西本 豊弘
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.108, pp.1-15, 2003-10

土佐 博文
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.116, pp.255-274, 2004-02

小島 道裕
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.145, pp.317-347, 2008-11

京都とその周辺を描いた「洛中洛外図屏風」の内、室町期の景観を持つ「初期洛中洛外図屏風」四本は、大名上杉家に伝来した上杉本を除いて、制作事情が明らかでなかった。本稿では、屏風の中に「登場人物」と言える個人の像を検出することによって、その主題を明らかにし、初期洛中洛外図屏風全体についても統一的な理解を試みた。最も古い「歴博甲本」は、一五二五年に、室町幕府の実権を握っていた細川高国が、嫡子稙国への家督譲渡と新たな将軍御所の建設を契機として、自らの事績を描かせたものであり、作者は幕府御用絵師の狩野元信である。「東博模本」は、細川晴元の政権を中心主題として描いたものであり、「上杉本」は、細川氏の館を中心とする構図をそのまま用いながら、管領が細川氏から上杉氏に代わるというメッセージを表している。「歴博甲本」に始まる「権力者とその統治する都市」という主題の屏風は、その後も狩野派によって受け継がれていくが、「歴博乙本」にはそのような権力者を顕彰する主題は見いだしがたい。名所絵・風俗画として描かれたと考えられ、近世に量産される洛中洛外図屏風の先駆と位置づけられる。In the versions of "Rakuchu-Rakugai-Zu Byobu" (folding screens depicting scenes in and around Kyoto), except for the Uesugi version handed down in the Uesugi family of daimyo (feudal lords), the production background to the four early versions of "Rakuchu-Rakugai-Zu Byobu", which contain scenes of Muromachi Bakufu, had yet to be clarified. In this article, I clarified the works' themes by detecting within the folding screens the images of individuals that could be called "characters," and I have attempted to obtain a unified understanding of all early versions of Rakuchu-Rakugai-Zu Byobu.The oldest – the "Rekihaku A version" – was produced in 1525, when Hosokawa Takakuni, who was at the helm of the Muromachi Bakufu, had his achievements depicted by the Bakufu painter, Kano Motonobu, on the occasion of the transfer of responsibility for the family to his son Hosokawa Tanekuni, and the building of a new palace for the Shogun. The regime of Hosokawa Harumoto is depicted as the main theme in the "Tohaku replica," and in the "Uesugi version" and although the composition still has the Hosokawa residence at its center, there is an inscription stating that the office of the Kanrei (Shogun's Deputy) was taken over by the Uesugi family from the Hosokawa family.The theme of "the person in authority and the city ruled by him" first appears in the "Rekihaku A version" and was handed down in the Kano School; but themes that praise the authorities cannot be found in the "Rekihaku B version." The piece must therefore have been created as a landmark guide/genre painting, and can be identified as the pioneer of the Rakuchu-Rakugai-Zu Byobu commercially produced in early modern times.
松村 和歌子
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.142, pp.157-191[含 英語文要旨], 2008-03

春日社の宗教的分野での研究は、祭礼に集中しがちだが、祈祷や祓といった日常的な宗教活動こそ、宗教者と社会との関わりを考える上でむしろ重要だと考えられる。近年、春日社の下級祀官である神人が中世後期から灯籠奉納や祈祷などを通じ、日常から御師として崇敬者と深い関係を築いたことが明らかにされているが、こういった師壇関係の形成は、上級祀官である社司を嚆矢とし、その開始は、少なくとも平安時代末に遡る。本論考は、社司を中心に中世の春日社祀官の私的な祈祷への関わりなど、日常的な宗教者としての営みを出来るだけ具体的に論述しようとしたものである。❶章社司における御師活動の萌芽、❷章社司の御師活動の展開では、平安末から貴族の参拝・奉幣の際、社司が中執持ちとして祝詞奏上を行うようになり、日常から師檀関係を結ぶこと、同時期に宗教者として個性的な役割を果たす社司が現れ、その活躍は霊験譚にも描かれることを示した。また霊験譚自体が社司によって創り出され、記録や社記の注進等を通じて広められた場合があったことを述べた。鎌倉時代以降には、貴族の御師として重要度が更に増し、社司の任官を左右する場合もあったこと、貴族の邸内社の祭祀等その活動は、社外にも及んだことを示した。またこの動向は、他の有力神社にも共通する傾向であることにも触れた。❸章御師活動と奉幣の近世への展開では、社司の御師としての活動が近世に継続される一方、神人の御師としての活躍が中世初期に遡るであろうことを示した。さらに奉幣が、御幣またおはけ戴きとして、近世にもつながる信仰のあり方であった可能性を述べた。❹章宮廻と度数詣、❺章南円堂勤仕から南円堂講へでは、中世末に春日社で度数祓が祈祷として定着する以前、春日社諸社を廻る宮廻と本社・若宮を往還する度数詣がポピュラーかつ重要な信仰のあり方で、代勤という形で祈祷ともなり、近世にも継続したことを示した。また、春日社祀官により行なわれた南円堂勤仕は、南円堂・春日社を往還する度数詣、興福寺境内を含む宮廻、奉幣祝詞などを内容とするもので、春日講に先行する春日祀官の講的結縁として重要であること、また願主を得て行なわれ、祈祷ともなったことなどを紹介した。Religious studies research on Kasuga Shrine has tended to focus on ceremonies and rites. However, everyday religious activities such as prayer and purification rituals are important when considering relations between priests and society.It has recently come to light that from the latter part of the Middle Ages, lower ranking priests of Kasuga Shrine called "jinin" established strong relationships through the offering of lanterns and prayers with worshippers who served as "oshi". The formation of this relationship between priests and lay people began with higherranking priests called shashi and dates back at least to the end of the Heian period. This paper describes in as much detail as possible the activities of everyday worshippers through their relationship with the personal prayers of Kasuga Shrine priests, primarily shashi, in the Middle Ages.The first two chapters discuss the emergence and development of oshi activities in connection with shashi. From the end of the Heian period, a shashi would recite prayers as an intermediary when members of the nobility worshipped or made offerings. This established a relationship between priests and lay people and at the same time there emerged shashi who began to fulfill distinctive roles as priests. Their activities are also described in "Reikentan" (miraculous tales). "Reikentan" were also produced by shashi and in some cases they became widely known through reports in written records and shrine chronicles.From the time of the Kamakura period onward, the importance of nobles as oshi increased and there were even cases where they had an influence on the appointment of shashi. Their activities extended beyond the shrine, as they sometimes officiated in small shrines situated in the compounds of noble persons. A similar trend also existed in other major shrines.The third chapter examines the development of activities and offerings by oshi in the Early Modern period. While the involvement of shashi in oshi activities continued during the Early Modern period, the involvement of jinin in oshi activities most probably went back as far as the early part of the Middle Ages. The chapter also discusses the possibility that offerings made in the form of "gohei" or "ohake" were part of a religious practice that can be linked to the Early Modern period as well.The fourth chapter looks at visits to other shrines and frequent visits to Kasuga shrine and the fifth chapter discusses officiating in Nanendo through to giving recitations in Nanendo. Before frequent purification rituals became established as prayers at Kasuga Shrine at the end of the Middle Ages, it was popular to make frequent visits to shrines belonging to Kasuga Shrine and to make return trips between the main shrine and minor shrines. Moreover, this became an important religious practice and also became a form of prayer which continued into the Early Modern period.When Kasuga Shrine priests officiated at Nanendo, they made frequent return journeys between Nanendo and Kasuga Shrine. They also visited the grounds of Kofuku-ji Temple and recited prayers. This was an important part of the acceptance of Buddhism by Kasuga Shrine priests, which preceded that of pilgrams to Kasuga Shrine, and also led to an increase in people offering prayers.
勝田 至
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.174, pp.7-30, 2012-03

