三浦 健 図子 浩二 鈴木 章介 松田 三笠 清水 信行
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.47, no.2, pp.141-154, 2002-03-10

本研究では,もらったパスをできるだけ短時間に反動的に出すチェストパス能力を高めるトレーニング手段を明らかにするために,大学男子バスケットボール選手25名を対象にして,胸部上に落下したボールを受け止め即座に投げ上げる反動付きチェストパス(RCP)と反動を伴わないチェストパス(PCP)を,4種類の重さのボールで実施させ,その際の接手時間(RCPtc)と投げ上げ高(RCPh,PCPh)について検討した.さらに,このチェストパス能力とベンチプレスにおける最大挙上重量(BPmax)との関係についても検討した.本研究の結果は次の通りである.(1)バスケットボール(0.6kg)・1kg・3kg・5kgとボールの重量が重くなるほど,RCPhおよびPCPhは,いずれも有意に低くなる傾向が認められた.一方,RCPtcは有意に長くなる傾向が認められた.(2)RCPhとRCPtcの関係は,いずれのボール重量においても,有意な相関関係は認められなかった.これらのことは,短時間に投げる能力と大きな仕事をして高いボール速度を獲得する能力は独立した二つの能力であることを示すものである.(3)この二つの要因(RCPhとRCPtc)からみたポジションの特性について検討すると,ガードポジションの選手(Guard Player)が他の選手(Non Guard Player)に比較して,RCPhに有意な差はないが,RCPtcは有意に短いことが認められた.これらのことは,Guard Playerは,上肢におけるバリスティックなパワーが高く,短時間にパスを遂行する能力に優れていることを示すものである.(4)RCPにおいては,RCPhとRCPtcのいずれにおいても,バスケットボールを用いた場合と,1kg・3kg・5kgのボールを用いた場合との間のいずれにおいても有意な相関関係が認められた.しかし,上肢の筋力を評価するBPmaxとの間には,いずれにおいても有意な相関関係は認められなかった.これらのことは,バスケットボールにおけるチェストパス能力を高めるためには,1kg・3kg・5kgのボールを用いたトレーニング手段が,ベンチプレスなどの手段よりも直接的には効果のある可能性を示すものである.これらの結果は,バスケットボール選手のためのチェストパス能力を高めるためのトレーニング法を考える場合に有益であるとともに,上肢のプライオメトリックスに関する原則を考える場合の一助になると思われる.
加藤 謙一 宮丸 凱史 松元 剛
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.46, no.2, pp.179-194, 2001-03-10

A study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of sprint motion in top-ranking elementary school sprinters. The subjects were 10 first-class elementary school sprinters (sprinter group), and 31 standard elementary school children (control group), all aged 12 years. Measurements were performed for sprint speed, step frequency, step length, and sprint motion in terms of angular kinematics for both groups. In addition, the isokinetic peak torques at 60 and 180 deg/s were analyzed. The results obtained were as follows: The mean values of body height and mass were larger for the sprinter group than for the control group. Isokinetic peak torques during knee extension and flexion (angular velocity; 60, 180deg/s) were greater for the sprinter group than for the control group. The sprint speed, step length, and step frequency of the sprinter group were significantly greater than those of the control group. On the other hand, the support time of the sprinter group was significantly shorter than that of the control group. The relationship between sprint speed and sprint motion in the sprinter group was as follows: The maximal thigh lift angle (θT) showed a negative correlation (r = - 0.369) with sprint speed, and the ankle joint angle at the moment of foot contact (θA-on; r = - 0.619) and the minimal angle of the ankle joint during the foot contact phase (θA-min; r = - 0.372) showed a negative correlation with sprint speed. However, the maximal extension velocity of the ankle joint (ωA) showed a positive correlation (r = 0.326) with sprint speed. Although sprint motion in the sprinter group showed specific features, the correlation between sprint speed and sprint motion was not significant in either group. In particular, positively and negativity were contrary in the relation between θA-on, θA-min and ωA and sprint speed in the sprinter group, compared with the correlations in adult sprinters. The relationship between sprint speed and sprint motion showed that sprint motion in the sprinter group was not always similar to that in adult sprinters.
和田 哲也 友添 秀則
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.38, no.5, pp.337-348, 1994-01-01

