矢野 眞和 濱中 淳子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.85-104, 2006-12-10 (Released:2011-08-04)
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Since 1976, the application rate of high school students for university has remained level at around fifty percent, and this seems to have contributed to the excess supply of higher education caused by the demographic decline. However, previous research has not clarified the reason why students do not go on to university despite the ease if access.This paper examines the extent to which economic factors underlie the stabilization of the application rate at 50%, through an analysis of the determinants of entrance rates for senmon gakko (technical schools) and employment rates after high school graduation from 1970 to 2004.The results of the analysis of the obvious demand factors indicate that household income has a strong positive impact, the price of private university tuition has a negative impact, and the unemployment rate has a positive impact on the application rate. Statistically, these results are weak, as they have a low value on the D. W. criteria, so the author uses the chow test approach to this problem solving. The test shows that there are structural changes in the trend of the determinants factor of the application rate during three decades, meaning that it would be better to divide it into three period times, 1970-1975, 1976-1996 and 1997-2004. In the first period, household income increases demand withoutan influence from price, and in the second period there was a positive effect of income, negative effect of price, and positive effect of the unemployment rate. In the third period, only unemployment had an impact, and there was no effect of income and price.It is possible to understand the leveling off of demand for higher education by considering household budget conditions, the rapid price increases since 1975, and in particular the high unemployment rate since 1997. However, the demand for higher education is actually higher than the application rate, since there are students who find employment or go to technical schools as a substitute for going to university. In order to consider this latent demand for higher education, an analysis of the determinants of the employment rate and entrance rate for technical schools is introduced.This analysis shows that there are individuals who find employment instead of going to university for the reason of the high price, and who go to technical schools for the reason of the high prices and low acceptance rate for entrance examinations. This result indicates that, considering this latent demand, the demand for higher education is larger than that indicated by the application rate. One policy implication of this study is that the application rate will increase in the near future as the economic recovery makes the latent demand obvious. Second, since there is still inequality of educational opportunities, low tuition and student aid should be introduced to equalize enrollment difference based on family income.
斉藤 知範
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.71, pp.131-150, 2002-10-31 (Released:2011-03-18)
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This paper examines empirically the hypotheses derived from the differential reinforcement and social control theories of delinquency, and provides new understanding for understanding issues of delinquency in contemporary Japan. Over the last three decades, relatively few empirical studies have been conducted on the relationship between juveniles' association with delinquent peers and various types of deviant behavior in Japanese society. In particular, there have been very few case-controlled studies testing the analytic validity of differential reinforcement and social control theories for official delinquency. The author hypothesizes that official delinquency, which tends to be chronic and only occurs in the presence of strong motives and impulses, is mainly caused by the mechanism of positive reinforcement (seeking rewards) and negative reinforcement (escaping punishment) through association with delinquent peers. In addition, the author hypothesizes that school-related stress is negatively related to both self-reported and official delinquency.The following conclusions are reached.(1) The findings are very consistent with the author's hypothesis that delinquency is learned or reinforced through association with delinquent peers. Moreover, the effect of delinquent peer association holds significance, independent of other factors.(2) As was found in previous studies, attachment to teachers is in general negatively related to self-reported delinquency scales. None of the attachment scales are significantly related to official measures of delinquency.(3) Commitment has a significant negative effect only on official traffic offenses.(4) School-related stress has a negative effect on certain forms of official delinquency, which clearly weakens the argument that school-related stress promotes delinquency. It seems very important to understand the mechanism of differential reinforcement to know why some children have positive motives and impulses toward delinquent behavior.Finally, the implications for future research are discussed.
澤田 稔
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.98, pp.29-50, 2016-05-31 (Released:2017-06-01)

宮崎 あゆみ
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.48, pp.105-123, 1991-06-05 (Released:2011-03-18)
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竹内 洋
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.31, pp.119-129,en217, 1976-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

