo saw the rise of secular and new musical scenes in the 20th century, while in this tradition of Aleppo religious singers, munshid in Arabic, still played an important role. Firstly their quality of being religious singers gave them more freedom for activities in Muslim society, where the centrality of religion was highly respected. And the social norms put more emphasis not on music itself but on conditions such as time, place, and companion when listening to music. In this context talented singers used to sing at courtyard house of the elite in the old city and were able to identify themselves as companion to the elite due to their art as well as to their religious quality. All these factors helped them shape their distinct identity and create group cohesiveness to preserve the repertoire as well as musical knowledge, which have been passed down to date.
秋葉 淳
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.29, pp.129-143, 2013-07-15

桃井 治郎
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.22, pp.53-76, 2007-03-20

At the beginning of the 19th century, corsairs of the regencies of Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli of the Ottoman Empire, also called the "Barbary corsairs," were terminated by the military and diplomatic pressure of Western countries. The Barbary corsairs were abolished partly because modern Europe had an inclination to consider Barbary corsairs inadmissible and illegal on the grounds of doctrines such as humanitarianism, free trade, and prohibition of private war. Until the 18th century, European countries signed peace treaties with the regencies in exchange for the payment of tribute. In other words, they passively admitted the existence of Barbary corsairs in order to ensure the safety of domestic vessels. Britain and France had also condoned activities of Barbary corsairs for the exclusion of other European states from the Mediterranean trade. However, such coexistence collapsed dramatically at the beginning of the 19th century. The United States and subsequently Britain commenced military actions against the regencies in 1815 after the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812 between these two countries ended. They absolutely denied the system of Barbary corsairs on the grounds of humanitarianism, free trade, and prohibition of private war. This entailed the release of European and American slaves and the refusal of the tribute system. European powers discussed a project for a league against the regencies in the Congress of London and decided on the abolition of Barbary corsairs in the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle. In 1819, an English-French combined fleet informed the regencies of the resolution of the European powers and demanded the abolition of the corsairs. Algiers and Tunis refused the European demand, asserting that they maintained friendly relations with European powers, the treaties with European powers were strictly observed, and the abandonment of corsairs signified the one-sided renunciation of war against European countries. Although this negotiation did not result in an explicit conclusion, Barbary corsairs were thereafter strongly restricted under the European military and diplomatic pressure. Finally, in 1830, the French invasion of Algiers and the conclusion of a treaty between Tunis and France put an end to Barbary corsairs. The abolition of Barbary corsairs is an example of the beginning of the international system based on the values of modern Europe. Although realized by means of military force, also called gunboat diplomacy, the doctrine of modern Europe such as humanitarianism, free trade, and prohibition of private war, became a universal norm in the area of international relations. The end of Barbary corsairs was a process in which European powers tried to abolish them on the basis of a dualistic view of good and evil. Certainly, the system of modern Europe is "good" and that of Barbary corsairs is "evil." At the beginning of the 19th century, European powers adopted a dualistic view and endeavored to eradicate the evil and to extend the good in the practice of international relations. Consequently, Barbary corsairs were abolished and the international system was westernized. In addition, the European dualistic view became universal as the international system was based on the values of modern Europe, or westernized. In conclusion, the modern European dualistic view of good and evil and the Westernization of the international system were closely related because the former morally urges the latter and the latter establishes the universality of the former.
柳橋 博之
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.8, pp.189-210, 1993-03-31

中村 亮
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.26, pp.215-240, 2010-07-15