The purpose of the present study was to clarify the activity of kenjyutsu, the traditional physical culture in Japan, practiced as a match or sport in the latter period of Edo era. The object of this study was Sekiguchi-school of Takeda family that was transmitted in the Yoshino River area in the province of Awa (Tokushima prefecture) . The authors investigated the actual condition and character of kenjyutsu in those days using the historical materials of "nogeiko" (the outdoor meet of kenjyutsu) of the school. The findings of this study were summarized as follows : 1) The "taryu-jiai", in which kenjyutsu had come to be practiced as a match in the latter period of Edo era, was carried mainly by the common people rather than the people in the class of samurai and was activated all over the country. 2) "Nogeiko" of Sekiguchi-school of Takeda family was intended to open to the public from the beginning, and it was planned elaborately and practiced systematically. Almost all of the matches in the "nogeiko" were practiced by one person against one, though these were practiced with some formations supposing an actual battle, and there were "metsuke"(referee) who judged victory or defeat. 3) These matches were practiced under the free and large-hearted atmosphere beeing unbound to the ethical idea of Confucianism, and this "nogeiko" had a character of an amusement or pleasure of the common people. 4) This case means that kenjyutsu was practiced as an activity of a match or sport, whose style agreed with several melkmarls pointed by Guttmann, in the province far from the governmental center of this country. This is assumed not to be particular in the area of Tokushima prefecture but to be general in the localities of this country in those days. 5) Practice of kenjyutsu as a match or sport like this and accumulation of the experience,which became a basic condition to accept modern sports since Meiji era in japan, seems to make the rapid diffusion of it easily.
伊藤 章 市川 博啓 斉藤 昌久 佐川 和則 伊藤 道郎 小林 寛道
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.43, no.5, pp.260-273, 1998-11-10

The present study was designed to investigate the kinematic factors related to sprint running velocity. The subjects were 71 sprinters(49 males and 22 females)who ranged from world class to collegiate level. Movements were recorded around the 60-m point from the start line during a 100-m race(during official races including world championships in athletics, or under experimental conditions)using 16-mm movie or video cameras. The official best time during recording of the movements was 9.86. The correlation coefficients between kinematic data(see Fig.1)and sprint running velocity were calculated for three groups(male, female, and all sprinters). Step length and step length index(step length/body height to exclude the effects of body height)were correlated positively and significantly with sprint running velocity for all groups(male, female, and all sprinter). Step frequency and step frequency index[step frequency・(body height/gravitational acceleration)^<1/2>to exclude the effects of body height]were correlated positively and significantly with sprint running velocity for all groups except male sprinters with regard to step frequency. With regard to leg swing, maximal thigh angle and maximal leg angle showed no significant correlation with sprint running velocity, but the minimal knee angle showed a singificant negative correlation with sprint running velocity for both male and all sprinters. These results suggest that the purpose of high knee drills generally carried out during training needs to be reconsidered. The maximal leg touch down velocity showed a significant positive correlation with sprint running velocity for both female and all sprinters. This probably means that the leg touch down velocity acts to reduce the deceleration at the moment of foot contact and to accelerate the subsequent leg swing back velocity during the foot contact phase. As for the support leg, the maximal leg swing velocity showed a significant positive correlation with sprint running velocity for all groups. Although the maximal hip extension velocity during the foot contact phase was correlated positively and significantly with sprint running velocity for male sprinters, the maximal knee and ankle extension velocity showed a significant negative correlation with sprint running velocity for female and all sprinters. These results suggest that the knee should not be extended to transfer the hip extension velocity effectively to the leg swing velocity during the foot contact period. This was borne out by the fact that the top sprinters entered in the present study hardly extended the knee of the driving leg during the foot contact phase.
木下 秀明
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.51, no.1, pp.33-48, 2006-01-10

