坂東 美和子 田辺 智 伊藤 章
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.51, no.4, pp.505-514, 2006-07-10
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山田 理恵
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.46, no.6, pp.537-552, 2001-11-10

An investigation was conducted to clarify the sports activities of Japanese prisoners of war in Siberia shortly after World War II. Up to now, little has been written concerning the sports activities of these prisoners, and this paper was intended to shed light on this blank in Japanese sports history. The historical materials used were collected mainly from the Nihon Shimbun (Japan Times), a prison newspaper edited by fifty Japanese prisoners and fifteen Russians. The Nihon Shimbun was the only source of information for the approximately 600,000 Japanese prisoners of war in Siberia. The newspaper was under the supervision of the political department of the Soviet army, but it is still highly revealing about life in the camps. It is well known that life in the camps was extremely difficult, so it is surprising to find that Japanese prisoners participated in various sports activities, even while enduring heavy labor, intense cold, and extreme hunger. It seems clear that these activities, along with theatrical and musical entertainment, did much to revive the spirits of the men.
池田 達昭 村岡 誠 向井 直樹 高橋 英幸 高松 薫
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.51, no.6, pp.783-791, 2006-11-10

本研究では,同一の競技チームに所属し,日常的に同様な筋力トレーニングを実践している集団を対象にし,1RMの個人差の小さい等質的な集団であるか否かを確認した上で,(1)1RMと3種の%1RMにおける繰り返し回数およびI-N slopeとの関係を検討すること,(2)N_<total>とI-N slopeの相違を神経-筋機能と筋の組織化学的特性の面から検討することを目的とした.検討に際して,1RMの個人差の大きい異質集団を対象とした著者らの先行研究(池田・高松,2005)との比較を行った.上述の目的を達成するために,健康な男子大学生サッカー選手(1年生)15名(年齢:18.8±0.4歳,身長:174.3±3.4cm,体重:66.1±2.9kg)を対象として,等尺性最大膝伸展力(Isom.max)とIsom.max発揮中における力の発揮速度(RFD),動的最大膝伸展力(1RM)と1RMの90%,70%,50%での負荷強度における繰り返し回数(N_<90>,N_<70>,N_<50>),大腿四頭筋の筋断面積(CSA)および筋の組織化学的特性を測定した.なお,本研究における1RMの変動係数は,著者らの先行研究と比較して低値を示したこと,およぴ,2つの研究における1RMの分散は異なることが認められたことなどから,本研究の被験者は1RMの個人差の小さい等質集団であることを確認した.本研究における主な結果は以下の通りである.(1)著者らの先行研究では1RMとN_<90>,N_<70>,N_<50>およびN_<total>との間にいずれも有意な負の相関関係が認められたが,本研究では1RMとN_<90>との間にのみに有意な負の相関関係が認められた.(2)著者らの先行研究ではN_<total>とI-N slopeとの間に有意な正の相関関係が認められたが,本研究では2つの指標間に密接な関係は認められなかった.(3)本研究では,N_<total>とRFDとの間に有意な負の相関関係が認められ,I-N slopeと%Fiber area (TypeI)との間に有意な正の相関関係が認められた.以上の結果から,1RMと3種の%1RMにおける繰り返し回数,N_<total>およびI-N slopeとの関係は,対象とする被験者の1RMの個人差の大きさによって影響を受けること,N<total>とI-N slopeは,それぞれ繰り返し回数に関わる異なる能力を評価していること,などの可能性が示唆された.
Riordan Jim
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.39, no.2, pp.118-125, 1994-07-10

ソヴィエトのオリンピックにおける成功やその背後にあるスポーツ組織について書かれたものは数多い. しかし, ソ連の力で平和が維持されてきた諸国間に, これまでの価値観を疑問視する新たなムードが生まれ, 現在では, コミュニスト・スポーツの暗い部分を照射したスポーツ史の検討, およびその書き直しがおこなわれている. 本研究では, このような共産主義スポーツ史の中にみられる, いくつかの「空白部分」の検討をおこなうことが目的である. それらは, 支配関係や勝利至上主義, 国家によるアマチュアリズム, 歪んで優先されたもの, 薬物の乱用や競技者の酷使, KGBとスポーツ, そして, 不正や詐欺行為などである.
波多野 義郎 服部 豊示
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.20, no.4, pp.213-219, 1976-02-15

