伊藤 英明 高梨 令 粂田 起男 森 典彦
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.49, pp.98-99, 2002-11-05

The purpose of this research is to make the route map which visualizes arrival time. It targets the route in the Corporation subway and the under metropolitan management subway in Tokyo. Arrival time and transfer time between each station were used as a measure. The data of arrival time between each station includes transfer time. A two dimensional graph was made by using the data and Quantification Method 4. Partial warp of the coordinate in the obtained graph was corrected by using coodinate transfer, and a route map was drawn based on the corrected coordinates.
橋本 英治 寺内 文雄 久保 光徳 青木 弘行
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.48, pp.226-227, 2001-10-15

In this paper, by studying various sensory elements of industrial products and causal relationships due to the occurrence of affections toward products, the primary factors for the occurrence of affections and the tendencies toward the products were investigated with the model indicating users' tendencies to the products and the corresponding relationship was found. A questionnaire had been carried out and as a result from the survey, four groups of tendencies were obtained. For each group, SEM(Structural Equation Modeling) was used to construct the model for causal relationships of the occurrence of affection. Subsequently, the differences for causal relationships due to various tendencies toward products were clarified.
森下 眞行 上田 篤嗣
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.55, pp.314-315, 2008-06-20

This paper describes our study of the Design Development for UD (Universal Design) Learning Support Games. The purpose of the activities is to make a game that children and adults can learn UD happily. Another intention is to contribute to the business for the diffusion of UD in Okayama. We had two monitor-investigations of this game to school children. The game of the final form was displayed in Manabipia Okayama 2007. It got much popularity. From now on, it will be applied for the community, in terms of disaster protection, environmental problems.
山本 佐恵
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.54, pp.44-45, 2007-06-20

In the New York World's Fair, 1939, the Japanese Commission exhibited at both the Japanese pavilion and the Japanese section of the Hall of Nations. The theme of the former was "Ancient Japan", while that of the latter was "Modern Japan". Architect Yamawaki Iwao was given the task of designing the "Modern Japan" exhibition. The purpose of this presentation is to provide a detailed account of my research to date on Yamawaki's exhibition design and particularly his photo-murals.
柴 嘉一 五十嵐 浩也
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.54, pp.252-253, 2007-06-20

Various digital media have intimate relationship with every field of communication that produces certain message while accepting information and make conversation. Also, technical characteristics of new media change the individual way of communication. In this research, we believe that we can make communication affluent by introducing classified items like movement of icon representing emotion, gesture, situation, and so on. This can be done by comparative analysis between context and visual stimulation of icon. In other words, it becomes possible to find out the way to be a integrated communication tool that can deal with emotional change among people.
三浦 澄子 梨原 宏
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.51, pp.62-63, 2004-05-30

This research pursued the design method of a picture book for children with weak eyes impairments. We studied a suitable letter, illustration and story of a picture book for children. A new original letter that is a middle type between Gothic and Ming style was designed. A simple and heartful story that can be recognized easily was written. The compositions of illustration and color that can be visible easily were drawn. As a result, the two kinds of picture books were edited. We evaluated the books by experimental use. The children in the school for the blind in Miyagi Prefecture can read and enjoyed them. It is estimated that the books give good motivation and pleasurable image to sensory challenged children.
寺沢 秀雄 渡辺 衆 小泉 弘之 星村 隆史 酒井 宏明
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.55, pp.50-51, 2008-06-20

ワークショップは,企業や地域コミュニティなどの体験型の講座として用いられる.ユーザインタフェース(UI)デザインでは人と人工物との関わりを扱うため,人の活動の場における発見的探索が不可欠である.この学びのかたちのひとつとして,ワークショップはふさわしいと考える.本研究は,1)Found Behavior(FB)手法を体験型UIデザイン学習交流に適用するためのプログラムの作成,2)ワークショップの実施と検証を目的とする.優れたUIデザインとは,その過程において日常生活における対話経験を多く参照したものである. FB手法とは,この考えに基づき,人のふるまい観察に主眼を置いたUIデザインの方法である. ここでは,観察を次の2つに分ける.1)状況の観察(活動の場における人の工夫の発見):文脈におけるデザインで一般に用いられる現場の観察 2)人のふるまい観察(ついついしてしまう人の習性の発見):デザイナーの引き出しとも呼べる対話経験の参照を促す観察 FB手法を用いたワークショップは,即効的ではないが,UIデザイン発想の根拠を明示的に説明できるようになったという点で一定の効果があったと思われる.
滝本 成人
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.56, pp.276-277, 2009-06-20

