林 宏紀 伊東 樹希 西尾 典晃 武藤 敦子 犬塚 信博
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.29, no.1, pp.177-181, 2014-01-05 (Released:2014-01-07)

Social Network Analysis is a field of sociology, where networks, such as human relations, are investigated in order to understand roles of persons in social context. In this paper, we propose a method for this aim using the method of formal concept analysis (FCA) and ego-centric networks. FCA is a formal tool which extinguishes concepts from instances and their attributes. Our proposed method deals with persons in a network as instances and some graph structure appeared in a local network, which is called an ego-centric network, of a person as attributes. It clarifies the relationship between social nature and human relationship structure possessed by each individual in the network relationships with friends. We examined the proposal method using data acquired by a questionnaire on friendship and social attributes to students. Some groups characterized by the method had statistically significant ratio of students who possess some social attributes.
松井 哲也 山田 誠二
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.2, pp.C-G92_1-10, 2017-03-01 (Released:2017-03-01)

The PRVAs, product recommendation virtual agent, are the agents that take part in the clerks on the onlineshopping. For their aims, it is very important for the PRVAs to be trusted by users. However, trustworthy the PRVA design was not be studied yet. In this paper, we suggest the user’s trust transition model that is consisted by two parameters. One parameter is user’s emotion, and the other is agent’s knowledge. We suggested the transition operators that transited these two parameters by executing when the PRVAs recommend. Emotion transition operators are agent’s smile and gestures. Knowledge transition operators is long product recommendation text. We carried on three experiments to estimate these model and transition operators. In experiment 1, we executed no transition operators. In experiment 2, we executed emotion transition operators and added knowledge transition operators in the latter half. In experiment 3, we executed knowledge transition operators in the first half and added emotion transition operators in the latter half. As a results, it is discovered that transition operators and a transition model are effective. In experiment 1, there are no transition in the participants’ trust state. In experiment 2, the participants’knowledge perceived and trust for agent transited after executing knowledge transition operators. In experiment 3, the participants’ emotion transited after executing positive emotion operators, however, trust didn’t transited. From these result, we concluded that trust is based on each of the user’s emotion and the agent’s knowledge.
小林 一樹 山田 誠二
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.21, no.1, pp.63-72, 2006 (Released:2006-01-06)
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In this paper, we first propose a novel interaction model, CEA (Commands Embedded in Actions). It can explain the way how some existing systems reduce the work-load of their user. We next extend the CEA and build ECEA (Extended CEA) model. The ECEA enables robots to achieve more complicated tasks. On this extension, we employ ACS (Action Coding System) which can describe segmented human acts and clarifies the relationship between user's actions and robot's actions in a task. The ACS utilizes the CEA's strong point which enables a user to send a command to a robot by his/her natural action for the task. The instance of the ECEA led by using the ACS is a temporal extension which has the user keep a final state of a previous his/her action. We apply the temporal extension of the ECEA for a sweeping task. The high-level task, a cooperative task between the user and the robot can be realized. The robot with simple reactive behavior can sweep the region of under an object when the user picks up the object. In addition, we measure user's cognitive loads on the ECEA and a traditional method, DCM (Direct Commanding Method) in the sweeping task, and compare between them. The results show that the ECEA has a lower cognitive load than the DCM significantly.
上田 修功
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.16, no.2, pp.299-308, 2001 (Released:2002-02-28)
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When learning a nonlinear model, we suffer from two difficulties in practice: (1) the local optima, and (2) appropriate model complexity determination problems. As for (1), I recently proposed the split and merge Expectation Maximization (SMEM) algorithm within the framework of the maximum likelihood by simulataneously spliting and merging model components, but the model complexity was fixed there. To overcome these problems, I first formally derive an objective function that can optimize a model over parameter and structure distributions simultaneously based on the variational Bayesian approach. Then, I device a Bayesian SMEM algorithm to e.ciently optimize the objective function. With the proposed algorithm, we can find the optimal model structure while avoiding being trapped in poor local maxima. I apply the proposed method to the learning of a mixture of experts model and show the usefulness of the method.
荒井 弘毅
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.33, no.3, pp.B-H32_1-7, 2018-05-01 (Released:2018-05-01)