This paper attempts to clarify the process of change from Gekiken and Kenjutsu to Kendo at the beginning of the 20th Century. The former two terms were widely used to mean swordsmanship with a bamboo sword. However, only the latter term is currently employed, despite the fact that it had been scarcely used at the time of the former two. At the end of the 19th Century, Gekiken was disliked by intellectuals because it marked a change from a real martial art to competition with a bamboo sword, and Kendo began to find favor instead of Gekiken even though the principle of Kendo had not been properly defined. In 1908, Shizuo Sakaguchi, a student, suggested that the concept of Kendo should consist of not only Kenjutsu training but also the mental discipline that is required for swordsmanship. However, his ideas did not gain immediate acceptance. In 1909, the Tokyo Higher Normal School changed the term Gekiken to Kendo, thus following the mainstream trend of adopting Kendo without any set idea of its content. Although in 1911 the Ministry of Education permitted Gekiken to be taught in secondary schools, the School intended to retain the term Kendo as a descriptor, and therefore it became necessary to properly define its content. Accordingly, Michiaki Nagai, the only professor of gymnastics at the School, emphasized the mental aspects of Kendo, as the suffix "-do" means "the way" for perfection of swordsmanship, as opposed to Gekiken and Kenjutsu, as the terms mean literally "hitting with" and "handling" a sword. The first special school for swordsmanship instructors was set up by the Ministry in 1911, and thereafter use of the term Kendo spread to all schools. The final aspect of this change of thought was the adoption of the term Budo instead of Bujutsu, meaning "martial art", by the Great Japan Martial Virtue Association in 1919.
藤井 勝紀
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.48, no.5, pp.523-539, 2003-09-10

The hypothesis that menarche is delayed in female athletes has not been verified, despite many studies widely eported in the US and a few investigations conducted in Japan. The purpose of the present study was to examine statistically whether regular sports training for female athletes in childhood delays the age at menarche. Health examination records and history of exercise were investigated for 144 female high school senior athletes in the Tokai area, who had participated in competitions at the national level. The investigations covered the period from the first grade of elementary school until the final year of high school (from 1985-1987 to 1996-1998). The sports played by the subjects included track and field (n=21), basketball (n=15), volleyball (n=21), softball (n=7), tennis (n=16), soft tennis (n=25), hockey (n=8), judo (n=19), table tennis (n=6), handball (n=3) and swimming (n=3). Longitudinal data for height and weight were obtained from health examination records. Age at menarche was obtained by questionnaire (from recollection). The control group comprised 78 female non-athletes investigated in a similar manner to the athlete group. Delay in menarche was judged from the interval between menarche and physical maturation level. Ages at maximum peak velocity (MPV) of height in the athletes and control groups were derived using the wavelet interpolation method (WIM) as the criterion for maturation level. The interval between age at menarche and age at MPV of height was then derived for each group. The difference in the derived age interval between the two groups was tested for significance (t test) to compare the athletes and the controls. In addition, age at menarche and age at MPV of height were compared between the groups. The results were then used to determine whether menarche in female athletes was delayed. It was found that the age at menarche was significantly later in athletes (12.82 ± 1.15 years) than in the control group (12.11 ± 0.90 years), with the exception of table tennis players (P<0.01). However, age at MPV of height did not differ significantly between the groups, except for tennis players. A significant difference in the age interval between MPV of height and menarche was observed between the control group (1.08 ± 0.74 years) and the athlete groups (1.75 ± 1.23 years), with the exception of tennis and table tennis players (P<0.01). It may be concluded from these results that regular sports training for female athletes in childhood delays the age at menarche.
新井 博
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.49, no.6, pp.573-582, 2004-11-10

