工藤 美奈子 小泉 昌子 山本 遼 倉田 幸治 千代田 路子 有泉 雅弘 峯木 眞知子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.72, no.10, pp.664-672, 2021

<p> キャベツは, カット野菜の需要に伴い、食品企業において食品ロス対策の重要な野菜であり、家庭でも食品ロスとして問題になる. 食品ロス対策としてキャベツの有益な利用方法を見出すことを目的として, キャベツの芯部の活用方法について検討した.</p><p> キャベツの芯部の特性を把握するために, キャベツを葉部, 芯部, 芯上部, 維管束部, 中心部, 芯周辺葉部に分けて重量を測定した. また, これらの部位の一般成分, 遊離アミノ酸, 糖分, においの成分を測定した。芯の維管束部には好まれないにおいがあったため, 10種の調味料および香辛料を添加した液を用いて, キャベツの芯のにおい抑制効果を検討した。その結果より, 味の好みについて高い値を示した3種の調味料および香辛料を添加した液を用いてギョウザ試料を調製した。ギョウザのたね試料のテクスチャーと水分含有率を測定後, ギョウザ試料の官能評価を実施した.</p><p> 重量測定より, 芯部の重量は採取時期による差がみられないことが明らかとなった. 成分分析より, 芯部は葉部と比較して, 糖含量全体で1.5倍, スクロースを9.3倍含有し, 糖含量が多いため甘いことが示唆された. ギョウザたねに活用するには, 白ワインやローリエ, 味噌の使用が味の好みの向上に効果的であった.</p><p> 本研究より, キャベツの芯部は特性を考慮すると有益に活用できる部位であり, ギョウザへの活用を示唆し, 食品ロス削減に寄与できる未利用資源であることが判明した.</p>
vol.56, no.6, 2005-06-15

To clarify the characteristics of breast vibration and brassiere dislocation during running, movements of five spots on the breast surface, that of the same five spots on transparent brassieres after removing brassiere caps to visualize the breast surface, and the clothing pressures of the corresponding five spots were simultaneously monitored using an image analyzing system. The subjects for our experiment were young women with had hemispheric breasts. Obtained data of those movements and pressure were analyzed using the discrete Fourier transform. The breasts in a brassiere were vibrated at the same frequency of running. The dislocation of the brassiere from the breast surface which was observed was associated with changes in the clothing pressure at the lower half of the brassiere. Vibration of the breasts of the subjects wearing spots brassieres was move obvious in the vertical direction, while vibration of the breasts of the breasts of the subjects wearing full-cup brassieres was more obvious in the horizontal direction.
小俣 謙二
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.49, no.1, pp.77-87, 1998-01-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

The aim of this study is to clarify residential and psychological factors related to the Japanese students who tend to confine themselves in their own rooms. The questionnaire was answered by 268 students, 134 males and 134 females. The findings are as follows. Their tendency to withdraw to their rooms was not particularly strong, but some residential and psychological factors were ascertained to explain their withdrawal tendency. Two residential factors (density, number of equipment in a room) and two psychological ones (degree of self-identity, exclusive attitude) were identified to be related to the withdrawal by both sexes. Some differences, however, were found between male and female students. Furthermore, the female seemed more sensitive to the factors studied here. The mechanism of withdrawal must be further studied, but, in the meantime, the findings strongly suggest the necessity of empirical study on what their rooms mean to adolescents.
河村 知恵 田村 咲江 肥後 慶三
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.44, no.11, pp.941-949, 1993-11-15 (Released:2010-03-10)
2 1

