濱中(万見) 淳子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.71, pp.47-65, 2002-10-31

The expansion of graduate education has been one of the major policy priorities in the area of higher education in recent years. Meanwhile, enrollments in graduate courses, especially in MSS (master programs in social sciences) have been rising rapidly. This paper attempts to analyze the mechanism of the expansion of MSS programs. For this purpose, the following two questions are posed. (1) Has the actual expansion conformed to the governmental framework? (2) If not, how can the mechanism behind the expansion of MSS enrollments be explained? On the first question, the following findings are made. At the end of the 1980s, there was a significant shift in government policy, encouraging the expansion of MSS programs. At the time, the government had two preconceptions about MSS. One was that students with a high motivation for study would apply for admission, and another that the social demand for students who had completed MSS programs was increasing. The government assumed that a significant amount of talent would be developed through MSS courses if the enrolment capacity expanded. However, the actual expansion fell below these expectations. On the second question, a methodological strategy was used of analyzing the interaction between students (demand side) and each individual university (supply side) as suggested by Craig and Archer. From this analysis, coupled with the findings for the first question, the following expansion mechanism was obtained : Following the shift in government policy at the end of the 1980s, national and private universities that already had MSS courses began to expand their admission capacities around 1990. This brought an expansion in demand among students for admission to MSS courses. However, in contrast to the expectation of the government, the social demand for students who had completed MSS programs did not increase much, and many of the students who entered MSS courses actually did not have a high motivation to study. There was also an expansion in the latter part of 1990s, because many private universities that had not focused much on MSS courses until the middle of the 1980s built up admission capacity based on the expected demand among students. Thus, an autonomous expansion among private universities occurred. These findings imply and suggest the following : (1) The actual expansion in MSS enrolments did not conform to the policy aim because the government did not judge student motivations correctly and did not take into consideration what private universities might do. In order to ensure the policy aims of such an expansion, some devices would be required to restrict the type of new students. (2) It was found that it was the steps taken by individual universities that had the greatest effect on how actual expansions occurred. The conclusion is that when analyzing expansions of enrolment, it is imperative to include measures that take into account actions by individual universities that increase supply.
磯 直樹
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.110, pp.91-113, 2022-07-30 (Released:2024-04-01)

ブルデューの文化資本は,支配と不平等に文化がどのように関わるかを分析するための概念である。本稿では,この概念に焦点を当てつつ,ブルデューが「階級」を支配と不平等にどのように関わらせて概念化したのかを考察する。さらに,他の社会学者によって,ブルデュー派階級分析と呼びうる理論と方法がどのように展開されてきたかを論じる。 ブルデューの階級分析で軸になる概念は「社会空間」である。これは階級構造に意味が近いが,ブルデューによれば「社会階級」なるものは実在しない。「実在するのは社会空間であり,差異の空間であって,そこでは諸階級が潜在的状態で,点線で,つまりひとつの所与としてではなく,これから作るべき何かとして実在する」という。階級分析を行いつつも「社会階級」の実在を否定するという,この一見分かりにくい論理構造によってブルデューの「階級」分析は構成されている。社会空間における行為者の客観的位置は,資本の種類と多寡によって決まる。複数の行為者の位置が同じでも,各々のハビトゥスの違いによって思考や行為は異なってくる。ハビトゥスは複数の性向の体系として,新たに実践を産み出していく。 ブルデュー派階級分析は,ブルデュー以外の社会学者と統計学者によって展開されてきた。フランスの幾何学的データ分析の発展がブルデュー社会学と合流し,フランスだけでなく,ノルウェーやイギリスにおいてブルデュー派計量分析と呼べるものが21世紀に入ってから体系化されていった。ブルデュー派階級分析は質的方法も採り入れ,支配と不平等の社会学として発展を続けている。
羽田 貴史
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.104, pp.7-28, 2019-06-30 (Released:2021-04-01)