In this paper, we analyzed individuals’ perceptions of the roles of intelligent machines and systems based on the results of a questionnaire survey conducted in 2015 and 2016 on artificial intelligence, robots, and other “intelligent machines and systems.” In conclusion, 1) human labor was not strongly supported for so-called public goods and services such as disaster prevention and military jobs, rather than leaving these tasks to machines. 2) In support of existing research, child-rearing was seen as women’s responsibility as in the present situation, considering that women and children benefit from the parenting experience. In addition, university graduates with high flexibility for social option and creative capacity are perceived to benefit from human-powered jobs, especially in tasks that require human responsibility or where the cost of implementing intelligent machines and systems would be expensive. Also, some tasks, such as music, are viewed as preferentially human tasks. 3) After taking into consideration endogenous in the regression, such as for child rearing and nursing care, overall, individuals perceived that childcare should not be left to machines, although nursing care was considered to possibly benefit from the use of machines.
寺岡 丈博 東中 竜一郎 岡本 潤 石崎 俊
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.28, no.3, pp.335-346, 2013 (Released:2013-04-12)

Metonymy is a figure of speech, where one item's name represents another item which usually has a close relation with the first one. Metonymic expressions need to be correctly detected and interpreted because sentences including such expressions have different meanings from literal ones; computer systems may output inappropriate results in natural language processing. In previous studies, detecting metonymies has been done mainly by taking one of the following two approaches: rule-based approach and statistical one. The former uses semantic networks and rules to interpret metonymy. The latter uses corpus-based metonymy resolution with machine learning techniques. One of the problems of the current metonymy detection is that using mainly syntactic and semantic information may not be enough to detect metonymic expressions because it has been pointed out that metonymic expressions have relations to associative relations between words. In this paper, we propose an associative approach for detecting them. By using associative information between words in a sentence, we train a decision tree to detect metonymic expressions in a sentence. We evaluated our method by comparing with four baseline methods based on previous studies that use a thesaurus or co-occurrence information. Experimental results show that our method has significantly better accuracy (0.83) of judging metonymic expressions than those of the baselines. It also achieves better recall (0.73), precision (0.85), and F-measure (0.79) in detecting Japanese metonymic expressions, achieving state-of-the-art performance.
西垣 貴央 新田 克己 小野田 崇
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.31, no.4, pp.D-FB1_1-13, 2016-07-01 (Released:2016-08-03)

In this paper, we propose a constrained independent topic analysis in text mining. Independent topic analysis is a method for extracting mutually independent topics from the text data by using the independent component analysis. In the independent topic analysis, it is possible to obtain the most independent topics. However, these obtained topics may differ from the ones wanted by user. For example, it is assumed resultant three topics, topic A and topic B and topic C. If a content of topic A and topic B is thought to be close, user wants to merge the topic A and topic B as one of the topic D. In addition, when user wants to analyze topic A in more detail, user would like to separate topic A to topic E and topic F. In that case, method which can incorporate these requests of the user is required. To that end, we define the Merge Link constraints and Separate Link constraints. Merge Link constraints is a constraint that merges two topics in a single topic. Separate Link constraint is a constraint that separates one of the topics in the two topics. In this paper, we propose a method of obtaining a highly independent topic that meet these constraints. We conducted evaluation experiments on proposed methods, and obtained results to show the effectiveness of our approach.
熊谷 充敏 岩田 具治
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.33, no.2, pp.D-H92_1-9, 2018-03-01 (Released:2018-03-01)

We propose probabilistic models for predicting future classifiers given labeled data with timestamps collected until the current time. In some applications, the decision boundary changes over time. For example, in activity recognition using sensor data, the decision boundary can vary since user activity patterns dynamically change. Existing methods require additional labeled and/or unlabeled data to learn a time-evolving decision boundary. However, collecting these data can be expensive or impossible. By incorporating time-series models to capture the dynamics of a decision boundary, the proposed model can predict future classifiers without additional data. We developed two learning algorithms for the proposed model on the basis of variational Bayesian inference. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated with experiments using synthetic and real-world data sets.
福島 宙輝 田中 茂範
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.31, no.6, pp.AI30-N_1-8, 2016-11-01 (Released:2017-12-20)