近代の民俗資料に登場する火車は妖怪の一種で、野辺送りの空に現れて死体をさらう怪物である。正体が猫とされることも多く、貧乏寺を繁昌させるため寺の飼い猫が和尚と組んで一芝居打つ「猫檀家」の昔話も各地に伝わっている。火車はもともと仏教で悪人を地獄に連れて行くとされる車であったが、妖怪としての火車(カシャ)には仏教色が薄く、また奪われる死体は必ずしも悪人とされない。本稿の前半では仏教の火車と妖怪の火車との繋がりを中世史料を用いて明らかにした。室町時代に臨終の火車が「外部化」して雷雨が堕地獄の表象とされるようになり、十六世紀後半には雷が死体をさらうという話が出現する。それとともに戦国末には禅宗の僧が火車を退治する話も流布し始めた。葬列の際の雷雨を人々が気にするのは、中世後期に上層の華美な葬列が多くの見物人を集めるようになったことと関係がある。猫が火車とされるようになるのは十七世紀末のころと見られる。近世には猫だけではなく、狸や天狗、魍魎などが火車の正体とされる話もあり、仏教から離れて独自の妖怪として歩み始める。悪人の臨終に現れる伝統的な火車の説話も近世まで続いているが、死体をさらう妖怪の火車の話では、死者は悪人とされないことが多くなった。人を地獄に連れて行く火車の性格が残っている場合、火車に取られたという噂がその死者の評判にかかわるという問題などから、次第に獄卒的な性格を薄めていったと考えられる。Kasha, which emerges in modern folklore, is a kind of monster which appears in the sky over funeral processions and carries away the dead. The monster is often identified as a cat, and "nekodanka," which is an old tale of a cat playing tricks together with the priest of a poor temple to make the temple prosper, is also known in various places.Kasha was originally a Buddhist carrier that allegedly took villains to hell. However, when kasha is portrayed as a monster, its Buddhist character is weakened, and the dead taken by kasha are not necessarily villains. The first half of this article clarifies the connection between kasha in Buddhism and kasha as a monster, using medieval materials. During the Muromachi period, kasha for the death was "externalized," and thunderstorms were considered to represent going to hell, while in the last half of the 16th century, the story of thunder carrying away the dead appeared. At the same time, at the end of the Sengoku period, the story of a Zen Buddhist monk defeating kasha gained ground. People's concerns about thunderstorms at funeral processions are connected with the fact that in the last half of the Middle Ages, gorgeous funeral processions of the upper classes attracted many spectators.It seems that kasha were first identified as cats in the late 17th century. In early modern times, kasha were also identified as raccoon dogs, tengu, moryo, etc., leaving Buddhism and beginning to walk alone as unique monsters. The traditional story of kasha, which appears at the death of a villain, was continued until early modern times, but in the story of kasha as a monster carrying away the dead, the dead was often not villains. If kasha still had the character of a monster which carries away people to hell, the rumor that kasha took the dead might have tarnished the reputation of the latter. For this reason, the character of kasha as a tormenting devil in hell would have gradually been weakened.

6 0 0 0 IR 熊祭りの起源

春成 秀爾
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.60, pp.57-106, 1995-03-31

