阿部 慶賀
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.17, no.3, pp.599-610, 2010

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the interaction between body and environment on creative thinking. Previous studies have focused on the roots of creativity and its components.In order to clarify the cognitive mechanism of creativity, researchers used psychometric approach.Some researchers reported case studies that described the performance of outstanding artists and scientists.On the other hand, previous studies have pointed out that creativity depends on not only one's ability but also environmental factors.However, the environmental factors that the previous studies suggested were cultural factors or social factors.They did not imply physical environment. <BR>In recent studies of embodied cognition and situated cognition, it is suggested that complex behavior does not necessarily emerge from complex mechanism. The complex behavior may be explained by simple sensor motor coordination.It is considered that human behavior including creative thought is no exception.This paper hypothesizes that creative thought depends on the interaction between the thinker's body and physical environment in the problem situation. <BR>To this end, author employed the revised &ldquo;Unusual Uses Test&rdquo;, which is a kind of creativity test.This test is different from the original version because of the object that participants use.In the original version, participants propose to use a brick in as many ways as possible.In the revised version, participants were provided one of the two different sizes of plastic plates (12<I>cm</I> &times; 12<I>cm</I> or 14<I>cm</I> &times; 14<I>cm</I> or 21<I>cm</I> &times; 21<I>cm</I>) and were asked to propose ways to use the plastic board.Then, the size of the participants' hands were measured. <BR>The results of the experiment indicate that the size of the hands of participants' who proposed creative ideas was different in response to the size of the given object.This suggest that creativity is affected by physical environment and the thinkers' body.
藤井 晴行
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.1, pp.216-220, 2008 (Released:2009-10-30)

建築研究のひとつに建築物や都市が構築する環境(構築環境, built environment)と人間の心理的反応や行動との関係を明らかにしようとするものがある.その多くは両者の関係に関する知見をよりよい建築空間や構築環境の設計に活かすことを意図する.人間と環境との関係を主に認知プロセスに焦点をあてて見る認知科学と同関係を建築や都市のありようの側から見る建築学との間には相補的な関係があると仮定し,最近の建築研究の中から認知科学における関心と関連がありそうなものを紹介する.日本建築学会計画系論文報告集または日本建築学会環境系論文報告集に発表された論文のうち,構築環境と人間との関係を扱う研究をいくつか取り上げ,その概要を紹介する.また,いくつかの論文の題目を紹介する.当該機関に発表された人間-環境系研究はこれらにとどまるものではない.最後に参考書籍の題目を挙げる. 建築学における人間と環境の関係の研究は大きく二種類に分けられる.ひとつは建築空間や構築環境とそこにいる人(主に居住者や利用者)との関係を対象とするものであり,ひとつは設計のための環境と設計者との関係を対象とするものである.ここで紹介する論文は前者に属する六編である.それぞれ,次のような特徴をもつ.第一論文(青木・朴・大佛)は都市空間の認知が概念図式に依存することをイメージマップを用いた実験によって確かめようとしている.第二論文(徐・西出)は展示空間における回遊行動と空間認知との関係を対象とし,実際の展示空間において実験を行っている.第三論文(末繁・両角)は都市空間における視覚的な情報と回遊行動との関係を対象とし,実際の市街を模した回遊行動シミュレーション実験を行っている.第四論文(掛井ほか)は非常時の避難行動を誘導するために有効な情報提示の形式を対象とし,建築空間を模した避難シミュレーション実験を行っている.第五論文(高橋・大井)は建築のインテリア空間の美しさの評価に関わる一般的な美的価値観を対象とし,被験者に刺激を提示する評価実験と被験者の評価構造を抽出するためのインタビューを行っている.第六論文(坂本ほか)は温冷感と色彩との関係を対象として,実験室において設定した温熱環境における暖色・寒色の注視傾向を測定している. 建築学におけるこれらの論文を紹介する理由は,認知プロセスのモデル化よりも建築設計や都市計画により強い関心をもつ研究者が人間と環境との関係にどのようにアプローチしているのかを知ることが認知科学者にとっても有意義なことであると信じるためである
細馬 宏通
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.1, pp.91-102, 2009 (Released:2010-06-11)

