川村 光
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.85, pp.5-25, 2009-11-30 (Released:2015-06-03)

Under the educational system, teachers are given the authority to control and instruct their pupils. However, this authority began to weaken in the beginning of the 1970s as problems involving education, such as deviant behavior and management-oriented educational practices, were socially questioned. In the 1970s and 1980s, junior high school teachers in particular were called upon to rethink their identities as teachers because they faced crises involving deviant behavior among their students, and found it difficult to teach their subjects.This study examines the teachersʼ culture of authority, based on the life histories of two male junior high school teachers who encountered crises and the collapse of their authority during the 1970s and 1980s. At present, both are school principals. One of the two was born in 1946 and taught physical education to pupils in two schools during the period in question. The other, a science teacher, was born in 1948 and worked at two schools as well.From their life histories, some important findings are drawn.First, both teachers interpreted the crises as positive phenomena. They stated that though crises had a negative influence on them, they also led them to construct a new teacher identity.Second, both believed that teachers should not depend on the authority stemming from the educational system. They tried to gain authority autonomously through communication with their pupils and parents regarding teaching, pastoral care and guidance rather than depending on control over pupils and physical punishment. They believed it was important to construct an image based on authority originating in personal magnetism rather than based on authority related to academic truth and professional knowledge or based on educational system.Caution should be exercised in generalizing these findings as they are based on only two specific life history cases. However, it should be noted that it is possible to gain insights into teachersʼ culture by focusing on the form of their narratives. From this point of view, it is thought that teachersʼ culture is a form of delicate authority and the teachersʼ authority related to personal magnetism is more important than others.Therefore, it is thought that deviant behavior by students as a crisis of school education in the 1970s and 1980s led to a change in the teachersʼ culture from one under which it was more important to keep authority based on the educational system to one where it was more significant to retain authority related to personal magnetism.
川口 俊明
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.165-184, 2009-05-31 (Released:2018-05-01)
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This paper explores school effects in Japan, using a Multilevel Model Analysis.“School Effects” consider how schools can affect childrenʼs learning outputs. This is one of the important subjects in the sociology of education. Since the Coleman Reports of the 1960s, there has been much research investigating school effects all over the world. This is termed “School Effectiveness Research” (SER). Recently, SER researchers are planning comparative studies within countries, and this research has considerable attraction.Unfortunately, very few researchers in Japan knew about SER until 2000. Pioneers in SER in Japan are Nabeshima and Shimizu. They investigated school effects using the concept of “Effective Schools” conceived by Edmonds, one of the most famous early SER researchers. Japanese SER researchers argue that “Effective Schools” are characterized by “teacher cooperation,” “leadership,” and “good classroom climates.” Finally, they conclude, “If all schools had these characteristics, social disadvantage would be less than at present.”However, the concept of “Effective Schools” in Japan is problematic, and thus we need to reanalyze carefully the conclusions of pioneer SER research in Japan.In this paper, I firstly point out the lack of the concept of “Effective Schools” and propose a Multilevel Model Analysis (Hierarchical Linear Modeling) to analyze school effects. Secondly, I investigate school effects in Japan using the Multilevel Model Analysis, and analyze academic achievement tests at 5th grade conducted in Z City in the district of Kansai. The sample size is 3,366 children from 43 schools and explanatory variables are achievement score at 4th grade, childrenʼs gender, and childrenʼs cultural social class.The findings are as follows. Firstly, almost all the variance in academic achievements at 5th grade exists within schools. There is small variance between schools. Variance between schools is less than 5 percent. Secondly, the most important explanatory variable affecting achievement at 5th grade is achievement at 4th grade. The most explanatory variables following this are childrenʼs gender and cultural social class. Thirdly, although the variance between schools is very small, there is a score gap of 5 to 6 points between “the most effective school” and “the most ineffective school.” Thus, there are very small score gaps between schools, but this does not mean that schools have no effect on the alleviation of social disadvantage caused by gender or social class.We draw the following conclusions from this analysis. First, junior high schools in Japan have very similar learning environments, and so there are only small score gaps between schools. Secondly, the prior achievement score has a very strong effect on achievement score at the 5th grade level. Investigating school outcomes without taking prior achievement scores into account is therefore very problematic. In Japan, few argue the importance of prior achievement tests, but this is a critical point for the analysis of achievement scores. Thirdly, it is important that researchers of SER in Japan understand that there is only small variance between Japanese schools and argue seriously about “what schools can and cannot do.”
耳塚 寛明
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.23-39, 2007-05-31 (Released:2018-07-01)
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The measurement of children’s academic achievements and the explanation of differences between social classes should not be dismissed by sociologists of education. Although inequality is a major theme of the field, the sociology of education has lacked empirical evidence on the structure of disparities in academic achievements. This is partly due to the difficulties involved in collecting sufficient data on academic achievement through schools.In and after 2002, studies were begun on the relationship between academic achievement and social class in Japan. At the time, schools were being heavily criticized within the context of the debate over falling children’s academic achievements. Some significant surveys were administered at that time, though they were small in number. However, they left some important issue to be solved. The first is that analyses of the determinants of academic achievement are inadequate for clarifying what factors will diminish class differences in achievement. The second concerns the reliability and validity of the variables collected. In particular, variables on the economic conditions of households are lacking. Finally, the surveys were conducted only in large cities.This paper examines the factors that affect children’s academic achievements, and the extent of the effect of such factors, through an analysis of the data of the Japan Education Longitudinal Study 2003 (JELS2003). JELS2003 was conducted in two areas: one a middle-sized city within the capital metropolitan areas, and the other a small local city. It also contains variables about the economic conditions of households.The major findings of the paper are as follows.1. In the small local city, the differences of academic achievement between social classes were relatively small.2. In the middle-sized city within the metropolitan area, children’s academic achievements were affected by the level of monthly educational expenses, level of educational expectations of the child, and income level of the family.Inequalities in children’s academic achievements in our society should be grasped in the context of the substitution of “parentocracy” for meritocracy.
秋葉 昌樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.92, pp.83-104, 2013-07-25 (Released:2014-07-28)