This research is joint design development with the TAKAFU knife village cooperative in Fukui Echizen. The dissatisfied opinion to a commercial home bread knife was investigated. The trial product kitchen knife for an experiment was made nine kinds. The cut experiment of bread and French bread was conducted using the subject. Use of the edge of a sickle was tried at first. But not moving smoothly became clear and the technical problem in work became clear. Next, processing of serrated edge was tried to a part of straight blade. Again, the cut experiment was conducted using the subject. The result has checked the predominancy of the half serration braid. The kitchen knife was manufactured with traditional craftsmanship of Echizen.
立石 良幾 杉山 和雄 渡辺 誠 シャクルトン ジョン
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.45, pp.190-191, 1998-10-30

The use of graphical sysmbols (icon) is a common way to convey message to the user. Recently, digital camera has been spreaded rapidly, however the graphical sysmbols are not standardized yet. Product information symbols should be standardized so that a single symbol conveys a single message regardless of the kind of product. Each infonTration symbol should be clearly discemible from others, additionaly to have a clearly understood meaning, and not requiring too much effort by consurrlers to learn what they mean. Therefore it was considered of benefit to research on the icon that should be used to convey the messeges for a digital camera.
永井 由美子 須永 剛司 山内 裕平 松井 功 小川 俊二 高橋 敏也
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.46, pp.230-231, 1999-10-15

When we develop tools and system that include complicated information system, "designing" and "using" need to connect with each other. On this ongoing project, "future black board system" for a junior high class room, we approach "activity based design." It leads to develop good design for users. From beginning of this project until now, we go and research the junior high slass room, then results took in the system. And further, designers need to take part designing curriculum that contains using the system.
生田目 美紀 北島 宗雄
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.56, pp.90-91, 2009-06-20

This paper reports an eye-tracking experiment conducted to compare alternative representations on web pages. The experiment simulated a directory-based information search task to understand how it is performed when directories are represented in text, labeled-pictograms, or unlabeled-pictograms. The eye movement data were analyzed by the parametric ANOVA to understand how the method of directory search adopted by the hearing group and the deaf group might be different under the influence of the differences in directory representations. The result demonstrated that only in the labeled-pictogram representation, the hearing group and the deaf group performed equally well in terms of the eye movement measures.
田中 隆充
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.56, pp.154-155, 2009-06-20

地域には観光ガイドブックやインターネットの情報等にはない、地元の人にしか分からない由来や体 的な歴史がある。それらの情報は現場にいかなければ分からないことや住んでいなければ分からない情報も多々ある。これらの情報は本来、代々伝えていくことが重要であるが、これらをアーカイブ化し、共有することも大切な要素と考えた。また、その情報の貴重性を伝えるために、情報の演出の仕方を考える必要がある。そこで、その場にいてその場の過去の映像や音声を体感することで、その地域の特色や本質的な歴史観を見いだすことができるのではないかと考えた。そこで、それらを具体的に示す方法の一つとして、携帯電話のQRコード読み取り機能を用いて、使い手がインターネットに手軽にアクセスし、そこから過去の画像等を携帯電話側に読み込ませることで、携帯電話の画面やイヤホンから表示できるコンテンツを実 的に制作した。本研究においては岩手大学構内に 力所のQRコードパネルを2006年度から2007年度の 年間に設置し基礎的な実 を行った。そして、2008年度は国立公園に指定されている岩手県浄土ケ浜に設置することで、観光の最前線での試みを行い始めた。
山下 久美子 平田 克二
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.47, pp.186-187, 2000-10-16