This paper considers examples of gestures enacted by the first speaker in an adjacency pair and a post-expansion. In these simple examples, the gesture continued until the first speaker enacted the sequence-closing third. In examples illustrating the organization of dispreference, the time structure of the gestures is coordinated with the utterances of both first and second speakers: prolonged gestures by the first speaker are delayed, mitigated, or elaborated according to the structure of the second pair. When preferred responses are elaborated and rendered more complex, gestures can be elaborated according to the structure of the responses. We discuss the properties of a grand gesture, which is produced by an utterance of one party and continued over multiple turns, in order to reconsider the speaker-hearer framework.
鈴木 宏昭 福田 玄明
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.3, pp.353-367, 2013-09-01 (Released:2014-12-05)

Growing evidence has suggested interesting dissociations between conscious and sub-conscious processing in insight problem solving. It indicates a possibility that the process of insight problem solving is largely governed by an implicit learning mecha-nism that detects the differences between current and goal states, and regulates the strengths of the responsible operators. If the implicit learning mechanism takes part in the insight problem solving process, the process might be affected by a hint stimu-lus subliminally presented, because such a stimulus could not be used by the explicit learning system. We examined this possibility using the continuos flash suppression technique. The results of two experiments showed that subjects subliminally presented with the goal state of a difficult insight puzzle solved it much faster than those in the control group. These results were discussed in terms of unconscious nature of insight problem solving, gradual tuning of operator strengths during the impasse, and roles of subliminal hint information in the problem solving processes.
岩佐 和典
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.23, no.2, pp.171-178, 2016-06-01 (Released:2016-12-01)
清水 大地 岡田 猛
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.1, pp.203-211, 2015

Focusing on the process of a dancer's acquisition of a new technique in breakdance,<br>,"Inside Ninety", this longitudinal case study aims to disclose the process of skill acqui-<br>sition through practice. We conducted a fieldwork study (participant observation and<br>interviews) to analyze the dancer's endeavours to acquire and improve skills. By avoid-<br>ing the specification of goals and movements by the researchers, as is often the case<br>in experimental settings, we observed the development of movements in each practice<br>session. The results indicate that the process of acquisition of a new dance technique<br>consists not only of the refinement of a particular skill, but also of two other activities<br>;the exploration of new and original skill utilizing the characters of a particular skill, <br>and the arrangement of that skill so that it should fit into his full performance. The<br>process of an expert's acquisition of a particular technique is a complicated and creative<br>one, integrating each skill into a full performance.
喜多 壮太郎
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.7, no.1, pp.9-21, 2000

This paper reviews the literature on gesture in order to elucidate the reasons why people gesture. Two major classes of reasons are explored: communicative and cognitive. One of the main communicative functions of gesture is to help achieve the act of conveying some content to others. First, gestures can encode, in various ways, the information to be conveyed, and become the main vehicle of &ldquo;content delivery&rdquo;. Second, gesture can regulate the way the content is conveyed to others. For example, gesture regulates the division of labor between gesture and speech with respect to the content delivery. It also regulates and supplements the content delivery in the speech channel (e.g., managing turns in conversation, marking illocutionary force of an utterance). Another main communicative function is to create an affective &ldquo;bonding&rdquo; among communicative partners. This is achieved by producing the same body movement synchronously. As for the cognitive function, gesturing helps the conceptual planning for speech production. It is argued that gesture is a form of thinking, &ldquo;spatio-motoric thinking&rdquo;, which is based on our ability to maneuver the body in the environment. This is qualitatively different from the &ldquo;analytic thinking&rdquo;, the manipulation of abstract propositional representation. In the course of speech production, these two kinds of thinking collaboratively seek the &ldquo;package&rdquo; of information that fits the expressive resources of the language. Because the two forms of thinking have ready access to different organizations of information, it is advantageous for speaker to run both of them simultaneously.
坂本 勉
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.1, pp.142-147, 2009

