島田 京司 庄司 雅紀 藤原 篤子 恩田 光子
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.40, no.2, pp.98-104, 2021-12-10 (Released:2022-02-08)

Depression requires continuous long-term treatment. However, many patients drop out from their treatment program. The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of pharmacists’ support for depressed patients at higher risk of self-discontinuation of medication. This was a cross-sectional study of community pharmacists’ support for depressed patients using a web-based questionnaire. The survey items were 1) pharmacists’ basic attributes and 2) pharmacists’ support to prevent patients from dropping out of their treatment. Morphological analysis was performed using text mining to analyze the free responses, and the relationships between the extracted categories were examined using hierarchical cluster analysis. Free responses were obtained from 77 pharmacists. The morphological analysis extracted 26 categories from their responses, and the category with the highest frequency of occurrence was “explain” (44 times). The extracted categories were stratified into clusters 1 to 6 using hierarchical cluster analysis.
中島 理恵 沼尻 拓己 渡邉 文之 亀井 美和子
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.40, no.2, pp.80-86, 2021-12-10 (Released:2022-02-08)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the factor structure of the diversifying interpersonal work of pharmacists and its influential factors. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted for pharmacists registered with an internet research company. We collected data on respondents’ basic characteristics (gender and age), years of experience as a pharmacist, whether the respondents were certified as pharmacists, home-care experience, participation in study sessions and workshops, and experiences related to medication support. Factor analysis revealed three main factors from 26 items regarding pharmacists’ interpersonal work: Factor 1, “basic abilities of patient medication record management and medication counseling,” Factor 2, “clinical knowledge and assessment ability,” and Factor 3, “cooperation and support system.” Multiple regression analysis revealed a significant association between age and Factor 1 (β=−0.131, P<0.001). Home-care experience was associated with Factor 2 (β=0.076, P=0.013) and Factor 3 (β=0.115, P<0.001). Participation in study sessions and workshops were significantly associated with all the factors (Factor 1: β=0.103, P=0.001, Factor 2: β=0.247, P<0.001, Factor 3: β=0.238, P<0.001). This study clarified the factor structure of interpersonal work performed by community pharmacists. It is suggested that providing educational programs based on pharmacists’ ages and strengthening regional cooperation such as home medical care are necessary to standardize the quality of pharmacists’ interpersonal work.
堀内 正子 相良 篤信 吉田 梨紗 小林 百代 竹ノ谷 文子 琉子 友男 小林 哲郎 仲間 若菜 黄 仁官 里 史明 湯本 哲郎
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.40, no.1, pp.27-35, 2021-06-10 (Released:2021-06-29)

Introduction: Recently, doping among athletes has been on the rise, and pharmacists have an important role in both the promotion of anti-doping (AD) and in providing accurate information and effective support. In this study, we examined various fact-finding surveys that targeted physical education university (PEU) students, and we focused on their use of pharmacies/drugstores, their involvement with pharmacists, and knowledge about AD. We also examined the necessary AD-related professional competencies of pharmacists. Method: Questionnaire surveys were prepared, and the responses of 1,249 students were analyzed. Results : From a survey on what students buy at pharmacies/drug stores it showed that medicines for flu common colds sell the most. Most of the students did not receive any drug consultations at pharmacies/drug stores before purchasing, because they preferred to make their own decisions about drug use. Also, many students were wary of doping with supplements. Although the students who participated in international sports competitions and events possessed a wealth of doping-related knowledge and awareness, PEU students lacked them. Discussion : We determined that it was necessary to gather relevant patient information and explore methods so that intentions could be discussed when purchasing medications from pharmacies/drug stores. We also recognized the need for early doping education programs in light of the inadequate AD-related knowledge and awareness among university student-athletes. Therefore, all pharmacists should strive to acquire a wide range of knowledge to support athletes in this effort. Furthermore, we believe that expanding the professional functions of pharmacists would increase the awareness of AD among athletes.
平田(中原) 久美子 鈴木 慎一郎 今井 徹 鷲巣 晋作 田村 めい 間 勝之 大塚 進 木村 高久
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.39, no.1, pp.19-22, 2020-06-10 (Released:2020-07-01)