野菜の妙め調理における火力の相違が軟化に及ぼす影響をしらべ, さらに軟化の機構を解明することを目的として, ニンジン根部の師部柔組織の硬さと組織形態の変化を調べた.(1) 妙め処理後の重量減少率は火力が大で, 妙め時間が長いものほど大であった.破断応力の解析では, 妙め時間で比較すると火力Bで妙めた方が早く軟化した.しかしガス消費エネルギー当たりでは大差はなかった.破断エネルギーは, 妙め処理当初で生よりも大となったが, 妙め時間の経過とともに低下し, 火力Aよりも火力Bで妙めたもので早く低下した.貫入総エネルギー量は, 火力Bの方が早く低下した.(2) 140,160,180及び200℃のホットプレート上での片面連続加熱では, 温度が高いほど早く, また加熱時間が長いほど顕著に軟化した.ホットプレートの温度設定の相違と軟化の程度の関係は, 妙めものの場合の火力の相違と軟化の状態に類似した傾向を示した.(3) 顕微鏡による柔組織の観察結果では, 火力Aよりも火力Bで妙めた試料の方が組織の形態変化が顕著であった.火力Aでは6分間妙めた場合も, 表面部に水分の緩慢な蒸発による細胞の萎縮が生じるのみで, 内部は煮熟した場合のような様相を呈していた.火力Bで妙めたものでは, 高温加熱による急速な水分の移動のために, より短時間にニンジン片の深部にまで組織の萎縮が及んでいることがわかった.火力Bで3分間妙めたものでは, 急激な水分蒸発が生じるため, 表面部の細胞が偏平化して膜様構造を形成し, その内側に巨大な空隙が生じていた.200℃で片面連続加熱した試料においても時間の経過とともにこの現象が顕著に認められた.このことから, 火力の相違は妙めニンジンの軟化に要する時間に関係するばかりでなく, 表面構造に差異をもたらすことがわかった.
河越 麻佑 岡田 みゆき
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.66, no.5, pp.222-233, 2015 (Released:2015-05-14)

This study examined the self-affirmation of university students, and identified the factors which have a significant and influential connection on their self-affirmation. For the purpose of this research, we employed the following terminology: “school life,” “the paternal relationship,” “the maternal relationship,” “the parents marital relationship,” and “gender distinction.” The sample consisted of 539 students, 285 males and 254 females in a teacher-training university.   From exploratory factor analysis of the university students' self-affirmation, the results indicated seven factors which were named “nuisance,” “other people's evaluation,” “self-fulfillment,” “insistence,” “eagerness,” “personality,” and “anxiety.” “School life” had a significant influence on factors described as “nuisance,” “other people's evaluation,” “insistence,” “eagerness,” and “personality.” Furthermore, “the paternal relationship” had a significant influence on their self-affirmation. With regard to gender distinct results, in male students, “the parents' marital relationship” had a significant and positive influence on their self-affirmation. On the other hand, in female students, the negativity toward their parents had a significant and negative influence on their self-affirmation.
中谷 博美 後藤 景子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.64, no.10, pp.637-643, 2013 (Released:2014-10-23)

Detergency of textiles by low-water laundering was assessed with a drum-type washing machine called a Wascator. An artificially soiled cotton fabric (Sentaku Kagaku Kyoukai) and three mechanical action fabrics (WAT cloth, Poka-Dot®306 and MA test piece) were attached to cotton ( 920×920 mm2 ) and polyester ( 200×200 mm2 ) load ballasts and then washed in aqueous alkaline detergent solution with a different bath ratio. The washing procedures used were normal, gentle and hand wash in accordance with ISO 6330. At the extremely low bath ratio of 1:3, both detergency, D, and the mechanical action value, ΔL*, decreased for all washing procedures. The magnitude and the deviation of D and ΔL* were dependent on the load ballasts used, indicating that soil removal was prevented and that uneven washing was promoted for large clothes. The relation between D and ΔL* for all experimental data was plotted on almost the same line in the high ΔL* region. In the low ΔL* region, the relation was dependent on the bath ratio, i.e. detergent bulk concentration. For low-water laundering, it was suggested that the detergency performance decreased as a result of the reductions of the mechanical action and detergent bulk concentration.
柴田 優子 布施谷 節子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.65, no.6, pp.297-307, 2014 (Released:2015-01-01)

Our goal is to identify clothing designs and safer and easier movement patterns for self-dressing. Twenty-four young women were asked to put on and take off pants of 3 different styles (straight leg pants, wide leg pants, and slim leg pants) using the following four support postures: standing with no support, leaning against a wall, sitting on a chair such that the feet do not touch the floor, and sitting on a chair with the feet touching the floor. We examined differences in body sway movements.   Putting on and taking off pants while standing forced the subject to stand on one leg while inserting the other leg into the pants and removing it, which caused the subject to lean considerably in the opposite direction to the leg being lifted. This step was considered to be the cause of swaying among elderly women when they put on and take off pants. This sideways swaying can be significantly decreased by having the subject sit during dressing, regardless of the height of the chair. In addition, swaying movements were greater for dressing in the standing position for slim leg pants than they were for the other styles due to the greater forward inclination that was required.
桐渕 壽子
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.41, no.5, pp.401-406, 1990-05-05 (Released:2010-03-10)