熊祭りは,20世紀にはヨーロッパからアジア,アメリカの極北から亜極北の森林地帯の狩猟民族の間に分布していた。それは,「森の主」,「森の王」としての熊を歓待して殺し,その霊を神の国に送り返すことによって,自然の恵みが豊かにもたらされるというモチーフをもち,広く分布しているにもかかわらず,その形式は著しい類似を示す。そこで人類学の研究者は,熊祭りは世界のどこかで一元的に発生し,そこから世界各地に伝播したという仮説を提出している。しかし,熊祭りの起源については,それぞれの地域の熊儀礼の痕跡を歴史的にたどることによって,はじめて追究可能となる。熊儀礼の考古学的証拠は,熊をかたどった製品と,特別扱いした熊の骨である。熊を,石,粘土,骨でかたどった製品は,新石器時代から存在する。現在知られている資料は,シベリア西部のオビ川・イェニセイ川中流域,沿海州のアムール川下流域,日本の北海道・東北地方の3地域に集中している。それぞれの地域の造形品の年代は,西シベリアでは4,5千年前,沿海州でも4,5千年前,北日本では7,8千年前までさかのぼる。その形状は,3地域間では類似よりも差異が目につく。熊に対する信仰・儀礼が多元的に始まったことを示唆しているのであろう。その一方,北海道のオホーツク海沿岸部で展開したオホーツク文化(4~9世紀)には,住居の奥に熊を主に,鹿,狸,アザラシ,オットセイなどの頭骨を積み上げて呪物とする習俗があった。それらの動物のうち熊については,仔熊を飼育し,熊儀礼をしたあと,その骨を保存したことがわかっている。これは,中国の遼寧,黄河中流域で始まり,北はアムール川流域からサハリン,南は東南アジア,オセアニアまで広まった豚を飼い,その頭骨や下顎骨を住居の内外に保存する習俗が,北海道のオホーツク文化において熊などの頭骨におきかわったものである。豚の頭骨や下顎骨を保存するのは,中国の古文献によると,生者を死霊から護るためである。オホーツク文化ではまた,サメの骨や鹿の角を用いて熊の小像を作っている。熊の飼育,熊の骨の保存,熊の小像は,後世のアイヌ族の熊送り(イヨマンテ)の構成要素と共通する。熊の造形品は,オホーツク文化に先行する北海道の続縄文文化(前2~7世紀)で盛んに作っていた。続縄文文化につづく擦文文化(7~11世紀)の担い手がアイヌ族の直系祖先である。彼らは,飼った熊を送るというオホーツク文化の特徴ある熊祭りの形式を採り入れ,自らの発展により,サハリンそしてアムール川下流域まで普及させたことになろう。それに対して,西シベリアでは,狩った熊を送るという熊祭りの形式を発展させていた。そして,長期にわたる諸民族間の交流の間に,熊祭りはその分布範囲を広げる一方,そのモチーフは類似度を次第に増すにいたったのであろう。The bear festival had spread among the hunting peoples in the forest zones of the extreme north and sub-extreme north in Europe, Asia and North America by the 20th century. The motif of the festival is that the beauty of nature would be recompensed by killing bears, which were "the masters of the forest" or "the kings of the forest", and, after they had feasted their spirits, they would go back to the world of the Gods. Although it spread over a wide area, the styles of the festivals in different places show a surprising resemblance. Ethnologists have hypothesized that the bear festival might have originated in one place in the world and then spread widely from there. However, the origin of the bear festival can be traced only by evaluating the evidences of ritualistic treatment of bears in each district.The archaeological evidence for the ritualistic treatment of bears consist of artifacts shaped like bear and bear bones given special treatment. The artifacts shaped like bears made of stones and clay along with bones occur in the Neolithic period. The well-known historical remaining objects were excavated mainly in three places; the central basins of the Ob, the Jenisei rivers in Western Siberia; the lower basin of the Amur river in the Maritime Province of Siberia; as well as the Hokkaidō and Tōhoku districts in Japan. The production dates of these products in each area, in Western Siberia and the Maritime Province of Siberia, can be traced to 4000 or 5000 years ago, and in Northern Japan, amazingly, to 7000 to 8000 years ago. The differences in the form or shapes of the products in these three areas are more recognizable than the resemblances. This suggests that the worship and rituals of the bears may have started in many places.The Okhotsuk culture (the 4th-9th century), developed along the coast of the sea of Okhotsuk in Hokkaidō. It was their custom to pile skulls, mainly of bears but also of deer, raccoon dogs, seals and fur seals, at the back of the house, as fetishes. For the bears among these animals, we know for certain that they fostered baby bears, killed them after ritualistic treatment and preserved their bones. This is determined from their custom of keeping pigs, preserving their skulls and mandibles in and out of their houses. This started in the Liaoning district and the middle basin of the Huang river in China and spread to the basin of the Amur river and Sakhalin as the northern limit and to Middle East Asia and to Oceania as the southern limit. This custom was changed in the Okhotsuk culture, there they used the skulls of bears instead of pigs. According to the old historical materials from China, the purpose of preserving the skulls and the mandibles of pigs was to protect the people from evil spirits.In Okhotsuk culture, they also produced small statues shaped like bears made of shark bones and horns of deer. Fostering bears, preserving the bones of bears and producing the small statues of bears are common features of the "Iyomante" event (sending-off the bears) known as "Iyomante" by the Ainu people. In the Epi-Jōmon culture (the 2nd century B.C. to the 7th century A.D.) proceeding the Okhotsuk culture in Hokkaidō, bear-shaped artifacts were plentiful. The direct ancestor of the Ainu ethnic group precede Satsumon culture (the 7th to 11th century) which follows the EpiJōmon culture. They introduced the style characteristic of the "Iyomante". They send off the bears to the world of Gods after they killed the bears. This custom spread to Sakhalin and the lower basin of the Amur river during the expansion of their occupation in that area.In Western Siberia, a different style of the bear festival developed. They killed the bears after they had hunted them. During the cultural exchange between various people over a long period, there was a gradual increase of resemblance between practices, during which the bear festival spread widely.
島村 恭則
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.103, pp.325-348, 2003-03