ハンドボールにおける, とびこみ倒れこみシュート, 即ちプロンジョンシュートの身体運動学的特性を摘出し, その指導上のポイントを探ることを目的として, 当該技術の写真分析を行なった. そのため, 熟練者と未熟者, 並びに男子選手と女子選手をそれぞれ対比させて, 身体運動の軌跡を比較検討した. その結果, プロンジョンシュートの指導上のポイントとして, 例えば次のような項目があげられた. 1. 踏切り動作はすばやく行ない, ボールは, ゴールエリア内に敏速に移動する. 2. 踏切りは, 長いシュート距離が得られるような, 強力な蹴りを必要とする. 3. バックスウィングは, ゴールエリア内にとび込んでから, ボールを身体の前を通すようにして行なう. 4. シュートでは, 身体を側方に倒した姿勢が有利である.
前村 公彦 鈴木 康弘 高松 薫
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.50, no.4, pp.415-424, 2005-07-10

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of sprint training (30-s maximal cycle ergometer sprinting) on bicarbonate buffering capacity and anaerobic capacity. Fourteen healthy males were assigned to either a training group (TG; n=7) or a control group (CG; n=7). The TG performed sprint training 2 days per week for 8 weeks. Before and after training, exercise performance (mean power) and excess CO_2 output (ExcessCO_2) were measured by 30-s maximal cycle ergometer sprinting, and maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD) was measured by 2-3 min exhaustive cycling test. Mean power (pre: 8.5±0.9W/kg, post: 9.3±0.8W/kg, p<0.01), ExcessCO_2 (pre: 93.4±12.8ml/kg, post: 102.3±12.2ml/kg, p<0.05), and MAOD (pre: 59.6±14.4ml/kg, post: 68.2±11.0ml/kg, p<0.01) were significantly increased after training in the TG. A significant correlation was demonstrated between percentage change in ExcessCO_2 and that in MAOD (r=0.755, p<0.05). Before and after training, mean power was significantly correlated with ExcessCO_2 and MAOD, respectively. These results suggest that the increase in ExcessCO_2 caused by sprint training may enhance the energy supplied from anaerobic metabolism, and improve short-duration intensive exercise performance.
森丘 保典 杉田 正明 松尾 彰文 岡田 英孝 阿江 通良 小林 寛道
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.45, no.3, pp.414-421, 2000-05-10

This study was conducted to clarify the relationship between features of change in velocity and performance of world class athletes in the men's 400-m hurdle race(400mH).Nine final races of 400mH were videotaped with several video cameras panning from the start to the finish at 60 fields/s.After the time indication had been superimposed on each field of the VTR images, the time at touchdown immediately after hurdling was obtained.Using the flash of the starter's gun recorded on the VTR image, each hurdle touchdown time from the start, and each section thme(from each hurdle to the next)was obtained.The results of regression analysis showed a significantly high correlation (r=0.90, p<0.001)between 400mH performance and mean section velocity from the 5th to the 8th hurdle(H5-8), and a significant correlation(r=-0.61, p<0.05)between 400mH performance and te rate of deceleration in H5-8.These results indicate that in 400mH it is important to avoid decreasing velocity and to maintain a high velocity in H5-8 of the race in order to attain a high performance.
北村 尚浩 松本 耕二 國本 明徳 仲野 隆士
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.50, no.1, pp.37-57, 2005-01-10

The purpose of this study was to measure the organizational commitment of sports volunteer and to obtain some ideas for organization management. The questionnaire used for the study was designed for, and the data collected from, 242 volunteers participating in the Special Olympics Nippon. These volunteers provide sports programs in Japanese communities for individuals with mental retardation. Fifteen organizational commitment statements were measured using a 5-point Lickert-type scale. The means were computed for each statement and the means of the 15 statements were then computed. The data were compared by personal characteristics, statuses of involvement and soon. The main results were as follows : (1) The overall mean score for the 15 organizational commitment statements was 3.72, indicating that the level of organizational commitment of the sample was not particularly low. The subjects felt that they gained many benefits through their volunteer activity. However, they were not active in the organization's activities. (2) There were no remarkable differences in organizational commitment except for differences related to the amount of spending money. However, closer examination of the results from analysis of the 15 organizational commitment statements revealed subtle differences in volunteer commitment to the organization. (3) Organizational commitment shows some differences related to continuation of the activity, the amount of payment for the activity, and whether or not individuals have posts in the organization.
鬼澤 陽子 小松崎 敏 吉永 武史 岡出 美則 高橋 健夫
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.439-462, 2008-12-10