本稿の目的は,「フォーラムシアター」と呼ばれる応用演劇の手法によって,養護教諭が日常的に抱える問題意識やその仕事の流儀と向き合う作業を支援する方法について考察し,「教育臨床の社会学」の新たな展開可能性を探ることにある。 「フォーラムシアター」は,観客ないし演じ手が日頃直面しがちな問題をとりあげ劇として上演し,観客を巻き込んだ 討論と劇の再演を繰り返しながら問題状況における変化,変容可能性を探っていく手法である。それはいわば演劇を用いた社会教育的実践とも言いうるものだが,その応用的性格からか,理論的定式化は必ずしも十分に進められてこなかった。 本稿では,この手法がもたらす当事者支援の可能性を視野に,筆者が養護教諭らのグループとともに運営してきたフォーラムシアターを事例として分析した。 その結果見えてきたことは,フォーラムシアターという手法によって,参加者である養護教諭が,日頃の葛藤や問題意識を共有しつつ再認識し,またそれらを乗り越えるべく主体的に探究を開始し,今後の変容可能性を見いだしているということである。そして本稿では,参加者によって主体的に見いだされる変容可能性が,フォーラムシアターが備える遊戯性および“未完”性という構造的特質によってもたらされることを明らかにした。
仲野 由佳理
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.87, pp.5-24, 2010-11-30 (Released:2014-07-03)
5 1