本論文では、都市民俗学の立場から、喫茶店、とりわけそこで行なわれるモーニング(朝食を、自宅ではなく、喫茶店のモーニングセット〈モーニングサービス〉でとる習慣)という事象に注目し、記述と問題点の整理を行なった。本論中で行ないえた指摘は、およそ次のとおりである。(1)モーニングが行なわれる理由は、①労力の軽減、②単身者の便宜、③コミュニケーション、のうちのどれか、あるいはそれらの複合に求められる。(2)日本におけるモーニングは、豊橋以西の、中京圏、阪神圏、中四国のそれぞれ都市部、とりわけ工業地帯の下町的な地域に分布しているものと見ることができる。(3)モーニングは、一九六〇年代後半から行なわれるようになっていると見られる。その場合、喫茶店経営者側は、出勤前のサラリーマンへのサービスを意図してモーニングセット/サービスを開始したのであったが、これが地域で受容される際には、地の生活者、とりわけ女性たちの井戸端会議の場としての機能を果たすようになっている。(4)アジア的視野で眺めた場合、都市社会においては、朝食を外食するほうが一般的だといってよいくらいの状況が展開されており、日本のモーニングには、アジア都市社会に共通する生活文化としての性格が存在するといっても過言ではない。(5)モーニングの場は、他者と他者とが場を共有しながら、そこでさまざまな言葉を交わす公共圏であるが、そこで語られるのは、決して論理的に整理された明晰な言葉ではない。むしろ、モーニングの場は、そうした論理的な言葉で形成される「市民的公共圏」からは排除される言説あるいは人々が交流する場として存在するのであり、この空間は市民的公共圏に対する「もう一つの公共圏」として位置づけることができる。In the study of folklore, i.e., in the study of urban folklore, there is a growing accumulation of studies on various types of living space that exist in the city. However, there have not yet been any folklore studies made on the subject of the coffee house. The coffee house is, needless to say, a place to eat and drink, but from the point of view of folklore studies, it can be pointed out that there is more to the coffee house than its role in providing a place for eating and drinking.This paper focuses on the coffee house, especially on the phenomenon of the "morning set" (the habit of eating the "morning set" at a coffee house instead of having breakfast at home), defining the phenomenon and arranging the issues. The comments made in the paper are as follows.1) The reasons that people have a "morning set" are one or more of the following: a) to save effort, b) because it is convenient for single people, and c) for communication.2) The "morning set" in Japan can be seen in urban areas west of Toyohashi, i.e., in cities in the Chukyo (Nagoya), Hanshin (Osaka and Kobe), or Chushikoku (Chugoku and Shikoku) regions, particularly in the old downtown areas of industrial zones.3) The "morning set" is thought to have come into existence in the late 1960s. At that time, the coffee house owners had begun providing the "morning set" or "morning service" for salaried workers who stopped by on their way to work; however, as the idea was accepted into the community it began to serve as a meeting place for the people, especially women, of the community to get together and talk.4) If we look at the whole of Asia, in urban society it is almost more widespread to take breakfast outside the home, and it can be said that the Japanese "morning set" contains an aspect of life and culture that is universal all across Asian urban communities.5) The venue of the "morning set" is a communal space where strangers share the same space and exchange words with each other, but the words that are exchanged there are never theoretically sound, clearly defined logical arguments. Rather, in the case of the "morning", the coffee house exists as a place to meet people and exchange opinions that are excluded from the "citizens' communal space" which is made up of logical arguments. Therefore, one might regard the "morning set" venue as "another communal space" as compared to the "citizen's space".
福田 アジオ
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.2, pp.p41-81, 1983-03

This chronological table was compiled to indicate the development of Japanese Folklore Studies since the Meiji era. Important literature related to Japanese Folklore, significant events and activities in the Japanese Folklore Society are arranged in chronological order and divided into two columns: (1) Matters related to Yanagita Kunio, and (2) Others.Principal events and related items were included in the table to illustrate the interrelation between events, e.g.: criticism and refutation passed upon articles, publication of monographs and research papers based on field work.
海原 亮
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.116, pp.91-108, 2004-02

奈倉 哲三
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.157, pp.249-276[含 英語文要旨], 2010-03

戊辰戦争期に江戸で生活していた多くの市民・民衆は、東征軍による江戸駐留に対して拒否的な反応を示していた。「新政府」は江戸民衆のそうした政治意識を圧殺・再編せざるを得ず、両者の間で激しい抗争が展開される。この抗争は、新旧両権力間で展開している戊辰戦争とは異なる、もう一つの戊辰戦争である。本稿は、このもう一つの戊辰戦争を、民衆思想史の視点から解明したものである。ただし、本稿は正月十二日慶喜東帰から四月二十一日大総督宮入城までに限定し、その間に江戸民衆の眼前で生起した事象を分析し、江戸民衆の意識・思想をめぐる抗争の特質を解明した。旧幕府諸勢力の動きは多様であったが、小諸藩主牧野康済(やすまさ)の歎願書は際だっていた。ひたすら、臣子として徳川家に仕えることで朝廷に仕えるのだ、との論理一つを主張、朝命だからとて慶喜追討の兵は出せないと突っ張り、出兵拒否で「朝廷の闕失を補う」とまで直言した。この論理が大総督宮入城当日に、江戸市民の眼前に示されていた。一方、東征軍の江戸入り総過程を通じ、江戸市民の負担は急激に膨張する。それにより「万民塗炭之苦」を朝廷が救うとの論理は破綻し、「天子之御民」は空語となる。江戸町民は、東征軍入城によって下層民にまで負担が及ぶ状況の改善を町奉行所に提出、入用が嵩んだ四月五日には町人惣代九十余名が歎願書を先鋒隊宿所に提出した。他方、柳河春三(しゅんさん)は二月下旬以来、「新政府」嫌悪を根底に据えつつも軍事的抵抗は無益とし、外国交際と言論を重視する市民派新聞『中外新聞』を発行し続けていた。この市民派新聞が背景の力となって、四月二日、江戸町奉行佐久間鐇五郎(ばんごろう)は市中困窮人への御救米支給を決定した。統治権の委譲を目前にして、新権力へのギリギリの抵抗として、市民・民衆の側に寄り添う政策を打ち出したのであった。以上が、この時期江戸市民・民衆の意識をめぐる抗争の特質である。Most citizens and common people who lived in Edo during the Boshin War showed a rejective response to the Tosei Army stationed in Edo. "The new government" had no choice but to suppress and rebuild the political awareness of the Edo citizens, and a fierce feud between the two parties developed. This feud, different from the Boshin War fought between the old and new powers, is another Boshin War. This article sheds light on the other Boshin War from the viewpoint of historical public thought. However, this article is limited to the period between January 12th when Yoshinobu returned to Edo and April 21st when the governor general entered the castle, and analyzes the events that happened in front of the eyes of the Edo citizens during that period, and reveals the characteristics of the feud over the awareness and thought of the Edo citizens.While moves by assorted influences of the old feudal government varied, the petition by Makino Yasumasa, the lord of Komoro domain, stood out. He insisted on one theory alone that he would serve the Imperial court by serving the Tokugawa family as vassal, and stuck to the idea that he could not send his army to subjugate Yoshinobu even though it was the order of the Imperial court. He even petition fearlessly to "compensate the delinquency of the Imperial court" by rejecting the dispatch of troops. This theory was displayed before the nose of the Edo citizens on the day when the Governor General entered the castle.On the one hand, through the whole process of the Tosei Army entering Edo, the burden of the Edo citizens suddenly expanded. Owing to this, the principle whereby the Imperial court would rescue "the nation's terrible suffering" collapsed, and "emperor's nation" became a null word.Town people in Edo requested the magistrate's office improve the situation whereby even the lower class people had to share the burden of the entrance of the Tosei Army to the castle. On April 5th when the needful cost mounted, approximately ninety town officials submitted a petition to spearhead force lodging.On the other hand, although having an aversion to "the new government" from the bottom of his heart, Yanagawa Shunsan assumed that military counteraction would have no benefit, and since the end of February continued to issue the "Chugai shimbun," a civil newspaper emphasizing relationships with foreign countries and speech.Supported by the civil newspaper, Sakuma Bangoro, the Edo magistrate's officer, decided to supply impoverished people in the city with rice on April 2nd. Just before turning over sovereignty, as a last-minute resistance against the new power, he adopted policies siding with the citizens and common people.Described above are the characteristics of the feud over the Edo citizens and common people's awareness during this period.
崔 吉城
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.70, pp.161-183〔含 図4p〕, 1997-01

