大里 大助 関口 倫紀
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.23, no.2, pp.123-141, 2010-08-30

This paper analyzes the characteristics of career counseling for young adults provided by a public employment service agency in Japan. Through a triangulation approach using archival records, field notes, case analysis, and mail survey, we report several findings regarding the counseling service provided by the agency. First, we analyze the agency's geographic location and accessibility for potential clients. Second, we examine the characteristics of clients who used the service and identified several different types of client. Third, we illustrate the typical process of career counseling. Fourth, we analyze the effect of career counseling on clients' future outcomes. This paper concludes with the implications for the future practice of career counseling.
松原 敏浩 栗林 克匡 佐々木 政司 藤田 達雄 吉田 俊和
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.10, no.2, pp.147-162, 1996

The purpose of this study is two folds. The first one is to investigate leadership structure of principal, vice-principal, and other subleaders at elemenntary school and junior high school. The second is to investigate relationship between leadership and teachers' morale. A mail qustionnaire survey was conducted, and 355 teachers provided usable data for the present study.<BR>The results of this study were as follows:(1) Two factors for elementary school principals and four factors for junior high school principals were found as leadership factors by a factor analysis on a leadership scale. Transformational leadership and consideration were common among elementary and junior high school;(2) Three factors (consideration, assistance of principal, management) were found as leadership factors of vice-principal at elementary and junior high school;(3) Three factors were found for teachers in charge of the general affairs concerning instruction;(4) The relationship between school leadership and teacher's organizational commitment was found at elementary and junior high school;(5) Interactive effects of transformational leadership (by principal) and consideration (by subleader) on the teachers' organizational commitment were found.
渡辺 直登 水井 正明 野崎 嗣政
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.5, no.2, pp.75-83, 1990-10-31
1 5

Seniority and permanent employment systems of Japanese companies have been gradually eroded by recent drastic changes in the business environment. Many companies have begun to recognize the importance of utilization of contingent man power to attain their managerial goals. The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of work stress, organizational commitment, and career plans of contingent workers. A questionnaire survey was conduded for 243 contingent and 163 full-time workers. The results showed that: (1) the contingent workers are exposed to work stressors (role ambiguity and conflict) more frequently and experience stronger depressional feelings than the full-time workers, (2) the contingent workers have weaker organizational commitment than the full-time workers, and (3) intention of turnover is closely related to the extent of organizational commitment for both groups. The authors conclude that the mental and physical work conditions of contingent workers are not as good as we tend to expect to be. The authors suggest that contingent workers' confidence in their own professional skills and knowledge should play an important role to maintain their health conditions and vocational identity.
松葉 博雄
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.21, no.2, pp.89-103, 2008-08-31

The purpose of this research is to verify the management method based on the concept of Service Profit Chain (SPC) advocated by Heskett et al. (1994, 1997). The proposed hypothesis is "The permeation of the management philosophy is the tool that makes Customer Satisfaction (CS) and Employee Satisfaction (ES) to be compatible". However, the management method based on SPC is a chain of causality, and the primary factors in this chain of causality, especially the primary factor that links CS and ES, were not known to us. In order to verify the hypothesis, I have applied SPC as the management method in actual management. As a result, it became clear that deep permeation of the management philosophy is a factor in making CS and ES compatible. An interesting discovery is that the CS is being determined almost entirely by human interactions. I discuss the point at issue from five different view-points and finally state the solution.
矢冨 直美 渡辺 直登
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.10, no.1, pp.23-34, 1995-07-30

Many studies on organizational stress have been accumulated in last two decades. This field of study, however, is now facing serious problems with respect to its model development and methodology of stress measurement. The purpose of this study was to explore the feasibility of application of IRT analysis to an organizational stress research for overcoming the problems. The data on PSRS (Psychological Stress Response Scale) obtained from 1,410 employees working for a computer manufacturing company were analyzed by IRT. The results suggested; (1) Seven out of 53 PSRS items does not maintain appropriate item characteristics, and (2) PSRS is useful for measuring the persons whose latent trait (stress response) are relatively high. It was also discussed that procedures of IRT analysis could be utilized not only to item analysis but also to model development of study on organizational stress.
都澤 真智子 二村 英幸 今城 志保 内藤 淳
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.18, no.1, pp.21-30, 2005-01-30
1 2

This study reports the results of two meta-analyses of validation studies of a personality test using performance appraisals as criteria. The purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly we seek out the general levels of personality validity coefficients with Japanese samples and their generalizability across situations such as different jobs or organizations. Secondly we address issues of aggregating studies with different criteria, study purposes, and study periods. Five out of seventeen scales showed corrected validity coefficients higher than .10 in absolute value, with the highest coefficient of .21 on "Vitality". The results were similar with those of the previous meta-analyses on U.S. and European samples. Our second meta-analysis included only the studies that met the all three conditions of being conducted within a certain periods of time, using the same criterion, and being confined to research purposes. As a result, the validity coefficients became higher and more generalizable compared to the initial analysis. It is argued that the differences among studies that were often not dealt with in preceding meta-analyses have a significant effect.
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.15, no.1, pp.57-71, 2001-06-30 (Released:2011-01-27)