This study proposes an approach to establishing a color Scheme for Town Scape Design. It should be do the town scape design for a long time, so the analog data change the digital data for scene research data, color reserch data, and symuration. The abstract of the scene reserch is building mesurement, struchture, color, etc. The color reserach data change the digital data are useful of color scheme and plannig process for town scape designs.
平野 聖
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.56, pp.200-201, 2009-06-20

A purpose of this research is to find the feature of the design development of Japanese home electronics by studying history with the design of electric fan. We considered about the design development case of the electric fan in Panasonic ecology systems at the Showa latter period, and noticed the following things.The shape of the electric fan of each company had almost become same, so they aimed at the quality of the wind. For the purpose of reproducing "natural wind", their electric fan has evolved in "the wind of the 1/f shake" via "the rhythm wind" and "the random wind". They changed the form of their electric fan body to appeal for the innovation of their new "natural wind".
大谷 未起生 植田 憲 宮崎 清
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.51, pp.182-183, 2004-05-30

This paper aims to investigate the Boushu Round Fan as the one of National Designated Traditional Craft that is produced on Southern Chiba. By analyzing the history and present condition, this study tried to find the essential matters for future Industrial Promotion. This Boushu Round Fan Industry recently rapidly decrease and be done only by the aged people. Problems to discover the present values and the lack of bamboo as the basic material also caused the decreasing of the production activity of Bousho Round Fan. Based on field survey, by various perspectives this study concretely observed the promotion plan.
名塚 ちひろ 岡本 誠
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.56, pp.96-97, 2009-06-20

It is difficult for the blind people to find that they want to buy in shopping. In this research, I used the method of scenario based design and I shed light on some potential needs of their shopping. I interviewed blind people and a guide helper. From the result, I focused three points, "using while shopping", "want to do unexpected discovery", "want to know what there is ahead", and I proposed a device "COMPASS". As a result of the evaluation, I got opinions from blind people such as "I can discover some items for oneself" and "I can decide some items to buy on the scene". Outlook for the future, I have to improve the shape and specifications. I also entertain another shopping scenes.
山本 政幸
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.50, pp.100-101, 2003-05-01

This study examines typographic style comparing two manuals, Die Neue Typographie (1928) designed by Jan Tschichold and Grundsatzliches zur Neuen Typographie (1929) by Philipp Albinus to describe design philosophy of the New Typography in their avant-garde works. Both of the books used standardized coated paper, asymmetric composition, sanserif types for text setting, and photography for illustration. Albinus's book has drastic aspects such as right imposition or adoption of new modern sanserif though he has been not to be compared with the pioneer Tschichold.
土屋 貴幸 戸塚 泰幸
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.54, pp.330-331, 2007-06-20

Form of a letter simplifies Japanese sentence style of handwriting in history. Therefore, it may be said that a sign of handwriting has been lost. In this study, I produced the Mincyo typesetting which had a characteristic of a calligraphy. A reason is to leave culture of calligraphy in the present age. I made it as the most general digital font in current print technology afterwards. Therefore I paid my attention to a visual element of "handwriting/brush strokes" with a writing brush.
三谷 篤史 矢久保 空遥
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.56, pp.358-359, 2009-06-20

Electronic instruments can generate special sounds by synthesizing pre-memorized sound elements, which have capability to cause larger fever than ordinary instruments. To play these electronic instruments with complete control, we need much training to learn complicated key and lever operations. This causes difficulty for beginners to approach these electronic instruments. In this study, we proposed a novel electronic instrument using a rotary encoder and a PIC micro computer. We then described the abstract of the proposed instrument and design concept based on preliminary survey about usability of instruments.
池町 優太 氏家 良樹 松岡 由幸
デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (ISSN:09108173)
no.53, pp.264-265, 2006-06-20

In curve design, the construction of a quantitative representation method of macroscopic shape feature is important. The main reason for this appears to be that human beings tend to perceive the overall shape feature macroscopically. So, in the past study, curvature integration was proposed as the quantitative representation method of macroscopic shape feature "complexity" which is important in curve design. This paper describes that curvature integration can represent macroscopic shape feature "complexity", the application of curvature integration to the design problem of analysis of automobile side views and the application of the shape generation method proposed in the past study to the styling of new vehicle.