戦後韓国社会の高度成長は朴正煕大統領の経済開発計画とセマウル運動によるものといわれている。特に農村の精神革命とも言われているセマウル運動は朴大統領自ら信念をもって一貫的に推進して成功させたという。それは彼自身農村出身であり農村近代化を推進したことであり,農民層に政治的基盤を置き,国民総和をもって長期執権のために維新憲法を発布してしまったのでセマウル運動の評価は必ずしも肯定的なものだけではない。しかし,とにかく朴大統領の政策や戦後韓国経済の高度成長を理解するためにセマウル運動の研究は必要と思う。その運動の契機や起源はまだ不明である。北朝鮮の千里馬運動とかトルコのケマルパシャ革命などと言われているが寡聞かも知れないが分析的な研究はまだない。私は朴大統領時代を経験したものの一人としてセマウル運動は戦前の日本における農村開発運動と似ていると思った。最近セマウル運動が日本植民地時代の農村振興運動と似ているという言及があったので,私はその実証的な研究をしようと考え,資料を収集した。その過程において,朴大統領が三年間小学校の教師をした学校が農村振興運動の指定学校であったことがわかった。その学校を現地調査をしたところ,老人たちによって朴氏が農村振興運動指定学校で指導していたことを確認した。一方では朝鮮総督府の宇垣一成総督の時嘱託として農村振興運動を指導した山崎延吉を知るために安城市の『山崎文庫』を尋ねて調査をした。私は本稿で植民地に因んでいる反日的な枠を無視して脱価値論的に文献研究と現地調査を合わせて日本植民地時代の農村振興運動は朴大統領のセマウル運動のモデルになっているということを明らかにしたい。Post-war Korea's progress is said to have resulted from President Park Ch'ung-hee's economic plan, and also from the Saemaul movement. In particular the latter movement ― hailed as a spiritual revolution among agricultural communities ― is said to have succeeded thanks to the efforts of President Park, who was an enthusiastic supporter. He himself had come from an agricultural village, and had urged the modernization of such communities. He had built a political base among farmers, and had promulgated a forward-looking peace-time constitution, so his interest in the Saemaul movement was more than merely perfunctory. To attain an understanding of President Park's policy and South Korea's post-war economic development it is essential, I believe, to study the Saemaul movement. Its nature and origins are still obscure. It has been compared, perhaps superficially, to North Korea's Ch'onrima movement, and to the revolution carried out by Kemal Pasha in Turkey, but thus far it has received little analysis. As one who lived through this period, it seems to me that the Saemaul movement resembled pre-war Japan's Movement to Develop Agricultural Villages. I have been gathering materials for an empirical study of the Saemaul movement, spurred on by recent claims that it shares similarities with the Movement to Encourage Agricultural Villages which was launched in Korea under Japanese colonial rule. While doing so I discovered that the primary school in which President Park had taught for three years as a young man was one which had been designated as a unit in the Movement to Encourage Agricultural Villages. On paying a visit to the area in which this school was located I was informed by elderly people that Park had led the school's participation in the movement. I also visited the Yamazaki Archives in Anjou City to learn more about Yamazaki Nobuyoshi, whom Ugaki Kazushige, then Governor-General of Korea, had placed in charge of the Movement to Encourage Agricultural Villages. In this paper, ignoring any hostility to Japan because of the history colonial occupation, I demonstrate through a combination of objective research and field work that President Park's Saemaul movement was modelled on the Movement to Encourage Agricultural Villages promoted by Japan in colonialKorea.
榎原 雅治
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.130, pp.219-237, 2006-03