The purpose of this paper was to clarify the situation in the Department of Defense of Austro-Hungary, which dispatched Major Theodor von Lerch to Japan in 1910. The historical materials referred to were the official documents saved at the General Staff Office in Vienna and the articles left in Japan by von Lerch. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: (1) As a task in the General Staff Office in Vienna, von Lerch had started to study the conditions of the Army in the Far East from 1906. (2) The General Staff Office in Vienna attempted his dispatch to investigate the conditions of the army in three countries on the eve of World War I. (3) The Ministry of Defense in Austro-Hungary decided to dispatch von Lerch to Japan for the benefit of the army and his advantage in carrying out the assigned tasks. However, von Lerch himself had an interest in Japan. (4) The Ministry of Defense in Austro-Hungary communicated with the Ministry of Foreign affairs and its military attache in Japan and China, requesting that it enter into negotiations to accomplish the dispatch of von Lerch. (5) von Lerch's wish to be allowed to study on an assignment with the Japanese Army was accepted by both the Japanese and Chinese governments as a result of ten months of negotiations.
小林 ゆい 森下 はるみ
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.45, no.1, pp.77-88, 2000-01-10

A study was performed to clarify the relationship between basic movements and respiration patterrn in Kyogen, a Japanese traditional performing art. The subjects were three professional Kyogen actors (Oukura-ryu, Yamamoto-ke), with performing careers of 10, 19 and 53 years, respectively. The latter subject had been designated an important intangible cultural property. The subjects were asked to perform four typical Shosa (kata) at three speeds and three Komai-a chain of dance movements. We recorded the respiration curve using a rubber strain gauge placed on the actor's thorax, and observed the relationship between movements and respiration phase, cycle, and ratio of inspiration time to expiration time. The results were as follows:Shosa (kata)Subj.10-year career : Regardless of movement speed, the respiration phases were harmonized, which is a typical feature of sports performance.Subj.53-year carrer : In all shosa, the respiration phases were independent of movements. However the respiration cycle and the ratio of inspiration time to expiration time were proportional to the speed of movement. Subj.19-year career : The subject showed features intermediate between those of the subjects with 10- and 53-year careers. Komai Subjs.with 19-and 53-year careers : The respiration curve was independent of movement, and appeared similar to that during the singing of "Utai" music by Jiutai actors. It was found that the the respiration curves between basic movements and the respiration pattern in Kyogen gradually changed from harmonization to separation, according to the actor's skill. However, during performance of "Utai", the respiration pattern was harmonized with the "Utali" melody.
佐野 史郎
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.15, no.5, 1971-07-30
楠戸 一彦
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.29, no.1, pp.53-62, 1984-06-01