The purpose of this study was to verify the effectiveness of modified basketball games based on on-the-ball decision-making and off-the-ball movement. Two types of numerically modified basketball games, "3 on 2" and "3 on 3", were played by two 6th grade elementary PE classes. Twenty-four students participated in the 3 on 2 games, and 28 students in the 3 on 3 games. All games were videotaped, and the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) was used for data analysis. This instrument allows counting of the frequency of on-the-ball decision-making and off-the-ball support movement, and assists in judging the performance of students in situations such as shooting, passing, ball-keeping, and supporting, as to whether or not these are appropriate. The main findings are summarized as follows: 1. The number of students who experienced on-the-ball decision-making and off-the-ball support situations, and the average frequencies of these experiences, were higher in the 3 on 2 games than in the 3 on 3 games. 2. In the 3 on 2 games, the numbers of students who performed appropriate passing, ball-keeping, and support were significantly higher than in the 3 on 3 games (p<.001). 3. The rates of appropriate shooting, passing, ball-keeping, and support were significantly higher in the 3 on 2 than in the 3 on 3 games (p<.01). The 3 on 2 basketball game was shown to be very effective, allowing upper elementary grade students to learn appropriate on-the-ball decision-making and off-the-ball support movement, in comparison with the 3 on 3 game.
山本 章
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.17, no.1, pp.43-51, 1972-05-25

本研究は1万m走による尿中17-KS排泄量の変化を調べたものである. 被験者は21才の健康男子1名であり, まず平常日, 次に負荷日の尿中17-KS排泄量の日内変動を調べた. 負荷は11時の採尿後実施した. 採尿は7時に完全排尿後, 7-11時, 11-15時, 15-19時, 19-23時, 23時〜翌日7時とし, 別々のフラスコにとり, 5〜10℃の冷暗所に保存した. 尿中17-KS測定はDrekter法に準じ, 48時間以内に終了した. 測定結果は以下の通りである. 1) 平常日の尿中17-KS排泄量は7-11時或いは11-15時尿で最高値を示し, 15-19時尿で減少し, 19-23時尿でやや増加したが, 23-7時尿で最低値を示した. 2) 負荷日では7-11時尿で最高値を示し, 以後次第に減少した. 3) 平常日と負荷日を比較すると, 全般的に負荷日の方が高値を示し, 特に7-11時, 15-19時, 23-7時尿で著しかった. 以上の結果から, 1万m走の肉体的, 精神的負荷が尿中17-KS量を増加させると言えよう.
高松 潤二 阿江 通良 藤井 範久
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.42, no.1, pp.19-29, 1997-05-10

The purpose of this study was to develop a DLT procedure using pan and tilt cameras (henceforth, panning DLT) for the collection of three-dimensional coordinates data in large measurement volumes. Two stationary VTR cameras and two pan and tilt VTR cameras were used to obtain images of two control volumes. Two control volumes were used to compare the accuracy of coordinates data taken from stationary DLT with that of panning DLT technique: control volume A (CV-A) was 1.25×10×5m^3, and control volume B (CV-B) was 1.25×5×3m^3 in dimension. Control points and a ball thrown in each control volume were videotaped. DLT parameters for panning technique were calculated as follows: (1) Relative coordinates of control points to reference points were calculated from the digitizer coordinates of the reference points and control points. (2) Digitizer coordinates of the reference points and target objects were digitized. (3) Virtual control points were reconstructed from the relative coordinates of the control points in each frame. (4) Virtual control points appeared in the view of each camera were selected and used for the calculation of DLT parameters. Three-dimensional coordinates of control points were computed, and RMS errors were compared between stationary and panning DLT techniques. In CV-A of large volume, RMS errors of control points in stationary and panning DLT techniques were 14.0 and 7.5mm, respectively, while in CV-B of small volume, there was no significant difference in RMS errors, 8.3 and 5.8mm, respectively. Vertical accelerations of a thrown ball computed with two techniques were 9.74 and 9.71m.s^<-2> in CV-A. These results reveal that panning DLT technique developed in this study can be adapted for the collection of three-dimensional coordinates data in large measurement volumes.
高橋 和文 黒川 隆志 磨井 祥夫
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.50, no.2, pp.189-200, 2005-03-10