Distigmine has reversible and persistent cholinesterase (ChE) antagonism, and is used for the dysuria due to low activity bladders such as the neurogenic bladder dysfunction widely postoperatively, but fatal cases were reported by cholinergic syndrome. Therefore a dose was limited to 5mg only for adaptation of “the dysuria due to hypotonic bladder such as after surgery and the neurogenic bladder dysfunction” in March, 2010. In the current study, we examined a ministerial policy in the package insert revision using Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database (JADER). Using a side effect report registered with JADER from January, 2004 to June, 2016, we calculated Reporting Odds Ratio (ROR) which was the index of the safe signal of the medical supplies adverse event and we compared number of reports and ROR of the cholinergic syndrome by the distigmine in approximately the measure in March, 2010 and evaluated it. The number of reports of the cholinergic syndrome by the distigmine was 138 cases before March 2010 and 65 cases after March 2010. After a measure, the number of reports decreased. The possibility that the package insert revision of the distigmine contributed to a decrease in cholinergic syndrome onset was suggested. Whereas monitoring careful sequentially needs the onset of the cholinergic syndrome in constant frequency to be found.
浦上 勇也 髙島 秀人 篠永 浩 矢野 禎浩 飯原 なおみ
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.39, no.2, pp.58-62, 2020-12-10 (Released:2020-12-30)

Objectives: Collaboration among medical, nursing, and welfare staff members in a community is needed to promote community-based integrated care in Japan; however, these individuals have few opportunities to communicate. We held a Care Cafe®, which establishes face-to-face relationships among the staff members in a community, evaluated changes in the extent of community collaboration over time, and tracked the number of times each individual participated. Methods: Participants in the Care Cafe® were asked to complete a questionnaire measuring the extent of community collaboration among medical, nursing, and welfare staff members at the time of first participation and approximately one to two years later. Responses were evaluated with a 5-point rating scale to reveal the extent of collaboration (total score and six subscale scores), how the participants felt about the collaboration, and the number of staff members in the community who could support them. Results: Thirty-six participants responded, including 12 community pharmacists, 10 care managers, 5 physical therapists, 3 hospital pharmacists, and 6 others. Of them, 22 (61.1%) participated at least three times. The total score and the five subscale scores, the proportion of participants who rated their collaboration as good, and the reported number of staff members who could support them increased significantly from the time of first participation. Thirteen participants (36.1%), each of whom participated at least three times, responded that their participation resulted in practical collaboration. Conclusions: The Care Cafe® can improve collaboration among medical, nursing, and welfare staff members in a community. More frequent participation may promote collaboration.
菊地 真実
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.39, no.1, pp.40-42, 2020-06-10 (Released:2020-07-01)
野田 久美子 後藤 奨一 櫻井 秀彦
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.39, no.2, pp.72-78, 2020

<p>Objective : It is true that depressive patients receive instruction on the use of the medicines from community pharmacists, but it is unclear whether these patients themselves come in contact with pharmacists depending on the needs for relieving their worries about the therapy. This study aims to reveal what prevents depressive patients from consulting pharmacists in order to help improve the pharmacy environment for the patients. Methods : We addressed an online questionnaire to 1,038 depressive patients, asking "Have you ever consulted pharmacists about 1) medicine, 2) therapy and 3) difficulties in life caused by depression?" and "Have you ever given up consulting pharmacist about the same three items though you want to consult them?" If the answer was "No" for the former question, and if the answer was "Yes" for the latter, the reasons were also asked. Result : Available data from 988 patients were collected. 23.8%, 42.7%, 46.6% patients have not consulted about 1) medicine, 2) therapy and 3) difficulties in life caused by depression, respectively, though they wanted to consult pharmacists. One of the reasons for this was that they had felt refused by pharmacists before. Others were, for example, they didn't like crowded situation and lack of privacy in pharmacy. Conclusion : This study revealed the existence of patients hesitating to consult with pharmacists. Pharmacists need to recognize that their careful response to the patients could encourage the patients' recovery, and that they should provide comfortable circumstances for patients to consult pharmacists without hesitation.</p>
井上 直子 安田 和誠 森 勇人 秋元 勇人 大原 厚祐 根岸 彰生 冲田 光良 大島 新司 沼尻 幸彦 大嶋 繁 從二 和彦 小林 大介
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.37, no.2, pp.81-90, 2018-12-10 (Released:2019-01-19)

Drug dispensing is a statutory and designated duty of a pharmacist. We aimed to examine the changes in the nature of drug dispensing using a text mining method. Our corpus consisted of text documents from “Chozai Shishin”, the most standard manual for dispensing drugs in Japan, Editions 1 to 13 (Japan Pharmaceutical Association), and we used the KH Coder software for text mining. We constructed networks showing the association between frequent word co-occurrence and edition number, and co-occurrence relations for frequent words in each edition. We found that “patient” superseded “dispensing” as a frequent term over time. “Dispensing” was another frequent term with a highly centralized node in each edition. Accordingly, we targeted the term “dispensing” for network analysis to depict its co-occurrence relations. We found that the range of related words for “dispensing” broadened from “preparation” and “compounding” to include “patient adherence instructions”, “assessment”, “medical treatment”, and “information provision”. Accordingly, we concluded that the content of “dispensing”, which is a pharmacist’s duty, has expanded from the duties of “dispensing drugs” to include “responding to patients” within the definition of “dispensing”, and we were able to present this finding as objective data by using the mechanical method known as text mining.
杉原 成美 岩井 美織 橘高 美和子 瀬尾 誠 岡田 昌浩 金子 三屋子 横田 いつ子
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.37, no.2, pp.147-155, 2018-12-10 (Released:2019-01-19)