中世社会では徳政の実行が統治者の統治者たりうる条件とされ、代替わりや天災・戦乱などを契機にしばしば徳政の実行が宣言されたことは、中世史ではすでに常識となっている。笠松宏至氏は、鎌倉後期に公武両権力によって行われた徳政の篇目は仏神領の興行と雑訴の興行(公平な裁判)にあることを明らかにしたが、その後、五味文彦氏によって平安末期の荘園整理令がすでに代替わり徳政としての性格をもっていたことを明らかにされ、応安の半済令についても、笠松氏や村井章介氏によって将軍代始めの仏神領興行の徳政としての性格をもつものであることが明らかにされた。これによって統治者の代替わりに徳政が実施されることは、中世の成立期から南北朝期まで一貫して認められる現象であったことが明らかになっている。さらに海津一朗氏は、鎌倉後期の仏神領の興行が荘園制の再編を促し、その結果、「寺社本所一円領」と「武家領」からなる中世後期荘園制が成立していくことを明らかにしている。中世後期荘園制は鎌倉後期〜南北朝期の徳政を論理的根拠として存立していたことが提起されたわけであるが、中世後期研究の側でこの提起を受けとめた議論はまだ展開されていない。本稿では、足利義持、義教、義政という義満を後継する室町殿の代始めの土地政策に注目し、沽却された土地の返付訴訟、およびそれに対する幕府の態度について検討した。そして室町期においてもなお、代始めにあたって寺社領興行(沽却地の返付)を求める社会動向があり、またそれに応じることを徳政であると考える為政者側の考え方と施策が存在していたことを明らかにした。In medieval society the implementation of "tokusei" (lit:"virtuous government") was a provision that could be exercised by rulers. It has become commonly accepted within medieval history that declarations of the implementation of tokusei were frequently made at times of succession, disasters and war. Hiroshi Kasamatsu has said that decisions to implement tokusei under the dual authority of the imperial court and shogunate during the late Kamakura period are to be found in connection with the policy of protction temple and shrine land and legal action (impartial courts). Later on, Fumihiko Gomi showed that edicts establishing the shoen system at the end of the Heian period already contained provisions for tokusei at the time of succession. Kasamatsu and Shosuke Murai have said that the edict halving the taxes paid to rulers during the Oan era (1368-1375) contains what amounts to the first tokusei for temple and shrine land at the start of the reign of new shogun. This shows that the implementation of tokusei upon the succession of a ruler was a recognized phenomenon throughout the time starting at the beginning of the medieval period through to the period of the Southern and Northern Courts. Furthermore, Ichiro Kaizu says that the policy protection temple and shrine land at the late Kamakura period encouraged a reorganization of the shoen system, resulting in the establishment of the late medieval shoen system, which consisted of the "Jisha honjo ichien ryo" and the "Buke ryo". It has been asserted that the shoen system of the late medieval period was logically underpinned by tokusei from the late Kamakura through to the period of the Southern and Northern Courts. However, discussion accepting this assertion has yet to take place within research on the late medieval period.This paper focuses on the land policies at times of succession by Ashikaga Yoshimochi, Yoshinori and Yoshimasa, the rulers who succeeded Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and lived in the Muromachi palace in Kyoto. It discusses legal action for the return of land that had been sold and the attitude of the bakufu toward such action. It also shows that for the Muromachi period as well there was a social movement at the beginning of the period that demanded the taking of temple and shrine land (the return of sold land). Further, it explicates the existence of measures and the attitude of the ruling class, which believed that acceding to such demands was tokusei.
山本 志乃
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.167, pp.127-142, 2012-01

鈴木 正崇
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.174, pp.247-269, 2012-03

長野県飯田市の遠山霜月祭を事例として、湯立神楽の意味と機能、変容と展開について考察を加え、コスモロジーの動態を明らかにした。湯立神楽は密教・陰陽道・修験道の影響を受けて、修験や巫覡を担い手として、神仏への祈願から死者供養、祖先祭祀を含む地元の祭と習合して定着する歴史的経緯を辿った。五大尊の修法には、湯釜を護摩壇に見立てたり、火と水を統御する禰宜が不動明王と一体になるなど、修験道儀礼や民間の禁忌意識の影響がある。また、大地や土を重視し竈に宿る土公神を祀り、「山」をコスモロジーの中核に据え、死霊供養を保持しつつ、「法」概念を読み替えるなど地域的特色がある。その特徴は、年中行事と通過儀礼と共に、個人の立願や共同体の危機に対応する臨時の危機儀礼を兼ねることである。中核には湯への信仰があり、神意の兆候を様々に読み取り、湯に託して生命力を更新し蘇りを願う。火を介して水をたぎらす湯立は、人間の自然への過剰な働きかけであり、世界に亀裂を入れて、人間と自然の狭間に生じる動態的な現象を読み解く儀礼で、湯の動き、湯の気配、湯の音や匂いに多様な意味を籠めて、独自の世界を幻視した。そこには「信頼」に満ちた人々と神霊と自然の微妙な均衡と動態があった。Yudate is the boiling water ritual dedicated to Kami ( deities) and Hotoke ( Buddhas) based upon the combination of sacred water and fire. This paper analyses the meaning and function of Yudate Kagura consisting of dance, music and Yudate, held at Tōyama valley in November by lunar calendar. Tōyama is located on the mountain area in the southern part of Nagano prefecture of Japan. Shinto priests or Shugenja ( mountain ascetics) has conducted these rituals on the occasion of annual cerebration called Shimotsuki Matsuri ( November festival) to activate the diminishing power of the sun and human body in the winter solstice. The topics to be discussed in this paper are local history, origin myth, syncretism of Shintōism & Buddhism, ritual process and status of religious practitioners. The main purpose is to make an interpretation of folk religion under the historical perspective. Yudate Kagura is conducted to express the gratitude for Kami and Hotoke to get the good harvest and make sure the future in next year. The villagers want to fulfill the vows of curing the disease, solution of unfortunate troubles and big accidents. Yudate Kagura is the spectacle to become into rebirth through the purification of the body by boiling water based upon the folk knowledge to live with the severe nature.
一ノ瀬 俊也
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.131, pp.51-84, 2006-03

戦場における佐倉歩兵第五七連隊の行動は、いくつかの連隊史や回想録で比較的よく知られている。しかし、兵士たちの平時の日常生活、意識については不明な点も多いように思われる。本稿は一九三四(昭和九)年に連隊のある上等兵がほぼ毎日書いていた日記帳の内容を分析して、連隊の兵士が毎日どのような訓練・生活を送っていたのかを再構成することを目的とする。日記の筆者は(おそらく)三三年一月現役入営し、翌三四年七月一九日除隊している。日記帳にはこのうち三四年一月一日から除隊後の同年八月一八日までの記述がある。具体的に千葉での演習・勤務、富士山麓での演習、対抗競技と連隊への帰属意識、日常の衣食住、私的制裁、連隊と地域社会との関わり、といった諸テーマを設定して、兵士たちの〈日常〉の再構成に努めるとともに、彼らが自己の所属する軍隊をどうみていたのか、それは帝国軍隊の支持基盤たりえたのか、といった問題にも展望を示したい。なお、参考資料として、本日記の全文を連隊生活とは直接関係のない除隊後のものを除き、翻刻した。The activities of the 57th Sakura Infantry Regiment on the battlefield are relatively well known from a number of regimental histories and memoirs. However, little is known about the daily life and thoughts of soldiers during peacetime. The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the daily training and life of soldiers in the regiment from the study of a diary written virtually everyday by a private first class in the regiment in 1934. The diarist most likely took up his position in January 1933 and then left the regiment on July 19, 1934. The diary contains entries from January 1 through August 18, 1934, by which time he had been discharged from the regiment.This paper attempts to reconstruct the daily lives of soldiers and covers the topics of exercises and duties in Chiba, exercises at the foot of Mt. Fuji, competitive sports and loyalty to the regiment, everyday clothing, food and shelter, un-offirial forms of punishment, and the relationship between the regiment and the local community. It also takes a look at how the soldiers regarded the regiment they were attached to and whether this constituted support for the Imperial Army. It may be noted that this diary, with the exception of the part following the writer's discharge from the regiment which is not directly related to the daily activities of the regiment, has been republished in full to provide background information.
井原 今朝男
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.139, pp.157-185, 2008-03