本研究では, 100m疾走中の速度変化を表す2つの指標を提案し, その有用性を明らかにすることを目的とした.1つの指標は, Furusawa et al.の理論式からの偏倚の程度を距離で示す累積速度偏差である.もう1つの指標である累積速度偏差率は, 最高速度発現後からゴールまでの速度低下の総量を同区間の理論値に対する割合として定義した.1)累積速度偏差の有用性を判断するために, 5m区間ごとの値を算出し, 速度変化の時系列に沿った分析を行った.その結果, スタートから5m地点までの累積速度偏差は, 反応時間を含めたスタート技術に関与すると考えられる高値を示した.次の5-10m区間では, 累積速度偏差は全区間中で最も低値を示し, 30m地点に至るまで増加傾向を示した.しかし, その後の30-35m区間では, 累積速度偏差は前区間と同値を示し, 次の35-40m区間では, 前区間より低値を示した.また, 最高速度発現後(40m以降)の累積速度偏差は, 80m地点に至るまでの上に凸な曲線的増加と80-100m区間の直線的増加を示した.これらのことから, 累積速度偏差は, 100m走中の速度変化の過程を客観的に区分することのできる指標であることが示された.2)累積速度偏差率の有用性を判断するために, 目的変数として100m走タイム, 説明変数として最高速度, 最高速度の到達時間, 速度逓減率, 累積速度偏差率を用いた重回帰分析を行った.その結果, 多重共線性が無く, 有意な予測値を示した説明変数は, 「最高速度と累積速度偏差率」の組み合わせだけであった.この結果から, 累積速度偏差率は速度逓減率に比べて, 速度低下を説明できるより有効な指標であることが示唆された.
杉本 政繁 水野 忠文
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.20, no.3, pp.177-184, 1975-12-10

ルキアーノス(120〜190A.D.)の『アナカルシス』を検討した結果, 次の3点が明らかになった. I. 彼は競技の目標を, (1)市民および国家の自由, (2)安寧, (3)栄誉, (4)先祖伝来の祝祭の喜び, (5)一族の繁栄といった伝統的な精神的遺産に求め, また競技者像を, (1)男らしい勇気, (2)身体美, (3)最高の身体的状態, (4)栄誉, (5)勝利への不屈の意志, (6)敢闘の精神をもったものと捉えている. したがって, これらは倫理的教育的競技観といえる. II. 国家防衛者の教育方法に関しては, 魂の教育と体育を重視し, 具体的な資質としては, (1)軽快で強靭な身体を持つこと, (2)勇気があること, (3)優秀な人間であること, の3点を挙げているので, これらはプラトーンの国家篇における防衛者の把握の仕方と類似したものといえる. III. 競技見学に関しては, 青年の魂をふるいたたせることによって, 競技への動機づけになると把えているとみられる. 以上の3点は, 体育思想史的に有意義なものと考える.
渡邉 信晃 榎本 靖士 大山 卞 圭悟 宮下 憲 尾懸 貢 勝田 茂
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.48, no.4, pp.405-419, 2003-07-10

勝田 茂 七五三木 聡 池田 賢 天貝 均 大野 敦也
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.36, no.1, pp.39-51, 1991-06-01