In den deutschen mittelalterlichen Städten war die Fechtkunst die übliche Leibesübung des Bürgers, besonders des Handwerksgesellen. Die „Fechtschule" wurde auch bei den religiösen Festen und Herbstmessen abgehalten. Der Ursprung dieser bürgerlichen Fechtschulen, d.h. des öffentlichen Schaufechtens geht auf die zweite Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts zurück. Aber ihre Blütezeit war das 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Das Gesamtbild dieser Fechtschulen im deutschen Mittelalter ist jedoch noch nicht genügend dargestellt, obgleich es Arbeiten gibt von K. Wassmannsdorff (1870), G. Hergsell (1896), A. Schaer (1901) und P. Maar (1961/62) usw.. Deshalb ist es notwendig neue Quellen zu finden, um die Geschichte der Fechtschulen näher zu klären.In dieser Arbeit handelt es sich um die erste Veröffentlichung der deutschen Transkription der Handschrift über die Fechterordnung zur Fechtschulhaltung, die vom Rat der Stadt Augsburg im 16. Jahrhundert verordnet wurde, zusammen mit der japanischen Übersetzung. Die Handschrift ist in den noch nicht edierten Handschriften Hs.I.6.2°.5 in der Fürstlichen Oettingen-Wallersteinschen Bibliothek und Kunstsammlung enthalten.Die Handschrift Hs.I.6.2°.5 ist auf Papier und Pergament geschrieben und hat 49 Blätter. Sie ist aus 4 Teilen zusammengesetzt, die von je anderen Schreibern geschrieben sind: 1) die Augsburgische Fechterordnung (2r-5v), 2) die Chroniken der Marxbruderschaften (7r-20r), 3) die Johann Liechtenauer's Fechtkunst (21r-42v) und 4) die Stiche des Martin Heemskerk's Fechter und Ringer (43v-49r). Diese Handschrift ist deshalb ein Sammelband, der später die einzelnen Teile zu einem Buch verbindet. Wer die Handschriften in einem Sammelband einband und besaß, war Paul Hector Mair (1517-1579), der Ratsdiener der Stadt Augsburg.Man kann das Jahr der Verfassung der Augsburgischen Fechterordnung in diese Handschriften nicht auffinden, jedoch aus folgenden Gründen ist das Jahr 1568 anzunehmen: 1) diese Handschrift war im Besitz des P.H. Mairs, 2) der Rat der Stadt Augsburg gab die Bestätigung der Ordnung der Fechtschulen am Jahr 1568 nach der Untersuchungen von Abt (1817) und A. Schaer (1901) und 3) diese Fechterordnung wurde „auff der obgemelten Maister des Schwerts und Freifechter alhie vnderthenig Supplicieren" (B1.2r) verordnet.Die Augsburgische Fechterordnung (1568) ist aus den folgenden Ordnungen zusammengesetzt: 1) die verordneten Inhaber der Fechtschulen und wie die Fechtschulen mit der Zulassung der fremden Fechter gehalten werden sollen, 2) das Lernen des Fechtens, 3) die Vorstellungen der Freifechter, 4) die Abhaltung der Fechtschulen und welche Fechter in denselben einander vorgehen sollen, 5) die Artikeln, die auf den Fechtschulen gehalten werden sollen, 6) die Knaben, die die Wehren auf die Fechtschulen tragen, 7) das Geld, das die Zuschauer der Fechtschulen bezahlen sollen, 8) die Zeche, 9) die Unterhaltung der Wehren und 10) die Strafe.Aus den Betrachtungen der einzelnen Artikeln der Augsburgischen Fechterordnungen sei angenommen, daß „die Fechtschule" nicht „die Übungsstätte" des Fechtens bedeutet, sondern „das öffentliche Schaufechten".Kazuhiko Kusudo, „Die Ratsverordnung zur Fechtschulhaltung in der deutschen Stadt Augsburg im 16. Jahrhundert", Jap. J. Phys. Educ., 29-1 : 53-62, June, 1984
深倉 和明 工藤 孝幾
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.32, no.2, pp.109-115, 1987-09-01

The purpose of this study was to analyse the tackling distance estimated by a soccer player at the intercollegiate level. The meaning of the tackling distance is the longest distance between a ball and a tackler in which he is sure to tackle the ball successfully. Skilled players (N = 5) and unskilled players (N = 5) were selected among the Fukushima Univ. Soccer Team according to their ability of tackling. Each of the subjects was required to tackle a ball, and the tackling distance and the movement time (MT) taken from the initial movement of his feet to his touch of the ball with the tackling foot were measured. The opponent's reaction time (RT) was also measured in order to be compared with MT. The results were as follows: 1) The tackling distance of the skilled group was longer than that of the unskilled group. 2) When the tackler's MT was compared with the opponent's RT, the former was shorter than the latter, and this was remarkable in the case of the unskilled group. 3) But there was no difference between the two groups regarding the probability of success in the practical one-against-one tackling trials. 4) These results may suggest that there were some differences between two groups in the action prior to the main tackling action, and also the tackling action of the unskilled group was more easily anticipated by the opponent.
田原 淳子
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.38, no.2, pp.87-98, 1993-07-01