Although &ldquo;symmetry in language&rdquo; may be related to the origin of the language, many linguists do not seem to show interest in this problem. Why do linguists not show interest in symmetry? There seem to be at least three reasons. (1) Concerning &ldquo;reference&rdquo;, there have been many disputes in the philosophy of language. Nowadays, more complex problems than symmetry attract researchers in the field of semantics. (2) Saussure pointed out that the system of language does not concern the symmetry between &ldquo;thing and name&rdquo;. (3) For linguists, a more important research theme is the elucidation of the relationships between the elements inside the language structure.
野村 亮太 丸野 俊一
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.1, pp.188-201, 2007 (Released:2009-10-30)

The purposes of the present study were to construct a humor elicitation model based on Comprehension-Elaboration Theory (Wyer & Collins, 1992), and to investigate the effects of Narrative Strategies on humor elicitation processes. 159 (79 male and 80 female) undergraduate and graduate students (18--25 yrs old) rated the model relevant variables after watching a videotaped RAKUGO performance. With structural equation modeling (SEM), it was confirmed that the model had generalizability and high intra-model consistency. The further results demonstrated that the performance with Narrative Strategies, compared to the one without the strategies, increased both comprehension and elaboration, which led to increase of humor.
コックス リチャード ステニング キース オーバーランダー ジョン
vol.2, no.4, pp.4_56-4_75, 1995

A study of two logic courses employing different modalities of information presentation (Stenning, Cox, & Oberlander, 1995) demonstrated improvements of general reasoning ability as measured by Graduate Record Exam (GRE) type analytical ability reasoning pre- and post-course tests, as well as interactions between students' pre-course aptitudes and modality of teaching. This paper investigates the reasoning processes involved in the students' solutions of one sub-scale of the GRE problems from that study by analysing their &lsquo;work-scratchings&rsquo; on analytical reasoning (AR) items. These data are used to examine changes in what representations students select; their association with correct and incorrect solutions; the changes in selection brought about by teaching different kinds of students in different kinds of courses; the association between these changes and improvements in solution performance; and the relation between intuitive teaching recommendations and a theoretically motivated taxonomy of representations.<br>Stenning & Oberlander (1995) present a theory of the cognitive differences between graphical and sentential representations which ascribes major cognitive properties of graphics to <i>weakness of expressiveness</i>. We apply this theory to the GRE AR problems and derive principled predictions of some constraints on the appropriateness of representations for problems. Analysis of the students' spontaneous representation selections shows that representational strategies do change differentially as a result of different teaching methods; the kinds of representation proposed by intuitive teaching recommendations as embodied in &lsquo;crammers&rsquo; are globally correlated with success at solution; the theoretically based predictions of appropriate representations based on weakness of expression make rather better predictions that can be related to individual differences between students known to be important predictors of performance. These results are argued to have important practical pedagogical implications.
秋元 泰介 小方 孝
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.4, pp.396-420, 2013-12-01 (Released:2014-12-24)

This paper proposes an integrated framework of narrative discourse system that trans-forms a story text to a variety of discourse texts. This mechanism is one of the major parts of the architecture of our narrative generation system. A “story” means the content of a narrative and is described with the conceptual representation of temporal ordered events in the narrative generation system. On the other hand, a “discourse”means how to form a story and is described with the conceptual representation that is corresponded to a real text structure. In the research of narrative generation system,few approaches deal with the aspect of narrative discourse. A distinguished characteris-tic in this system is to use two literary theories for developing its important mechanisms. First, narrative discourse techniques for manipulating narrative discourse structures are defined according to the narrative discourse theory by Genette. Second, the circula-tive generation process for these narrative discourse techniques is controlled using the repetitive interaction between a narrator and a narratee based on a computational in-terpretation of the reception theory by Jauss. In the first part, this paper explains the overview of the above literary theories. And in the next parts, we describe the pro-posed system's mechanism and implementation, and several experiments of discourse generation by the system.
泰地 真弘人 池上 高志
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.6, no.1, pp.21-30, 1999-03-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