The notion of “Risshin-Shusse” and its functions can be briefly summarized as follows:(1) To rise in the world (“Risshin-Shusse”) or not was considered identical with winning or being defeated in life. This compulsive notion was to force “Shusse”-minded people to reject the usual institutional means and those who failed into despair.(2) There was, however, another kind of “Risshin-Shusse” notion, which contributed greatly to preventing people from such deviation and from despair. It was, what could be called, a double-image notion of “Risshin-Shusse”. One image was that the more secular value a man had, the more moral value he had. The other image, which was quite to the contrary in the content, was that the more secular value a man had, the less moral value he had.(3) The third notion of “Risshin-Shusse” was that of small upward mobility in non-elite, that was also regarded as “Shusse”. While the opportunities to try to rise radically in the world became less, this notion kept the fervor of “Risshin-Shusse”.(4) The fourth notion of “Risshin-Shusse” was one that was considered “Komyo”(acquiring fame). This notion had relevance not only to status-orientation, but also to achievement-orientation. This particular notion is thought to have worked as innovation energy toward the Japanese modernization.
加藤 隆雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.61, pp.5-24, 1997-10-15 (Released:2011-03-18)

Why does traditional femininity persist even though women seemingly have become free from traditional constraints? The types of answers to this question are that women adopt traditional femininity by (1) compulsory selection;(2) rational selection;(3) subjective selection;(4) unconscious selection. Each of these is insufficient. This paper suggests some integrated vision for this problem by focusing on the female culture (of younger women), especially its property as capital. Data from the survey reveals the ingredients of the female culture:(a) consummatory factor, (b) domestic factor, and (c) girls' culture factor. Each of them is related to traditional femininity through the DELAY-FUNCTION and the TRANFORMATIVE-FUNCTION (of meaning). The subjectively experienced meaning of the female culture are delay-transformed for reasons of the resemblance of the appearance to the factors of traditional femininity. This function can be precisely formulated as the function of HABITUS (Pierre Bourdieu's term). But Bourdieu did not explain habitus in the context of femininity and women's deprivation. So an extended concept for femininity is required. Habitus is the incarnated form of the capital (Bourdieu especially insisted capital culturel, i. e. CULTURAL CAPITAL). And this capital functions only in the FIELD (“Champ”) that is correlated and reflexively defined with capital. I named such FIELD as related women's properties as “PATRIARCHAL FIELD”, and its correlated capital as “PATRIARCHAL CAPITAL”. The patriarchal capital, as with other forms of capital such as cultural capital, economic capital and social capital, produces profits only within its field, and converts former forms into another. This process corresponds to the transformative function.Female culture and gender formation of women can be interpreted by Bourdieu's model. And this model will be able to explicate the hidden process of “the reproduction of gender” by the analysis of the conversion of and between such capital as discussed above.
vol.82, 2008-06-15

The entry rate into the elite of university graduates who graduated with honor was higher than that of other graduates in Japan in the pre World War II period. What kinds of effects can explain this phenomenon? Three possibilities can be considered to explain it: first, honor graduates may be more successful in any job, so that there would naturally be a correlation between the university adaptability indicated by high grades and vocational success; second, they might have found it easy to gain sponsorship from established elite groups because of their honor grades, even if there were no necessary correlation between college grades and vocational success through severe competition; third, they may have found it easier to enter vocational sectors which were more accessible to the elite. The aim of this paper is to clarify how these three possibilities worked to create elites in the pre-war period, sampling mainly Summa Cum Laude graduates from Tokyo Imperial University. The main findings are as follows: (1) it is clear that Summa Cum Laude graduates entered jobs which were more accessible to the elite, such as Imperial University professorships or prestigious government positions; (2) they were more successful in whatever job they entered; (3) however, it is obvious that the Summa Cum Laude graduates received some special treatment in becoming Imperial University professors and were sometimes given advantageous positions and experiences as government officers, despite the fact that the competition for high elite positions in private companies was based on merit.
金子 元久
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.35, pp.123-133,en234, 1980-09-20 (Released:2011-03-18)