The purpose of this study was to analyze the responses of foreign countries on the cancellation of the Games of the XII th Olympiad, Tokyo, 1940, and to clarify the principles underlying the arguments for and against the cancellation. The documents used for this study centered around the correspondence between Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Japanese governmental establishments abroad and the stored archives as to the Games of the Diplomatic Record Office of the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The findings of this study are summarized as follows : After the outbreak of Janpan-China War in 1937, there were many opinions against the hosting the Games of the XII th Olympiad by the city of Tokyo as well as the participation in it which were expressed mainly by European countries and U.S.A., together with those for expressed by U.S.A. and Brazil. Olympism seemed to be the basic and standard thought for these opinions, and it was interpreted into two ways so that opinions were divided and varied. Some of the experts took the position that Olympism should be the means and occasion for "realizing the peace of the world", and others took it should be "independent from politics". Thus, such a pre-war problem of boycotting as the Games of the XII th Olympiad in Tokyo appears to entail the similar post-war pattern of thoughts and interpretations in repeated boycott cases of the Olympic Games.
加藤 元和
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.16, no.2, pp.61-66, 1971-10-01

この研究では,古代オリュンピア祭典競技の起源を巡る諸問題を取り拳げた.1)歴史的事象としての古代オリュンピア祭典競技は,神話,伝承に於ける神々や英雄たちの競技の世界やホメロスの詩篇オデユツセイアやイリアスに於ける競技の世界の延長として出現したのでなく,それら三者の間には,密接な相互関係があった. 2) ゼウス崇拝とオリュンピア祭典競技との結びつきは,エリス人のゼウス崇拝とピザ人のべロプス崇拝及び両ポリス市民間に於けるオリュンピア祭典競技の主催権を巡る対立・抗争を通して確立されてきたのである. 3) オリュンピア祭典競技の起源は,最もギリシア的国制としてのポリス共同体の存在を前提とせねばならなかったのである.それは,自由,自治,自給自足という共同体の特性が,逆に,民族的統一理念としての汎ギリシア精神の具現体としてのオリュンピア祭典競技を体制化したのである.
狩野 豊 高橋 英幸 森丘 保典 秋間 広 宮下 憲 久野 譜也 勝田 茂
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.41, no.5, pp.352-359, 1997-01-10

The relationship between the thigh muscle composition and the sprinting performance was investigated in 11 male adult sprinters (age/20.8±0.9 yrs, 100 m sprint time/11.20±0.33 sec). Axial images of the thigh muscle were taken by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at upper (70%) and middle (50%) position in femur. From these images, cross-sectional areas (CSA) of the quadriceps femoris, the hamstring and the adductor muscles were measured. The results of the regression analysis showed significant correlations between 100 m sprint time and both CSA of adductor and hamstring muscles at 70% position (r=-0.72 and r=-0.67, respectively). There were no significant correlations between 100 m sprint time and CSA of adductor or hamstring muscles at 50% position, and neither quadriceps femoris mudcles at 70 nor 50% positions. These results suggest that greater muscle volume of hamstring and adductor at upper position affect sprinting performance.
高倉 実
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.36, no.4, pp.349-357, 1992-03-01

The purpose of this study was to investigate the physiological demands on the referees and their movement patterns during rugby games. With this knowledge, training programmes for referees can be more scientifically prepared to meet the physiological demands of the game. Initially seven Japanese regional referees performed a treadmill running test to determine the maximal oxygen uptake (V^^.O_2 max), heart rate (HR) versus V^^.O_2 max regression line to estimate oxygen uptake (V^^.O_2) during rugby games. Referees were investigated for HR via PE3000 heart rate monitor and were filmed with a video tape recorder to estimate the distance covered on the field according to the type of activity performed during rugby games. The results were as follows; 1) The mean V^^.O_2 max of referees was 3.19 l/min (45.3 ml/kg/min). 2) The mean HR of referees during rugby games was 157.4 beats/min, which corresponded to 82.9% of the maximal HR and 77.2% of V^^.O_2 max. As referees performed approximately 50% of actual playing time at an intensity above 8O% of V^^.O_2 max. 3) The mean HR of referees during the second halves were significantly greater than those during the first halves. As for the same referees, the mean HR when refereeing at the semifinal or final game was significantly greater than that when refereeing at the first round. 4) The mean total distance covered in a 60 minute game for a referee was 4315.4 metres.There was no significant difference in distance covered by the referee comparing the first and second halves of a game. 5) Jogging shared the highest percentage of 43.0% of the total distance covered, followed by walking (28.3%) and running (12.5%). There was a considerable amount of backwards movement required by referees (9.9%). A relatively small percentage of distance covered in a game was by sprinting (2.1%) and sidestep (4.2%). From these results, it was suggested that the aerobic work predominated in refereeing and backwards movement was an important action for referees.
星野 公夫
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.42, no.4, pp.205-214, 1997-11-10