人工的に完全室内栽培で生産されているヒラタケやエノキタケに含まれているエルゴステロールおよびビタミンD2の量, また紫外線照射によるビタミンD2の生成量などを干しシイタケや生シイタケと比較検討した.(1) ヒラタケとエノキタケにはシイタケと同様にエルゴステロールが含まれており, 前者での含有率は生シイタケとほぼ同程度であり, 干しシイタケよりむしろ多いが, 後者ではヒラタケの約1/2量であった.(2) ヒラタケやエノキタケにはビタミンD2がほとんど認められなかった.(3) 干しシイタケ, 生シイタケ, ヒラタケ, エノキタケに日光や紫外線を照射すると, ビタミンD2が生成されるが, 日光に曝すよりは紫外線照射のほうが生成効率がよい.(4) 紫外線3時間の照射によるビタミンD2の生成量はエノキタケが最も多く, ついでヒラタケ, 生シイタケ, 干しシイタケの順となり, それぞれ19あたり, 1,993,897,473,453IUであった.(5) これらのキノコは食べる前に日光に曝すことで, ビタミンD2を増加させることができ, 1日のビタミンDの所要量を容易に満たすことができると思われる.
岡部 和代 黒川 隆夫
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.56, no.6, pp.379-388, 2005-06-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

ブラジャーカップを分離してその機能を逸らさず乳房の動きを視覚化する方法で, 走行中のブラジャー内の乳房の動き, ブラジャーカップ上の動き, 衣服圧, 下肢の動きを同期させて測定した.ブラジャーカップ内で生じる乳房振動とずれの特性を明らかにし, 以下の知見を得た.(1) スポブラ, フルカップともに乳房振動が走行周期に同期しておきた.しかし, スポブラの最大の振幅は垂直方向の左足の周期(2.73Hz)に表れ, フルカップの最大の振幅は水平方向の走行の周期(1.34Hz)に表れて, ブラジャーによって振動特性が異なった.(2) 衣服圧の変動はスポブラ, フルカップ共に1.34Hzの走行周期, 2.73Hzの左足の周期でみられた.特に, 左足の周期(2.73Hz)で下カップ部の測定点が大きく変動した.これは, ブラジャーカップ内の乳房振動の影響と考えられた.(3) 乳房とブラジャーは走行中にずれ, ある一定の範囲を旋回したが, ずれの周期を見出すことはできなかった.水平方向に振動の振幅が大きいフルカップはスポブラよりずれ量が多くなった.また, ずれやすい部位は下カップ部の正中側であった.以上のように, 乳房が走行中は振動しながらカップ内でずれをおこしていることが判明した.運動適合性を考える上で乳房振動とブラジャーのずれの特性は重要な設計要因と考えられる.スポブラの運動適合性を図るために, 運動の強さに応じた振動とずれを計算する必要があると考えられ今後の課題となった.
増田 美子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.52, no.10, pp.973-982, 2001-10-15

A certain style of mourning dress was established in the first part of the Heian period, and while almost all of the basic styles. Continued to be worn in later years, the more formal style did not appear until the latter part of the period. The formal style was called Sokutai and the informal one was known as Noushi, the same as those for the Kichibuku (normal dress), while the color itself played a key role. In the case of the Ryoan Shozoku, dressing in a blackish Tsurubami (dark brown) was normal, and Ihou (outer garments designed for each job ranking) was worn for service in the Imperial Palace. For public funeral occasions, mourning dress other than the Ryoan were Mumon Kan (plain cap without any pattern) and Nibiiro Hou (dark grey outer garments), Mumon Kan and Mumon Hou (outer garments without any pattern), and Aya Kan (cap with a pattern) and Aya Hou (outer garments with patterns) in descending order of relationship intimacy. The colors of Sitagasane (underwear) and Hakama (pants) were Nibiiro, Ao Nibiiro (bluish dark grey), Ao Kuchibairo (bluish brown) Ki Kuchibairo (yellowish brown) in descending order of the intimacy of relationship. Each person selected a combination of the style of the costume and the color from among those mentioned above, based on his or her own state of mind at each occasion. After the 49th day from the passing, which came to represent the end of one of the mourning periods, the color of the mourning dresses were gradually changed to lighter ones. Private mourning dress was also worn in accordance with public dress in principle, and females also changed their Kichibuku to those of dark grey colors.
蟻川 トモ子 大島 さゆり
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.46, no.7, pp.635-640, 1995-07-15 (Released:2010-03-12)