Since its establishment. as a discipline the economics of education has been progressing eminently to date. This paper aims at clarifying the nature of theoretical development of the discipline. It is argued that:(i) it was the human capital theory that provided a core for the economics of education to be established as a dispcipline, and it provided a basis fort both the analyses of the relation of education with income distribution and with economic growth;(ii) but the major issue was the education-social equity side in the 70's, where the theory was challenged seriously by others, while the theory itself developed towards the direction to be a general theory of individual choice of action and its consequences; and (iii) on the other hand, in the education-growth side the human capital theory was unrivalled for some years with its internal-rate-of-return concept, but the inadequacy of it is now becoming apparent. The conclusion is that besides its wealthy stock of theories and statistical results, the Economics of Education provides a resourciful insight to the Sociology of Education with its dialectical development as a discipline with twenty years history.
伊勢本 大
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.102, pp.259-279, 2018-05-31 (Released:2020-03-13)

本稿の目的は,研究協力者である教師たちの〈語り〉から「教師である」という物語がいかに構成されるのかを明らかにすることである。 日本社会において,批判対象として教職を捉えようとする論理が根強く存在する一方,教師の働き方を見直し,彼/女たちを救済しようとする動きも広まっている。これらのことからも示されるように,教師に対する世間のまなざしは錯綜している。そうした今日的状況において必要となるのが「教師であるとはどういうことなのか」という根源的な問いに,教師たちの〈語り〉から回答を示す試みである。 本稿を通して描かれるのは「教師である」ということが,教師個人が「献身的教師」をめぐる物語と対話し,その物語といかに折り合いをつけながら自らの職業アイデンティティを語ることができるのか,というフレキシブルな解釈・交渉実践だという側面である。それはつまり,教師たちが「教師である」ことを表現する個別の物語は,それぞれの形で紡がれる,開かれた可能性を有していることを意味する。 近年,教師の長時間労働の問題改善に向けて学校現場の働き方を見直すという方向で議論が進められている。しかし,教師の生きやすい現実を形作る上では,まず彼/女たちを一人の人間として理解することが何よりも重要となる。本稿の議論は,これまで教育社会学において十分に関心が寄せられてこなかった,教師の個別性を保障するための枠組みの意義を示唆している。
森田 洋司
vol.50, pp.392-395, 1992
加藤 隆雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.5-24, 2014-05-31 (Released:2015-06-03)

知念 渉
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.91, pp.73-94, 2012

本稿では,貧困・生活不安定層出身である〈ヤンチャな子ら〉の学校経験を描くことによって,①生徒のストラテジーの実証研究がない,②教師のストラテジーが生徒の学校生活に与える影響が明らかにされていない,というストラテジー研究の課題について検討した。<BR> 分析結果は次の三点である。第一に,〈ヤンチャな子ら〉は,家庭の文化に依拠して学校文化を異化しつつも,親たちの人生に自らの人生を重ね合わせず,高卒資格の意義を認めていた。学校文化への異化と同化の間で構造的ジレンマを抱えていたのである。第二に,そのジレンマに対処するため,彼らは「時間と空間のコントロール」,「非対称な関係性の組み替え」,「学校の意味世界の変換」というコーピング・ストラテジーを編み出していた。それに対して,教師たちは「時間と空間の再コントロール」,「組み替えられた関係性の資源化」,「生徒の意味世界の取り込み」というペタゴジカル・ストラテジーによって,彼らを教育活動に巻き込んでいた。第三に,教師たちのストラテジーにより,〈ヤンチャな子ら〉は教師を肯定的に評価しており,その評価は登校継続に積極的な影響を与えていた。だが,学校から一度離れたケースでは,教師への肯定的評価が登校継続に逆効果をもっていた。<BR> 以上より,生徒が構造的ジレンマのなかで様々なストラテジーを用いて学校生活を過ごしていること,教師のストラテジーの効果は生徒の解釈や状況に依存することが明らかとなった。
今田 絵里香
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.70, pp.185-202, 2002-05-15 (Released:2011-03-18)