本論文は,逸脱行為の継時的変化を説明した Becker の「逸脱キャリア」を援用し,未体験者が「援助交際」体験者として変容していくプロセスを「援助交際」体験者へのインタビュー調査によって明らかにすることを目的とする。 分析の結果,初回の「援助交際」に対する肯定的な解釈が,行為の継続への動機づけとして作用することがわかった。継続の過程で,「援助交際」をめぐる3つの学習(「援助交際」の技法の学習,技法と成果との関連づけ,個別的な楽しみの発見)が行われ,「援助交際」体験者としての適切なふるまいが獲得される。 また,「援助交際」に対する個別の「楽しみ」を発見することで,動機をめぐる語りも発展した。 学習に際しては,「援助交際」に関する漫画や雑誌,インターネット上の情報など,不特定多数にむけて発信される情報が行為の準拠枠として参照された。ここから,「援助交際」における逸脱キャリアは,“対面的な経験者集団との相互作用の機会”をもたずに常習化するが,インターネットなどを中心とする不特定多数にむけて発信される情報や,情報の発信者に含まれる「援助交際」体験者の存在自体が,(経験者集団に代わる)行為の準拠枠としての影響をもつことがわかった。
松岡 亮二
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.98, pp.155-175, 2016-05-31 (Released:2017-06-01)
7 2

親の世帯収入と学歴によって学校外教育活動への参加に差があることは,実証的に示されてきた。しかし,先行研究は一時点における横断データに依拠してきた。よって,成長に伴って大多数の児童が学校外教育を利用するが,そこに社会経済的な格差が存在するのかは明らかにされていない。また,先行研究は観察されない異質性を統制していないので,経済資本と学校外教育機会利用の関連が過大評価されている可能性がある。そこで本稿は,厚生労働省が実施している21世紀出生児縦断調査の個票データを用い,(1)学齢と参加の関連が,世帯収入を含む社会経済的地位によって異なるのか,そして(2)世帯収入の変化が学校外教育参加の変化と関連しているのかを検討することによって,学校外教育投資における経済資本の役割を精査した。 世帯収入を含む3時点の大規模縦断データを,成長曲線を含むハイブリッド固定効果モデルによって分析した結果,資本転換の基底にあるとされる経済資本量が多く,父母の学歴が高いとき,学齢と学校外教育活動種類の増減の関連がより強い傾向にあった。また,係数は小さいものの,世帯収入の変化と習い事の種類数の変化の関連が明らかになった。この傾向は養育費を目的変数としても確認された。これらの知見は,学校外教育機会量の社会経済的格差は子の成長に伴って拡大するが,微弱ながら経済資本の効果が確認されたことから,経済的支援による格差解消の可能性を示唆している。
vol.75, 2004-11-15

The purpose of this study is to examine the significance of the bodies of kenko-yuryo-ji (children in superior health), by analyzing representations of kenko-yuryo-ji in newspaper articles. The term kenko-yuryo-ji refers to children who were selected as Japan's healthiest children under the Kenko-Yuryo-Ji Hyosho Jigyo (Commendation Project). Section 1 reviews previous studies on kenko-yuryo-ji, pointing to a lack of views on the significance of the bodies of kenko-yuryo-ji. Emphasis is placed on the importance of regarding kenko-yuryo-ji as symbols of the "ideal child" and examining what their bodies signify. Section 2 clarifies the fact that the increase of concern over the health of children in the 1920s generated similar projects to the later Hyosho Jigyo. It then provides an overview of the contents of the Hyosho Jigyo, which was started due to the increase of concern mentioned above. Section 3 considers how representations of kenko-yuryo-ji changed with the continuation of the project, using newspaper articles as the main historical data. The findings are as follows: (1) Due to the difficulty of selecting "Japan's no. 1," relatively greater importance came to be given to school records and behavior in making the selection, (2) Although the main purpose of the project was to find what makes children healthy, it failed to do so; (3) Nevertheless, the project was continued and press reporting about the school records and behavior of kenko-yuryo-ji increased, (4) Consequently, the "health" of kenko-yuryo-ji not only indicates that their bodies are healthy, but has also come to refer to their innocence and excellence in terms of intelligence and character, and (5) This logic was supported by the following three points; the gymnastics view in the 1930s; "scientific" research on the connection between growth and intelligence/spirit; and the view of children in the 1930s. Section 4 presents a comprehensive consideration of the meaning adopted by the bodies of kenko-yuryo-ji. (298 words)
矢野 眞和
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.82, pp.109-123, 2008-06-15 (Released:2017-06-01)