梅酒の熟成中における糖, 酸度, pH, 色調の変化について, 30℃および常温保存の試料を, 原料混合から1年にわたって追跡し, つぎの結果を得た.1) 漬け込み後4日目くらいまでは固体のショ糖の溶解のみが起こって全糖度が増加するが, ショ糖の転化は起こらない.2) ショ糖の転化は4日後ころから起こり, 10~90日くらいまでは急激に, 以後は徐々に進行してほぼ200日後に完了する.3) 全酸度は30℃および常温保存試料について, 漬け込み直後6.1および4.4であったものが30日後まで急増してそれぞれ20.0および19.6となり以後徐徐に増加して365日目にはそれぞれ25.4, 21.6となった.4) pHは最初3.2くらいで4日目には3.0に下がり, 以後熟成中あまり変化は認められなかった.5) 色調の変化は日数の経過とともにほぼ直線的に着色が進行した.これは糖の褐変が関与しているものと考えられる.以上の結果にもとついて梅酒熟成中の成分変化について考察した.
藤原 ひとみ 中山 徹
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.65, no.7, pp.361-371, 2014 (Released:2015-01-01)
1 1

Housing modification is an effective means for elderly and disabled people to continue living in their home. However, it is difficult for renters to modify rental housing in Japan. Sometimes housing modification by the renter is referred to a judicial court.   The purpose of this study is to collect and analyze information about housing modifications that have been done in rented houses. Forty-eight such cases were investigated. The following results were obtained. In 42 cases, contract cancellation was contested for the reason of housing modification by the renter. In 6 cases, the cost related to modification was contested. The contracts of 20 of the 42 cases where housing modifications had been carried out were rescinded, while those of the other 22 were not. Renters were not required to give up their lease if the following conditions were met: 1) the modification work did not affect the structure of the building; 2) the modifications met social demands; 3) the modifications restored the house to its original condition; 4) the value of the housing unit had increased and it was possible to restore the unit to its original condition.   It was concluded that modifications could be carried out without the authorization of the lessor if these four conditions were met.
内村 理奈
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.61, no.5, pp.307-316, 2010-05-15 (Released:2013-02-19)

Encouraged by etiquette books of the time, the wearing of white linen undergarments (linge ) became an essential part of one's grooming (propreté ) in France from the 17th century onwards. This paper discusses techniques of blanchisseries de toile (cloth bleacheries) which supported this trend in white undergarments by referring largely to the Encyclopédie of Diderot and d'Alembert to gain insight. Bleaching methods varied according to region, and techniques such as the Irish method, Dutch method and Flemish method existed. The Encyclopédie mentions a blanchisserie in Senlis in northeastern Paris where the process was divided into five steps conducted along the river in five separate workshops: the watermill, washhouse (buerie ), scrubbing house (frottoir ), bleaching house (laiterie ) where milk was used as a whitener, and the finishing house (ployerie ). All of these labor-intensive processes were were done in sequence by different craftspersons. Afterwards the white cloth was wholesaled to linen shops (lingères ) where it was fashioned into accessories or decorative trimmings for clothing before it was offered for sale.
森田 登代子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.66, no.7, pp.317-328, 2015 (Released:2015-07-16)

This report describes how Emperor Meiji's costume changed from the end of the Edo Period to the beginning of the Meiji Era. When he lived in Kyoto, he wore a traditional costume called a Kugeshouzoku (nobility dress). However, after he moved to Tokyo, his costume changed drastically, because he was forced to westernize his way of life in all respects. In Kyoto, he showed his authority as Mikado with Three Sacred Treasures beside him. In Tokyo, everything was different. He had to represent his authority, not by those symbols but through his new dress: he had to give dignity and nobility to his military uniforms. Emperor Meiji's uniforms were henceforth decorated with epaulets, gold strings, and gorgeous chrysanthemum-pattern embroidery. This is clearly evident in the “Goyoudoroku” receipt lists of purchases by the Imperial Family owned by the Imperial Household Agency.
得丸 定子 小林 輝紀 平 和章 松岡 律
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.57, no.6, pp.411-419, 2006-06-15

坂井 妙子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.67, no.12, pp.673-681, 2016 (Released:2016-12-22)