Psychological factors cannot be the sole determinants of good performance in sports, since motor performance of athletes is actualized through their bodily movements. Similarly, physical factors alone cannot meet all the requirements of good performance, since bodily movement ususually initiated and executed by an athlete's will. Therefore, athletes must solve the dual tasks of mind and body when attempting to improve their own motor skills and demonstrate their own motor abilities. Accordingly, DOUSA-HOU would be useful as a basis for the training of athletes. The purpose of DOUSA-HOU is to improve one's capability of controlling DOUSA, and thus to improve the way of experience. In this review, the aims and theory of DOUSA-HOU are outlined, and the possibility of applying DOUSA-HOU to athletes is discussed with reference to several examples. It is concluded that DOUSA-HOU is effective for improvement of both motor control and psychological modification in athletes. In addition, this review shows that the method is useful for both the mental and physical health of non-athletes, since the psychological condition is modified by changes of the way of DOUSA experience by improving the ability of JIKO control of DOUSA.
高橋 健夫 岡沢 祥訓 中井 隆司 芳本 真
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.36, no.3, pp.193-208, 1991-12-01

The purposes of this study were to make clear the structure of teacher behaviors in physical education class and to examine the effect of those behaviors on the student evaluation to physical education class. The subjects were the 66 physical education classes instructed by 27 teachers in elementary schools. The teacher behaviors in those classes were observed by the systematic observation instrumentation, that was modified with ALT-PE-TB and ORRPETB observation to physical education class. Main findings were as follows. Major teacher behaviors in physical education class were "management", "instruction","monitoring", and "interaction". Though Siedentop) reported 3 behaviors excluding interaction as major behaviors, we could recognize that interaction behavior took the same rating as other behaviors. 2) There was no big difference among behaviors between skilled teachers and general teachers. 3) Some specific behaviors of teacher had significant relationship with student evaluation to physical education class. Especially, the amount of time spent for manegement and instruction (lecture) had a significant negative relationship with student evaluntion. On the other hand, interaction (question, acceptance, positive and corrective feedback for skill learning) had a significant positive relationship with it. 4) Supposed that monitoring would have effect on the learning activities, we could not find a clear relationship because of the limitation with the instrumentation. 5) These results suggest that the indirect teaching style has more effect than the direct one at least in order to increase the student attitude to physical education class.
三沢 光男
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.19, no.4, pp.217-227, 1974-12-25

陸上競技の記録向上の一因に, 施設・用器具の開発が考えられ, 日本で刊行された文献を資料に, 技術史的な視点から研究を進め, 次の結果を得た. 施設のうちトラックの(1)形と大きさは, 大正中期に2心円から単心円, 300メートルから400メートルへと変わってきた. (2)直走路および曲走路の長さと幅は, 明治後期にも現行に近かった. (3)構造ではシンダー・アンツーカーに代わって, 昭和43年にタータン・トラックが登場した. 用器具の例として(1)ハードルでは昭和20年代前半に金属製で, しかも逆T字型からL字型となった. (2)棒高跳では昭和初年代前半に木箱がおかれ, 同30年代後半にグラスファイバー・ポールが出現した. このように施設・用器具の開発は, 雨・風など自然の悪条件による影響の軽減と競技者が試技しやすいことを目標に絶えまなく行なわれ, 大正中期から昭和初期(1920年代)にかけ, 発達の1つのピークがあったといえよう.