鎌倉前期の諏訪神社史料群は、『吾妻鏡』や『金沢文庫文書』などが中核になっており、鎌倉後期には『陬波御記文』『陬波私注』『隆弁私記』『仲範朝臣記』『諏訪効験』『広疑瑞決集』など諏訪信仰に関する史料群が数多くつくられた。これらは、いずれも鎌倉諏訪氏と金澤称名寺の関係僧侶の結合によって集積されたものを基礎資料にしてつくられたものという点で共通している。鎌倉期には、中央の国史や諸記録には知りえない知の体系として諏訪縁起が編纂され、関東で仰信される信仰圏が成立していた。鎌倉期においては、神の誓願・口筆を御記文とし、その聴聞を神の神託として重視する思想が流布した。その中で、諏訪大祝の現人神説や祝の神壇居所説、諏訪明神は「生替之儀」があるとする再生信仰など諏訪信仰独自の神道思想が形成されていた。仏教における念仏思想が諏訪神官層にも浸透して、仏道における神職は死後蛇道におちるという社会通念の存在する中で、仏道との葛藤の中から、諏訪神道という独自の思想が形つくられた。諏訪「神道」思想が、伊勢神道や吉田神道が成立する以前のものとして言説化していたこと、などを主張した。Documents such as "Azuma Kagami" and "Kanazawa Bunko Bunsho" comprise the core of archival material dating from the early Kamakura period on the history of the Suwa shrine, while numerous collections of materials were written on Suwa religious beliefs during the late Kamakura period, including "Suwa Kimon", "Suwa Shichu", "Ryuben Shiki", "Nakanori Asonki", and "Suwa Kogen, Kogisuiketu-shu". A common feature of these materials is that each constitutes a basic corpus of materials collected as a result of the union between the Kamakura Suwa clan and Buddhist priests associated with Kanezawa Shomyo-ji temple. During the Kamakura period, Suwa religious beliefs took hold in the Kanto region following the compilation of Suwa Engi to form a body of knowledge that could not be acquired from national histories and the various records of the central government. The vows, utterances, and writings of deities were recorded, and a belief setting great store in these as divine messages from deities became popular. Shinto beliefs unique to this Suwa religion were created, including beliefs that the Suwa Ohori (head priest) was a living deity and that this deity resided in the shrine altar. Another was the belief in rebirth based on the "rebirth ceremony" of the deity Suwa Myojin. Suwa priests were familiar with the nembutsu belief (in the after-life) in Buddhism and at a time when it was commonly believed that Buddhist priests would be reborn as serpents, Suwa Shinto emerged as a separate religion as a result of tension with Buddhism. This paper argues that Suwa Shinto came into being as a set of beliefs before Ise Shinto or Yoshida Shinto.
柴田 純
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.141, pp.109-139[含 英語文要旨], 2008-03

広瀬 和雄
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.150, pp.33-147[含 英語文要旨], 2009-03

西日本各地の首長同盟が急速に東日本各地へも拡大し,やがて大王を中心とした畿内有力首長層は,各地の「反乱」を制圧しながら強大化し,中央集権化への歩みをはじめる。地方首長層はかつての同盟から服属へと隷属の途をたどって,律令国家へと社会は発展していく,というのが古墳時代にたいする一般的な理解である。そこには,古墳時代は律令国家の前史で古代国家の形成過程にすぎない,古墳時代が順調に発展して律令国家が成立した,というような通説が根底に横たわっている。さらには律令国家の時代が文明で,古墳時代は未熟な政治システムの社会である,といった<未開―文明史観>的な歴史観が強力に作用している。北海道・北東北と沖縄諸島を除いた日本列島では,3世紀中ごろから7世紀初めごろに約5200基の前方後円(方)墳が造営された。墳長超200mの前方後円墳32/35基,超100mの前方後円(方)墳140/302基が,畿内地域に集中していた。そこには中央―地方の関係があったが,その政治秩序は首長と首長の人的な結合で維持されていた。いっぽう,『記紀』が表す国造・ミヤケ・部民の地方統治システムも,中央と地方の人的関係にもとづく政治制度だった。つまり,複数の畿内有力首長が,各々中小首長層を統率して中央政権を共同統治した<人的統治システム>の古墳時代と,国家的土地所有にもとづく<領域的統治システム>を理念とした律令国家の統治原理は異質であった。律令国家の正統性を著した『日本書紀』の体系的な叙述と,考古学・古代史研究者を規制してきた発展史観から,みずからの観念を解き放たねばならない。そして,膨大な考古資料をもとに,墳墓に政治が表象された古墳時代の350年間を,一個のまとまった時代として,先見主義に陥らずにその特質を解明していかねばならない。The alliance of chiefs from western Japan expanded rapidly toward eastern Japan and while subduing "insurgencies" around the country the rulers from among the powerful elite in Kinki eventually became stronger, and thus began to form a centralized power. The general understanding of the Kofun period is that the alliance broke up as these regional chiefs became subsumed as vassals and society evolved into the ritsuryo state. The prevailing theory that underpins this understanding is that the Kofun period was no more than the process of the formation of an ancient state that preceded the ritsuryo state, whose gradual development led to the establishment of the ritsuryo state. At play here is the historical view of the development of a society from a barbarian to a civilized society where the ritsuryo state represents civilization and the Kofun period a society with an immature political system.In the period from around the middle of the 3rd century to the beginning of the 7th century approximately 5,200 round or square keyhole tombs were built in the Japanese archipelago, excluding Hokkaido, northern Tohoku and the Okinawa islands. There are 35 tombs with mounds of more than 200 meters, with 32 of them concentrated in a single region. There are a further 302 tombs with mounds of more than 100 meters, of which 140 are concentrated in a single region. Representing a center-region relationship, this political order was maintained by chiefs and their personal ties. The kuni no miyatsuko, miyake and bemin system of regional government involving the establishment of a state, as described in the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, was also a political system based on the personal relationships of those in the center and those in the regions. That is to say, the Kofun period with its "system of personal rule" where several powerful chiefs in Kinai jointly ruled the central government by leading their own groups of medium- to low-ranking chiefs is different from the principle of rule of the ritsuryo state which was based on the principle of a "system of territorial rule" underpinned by state ownership of land.We must free our ideas from the systematic depictions in the Nihon Shoki of the legitimacy of the ritsuryo state and the developmental view of history that has restrained researchers engaged in archaeology and ancient history. In addition, using the massive quantity of archaeological data as a foundation, we must shed light on the 350-year Kofun period when politics was symbolized by mounded tombs as a single cohesive period without succumbing to doctrine centered on what came next.
西本 豊弘
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.61, pp.73-86, 1995-01