Behavior of cognitive game players who build the opponent's internal model is studied. Internal models are constructed by the recurrent neural network, and the iterated prisoner's dilemma game is performed. The complicated transients of actions are observed before the stable mutually defecting equilibrium is reached. These chaotic dynamics reflect the dynamical and high-dimensional rugged landscape of the internal model space. A possible world analysis reveals the other deep problem in the game thoery, i.e. uncertainty of games. Differences in a payoff matrix show that different matrix gives different possible worlds in behind. Some possible worlds can sustain a mutually cooperative state with mutually believing that the other player is playing Tit for Tat.
高橋 英之
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.4, pp.431-432, 2014-12-01 (Released:2015-06-09)
高野 陽太郎 大久保 街亜 石川 淳 藤井 大毅
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.8, no.3, pp.287-300, 2001-09-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

This study compared Cosmides's (1989) social contract theory with Cheng & Holyoak's (1985) pragmatic reasoning schema theory as accounts of the thematic content effect in the Wason selection task. The former explains the effect in terms of an innate algorithm, whereas the latter explains it in terms of learned schemata. Cosmides prepared a “switched rule,” in which an antecedent and a consequent in the original conditional rule were interchanged so that the innate algorithm could not be applied while the pragmatic reasoning schema could. She found that the effect disappeared, and concluded that the effect is not produced by the pragmatic reasoning schema. However, the context attached to the switched rule revealed that this rule could hardly be interpreted as a permission rule, which could invoke a pragmatic reasoning schema. We made small modifications in Cosmides's switched rule and its context so that this rule could be interpreted as an obligation rule, which could also invoke a pragmatic reasoning schema. The cost-benefit relation in the context was held essentially unchanged so that the innate algorithm could not be applied. As a result, the thematic content effect appeared for the switched rule as well. This finding favors the pragmatic reasoning schema theory over the social contract theory, and thus largely reduces the plausibility of the hereditary account of reasoning ability. It was stressed that especially strong evidence is needed for hereditary accounts because they might well be utilized to justify social prejudice and discrimination.
清水 大地 岡田 猛
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.4, pp.488-492, 2013-12-01 (Released:2014-12-24)

このたびは大会発表賞という栄誉ある賞をいただき,大変光栄に存じます.ご選考下さいました先生方,会場での発表に耳を傾けて下さった皆様にはこの場をお借りして厚く御礼申し上げたいと思います. この研究は,ダンサーの方達との交流を深める中で感じていた「こういった複雑で魅力的な身体表現を,ダンサーはいかなる工夫を経て生み出したのか」という問いを起点として検討したものです.ある身体表現が生成され発展するプロセスを検討する,という分析の困難さに頭を抱えることも多々ありましたが,研究会での議論やダンサーの方達との話し合いを通じて「身体行為を行った際に生じた変化に着目する」という本研究の観点は徐々に導かれていきました.まだ不十分な点も多くありますが,こうした新たな試みを評価していただけたことを大変うれしく感じます.指導教員の岡田猛先生,研究室の皆様,ダンサーの皆様,そしてご協力頂いた全ての方々に感謝を申し上げます.
中村 友昭 長井 隆行
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.24, no.1, pp.23-32, 2016-12-30 (Released:2017-09-01)

In this study, we define concepts as categories into which a robot classifies perceptual information obtained through interaction with others and the environment, and the inference of unobserved information through the concepts is defined as understanding. Furthermore, a robot can infer unobserved perceptual information from words by con-necting concepts and words. This inference is the understanding of word meanings. We propose probabilistic models that enable robots to learn concepts and language. In this paper, we present an overview of the proposed models.