In 1985, an interesting report that helps understand the relation between the population and the labor market was published. This report, 21 Seiki no Sarari-man Shakai, made forecasts on changes in the Japanese employment system toward the year 2000 by forecasting the manpower requirements in various occupations and analyzing the impact of the baby boomers on the labor market.Looking back over this past forecast and learning from its experience, this paper makes projections in the following two areas.The first is a forecast of the manpower requirements by industry and occupation in 2015. The report, based on a consideration of both the change of population by age and structural changes in industry, makes clear that there will be a large mismatch of supply and demand in the labor force. In particular, the service industry sector will experience a shortage of 2.34 million workers and the there will be a shortage of 1.67 million professionals. Conversely there will be too many manufacturing and technical workers. These dramatic changes will accelerate mobility in employment, it projects, to a level above the figure projected in the report in 1985.The second is an analysis of the relation between the number of workers and wages, an indicator of the quality of labor, during three decades of 1976-2006. The main results are as follows.1) Based on an analysis of relative wages by age group, the ratio of wages of the group in their fifties divided by that of those in their twenties, and of the number of workers in same age groups, it is possible to conclude that the shock of increasing numbers of seniors has been absorbed and that the seniority management system has been maintained through a decline in the wages of seniors relative to the young.2) Based on the same approach, looking at the relative wages and number of workers by educational background, the relative wage of university graduates to high school graduates has been rising among workers in their thirties and forties even as the number of university educated graduates has increased. This suggests the important policy implication that university is never an over-investment in education because the labor demand for university graduates is rising compared to that for high school graduates within the changing labor market.

2 0 0 0 OA 逆欠如理論

園田 英弘
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.49, pp.9-33, 1991-10-20 (Released:2011-03-18)
小玉 重夫
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.70, pp.21-38, 2002-05-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
2 1

The 1990s were a turning point in world history; as Eric Hobsbawm wrote in his recent book, the “short twentieth century” ended in the early 1990s. With regard to public education, not only in Europe and North America, but in Japan as well, the structure of the public education system underwent dramatic change during the 1990s.In this paper I examine the characteristics of this change. The dominant feature of the change in the 1990s has often been conceptualized as “liberalization, ” or the “deregulation” or “marketization” of public education. However, this conceptualization does not adequately grasp the political aspect of the change, as Chantal Mouffe demonstrated when she termed it “the return of the political, ” or Nancy Fraser when she called the dilemma of justice in a “post-socialist” age one that was moving “from redistribution to recognition.” Focusing on this political aspect of the change in public education in the 1990s, I clarify the specificity of the historical context of this change.As in the Western countries, opportunities for public education in Japan expanded to all areas of society during the 1960s. There was, however, an important difference in the characteristics of this expansion between the West and Japan. In the West, it was initiated by the policy of the welfare state. In Japan, by contrast, the role of the welfare state was less important, and was replaced by the depoliticized triangle of family, school, and private enterprise.In the 1990s, Japan experienced major social and political upheavals. The “bubble economy, ” which had prevented the manifestation of economic crisis, burst in the early years of the decade. The depoliticized triangle of family, school, and private enterprise, which had replaced the welfare state, fell into a crisis of legitimacy.It was at this point that the triangle began to break down, and the need arose for an alternative to it. In this situation, the actual possibility emerged of a return of “the political.” In order to seek this possibility, it is necessary to reconstruct the space of political significance as well as democratic citizenship. The task of public education here should be focused on political life, which is, as Giorgio Agamben cited, to be distinguished from biological life. This is one of the most important points in the restructuring of public education.
内田 良
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.76, pp.129-148, 2005-05-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