This essay uncovers new sartorial roles of men's waterproof coats that emerged in late Victorian and Edwardian England. Since the 1820s, England had witnessed remarkable improvements of waterproof cloth. Its primary purpose was to protect the body from the elements, though in the late nineteenth century, London tailors developed fashionable waterproof coats for gentlemen. By the end of the century, such coats became so familiar as to be depicted in fiction. One remarkable example is Sherlock Holmes, a famous fictional detective of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who wears one in the stories. Taking his coat as an illustrative example of the period, this essay focuses on three main topics: 1) the correlation between the development of waterproof coats and class distinction in the late Victorian and Edwardian periods; 2) the role of Holmes's clothes in the stories; and 3) defining Holmes' waterproof as a contemporary fashion for gentlemen.   Holmes' waterproof functions not only to reinforce his image as an intellectual and proficient detective, but also as a respectable agent who modernizes the dress code for gentleman. This is demonstrated as follows: 1) Investigating the development of waterproof coats of the periods reveals that the waterproof symbolized British industrial advancement, idealism of innovation, as well as middle-class respectability; 2) Holmes is an educated upper-middle-class gentleman, whose class-specific behavior and ideology are crystalized in his waterproof coat; 3) For middle-class men, being gentlemanly dressed and fashionable were always hard to achieve, because of the paucity of information and the intricacy of dress codes to observe. In such circumstances, Holmes in his waterproof serves as a denominator of the modern gentleman. Being functional, innovative, respectable, British and at the same time fashionable, his coat exemplifies how modern gentlemen should look.
増田 美子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.51, no.4, pp.295-302, 2000-04-15

It could be said that no study of funeral costume itself in the Heian period has been made so far, while studies of funeral ceremonies during that time have been done to a certain extent. This paper is presented in order to reveal the real picture of funeral costume in the Heian period by focusing on the Sofuku(the most important mourning dress worn by the people for expressing their deep sorrow and condolence on a apecific day chosen after the passing away of a person). In the early years of the Heian period, there was no specific funeral costume. Standard and consolidated funeral costume started to emerge show in the middle or later part of the Heian period. The Sofuku(even for the emperor and his male subjects)was standardized in the middle of the Heian period. All were made of Nibiiro(dark grey color)hemp cloth and were of Houeki design(the armpits are sewn up). Near the end of the Heian period, the color of the Sofuku was changed to black and the Houeki design was changed to Ketteki style(with unsewn open armpits), while the hemp cloth itself remained unchanged.
松本 仲子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.43, no.9, pp.p903-913, 1992-09

All examples of egg dishes described in cookery books published over the Edo period were collected and examined. Eggs, which has characteristics of heat coagualation and foaming, have been widely used not only as the material but also as a side material in various dishes. These cooking properties of eggs were fully utilized in the Edo period. Therefore the egg dishes collected from the literature include almost all those which have been known today. Egg dishes appeared in the literature of the Edo period for the first time. However some egg dishes, for example, "Fuwafuwa" and "Funoyaki" reached the golden age in early Edo period. This fact suggests that these dishes might have been known before the Edo period.
駒津 順子 田母神 礼美 大矢 勝
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.70, no.10, pp.643-652, 2019 (Released:2019-11-02)

カルシウムを含む水垢汚れの酸洗浄に関する消費者情報を調査し, その科学的根拠の実験的検証を行った. 消費者情報を分析した結果, クエン酸利用を肯定し推奨する記述が多くみられた. またクエン酸とカルシウムの反応による沈殿について言及している消費者情報はほとんど見当たらなかった. 炭酸カルシウムの溶解実験によりクエン酸の洗浄力は塩酸や酢酸と同様に高いが, クエン酸は時間が経過すると大量の沈殿を生成することがわかった. pH測定, XRFによるCa定量及びHPLCによるクエン酸の定量の結果, 沈殿は炭酸カルシウムの再結晶化から始まり, 12時間後から炭酸とクエン酸の置換に進むことが分かった. また未溶解の炭酸カルシウムの存在が沈殿生成速度を大幅に増大することも分かった. 更にCaは炭酸塩よりもケイ酸塩や硫酸塩の方が除去困難であることも明らかになった. 以上の実験結果より, 消費者情報に多く見られるクエン酸による水垢の除去メカニズムに関する中和説が, 科学的なロジックとして問題があることが明らかになった.