This paper reviews literature concerning an applicant's self-presentation (ingratiation, self-promotion, exemplification) and nonverbal behaviors, e. g., eye contact, smiling behavior, and head nodding, and discusses the significance of these behaviors in job interviews. The extent to which a person engages in these nonverbal behaviors is influenced by gender, status, and personality. In the context of a job interview, these behaviors affect person perception, interpersonal attraction, and perceived job aptitude. These attributes of nonverbal behavior were associated with specific functions: there are an intimacyexpressing function of eye contact and smiling behavior, a reaction-feedback function of eye contact, an impression management function of smiling behavior, and a reinforcing function of head nodding. I propose that these nonverbal behaviors affected the interview as follows: these could be used for ingratiation, which provided a positive feeling to interviewers, self-promotion, which emphasized the competence of the applicants, or exemplification, which indicated the integrity of the applicants. Consequently, these results suggested that eye contact, smiling behavior, and head nodding by an applicant could affect the hiring decision.
服部 泰宏 矢寺 顕行 新井 康平
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.34, no.1-2, pp.1-19, 2022 (Released:2023-04-15)

Organizations must make decisions about which resources to prioritize and to whom to allocate them. In order to do so, evaluation practices are used to clarify the quality of employees. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between performance appraisal and personal reputation, which are two types of personnel appraisal practices used in organizations. Using questionnaire data and HR data analysis from a Japanese manufacturing company, we empirically took on this problem. The results of questionnaire data and HR data analysis from a Japanese manufacturing company showed that the capital that affects the two evaluation scores was found to be different from each other. In addition, psychological capital was found to be an antecedent of both.
柏木 仁
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.18, no.3, pp.235-244, 2005-07-31 (Released:2011-01-27)

This research note aims to produce a lead for future theoretical and empirical research projects on stewardship theory. In contrast to agency theory, which views human beings as opportunistic and self-interested, stewardship theory argues that people are selfactualizing and good stewards in nature, thus they are motivated to work hard for their company and to look after its interests and those of its shareholders. It is a relatively new management theory, and most of the empirical studies conducted to date have focused on corporate governance, i. e., relations between CEO duality/board compositions, and organizational outcomes, especially financial performance. However, more research is required to identify new constructs and their interactions, and to delineate theoretical details. The paper presents what we know about stewardship theory including psychological and structural components, literature reviews and implications for the future research from the perspective of integrating agency and stewardship theories.
林 浩一
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.33, no.3, pp.157-178, 2022 (Released:2022-09-06)

The objective of this study was to clarify the process behind the empathy effect caused by biological constraints occurring in online communication. I conducted this study by focusing on web conference media that became rapidly popular due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I established two analytical themes that were “Process of empathy effect in the online environment where biological constraints exist” and “Process of empathy effect in the offline environment where no biological constraints exist” about free talk discussion nineteen people participated and utilized M-GTA to analyze. Within an online environment, we discovered concepts like “information poorness phenomenon”,“ meta-self-interventions”,“ essence-oriented context”, and“ lateral thinking context”. Within an offline environment, we discovered concepts like “high-resolution context sharing”, “misleading empathy”, “relationship building-oriented context”, and “emotion sharing-oriented context”. These concepts enabled us to visualize the unobservable social structural in individual relationships and the process by which empathy is generated through mechanisms that influence the individual relationships. I realized that biological constraints hindered an individual’s communication, but they also variegated and expanded the individual’s empathy levels.
上田 敬
The Japanese Association of Administrative Science
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.29, no.2_3, pp.61-75, 2016 (Released:2017-03-06)

The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of "superiors' compliments" which means affirmative communication superiors gave to their subordinates. A survey questionnaire was administered to 443 managers in 3 private companies. At the same time another questionnaire was administered to their 923 subordinates. The following three findings were revealed through the results: First, factor analysis indicated that "superiors compliments" given by managers consisted of 4 factors, such as, honest affirmations to subordinates, listening to their subordinates' stories untill the end, and so on. Second, superiors' compliments had effects on their subordinates' self-confidence, motivation for their work, positive feeling for their workplace and trust relationships to their superiors. Third, managers' self-cognition of giving compliments were consistent in some degree with subordinates' cognition compliments given by their managers. Implications and future research subjects were discussed.
林 祐司
The Japanese Association of Administrative Science
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.27, no.3, pp.225-243, 2014 (Released:2015-04-23)