To investigate the inflences of training intensity on bone development in growing rats, young (4-wk-old) Wistar strain were subjected treadmill running 1 h/day, 5 days/wk for 8 wk with a variety speed: 30 m/min (T30 group),40 m/min (T40 group),50 m/min (T50 group). The results be summarized as follows: 1) In the distal femoral epiphysis, longitudinal growth rate of T30 and T40 groups were significantly higher than C (sedentary age-matched controls) and T50 groups, respectively, and the calculated rate of cartilage cell production of T50 group was the lowest among all 4 groups. 2) No difference in bone mineral content (BMC) of femoral mid-shaft was found between any of the groups, but the BMC/body weight was significantly higher in all T groups than C group. Moreover, BMC/body weight increased with the speed of runnning except for T50 group which was suspected to result in converse bending of femur while running, compared with T30 and T40 groups, in connection with the different contraction styles of muscle groups attached on femur. On the basis of these findings, we concluded that physical training may underlie the various effects, such as acceleration, non-influence and/or inhibition, respoding to exercise intensity, on the bone development.
岡 浩一朗
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.45, no.4, pp.543-561, 2000-07-10

Even through the health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are well documented, most people are inadequately active or completely inactive.Designing interventions to enhance the adoption and maintenance of a physically active lifestyle continues to be a challenge, given that the majority of individuals are not considering becoming more active, and that over half of those who decide to become more physically active return to a sedentary lifestyle within three to six months.It has been recommended that research on exercise adherence be conducted utilizing models of behavioral science.One of the most effective models is the transtheoretical model of behavior change(TTM).The TTM has been used to explain both the stages and processes people go through when trying to eliminate a negative form of behavior(e.g., smoking)and when trying to acquire a positive form of behavior(e.g., exercise).The model consists of various stages of change, processes of change, decisional balance, and self-efficacy.The TTM suggests that individuals attempting to change exercise behavior move through five stages of change.In addition, individuals experience different congnitive and behavioral processes of change as they move from one stage to another.As people change, decisional balance and self-efficacy are employed uniquely at each stage.According to this model, tailoring interventions to match a person's readiness(stage of change)is essential.Although research on exercise adherence utilizing the TTM has been actively conducted in Western countries, this area of research is yet to be advanced in Japan.This article reviews research on exercise adherence utilizing the TTM, and discusses the applicability of the TTM to understanding physical activity and exercise behavior in the Japanese population.
渡辺 一志 辻 幸治 米山 富士子
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.37, no.4, pp.405-411, 1993-03-01

In archery, highly reproducible release is required during shooting to get a good score.Shooting in archery consists of eight different techniques. The last phase of these techniques is follow-through, which all eight have in common. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the muscle activity at follow-through and performance. In ten healthy archery club members, we recorded the muscle activity of six regions from both sides of M.deltoideus (pars acromialis), M. trapezius (pars ascendens), M. trapezius (pars descendens) by means of electromyogram. Integrated electromyograms of 1 second each at the aiming phase and the follow-through phase were calculated in order to evaluate this technique. The results obtained in this study were: 1) The skilled archers sustained high level (above 80%) muscle activity in the follow-through phase. 2) A significant correlation (r=0.791 r<0.05) was observed between the muscle activity on the draw side and the best score in a single round.3) The performance in archery was effected by the continuation of muscle activity in the shoulders, the neck and the back at follow-through. The continuation of muscle activity in the draw side seemed to be especially significant for archery performance.
服部 恒明
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.51, no.4, pp.435-446, 2006-07-10
3 5

Obesity is a condition resulting from excess body fat, and is associated with several risk factors for chronic diseases in later life. Hence, the prevention of obesity is a public health priority, with much of the concern focusing on childhood and adolescence. Recently, body mass index, calculated as weight divided by height squared (BMI, kg/m^2), has been widely used as a surrogate measure of adiposity for children and adolescents, and international age- and sex-specific cut-off points to define overweight and obesity have been proposed. Various surveys using the international BMI criteria have revealed that the prevalence of child obesity is accelerating throughout the developed world. However, BMI is a measure of excess weight relative to height, rather than excess body fat. The interpretation of BMI among children and adolescents is further complicated by the changes that occur in weight, height, and body composition during growth. There is a now a considerable body of evidence that during the growth stages, weight increase is frequently due to an increase in fat-free mass rather than fat mass. Therefore, application of the BMI norm to define overweight and obesity in children and adolescents should be done with caution. Furthermore, it is necessary to be aware that adopting an international standard for a specific population may introduce error because the relationship between BMI and adiposity is race-specific. For this reason, it is expected that race-specific standards of BMI with additional body composition-related information for children and adolescents will become available in the future to ensure reliable assessment of adiposity levels.