日本の高等教育研究は,日本高等教育学会及び大学教育学会創設後20年を経て,制度化が確定にしたかに見えるが,その学問的基盤は,他の学問分野と比べて劣弱である。特に,研究者の訓練を行う大学院が4つしかないこと,育成された高等教育研究者の就職市場が,高等教育政策・行政に関する政府関係組織や,大学教育センターなど大学の実務的組織であることは,基礎・開発・応用のバランスをもった高等教育研究の深化・発展を制約し,利益相反関係など複雑な問題を高等教育研究に投げかけている。 高等教育研究の分化は,個人の発達過程において大学生をとらえる視点を弱め,社会を構成するサブシステムである高等教育システムを,初等中等教育や職業・資格との関係で捉えることを困難にする。 さらに,学会成立の以前から,高等教育研究には,〈好奇心駆動型〉の基礎研究志向より,大学改革の役に立つ〈使命達成型〉研究志向が強かった。 教育学は,国民教育制度のための性格が強いが,高等教育研究で前提とされる改革とは,政府の策定する政策に基づく改革を意味しがちである。 その結果,大学や大学人が主体的・自主的に構想し推進する改革を視野に入れず,政府の政策を大学執行部が具体化することを「改革」と呼ぶ風潮が生まれてきた。そして,大学教員ではなく,大学執行部による教育マネジメントを根拠づけるために,データによる客観的な研究発表ではなく,結論に合わせた都合の良い研究すら見られる。
矢野 眞和
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.45, pp.20-34, 1989-10-01 (Released:2011-03-18)

2 0 0 0 OA 予備校

関口 義
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.10, pp.70-81, 1956-10-20 (Released:2011-03-18)
vol.75, 2004-11-15

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the mechanisms for the reproduction and sustenance of the myth of "male physical superiority" through sport practice, using data from field research in a judo club at a junior high school. The myth of "male physical superiority" refers to the social belief that "males are superior to females in physical capabilities." The judo club is one of the best sport clubs of the school, and its training is the hardest. Unlike other sport clubs, boys and girls always practice together following the same practice schedule. However, during practice, it is found that they are always gender-segregated, and boy-dominated. That is to say, the gender equality of the practice schedule and gender segregation of the physical relationship are the gender systems of the judo club. In the budo-jo (judo-training room), a fixed "borderline" can be observed between boys and girls. The practiced area for the girls is only a third of the size of that for boys. Girls occasionally try to pass across the "borderline," but the subversion is only transitory, and the boys' domination of the budo-jo never wavers. Next, the paper analyzes boy-and-girl pairings for randori (technical training in pairs). When choosing a randori partner, weaker players must ask the stronger players. The boy-and-girl pairings seem like a subversion of gender segregation, but in reality a regularity can be seen in the pairing that does not subvert the male-dominated gender relations. For example, whereas a girl will ask a boy from the same year, boys will only ask girls who are their seniors. Not only judo, but almost all sports have systems that segregate males and females, and prevents them from competing with one another. Gender systems in sport are utilized to sustain the myth of "male physical superiority." The myth is reproduced by various sport practice, such as the ones observed in a judo club, which are produced from a gender-segregated sport system.
深谷 昌志
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.38, pp.59-75,en262, 1983-10-20 (Released:2011-03-18)

In this paper, I would like to clear the relationship between educational aspiration and school culture.The percent of the students who feel to be a slow leaner increares as follows: 4 th grade=11%, 5 th=12%, 6 th=15%, 7 th=14%, 8th=26%, 9 th=25%. So in the junior high school, the students who cannot understand what he is taught reaches to 28% in English, and 32% in Math.But thay believe the results of the achievement test depend on how they studied hard in school and after school. In this situation, the Juku school become the second school, and the half of the students attend the Juku school.
田中 理絵
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.63, pp.199-217, 1998-10-20 (Released:2011-03-18)