This study aims to extend our knowledge of organizational anticipatory socialization by examining the antecedents and consequences of learning of new recruits about an organization between the job offer and organizational entry. I collected longitudinal data from a large Japanese manufacturing company and analyzed the socialization programs conducted by the organization and proactive behaviors of new recruits. I found that proactive behaviors are significantly positively related to newcomer learning, while socialization programs have both positive and negative effects on newcomer learning. Moreover, I found that newcomer learning has significant positive effects on the distal organizational outcomes of affective commitment, expectation in the organization, and achievement motivation to work after organizational entry. The implications of these findings for organizational anticipatory socialization are discussed.
林 祐司
The Japanese Association of Administrative Science
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.22, no.2, pp.131-141, 2009 (Released:2012-03-30)
1 1

Based on data from a large-scale manufacturing company in Japan, this study quantitatively analyzed the relationship between the recruitment process for prospective graduates and attitude formation of those who have been appointed to work but have not yet commenced the employment. Consistent with my hypothesis, the results suggest that appropriate management of recruitment and selection processes lead to favorable reactions from new appointees to the company. Specifically, it was found that favorable impressions of the company's briefing session for potential applicants and of interviewers' behavior and attitude in job interviews had a positive effect on the appointees' views. It was also found that it is useful for interviewers to provide applicants with sufficient information about the company and examine the applicants' aptitude for the company during their communication.
高田 朝子
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.33, no.1-2, pp.39-61, 2021 (Released:2022-03-26)

The daughter successors of family business have not been common in Japanese Business. The research focused the succession process of daughter-father relationship. Based on 27 in depth interviews with daughter successors this study identifies three themes that contribute to a high quality predecessor– successor relationship in father–daughter successions and its structuring two dimensions. Japanese culture strongly supports primogeniture. Hence the daughters used to be treated as a second choice. I examine contextual factors that influence the selection and self-selection of successors in family businesses. Japanese gender norms, which are automatically activated, blind daughters to possibilities of succession. We found the two-step model of daughter father succession model in Japan. The first step stats when she joins her family business. The second step starts as soon as her father declares her inheritance.
石山 恒貴
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.32, no.1-2, pp.11-28, 2020 (Released:2022-03-26)

This paper analyzes the negotiation of meaning at boundary crossings. Many studies have shown how the concept of boundary crossings is used in an interdisciplinary sense. In this paper, I focus on boundary crossings based on activity theory and communities of practice. In the existing literature, the negotiation of meaning is mainly placed in a homogeneity context. However, this paper offers a perspective on the importance of the negotiation of meaning at boundary crossings in a heterogeneity context. The review of the literature reveals that brokers in external communities of practice can introduce external practices into internal communities of practice through the reconciliation of decentralized selves. For brokers, the experience of crossing boundaries promotes the cognition and conflict of decentralized selves. The mechanism of reconciliation of decentralized selves for brokers can be explained with dialogical self theory with polyphony. Furthermore, the reconciliation of decentralized selves promotes brokers to deliver the negotiation of meaning at boundary crossings in a heterogeneity context.
中森 孝文
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.32, no.3, pp.123-139, 2021 (Released:2022-03-26)

The corporate governance functions effectively by calling for outside experts into the executive board. An inclusion of outside professionals gets Japanese companies cope with encountered business challenges effectively. As compared to large companies, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Japan are reluctant to invite outside people into board members. To date, little research has been done regarding why and how Japanese SMEs have introduced outside executives in corporate decision-makings. There are two main functions provided by part-time executives; monitoring function and advising function for the corporate management. A questionnaire survey and face-to-face interviews were administered in the Kyoto area in order to examine the use of outside experts in SMEs. The current study reports that Japanese SMEs hire outside experts as advisers, rather than part-time board members. It clarifies the important roles played by external executives for managing SMEs, and suggests the credibility of professors in business schools as advisors.
高橋 潔
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.14, no.2, pp.67-85, 2001-01-31 (Released:2011-01-27)

This study examines convergent and discriminant validity of the 360 degree feedback systems in which managerial behavior and performance are evaluated by multiple raters including bosses, peers, subordinates, and self. Multitraitmultirater (MTMR) correlation matrix was constructed from the data of 177 Japanese managers and 1, 187 coworkers. The matrix was investigated by zero-order correlations and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA). Results of correlation analyses found that 1) in any domain of managerial behavior (traits), ratings within the same rater were correlated highly, proving that discriminant validity was low; and that 2) ratings of the same trait provided by different raters were not associated highly, suggesting that convergent validity is questioned. Confirmatory factor analyses found that among three models, i.e., rater model, trait model, and rater-trait combined model, the combined model fit best, suggesting that both rater effect and trait effect were interwoven in the actual ratings of the 360 degree feedback.