This paper aims to clarify the image of the girl among the new urban middle class, which had a great influence in society, using analysis of the image of girls that appeared in mass-consumption culture, and especially which arose in the girl's magazine culture. In our analysis of columns in a girl's magazine, we assumed that the interaction between the editors of the magazine and its readers constructed the image of the girl in the magazine. Specifically, the readers' column of the magazineShojo-no-Tomofrom 1931 to 1945 was analyzed.The results are as follows. In the 1930s, a “girls network” among the readers was organized inShojo-no-Tomo.Through this network, readers corresponded with each other in the columns and met at regular readers' parties. The readers were united under the concept of girlishness, especially pureness, and for a concrete thirst for culture and arts. This girlishness, with its “purity, ” was constructed in opposition to the “dirty” “adults, ” and took precedence over adults. However, from the endof the 1930s, in the midst of the war, editors and the surrounding adults started to condemn “girlishness, ” and in response, the girls themselves changed their image to one of “Japanese girls” who served the country with patriotism. However, the image remained one constructed against “adults.”Therefore, there was continuitybetween the “girl” of the 1930s and the “Japanese girl” of that era.The process of change during the War indicates two facts. First, “girls” came tobe admired for their ability to work, and secondly, the idea of “girlishness” had become defective.
岩井 八郎
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.82, pp.61-87, 2008-06-15 (Released:2017-06-01)

In Japan, the period from the early 1990s to the early 2000s is known as the lost decade. It is said that the economic recession, aging of society, declining birth rate, downsizing of enterprises and new gender role attitudes changed the patterns of oneʼs life. During that period, women born in the early 1970s, who belong to the second generation of the postwar Baby Boomers, completed their education and entered into the labor market. Using work history data from SSM surveys, this paper clarifies how Japanese womenʼs life course has changed from the cohort born in 1970-74. Although the M-shaped pattern of womenʼs labor force participation still characterizes womenʼs life course, the work life patterns of women in their twenties and early thirties has changed from the 1970-74 birth cohort. Fulltime employment is declining and the number of part-time and other irregular employees is growing. Mobility between workplaces has become increasingly frequent. Few women follow the pattern of transition from clerical workers to homemakers. The link between university education and work careers for women has strengthened. Using a graphic presentation, this paper demonstrates the differentiation of womenʼs life courses in Japan.
吉本 圭一
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.48, pp.42-64, 1991-06-05 (Released:2011-03-18)
秋葉 昌樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.92, pp.83-104, 2013

本稿の目的は,「フォーラムシアター」と呼ばれる応用演劇の手法によって,養護教諭が日常的に抱える問題意識やその仕事の流儀と向き合う作業を支援する方法について考察し,「教育臨床の社会学」の新たな展開可能性を探ることにある。<br> 「フォーラムシアター」は,観客ないし演じ手が日頃直面しがちな問題をとりあげ劇として上演し,観客を巻き込んだ 討論と劇の再演を繰り返しながら問題状況における変化,変容可能性を探っていく手法である。それはいわば演劇を用いた社会教育的実践とも言いうるものだが,その応用的性格からか,理論的定式化は必ずしも十分に進められてこなかった。<br> 本稿では,この手法がもたらす当事者支援の可能性を視野に,筆者が養護教諭らのグループとともに運営してきたフォーラムシアターを事例として分析した。 その結果見えてきたことは,フォーラムシアターという手法によって,参加者である養護教諭が,日頃の葛藤や問題意識を共有しつつ再認識し,またそれらを乗り越えるべく主体的に探究を開始し,今後の変容可能性を見いだしているということである。そして本稿では,参加者によって主体的に見いだされる変容可能性が,フォーラムシアターが備える遊戯性および"未完"性という構造的特質によってもたらされることを明らかにした。