The aim of this study is, through a secondary analysis of the number of child abuse reports filed with children's welfare centers, to examine activities to prevent child abuse in Japan. The number of cases of child abuse, filed in 47 prefectures and 12 ordinance-designed major cities, can be analyzed by focusing on the regional differences among them.Adopting the perspective of social constructionism, this study regards the number of child abuse reports as a rate of discovery rather than incidence, and analyzes the differences between urban areas and rural ones through some variables. The main findings can be summarized as follows.(1) Especially since the latter half of the 1990s, urban areas have been carrying out activities to prevent child abuse (in this study, termed “child abuse discovery activities”), and all areas have been converging on an average discovery rate.(2) In urban areas, new types of child abuse (sexual abuse, emotional/psychological maltreatment, and neglect) were discovered a few years later than physical maltreatment. In 2001, the first whole year when child abuse prevention law was put into force, all types of maltreatment were discovered relatively higher in urban areas.(3) Neighbors, acquaintances/friends and medical facilities have been discovering child maltreatment in urban areas significantly and particularly in 2001 most urban public organizations have higher rate significantly.In Japan, child abuse is often discussed in the context of contemporary and urban ways of life, such as “the weakening of local bonds and blood relationships, ” “increase in nuclear families” and “psychological troubles arising in the course of growth and development.” However, as stated above, since the latter half of 1990s, urban areas have been the forerunners of child abuse prevention activities in Japan. Therefore, the way of life in urban areas cannot be identified as a causal factor of child abuse. Rather, the great interest that urban people, medical facilities and public organizations have in child abuse is behind the incidence of “abuse” in urban areas.
渡辺 雅子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.73, pp.43-63, 2003-10-31 (Released:2011-03-18)

How are past events explained by teachers in the classroom, and how do their narrative styles relate to the framework of understanding the past? While analysis in textbooks has been central to the study of history education, the way in which these textbooks are used and explained has not been fully clarified. Through a comparison of American and Japanese history lessons, this study identifies styles of explanation of teachers and explores how the past, present, and future are structured in their narratives.Observations of history lessons revealed that in Japanese classrooms, teachers explained past events chronologically as a long sequential chain, and focused on historical figures' emotional states, which were not treated in the textbooks, to link the events in the chain. In this framework, “empathy” was considered the ability most needed for understanding history.In American classrooms, by contrast, teachers re-framed historical events in a causal order. They first defined a certain event as an effect and asked students to find causes. Teacher's questions about why an event happened framed a continuous temporality to show a clear correspondence between cause and effect. In this process, information that did not contribute to the explanation of the effect was eliminated. The identification of causes by looking back from effects was taught as a skill, and “analysis” became the most important ability for understanding history. These two methods of understanding the past, “temporal sequential” order and “causal” order, also influenced the way students thought about the direction of causality and about the future. How history is taught deeply relates to the socialization of cognition. The differences between the two countries suggest the importance of studying teachers' styles of presentation and explanation, in addition to studying textbooks.
本田 由紀
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.70, pp.105-123, 2002-05-15 (Released:2011-03-18)
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This paper aims to review the trends in the school curriculum and educational attainment in 1990s Japan. The first section outlines the curriculum policy. The 1987 Curriculum Council Report placed emphasis on a “Renewed View on Academic Achievement, ” while the amount of teaching time for each subject and the level of educational content was maintained. In contrast, the Curriculum Council Report in 1998 determined to drastically reduce teaching time and the content of subjects in anticipation of the start of the “five-day” school week system in 2002. At the same time it introduced a new “Time for Comprehensive Learning” into the school curriculum, the purpose of which is to cope simultaneously with the emerging social need for a variety of new knowledge and for renovated teaching methods. The reality of its actual implementation and its effects, however, remain uncertain and unforeseeable.The second section examines the debate on the “decline of educational attainment” which began at the end of the decade, and the actual situation of educational attainment. The proponents of this argument, which was triggered by data on the strikingly low level of mathematical ability among university students, shared their opposition to the recent curriculum policy of the Ministry of Education. As the result of this debate, not only did the Ministry shift its emphasis from the “Full Scope Education” to the improvement of educational attainment, but the social tendency of “bright -flight” to private schools has been accelerated. With regard to the actual situation of educational attainment, the available data imply that “in some cases it seems to be declining slightly.” A far more distinctive tendency is that the willingness of students to study is deteriorating, to differing extents according to their families' socio-economic status.The third section presents a theoretical hypothesis based on an examination of the two sections above. The decline of willingness to study among students reflects the end of the inter-system relation which was characterized by close links between the family system and the economic system via the educational system. On the other hand the educational system itself, as reflected in policies and discourses, maintains its conventional closed-ness and stiffness, the symptoms of which are the “institutionalization” of educational content and the abstracted interpretation of educational attainment. We conclude that it is crucial for the betterment of the educational system to break out of this closed-ness and to improve the relevance of educational content.
油布 佐和子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.86, pp.23-38, 2010-06-30 (Released:2017-04-21)
2 3