東アフリカのスワヒリ海岸はアフリカでも有数のマングローブ面積を保有する地域である。ここのマングローブは、紀元前よりのインド洋交易をつうじて、木材資源が少ないアラブ・ペルシャ地域へ建築材として輸出されてきた歴史背景をもつ。スワヒリ海岸のなかでも、タンザニア南部のルフィジ川流域とキルワ沿岸部は、国内のマングローブ面積の64%(69,785ha)を保有する海資源の豊かな地域である[Wang et al.2002]。本論文の目的は、タンザニア南部のキルワ島を事例に、住民によるマングローブ資源利用の現状について、「直接利用」と「環境利用」にわけてその多面的利用法を解明することと、居住空間と資源が限定されている海村社会(とくに島嶼部)におけるマングローブ資源の重要性を提示することである。キルワ島は中世のインド洋交易において金交易を独占することにより興隆した海洋イスラーム王国であったが、現在は1000人弱の住民が、マングローブとサンゴ礁に囲まれた海で主に半漁半農の生業形態でくらす小海村である。キルワ島は、島と大陸との間のマングローブに囲まれた内海と、インド洋に面してサンゴ礁が発達した外海という、自然環境が対照的な二つの海をもつ。その海環境は、生態海域1:マングローブ内海、生態海域2:サンゴ礁をもつ外海、生態海域1と2の自然条件を兼ね備えた生態海域3(境海)、の三生態海域に分かれる。生態海域1に面する場所に、キルワ王国時代(10C半)から居住空間が歴史的に形成されてきた。ここは北モンスーンの影響を受けて、暑気に涼しくマラリア蚊の少ないことより居住空間として適しているばかりではなく、キルワ王国にとっては、外海から奥まった遠浅の海に面しているので、外敵からの防衛という点でも適していた。また、キルワ島の半数近くの漁場が生態海域1に集中しており(30/66)、かつ、全漁法の半数以上が生態海域1でおこなわれることより(23/41)、マングローブ環境が生業空間としても適していることがわかる。キルワ島には8種類のマングローブが自生している。その利用は、マングローブを建築材や燃料などとして使用する「直接利用」と、マングローブが作り出す環境を漁場や塩田として使用する「環境利用」に大別される。七通りの直接利用(建築材、船材、漁具材、燃料、薬、飼料、玩具)と五通りの環境利用(漁場、航路、塩田、養蜂、防波風林)が確認された。この二つの利用法の関係は、微妙なバランスの上に成り立っているといえる。マングローブの過度な伐採はマングローブ環境を壊してしまうし、マングローブ環境の保全のために伐採を禁止してしまうと、マングローブの直接利用に依拠した住民生活に支障をきたしてしまうからである。しかし現在までのところ、人びとがマングローブの重要性を伝統的な知識をつうじて理解しており、また、この地域の人口密度が少ないこともあって、キルワ島周辺のマングローブ資源は良く保全されているといえる。キルワ島におけるマングローブは、材料や生業空間としの重要性だけではなく、キルワ沿岸部の地域社会を形成する媒介の場所としての重要性ももっている。マングローブ内海には住民が日常的に移動する航路が網の目のように張り巡らされており、このマングローブ内海を媒介としてキルワ島周辺地域には、親族関係、友人関係、近距離交易などをつうじた親密な地域関係が存在している。マングローブ資源が歴史的に果たしてきた役割、同時に、現在の住民によるマングローブ利用法をしっかりと認識することが、近年の沿岸部開発や観光化によって海環境への人的圧力が高まってきたタンザニア南部沿岸地域における、人と自然との持続可能な関係を模索するために必要不可欠である。
桜井 啓子
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.9, pp.143-164, 1994-03-31

元好 朗子
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.14, pp.85-120, 1999-03-31

この研究の目的はアッバース朝時代の詩人、アブー・ヌワース(AD762-815)とアルブフトリー(AD821-897)のカシーダの中にみられるワインと絵画描写モチーフを比較分析することである。アブー・ヌワースは狩猟の様子が描かれたワイン・カップを詩の中に描写し、アルブフトリーはイーワーン・キスラーの壁画の描写をおこなっている。はじめに、ワイン・モチーフを含んだ絵画的テーマとワスフ(描写)またはエクフラシス(絵画の描写、厳密には非言語記号システムによって作成されたテクストの言語化)の役割を「幻想」と「現実」という概念に照らし合わせて、心理的、理論的に考察する。さらに、そのワスフがカシーダの伝統的三部構造:ナシーブ、ラヒール、マディーフの枠組みにおいてどのような作用を果たしているかを調査する。理論的方法論としては、絵画的テーマの機能を明らかにするために、Murray KriegerとAndrew Beckerのエクフラシスについての研究を用いる。さらに全体構造を分析するためにDavid Quintの著作Epic and EmpireとGian Biagio ConteのThe Rhetoric of Imitationを主に参考にする。ワスフの働きは中世アラブ注釈者がいうような、単なる詩的対象の描写だけではない。またカシーダは、古いオリエンタリストたちが主唱してきたように、断片的でも客観的でもない。その具体的、物質的描写を用い、カシーダは形而上的・抽象的なものをも表現しようとしている。その意味で、この二つの詩は大変比喩的であるといえる。なぜなら、二詩にみられるエクフラシス(絵画の描写)は実はマディーフ(称賛)の役割を比喩的に果たしているからである。また、二人の詩人はエクフラシス的テクニックを用いることにより、聴く者に、幻想と現実の世界を行き来させている。さらに三部構造からみた際の現実と幻想の概念の問題は、詩人達の政治的意図とも密接な関係がある。伝統的カシーダは普通、詩人の実際の政治的立場をその構造において反映させる。両詩人とも実際はアッバース朝を称賛しなければならないのに、過去のもう存在しないササン朝を称賛している。このことは遠回しにアッバース朝への風刺を表わしているともいえる。これらの調査により、カシーダの構造およびテーマにおける伝統的慣習を知ることなしには、カシーダを正しく理解することは大変難しいという結論が導き出された。また、エクフラシスの西洋理論とインター・アートの理論を用いた分析は、二詩人の意図を明らかにさせ、カシーダ詩学に新しいパースペクティブを与えてくれたといえるであろう。
酒井 啓子
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.28, pp.145-172, 2013-01-05

セラーノ・ルアーノ デルフィナー
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.27, pp.209-236, 2011-07-15

松本 ますみ
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
no.21, pp.147-171, 2005-09-30