The questionnaire was distributed to caregivers regarding their management for home medication therapy. The purpose of this questionnaire was to clarify the role of community pharmacists in city “Z”, Hiroshima in supporting this activity. The results were compared among seven administrative zones. The percentage of caregivers who had routinely administered medications to dependent patients was 81%. Of these, the percentage of caregivers who had encountered difficulty in medication administration to dependent patients was 66%. Only 13% of these caregivers had sought assistance from pharmacists in dealing with issues they faced in the administration of medications. The percentage of caregivers who had easy access to pharmacists was 44%. The percentage of caregivers who received pharmacist-initiated information about patients was 23%. Among the 7 administrative zones in city “Z”, the 2 zones (H-zones) with the highest percentage of elderly citizens, 38.7%, were compared with the other 2 zones (L-zones) with the lowest percentage of elderly citizens, 25.7%, regarding medication management by caregivers. It was observed that the frequency of missing side effects or crushing medicines by caregivers was higher in H-zones as compared to L-zones. The results of this research suggest that close cooperation between pharmacists and caregivers improves the quality of medication therapy management. In an aging society, pharmacist intervention could be very beneficial to providing support and information that would improve the quality of patients’ medication therapy.
柳本 ひとみ 櫻井 秀彦 古田 精一 黒澤 菜穂子
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.37, no.2, pp.91-101, 2018-12-10 (Released:2019-01-19)

Objective: We search valuable information in home medical care settings that impede smooth collaboration among pharmacists, home care physicians, and home care nurses. Methods: We conducted an online survey on 120 physicians and 118 nurses on “areas perceived as overloaded with tasks,” “quality of life (QOL) evaluation of patients,” and “expectations to pharmacists.” We analyzed data using the Mann-Whitney U test and conducted the customer satisfaction (CS) analysis on “stress.” Results: Physicians answered that they had a significantly higher stress on “at night-time/holidays and weekends works” than nurses (p < 0.05). Nurses experienced significantly more stress during “inter-professional collaboration” than physicians (p < 0.01). CS analysis revealed that nurses experienced more stress for items such as “having patients with dementia self-inject correctly,” etc. Both physicians and nurses evaluated QOL items at a high frequency. Majority of physicians and nurses held high “expectations to pharmacists,” particularly for the eight items related to providing information, managing drugs, and making pharmacological judgments. Nurses had significantly high expectations to pharmacists for “management of supplements taken by the patient” (p < 0.01), “explaining drug effects” (p < 0.001), and “explaining the necessity of prescription revision” (p < 0.01). Discussion: Pharmacists should utilize information on physicians and nurses’ stress as well as understand their expectations to pharmacists to facilitate stronger coordination between both professions and contribute to patient care. In particular, many items were found to cause stress, indicating that support for nurses, who have many expectations to pharmacists, needs to be enhanced.
後藤 美和 高野 義久 高濱 寛 橋本 洋一郎 長谷川 由佳 波多江 崇
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.34, no.1, pp.34-41, 2015

To assess the changes in attitudes toward smoking after the smoking-prevention classes presented by Kumamoto Tobacco-Free Forum, this study administered a questionnaire survey to first-year junior high school students before and after a smoking-prevention class at a junior high school. The questionnaire that was used to pre and post comparison comprised thirteen items, ten from the Kano Test for Social Nicotine Dependence (KTSND-Youth) and three as follows: "I think I will be a smoker in the future," "I think I will smoke about once," and "What do you think of people around you who smoke tobacco?" The results of this pre- and post-class questionnaire indicate that attitudes toward seven items improved in a statistically significant way. These included four from KTSND-Youth: "Smokers cannot stop even if they want to," "Smoking is adult-like and cool," "Smoking is enjoys taste and a fragrance," and "If it's a place with an ashtray, it's okay to smoke." The smoking-prevention classes significantly decreased total KTSND-Youth scores. Furthermore, the analysis has clarified that the KTSND-Youth items: "Smoking is adult-like and cool" and "Doctor and school teachers say, 'Tobacco is no good too much", as well as the item "What do you think of people around you who smoke tobacco?" are significantly influencing factors for the item "I will be a smoker in the future." These results indicate that the smoking-prevention classes presented by Kumamoto Tobacco-Free Forum were effective for decline in social nicotine dependence of the first-year students in junior high school.
大野 拓恵 柳本 ひとみ 板倉 宏予 梅田 純代 グレゴリー サムソノー 加藤 隆治 山田 惠 黒澤 菜穂子
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.36, no.2, pp.62-70, 2017-12-10 (Released:2018-01-05)