This paper attempts to analyze and explain the stigmatization of children that in a children's home. In particular, I focus on the feelings that stigmatized children have about themselves and about their relationships with children who do not live in the institution. To understand these feelings, I examined children's discussions of their lives, and in particular, the use and significance of certain vocabulary they used to describe their lives.The following are results of my research.(1) Stigmatized children view their stigma as retribution from their parent (s).(2) In society, people are categorized, and the members of each category consider their own attributes as ordinary and normal.(3) Stress management and information management are important in helping stigmatized children avoid unreasonable treatment.(4) Stigmatized children think that their perspective is the same as other children and do not differentiate themselves from others. However, they and people around them define them as being different, which causes these children to strive for “normalcy”. Thus, this line of thought produces the irony that the more “normal” they hope to be, the more they stigmatize themselves in their minds.These children do not identify themselves as living at an orphanage, and instead attempt to manage information about themselves when talking with others. It is most significant that although children view achieving “normalcy” as a kind of panacea for solving their problems, this “normalcy”, in fact, can never serve as the means of solution.
小林 雅之
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.36, pp.51-62,en214, 1981-09-12 (Released:2011-03-18)

In 1970s a lot of critical works on the Human rCapital Theory which has been a theoretical framework of the economics of education have been raised in the U.S.A. Among them, the Segmented Labor Market Theory, especially the Internal Labor Market Theory and the Screening Device Hypothesis seem to be very suggestive from a view point of the sociology of education. This paper aims at reviewing these new views and acquiring implications about school education systems.The Internal Labor Market Theory insists as follows: There are barriers to entry in the internal labor markets. Employment of workers is restricted to entry jobs and they are promoted internally. They acquire their vocational skills not by school education but by On the Job Training (OJT). By acquiring these skills they are promoted to the higher rank jobs. If these skills are enterprise-specific, employers must bear the training costs. To minimize the hiring and training costs, employers prefer to promote workers internally rather than hire them from outside the enterprises. The more skills are enterprise-specific, the more the labor markets are internalized.The Screening Device Hypothesis insists as follows: Education does not contribute to raising productivity, but serves as a means to sorting people for jobs. Employers do not have enough information about work performances of workers. So they use education as an indirect proxy measure of workers' abilities.In the internal markets, the more skills are enterprise-specific and training needs long time, the more employers use education as a Screening Device and become indifferent to vocational skills acquired by school education and skills are acquired by OJT. Thus in the internal labor market school education is used as a Screening Device and the transmission function of vocational skills by school systems is weakened. Moreover, some economists declare that school education develops personalities which are correspondent to hierarchical work relations in enterprises.Japanese labor markets characterized by a life-time employment system seems to be well explained by the Internal Labor Market Theory. In the internal labor markets the utilities of vocational knowledge and skills acquired by school education are denied. Some empirical research evidences support this conclusion.
天野 郁夫
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.38, pp.44-49, 1983-10-20 (Released:2011-03-18)
森 重雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.38, pp.185-197,en269, 1983-10-20 (Released:2011-03-18)

We distinguish “sociology of educationinMax Weber” from “Weberiansociology of education”. The latter means the viewpoint of M.S. Archer, R. King, M.F.D. Young and R.Collins. So does the former ours.It is never mere our conviction, that numerous works of Weber do not only provide terms which is useful to sociological analysis (i.e. methodological contribution), but also constituteaworld of unity. This world indicates unique characters of the modern western world. And theeducational systemwas born onlyin this modern western world.So, we would like to use works of Webersubstantially (which means acute contrast toWeberiansociology of education). In short, in this discourse, we examine the historical and cultural origin of educational system alongside to the unique characters of western world which are the central interest of Max Weber. Our work means no less than “sociology of education in Max Weber”.
湯川 やよい 坂無 淳 村澤 昌崇
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.104, pp.81-104, 2019-06-30 (Released:2021-04-01)