縄文時代は狩猟・漁撈・採集活動を生業とし,弥生時代は狩猟・漁撈・採集活動も行うが,稲作農耕が生業活動のかなり大きな割合を占めていた。その生業活動の違いを反映して,それぞれの時代の人々の動物に対する価値観も異なっていたはずである。その違いについて,動物骨の研究を通して考えた。まず第1に,縄文時代の家畜はイヌだけであり,そのイヌは狩猟用であった。弥生時代では,イヌの他にブタとニワトリを飼育していた。イヌは,狩猟用だけではなく,食用にされた。そのため,縄文時代のイヌは埋葬されたが,弥生時代のイヌは埋葬されなかった。第2に,動物儀礼に関しては,縄文時代では動物を儀礼的に取り扱った例が少ないことである。それに対して弥生時代は,農耕儀礼の一部にブタを用いており,ブタを食べるだけではなく,犠牲獣として利用したことである。ブタは,すべて儀礼的に取り扱われたわけではないが,下顎骨の枝部に穴を開けられたものが多く出土しており,その穴に木の棒が通された状態で出土した例もある。縄文時代のイノシシでは,下顎骨に穴を開けられたものは全くなく,この骨の取り扱い方法は弥生時代に新たに始まったものである。第3に,縄文時代では,イノシシの土偶が数十例出土しているのに対して,シカの土偶はない。シカとイノシシは,縄文時代の主要な狩猟獣であり,ほぼ同程度に捕獲されている。それにも関わらず,土偶の出土状況には大きな差異が見られる。弥生時代になると,土偶そのものもなくなるためかもしれないが,イノシシ土偶はなくなる。土器や銅鐸に描かれる図では,シカが多くなりイノシシは少ない。このように,造形品や図柄に関しても,縄文時代と弥生時代はかなり異なっている。以上,3つの点で縄文時代と弥生時代の動物に対する扱い方の違いを見てきた。これらの違いを見ると,縄文時代と弥生時代は動物観だけではなく,考え方全体の価値観が違うのではないかと推測される。これは,狩猟・漁撈・採集から農耕へという変化だけではなく,社会全体の大きな変化を示していると言える。弥生時代は,縄文時代とは全く異なった価値観をもった農耕民が,朝鮮半島から多量に渡来した結果成立した社会であったと言える。In the Jōmon Period, people subsisted on hunting, fishing and gathering activities; and in the Yayoi Period, also they practiced hunting, fishing and gathering. However, rice-crop agriculture occupied large share of all their subsistence. Their sense of the value of animals must have been different in each period, reflecting the difference in their subsistence. I will consider these differences by the study of animal bones.At first, they had only dogs as domestic animals in the Jōmon Period, and these dogs were for hunting purpose. In the Yayoi Period, they kept pigs and fowls as well as dogs. In this period, dogs were not only for hunting, but also used for food. Because of this, the dogs in the Jōmon Period were buried, but they were scarcely buried in the Yayoi Period.Secondly, regarding the ceremonial use of animals, there is little evidence left that they used animals in such ceremonial events in the Jōmon Period. On the other hand, in the Yayoi Period, they used pigs in some of the agricultural ceremonies. They used pigs not only for food, but also for animal sacrifice. Although the pigs were not always handled in ceremonial ways, a lot of mandibles drilled with a hole in the ramus have been excavated, and there were some instances where they were excavated in such condition that a wooden rod was sticking in the hole. Regarding the boars in the Jōmon Period, there is no instance where their mandibles had a hole. This way of treating the bones started in the Yayoi Period.Thirdly, some dozen instances of wild boar-shaped clay figurines of the Jōmon Period have been excavated, but there were no deer-shaped clay figurines. Deer and wild boars were mainly hunted in the Jōmon Period and almost the same number of them were captured. However, the condition of excavated clay figurines shows a great difference. In the Yayoi Period, there are no wild boar-shaped clay figurines left, perhaps because the tradition of clay figurines itself disappeared. However, regarding the drawings on the pottery and Doutaku (big ceremonial bronze bell), deer are more usual than wild boars. In such ways, the craft works and design in the Jōmon Period and the Yayoi Period are very different.Above all, I considered the differences in handling animals at three aspects between the Jōmon Period and Yayoi Period. When I note these differences, I conclude that not only the concept of an animal but also the value-judgment about how to deal with animals were different in the Jōmon Period from what they were in the Yayoi Period. It is reasonable to say that these differences show not only a change of subsistence from hunting, fishing and gathering to that of agriculture, but also great changes in the whole society. It is not too much to say that the Yayoi society was the result of many agricultural people with totally different senses of value coming over to Japan from the Korean peninsula.