The perceptual domain of taste presents a symbol-grounding problem in which language does not capture the target domain straightforwardly. We suggest that analogy, defined as a process of finding relevance in a metaphorical expression, is a key to handling the problem in the domain of taste. In this study, we took up sound symbolism as a case of expressing the tastes of wine and sake, and did a quantitative text analysis to demonstrate how sound symbolic expressions function in the description of wine and sake (word count of wine text: 201,294; word count of sake: 50,147). The text analysis showed both similarities and differences between the two texts. In both texts, sound symbolism is used as a means of increasing the expressive power of general and abstract words referring to the tastes of wine and sake. In the sake text, however, the use of sound symbolism was dominant in the pre-taste and post-taste stages, while in the wine text, expressions of complex tastes were highly sound symbolic. The different functions of sound symbolism presumably correspond to the differences between wine and sake in terms of the manner of tasting.
和泉 潔 後藤 卓 松井 藤五郎
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.25, no.3, pp.383-387, 2010
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In this study, we proposed a new text-mining methods for long-term market analysis. Using our method, we analyzed monthly price data of financial markets; Japanese government bond market, Japanese stock market, and the yen-dollar market. First we extracted feature vectors from monthly reports of Bank of Japan. Then, trends of each market were estimated by regression analysis using the feature vectors. As a result, determination coefficients were over 75%, and market trends were explained well by the information that was extracted from textual data. We compared the predictive power of our method among the markets. As a result, the method could estimate JGB market best and the stock market is the second.
王 元元 丸山 直樹 河合 由起子 秋山 豊和 角谷 和俊
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.1, pp.WII-I_1-11, 2017-01-06 (Released:2017-01-25)

Twitter evidently stirred a popular trend of personal update sharing. Twitter users can be kept up to date with current information from Twitter; however, users cannot obtain the most recent information, while they browse web pages since these are not updated in real time. Meanwhile, there are many events happen at any time such as crowded restaurants and time sales in different floors or areas at composite facilities in urban areas. To solve them, it is thought that an appropriate method is to detect tweets of small-scale facilities at a composite facility to enrich their traditional web pages. Therefore, we developed a tweet visualization system to support users grasp event happens over time and space from tweets while they browse any web pages based on spatio-temporal analysis of tweets. In order to detect and analyze tweets of a composite facility, the system maps geo-tagged tweets to web pages by matching their location names, and classifies the tweets into different categories of small-scale facilities by utilizing machine learning algorithms. Thus, the system can visualize tweets in a tag cloud is associated with a web page to help users immediately gain a quick overview of events through space and time while they browse this web page, and it can also effectively present a list of most related tweets to help users obtain more detailed information about events. In this paper, we discuss our spatio-temporal analysis method and we have also included an evaluation of tweet classification into small-scale facilities and tag cloud generation that feature words of tweets are changed over time.
伊藤 寛隆 田中 敏光 杉江 昇
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 = Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence : AI (ISSN:13460714)
vol.18, pp.161-164, 2003-11-01

In order to realize advanced man-machine interfaces, it is desired to develop a system that can infer the mental state of human users and then return appropriate responses. As the first step toward the above goal, we developed a system capable of inferring human tactics in a simple game played between the system and a human. We present a machine learning system that plays a color expectation game. The system infers the tactics of the opponent, and then decides the action based on the result. We employed a modified version of classifier system like XCS in order to design the system. In addition, three methods are proposed in order to accelerate the learning rate. They are a masking method, an iterative method, and tactics templates. The results of computer experiments confirmed that the proposed methods effectively accelerate the machine learning. The masking method and the iterative method are effective to a simple strategy that considers only a part of past information. However, study speed of these methods is not enough for the tactics that refers to a lot of past information. For the case, the tactics template was able to settle the study rapidly when the tactics is identified.
吉澤 大樹 橋本 周司
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.16, no.3, pp.309-315, 2001 (Released:2002-02-28)
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This paper shows statistical analyses of the search-space landscape of travelling salesman problems in due consideration of stochastic optimization. It is known from existing works that travelling salesman problems have landscape called “a rugged landscape” and “big valley structure”. This work reveals more detailed structure of the landscape. We deal with the 1000 travelling salesman problems of 6 to 9 cities where the cities are arranged randomly and a travelling salesman problem of 100 cities. It is assumed that the rugged landscape is a combination of the global valleylike structure and the local noiselike structure. Each of them is characterized by the statistical properties of the search-space landscape, that is, the global valleylike structure has linearity with the distance (in this case, the bond distance) from the optimum, and the variance of the local noiselike structure increase monotonously with the distance from the optimum. On the other side correlation of the tours with the costs close upon the optimum cost is low. For this reason to combine the genetic search with the local search is supported. Even if the number of cities and the definition of the intercity cost value are changed, the structure of the landscape has the same feature. Although the number of the cities of the examined travelling salesman problems is not large, obtained results seem to be universal. It is forecasted that not only travelling salesman problems but also many practical problems have the structure which is characterized with the same measure. These results are useful to compose more effective optimization methods without trial and error.
飯塚 修平 松尾 豊
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.29, no.5, pp.460-468, 2014