大学教授職研究は,タブー視されがちな大学教員世界に切り込む挑戦的領域であり,既存研究の貢献は大きい。しかしその成熟ゆえに,近年の大学内外の変化を踏まえた「専門職の社会学」研究としての意義づけの再確認と,方法論的展開の促進が不可欠である。 この問題意識のもと,本稿では,⑴ミクロレベルでの相互作用の研究,⑵男女共同参画をめぐる政策研究,の二つのレビューを行った。その結果,⑴については,大学教授職研究での相互作用研究における「批判的な社会学」の視点と質的アプローチの不足を指摘しつつ,大学教員を複数の社会学的変数から成る多様性ある集団として捉えなおすことを提案した。⑵のマクロレベルについては,男女共同参画に関する大学教授職研究からの批判的検討と知見の提供の不足を指摘し,それを乗り越える分析の可能性を論じた。 最後に,こうした専門研究コミュニティ外部の問題意識との接続を通じ,建設的批判や対話を積み重ねることで,大学教授職研究の裾野を広げることの必要性を提言した。
伊佐 夏実
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.86, pp.179-199, 2010-06-30 (Released:2017-04-21)
2 1

本研究の目的は,異なる社会経済的背景をもつ2つの公立中学校を対象にした分析から,「現場の教授学」を形作る要因としての階層文化の影響に焦点をあて,それらと「学校のコンサマトリー化」の関係性について検討することである。 対象となった北中と南中ではそれぞれ,生徒や保護者が異なる特徴をもつものとして理解され,こうした教師の解釈によって「現場の教授学」は構築されている。教師と生徒は互いにあまり立ち入らず一定の距離を保ちながら,教師による生徒への強制や命令的コントロールは極力避けられるべきものとして捉えられている北中に対して,南中では,教師が主導権を握り,生徒に対して体当たりで勝負することが求められる。ここから,北中では,「コンサマトリー化」と呼ばれる現象が進行しつつあるようにも見えるが,南中では,そうした図式は当てはまらないことがわかる。 このような両校の違いについては,次のように理解することができる。まず,市場化や現代的な人間関係上の規範といったポストモダンな変容を学校にもたらしている社会的要因は,特に中産階級層において浸透してきており,そうした価値が学校に持ち込まれる際に生じる階層差によって,「学校のコンサマトリー化」の進行には違いが生じるということ。さらには,生徒の文化に歩み寄る形で構築される「現場の教授学」の性質が,「コンサマトリー化」を促進する働きをもっているということである。
吉田 美穂
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.81, pp.89-109, 2007-11-30 (Released:2015-07-14)
8 3

This paper examines the control system of secondary schools and teachersʼ survival strategies in the 2000s, a time known as an era of accountability, through an ethnography of a low-ranked high school in the metropolitan area.Student guidance and maintaining school order are important tasks for Japanese teachers. The culture of administration in secondary education has changed over time. In the late 1990s, a “counseling mentality” and “internal understanding” were emphasized in student guidance rather than administering the exterior aspect of students, under the system of “kanri kyoiku”, until the 1980s. Earlier papers indicate that there was a process of “consummatorization of schooling.” How, then, is order maintained in schools in the 2000s? The main data for this paper were gathered from April 2005 to August 2006.Participatory observation and interviews were carried out to describe the control system under which teachers avoided conflict with students. For example, teachers kept discipline indirectly by recording absence times in five-minute units. The maximum period of absence for receiving credits for the class was made known to students who were considered problematic and who tended to miss class. Some inappropriate behaviors, such as failing to wear the school uniform and eating in class, were also dealt with as absent time. In this way, teachers were able to keep their classes in order and avoid conflicts with students. Teachers often behaved gently and kindly, supporting the students under the assumption of this count system. In this paper, this behavior by teachers is called “Osewa mode,” with osewa meaning “caring” in Japanese. The teachers used this strategy to conceal their authority to set rules and to keep order in a way that avoided conflicts with students. They soothed students with gentle behavior and familiar words. They often directed studentsʼ attention to the absent time count and advised them to attend classes with a proper attitude. This strategy was transmitted to other teachers through group interactions. The school kept order through a “Control system to avoid conflict with students” and the “Osewa Mode,” which is an individual strategy based on that system. On the other hand, this system and strategy fits well into an era of accountability. Teachers often gave notification to parents of the numerical value of the absent time count. This made it easy for teachers to justify their treatment of students to their parents.Teachersʼ culture differs by regions. Therefore, there are some limits to the usefulness of the descriptions in this paper, as they would differ in different teachersʼ cultures in rural areas. However, the metropolitan area tends to lead in the areas of accountability, loss of teachersʼ authority and “consumerization ofschooling.” Thus, the “Osewa Mode” and “Control system to avoid conflict with students” in this ethnography in the metropolitan area may show important characteristics of teachersʼ culture in the 2000s.
中西 啓喜
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.88, pp.141-162, 2011-06-10 (Released:2014-06-03)