教職における病気休職者増加を説明する理論が見当たらない理由の一一つは,教職を公務労働(教育公務員)として認識する視点が欠落していることによる。 本論文では,第一に,感情労働論・ケアワーク論を手がかりに,共同体で営まれていた〈人を育てる〉という活動が職業となることについての問題を,クライアントとの関係という点から検討する。そこでは,教育的な関係や言説において,絶えず情緒や感情が重視されることの理由が示される。第二に,そうした子どもとの教育的関係が,公務員として雇われて働く「労働過程」のなかにおかれていることに起因する問題を,感情労働論の議論を借りて考察する。そして第三に,現在の新自由主義的な改革の中で,公務員改革の一貫として進められている教職の様々な改革が,教師の教育活動を変容させていること,しかしながら第四に,こうした趨勢に対応する抵抗主体としての教員集団が存在していないことの問題を指摘する。 病める教師の増加は,教育という活動を共同体的な「教師一子ども関係」の認識にとどめ,「教育労働」に無自覚であることや,「小さな国家」への移行によって教育労働が変容しているという現状を認識できないことのなかで,自らに過重に責務を負わせたことから生じているといえる。 教育社会学における教師研究は,教師がこうした状況や構造を俯瞰する視点を提供するという点で,他の教師研究と差異化して展開されるべきだろう。
北山 由美
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.67, pp.5-24, 2000-10-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

“Character, ” the key term of this paper, has a double meaning in literary criticism: a dramatis personae in a story, and the dispositions of each person. Through the use of this term, this paper provides a sociological narrative study of characterization. In other words, it is an attempt to understand how we force certain characters upon the self and others when we want to comprehend them.Normally, “character, ” as a person's disposition, is attributed to the individual. From the standpoint of narrative studies, however, it is a construction which includes a story-line. In order to understand the characteristic nature of the self or of others who are the dramatis personae in our narrative landscapes, the method we usually employ is to organise the acts, events, impressions, information and put them into the form of a narrative. When we say, “it is rude of him, not only to go back home alone, but also to make an excuse, ” the subject is identified as such not because rudeness is his nature, but rather because his nature is, in fact, produced by that narrative description. Therefore, it can be said that characterization constitutes combining various kinds of elements and creating one's or other's nature by shaping a narrative.Characterization contains a connection not only to oneself but also refers to human relationships. In sharing a description about someone's character, we can have a conversation or interaction through talking about the topic. That is, the character, which has been constructed in the form of a narrative sequence, can construct another sequence of human interaction.In conclusion, characterization is the production of the self and others as having certain original qualities which we attribute to us or them in our narrative landscapes. This procedure of understanding and controlling people should become an object of study itself for the sociology of education, since education is one of the fields where characterization is legitimised. Examining the phenomenon could be of benefit to the critical study of education.
金子 元久
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.47, pp.21-36, 1990-10-05 (Released:2011-03-18)