Webpage optimization is an experimental method to make continuous improvements on websites based on users behavior. This method can be implemented easily but has a drawback that small websites take long time to gather enough data to evaluate the ideas. Although many optimization methods are proposed and conducted so far, theres no mathematical model of this problem. We propose Webpage Optimization Problem and organize existing webpage optimization methods. Combining these methods, we also propose a new webpage optimization method that performs well no matter how many people get to the website. We evaluate the proposal method by simulation experiments and introducing the optimization program to both large and small websites. The results show that our proposal method outperforms existing methods at any size of websites. Webpage Optimization Problem is a framework to create new webpage optimization methods.
ジメネス フェリックス 加納 政芳 吉川 大弘 古橋 武
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.2, pp.D-G51_1-12, 2017-03-01 (Released:2017-03-01)

This paper sought to examine how behavior of a robot can prompt learning by observing in collaborative learning. The robot learns while solving a problem issued by an English vocabulary learning system with a human learner. The learning system presents English words in example sentences and uses a scaffolding function that helps the learner guess the meaning of English words in the example sentence upon a user request. The robot was designed to solve the questions by using scaffolding function and could not answer correctly at beginning. However, the robot change its question-answering method by guessing the meanings of English words in example sentences and improve its accuracy as learning progressed. This behavior of robot can prompt learners to learn by observing in collaborative learning. Ten college students with low level English learned using the English vocabulary learning system with robot for two months and were videoed during that time to see how they learned. We found that learners learned the English vocabulary by using scaffolding function at beginning. However, learners changed their learning method form using scaffolding function to guessing the meanings of English words in English sentences by learning progress. This suggests that robot, which changes the question-solving method to a more effective one and increases its accuracy rate as learning progress, prompts learners to learning by observing in collaborative learning and change their learning method to the more effective one. This learning by observing indicates that learners learn how to guess the meanings of English words in English sentences by observing the robot’s question-solving and speaking. However, the robot does not prompt some learners to learning by observing because they feel lousy that the robot answers the question and improves its accuracy rate, so they ignore what the robot says. Additionally, learners interest in robot decrease when robot performs the same action.
山本 祐輔 嶋田 敏
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.1, pp.WII-L_1-12, 2017-01-06 (Released:2017-01-20)

During web search and browsing, people often accept misinformation due to their inattention to information credibility and biases. To obtain correct web information and support effective decision making, it is important to enhance searcher credibility assessment and develop algorithms to detect suspicious information. In this paper, we investigate how credibility alarms for web search results affect searcher behavior and decision making in information access systems. This study focuses on disputed topic suggestion as a credibility alarm approach. We conducted an online user study in which 92 participants performed a search task for health information. Through log analysis and user surveys, we confirmed the following. (1) Disputed topic suggestion in a search results list makes participants spend more time browsing pages than ordinary search conditions, thereby promoting careful information seeking. (2) Disputed topic suggestion during web browsing does not change participant behaviors but works as complementary information. This study contributes to system designs to enhance user engagement in critical and careful information seeking.
鍵谷 龍樹 白川 由貴 土斐崎 龍一 渡邊 淳司 丸谷 和史 河邉 隆寛 坂本 真樹
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.1, pp.237-245, 2015-01-06 (Released:2015-01-06)