本論文の目的は,1970年代から継続的に行われている高校調査のデータを分析することにより,少子化や教育改革が,高校,とりわけ1990年代,2000年代に蓄積の少なかった上位高校に,どのような影響を与えたのかを実証的に明らかにすることである。得られた知見は以下の3点である。 第一に,日本の高校は,少子化社会の中で,1校あたりの生徒数を減らすことで,学校数を維持してきた。しかし,上位の高校では入学定員を維持し続けたため,入学者の中学時の学力の分散が広がり,多様な学力層の生徒が上位高校へ入学することとなった。 第二に,多様な生徒が入学してきているにもかかわらず,生徒の学習時間は増加している。それというのも,教師が多様化した生徒を個別主義的かつ面倒見主義的に学習指導をしているからである。 第三に,教師が生徒の学習を,個別的に面倒をみることにより,生徒の「自ら学び自ら考える力」が身に付かないことが明らかになった。 以上の3つの知見が提起する問題は次のようである。まず,上位校生徒の多様化により,高校階層構造が変容し,新たな局面を迎えている。そのため,上位高校は,エリート養成学校としての地位が危うくなるかもしれない。 90年代の教育改革は「自ら学び自ら考える力」を強調し,かつては,それが教師を指導から撤退させた。そして,その結果,現在では教師が個別的で面倒見主義的な学習指導をすることにより,高校生の「自己学習能力」が身に付きにくいという意図せざる結果をもたらしたのである。
伊佐 夏実
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.125-144, 2009-05-31 (Released:2018-05-01)

This paper examines and presents the characteristics of the “emotional labor” of teachers by analyzing interviews with ten elementary teachers. Moreover, it discusses the notion that the emotional labor of teachers is a teacher strategy. The concept of emotional labor, introduced by Hochschild (1983), contends that the emotion of workers becomes commoditized when these acts are sold for a salary and thereby estranged from the individual. Although Hochschild emphasizes the negative aspects of emotional labor, I contend here that the emotional labor of teachers may have strategic aspects even if it is compulsory.The differences between Hochschildʼs argument and that put forward by this author arise from two points. The first depends on the autonomy of work. The second depends on the aspect of emotional labor as a means by which teachers carry out their core classroom purposes. In this paper, I present a concrete analysis of the latter point.In Hochschildʼs argument, the commercialization of feelings and their instrumentality are dealt with as identical things, but the two aspects should be distinguished. I insist that the emotional labor of teachers has an instrumental aspect rather than one of commercialization. That is to say, for emotional labor in teaching it is important to consider how teachers manage pupilsʼ emotions. Japanese teachers hope that pupils will grow up not only academically but also emotionally. In addition, a teacherʼs instruction is based on working on pupilsʼ feelings. Thus teachers need to manage both pupilʼs feelings and their own in order to build relationships in which the parties are linked together by emotional bonds in order to enable teachers to control classrooms.Because of this, teachers are required to carry out emotion management of their work, and in this sense they constrain their emotional labor. However they carry out emotional labor strategically by changing the meaning of heteronomous emotion rules into valuable instruments for their pedagogical purposes. This strategic aspect of the emotional labor of teachers is a skill acquired in the process of socialization as teachers. Thus negative aspects do not reside in the characteristics of the emotional labor of teachers, but are caused by aspects (compulsory/strategic) which are emphasized when a teacher carries out emotional labor.However, as Hochschild shows, emotional labor becomes negative and draining when poor working conditions make it impossible for teachers to perform their work well. Accordingly, it is necessary to conduct further studies concerning the emotional labor of teachers in relation to the circumstances surrounding the teacher.