PEP (the study group of Practical English for Pharmacists) was started by teachers from different fields at Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University, and has been offering English conversation class for local pharmacists. As with its turning point of three years, in January 2016, it conducted an online questionnaire survey for pharmacists all over Japan. The purpose was to find their needs for learning English, as well as to make sure if PEP teaching materials were proper enough for them. The questionnaires consisted of five areas: current working situation in terms of using English; self-evaluation for their attitudes towards English-speaking customers/ patients; their preference in learning English; their foresight into the English-related situation around their job; and evaluation on PEP sample materials. Participants were 220 pharmacists at work who were interested in learning English. They were divided into two groups (Yes-group and No-group) according to the answer to the question of whether they, as a pharmacist, thought it necessary to learn English or not. The groups were compared with each other within each of the five areas mentioned above. The results showed the overall illustrations of the pharmacists today and positive evaluation for a PEP material. Most importantly, however, contrastive difference between Yes-No groups for the type of English needed was revealed (p<0.01). This was interpreted as an evidence that No-group just have a naive intention to learn English, while Yes-group have already been involved in the situations where rather high English proficiency is required for their pharmacy jobs.
寺岡 章雄
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.34, no.2, pp.61-62, 2015-12-10 (Released:2015-12-25)
高田 雅弘 中野 祥子 三田村 しのぶ 宮﨑 珠美 菊田 真穂 小森 浩二 首藤 誠 七山(田中) 知佳 森谷 利香 吉村 公一 石橋 文枝 塙 由美子 山本 淑子
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.34, no.2, pp.116-127, 2015-12-10 (Released:2015-12-25)

With regard to proper drug use in home care, the failure of approximately half of all elderly patients to comply with their doctor’s medication instructions and many other issues have been reported. However, pharmacists’ involvement in home care support remains inadequate, as highlighted by a Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare report which noted the lack of full utilization of pharmacists in community medicine as well as the fact that home nurses often have to manage their patients’ medications. The Setsunan University Faculty of Nursing was established in 2012, and the university’s Faculties of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nursing collaborate in their educational activities. To increase pharmacists’ involvement in home care support, we launched a project to create a home care support model in which pharmacists and nurses work in collaboration, utilizing their respective faculty resources. In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey of pharmacies and visiting nurse stations in Osaka Prefecture regarding the present status of and problems related to pharmacists’ participation in the home care system and visiting nurses’ current involvement in medication management, as well as what is expected of pharmacists. Based on these results, we are constructing a model in which Faculties of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nursing collaboratively support the home care system with the aim of establishing the role that universities should play in a comprehensive regional care program.
後藤 美和 高野 義久 高濱 寛 橋本 洋一郎 長谷川 由佳 波多江 崇
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.34, no.1, pp.34-41, 2015-06-10 (Released:2015-10-16)

To assess the changes in attitudes toward smoking after the smoking-prevention classes presented by Kumamoto Tobacco-Free Forum, this study administered a questionnaire survey to first-year junior high school students before and after a smoking-prevention class at a junior high school. The questionnaire that was used to pre and post comparison comprised thirteen items, ten from the Kano Test for Social Nicotine Dependence (KTSND-Youth) and three as follows: “I think I will be a smoker in the future,” “I think I will smoke about once,” and “What do you think of people around you who smoke tobacco?” The results of this pre- and post-class questionnaire indicate that attitudes toward seven items improved in a statistically significant way. These included four from KTSND-Youth: “Smokers cannot stop even if they want to,” “Smoking is adult-like and cool,” “Smoking is enjoys taste and a fragrance,” and “If it’s a place with an ashtray, it’s okay to smoke.” The smoking-prevention classes significantly decreased total KTSND-Youth scores. Furthermore, the analysis has clarified that the KTSND-Youth items: “Smoking is adult-like and cool” and “Doctor and school teachers say, ‘Tobacco is no good too much”, as well as the item “What do you think of people around you who smoke tobacco?” are significantly influencing factors for the item “I will be a smoker in the future.” These results indicate that the smoking-prevention classes presented by Kumamoto Tobacco-Free Forum were effective for decline in social nicotine dependence of the first-year students in junior high school.