We feel some liquids such as honey or oil more viscous than others like water. Viscosity perception is frequently expressed by onomatopoeia, a set of words that are often used to express sensory experiences in Japanese. For example, we would say honey is “toro-toro” or oil is “doro-doro”. In this paper we investigated the associations between phonemes of Japanese onomatopoeia for expressing viscosity and subjective evaluations of viscosity. Specifically, we performed psychological experiments where participants watched some static images and dynamic images. Participants were asked to express the visual sensations by onomatopoeia and rate the degree to which they felt the objects viscous. This experiment was aimed at specifying the systematic association between phonemes of Japanese onomatopoeic words and viscous evaluations. Our results showed the existence of some associations between the phonemes of the words for expressing the sensation and the evaluations of viscosity and showed the possibility to construct a system to recommend viscosity animations by onomatopoeia. The system proposed in this paper recommends viscosity animations consistent with onomatopoetic expressions based on Japanese sound symbolism. Our system comprises a user interface module, an onomatopoeia parsing module, and a database. Our system can evaluate the subtle difference in viscosity feelings expressed by onomatopoeic words which are different in phonemes.
西村 悟史 大谷 博 畠山 直人 長谷部 希恵子 福田 賢一郎 來村 徳信 溝口 理一郎 西村 拓一
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.4, pp.C-G95_1-15, 2017-07-01 (Released:2017-07-03)

The amount of costs for long-term care is increasing because of aging society. It is important to improve quality of care process. We focus on sharing the knowledge of care process in care facility to achieve the goal. There are some issues to share the knowledge. (1) The knowledge is implicit on the care workers. (2) It is difficult to unite the knowledge as world standard because of its variety. We proposed the methodology of "knowledge explication" to overcome these issues. The methodology is (1) to explicate the knowledge of care process by employees in care facility. (2) It is performed on each care facility so they can explicate the facility-specific knowledge of care process. We applied the methodology to two care facilities and evaluate it. The explicated knowledge is 1.8 times more than the knowledge from textbook. We also confirmed the efficiency of the methodology by questionnaire to the participants.
佐藤 晃矢 岡 瑞起 橋本 康弘 加藤 和彦
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.5, pp.667-674, 2015

Social Tagging System (STS) which is one of the content management techniques is widely adopted in the online content sharing service. Using STS, users can give any strings (tags) to contents as annotations. It is important to know the usage of tag statistics for accomplishing an effective database design and the information navigation. The frequency of tag usage as well as their dynamics are similar to the ones found in the natural language. It is possible to reproduce the branching process of the tag dynamics using a classical model called Yule-Simon process. Another characteristic aspect of tags is the tag co-occurrence generated from the simultaneous use of tags. Using the tag co-occurrence, STS is able to reconstitute the hierarchy of tags, and recommend the tag which is probably used next. However, Yule-Simon process does not consider the tag co-occurrence and thus how the tag co-occurrence is generated from the model like Yule-Simon has not been addressed yet. In this paper, we propose to expand the Yule-Simon process to model the tag co-occurrence. From the point of view of network hierarchy, we confirm the similarity in the structure of the tag co-occurrence with the empirical data obtained from a social network service called 'RoomClip'. The present result suggested that this simple model like extended Yule-Simon process generates the tag co-occurrence feature.
石橋 賢 深瀧 創 宮田 一乘
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.1, pp.229-236, 2015-01-06 (Released:2015-01-06)

Recently, sizzle words have been utilized for various product packages. These words have effective communicative performance to convey deliciousness of food. In particular, onomatopoeias are used for many product packages because they can convey the texture of food sensuously. When using sizzle words, producers may consider consumers' impressions. This study aims to investigate the relations between consumers' impressions and sizzle words through an experiment. The experimental targets were four rice crackers of different hardness because their textures were directly related to consumers' impressions and some packages of rice crackers used a few sizzle words for advertising. The results of this experiment indicated five tendencies: (1) the sizzle words regarding satisfaction, tradition, and typicality, and the onomatopoeias including “zaku” are appropriate for an extremely hard rice cracker; (2) the sizzle words regarding lightness and comfort, and the onomatopoeias including “saku” are appropriate for a non-hard rice cracker; (3) the sizzle words regarding aridity, fineness, and unforgettable taste are appropriate for a slightly hard rice cracker; (4) the onomatopoeias expressing crunchy texture are appropriate for a quite hard rice cracker; (5) rough texture of food brings a sense of satiety. In addition, we performed a factor analysis using the results with 14 onomatopoeias in the experiment. The analysis results showed three factors: brittleness, irritation, and lightness. In future, we expect that these results can be utilized for guiding a choice of an appropriate sizzle word.