市川 伸一
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.8, no.3, pp.183-189, 2001-09-01 (Released:2008-10-03)
羽尻 公一郎 岡田 美智男 小川 均
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.5, no.3, pp.3_87-3_99, 1998-09-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

Incremental production has been a recent topic in language production studies. There are several levels in the sentence production process, such as the conceptual level, syntactic formulation level, phonetic formulation level, and so on. In incremental sentence production frameworks, a fragmental, incomplete segment can trigger a part of the sentence production process. For example, since an input to the syntactic formulator may be lacking case information on the noun to be produced, the syntactic formulator must complete the missing case information in order to produce an utterance incrementally. Furthermore, if the completed information causes inconsistency with the actual case information to be supplied later, the syntactic formulator must somehow dissolve this inconsistency. To examine how these processes are done in human sentence production, we conducted psycholinguistic experiments on incremental sentence production. Consequently, we found that the completion of missing case information is performed in a regular way, where a nominative case is assigned to the leftmost element in the sentence, and that the dissolving of inconsistency is done by means of passive voice construction or self-repair.
羽尻 公一郎
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.8, no.4, pp.376-383, 2001-12-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

A consideration on the extreme north literary text has been done in this paper. Based on the mathematical proof and other theoretical deduction, here the incompleteness of the autonomous generation of the extreme north literary text has been shown. The extreme north literary text has much similarity to the production of it within a cognitive process, however, it is not in today's computation from the axiomatic definition of it. Moreover, general text generation within computation is far more difficult than the extreme north literary text. Thus, it is obvious that general text generation is impossible by the today's computation. As an alternation, the other computation based on circular structure and function has been proposed. Moreover, the alt-computation might be a breakthrough to this incompleteness issue. For constructing a complete language performance system is the final and the most integrative problem for A. I., this proposition might be not only the milestone of the language system study, but also of the fundamental A. I. study.
土倉 英志
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.155-172, 2014

Many cognitive scientists have studied people's use of tools and artifacts, in other<br> words, resources. However, there are two features of resources that have not been ad-<br>dressed by cognitive scientists. The first is the configuration of resources. Resources<br> do not exist scatteredly; they exist in an order. Actions are organized in accordance<br> with the order of resources. Therefore, it is important to consider the configuration of<br> resources when studying people's actions in everyday life. The second feature that has<br> not been addressed is that people arrange resources in their environment to conduct<br> everyday life and work well. To clarify the features supporting everyday life based on<br> these two points, I believe that it is important to examine the adjusted relationship<br> between actions and resources and its attendant developmental processes. Therefore, I<br> propose a perspective called the development of functional systems. Functional systems<br> consist of actions and resources; the relationship between actions and resources adjust<br> as time progresses. I call this process of change in the relationship between actions and<br> resources the development of functional systems. Based on this proposal, I examine the<br> theme of human agency, learning, and child development from the perspective of the<br> development of functional systems. At the end, I discuss the limitations of this paper<br> and suggest directions for future research.
上野 直樹 ソーヤー りえこ 茂呂 雄二
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.173-186, 2014

According to the viewpoint of this paper, artifacts can be regarded as a socio-<br>technological arrangement. Further, agency is not independent from a socio-<br>technological arrangement but is something emerging from a socio-technological ar-<br>rangement, while agency has traditionally been defined as a human capacity of having<br> needs and preferences and of seeing possible actions. If so, the design of an artifact is<br> not the design of a single artifact but the design of a socio-technological arrangement<br> and of agency. Thus, in this paper, first of all, we attempt concretely to analyze the<br> design of an artifact as that of socio-technological arrangement, based on our field-<br>works concerning the cases of open data and integrated learning. Second, we show how<br> agency emerges from a socio-technological arrangement, also based on our fieldworks.<br> Third, we propose some viewpoints for designing artifacts dependent on the first and<br> the second analysis.
伊東 昌子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.17, no.2, pp.287-296, 2010 (Released:2010-12-17)

This study investigated effects of sentence-final particle “no$rdquo; on sentence memory in order to clarify whether the non-referential function of “no$rdquo; could trigger fortuitous interaction in discourse. Sentence-final particle “no$rdquo; has two basic functions in terms of a local chain of communication. One is to imply a message sender's vague commitment to the utterance. The other is to imply awaiting the receiver's involvement in the unsettlement. Based on psychological studies on memory, it was predicted that the both functions of “no$rdquo; would promote memory by awaking receivers' attention in comparison with declarative sentences. In experiment 1 each of twenty simple sentences was visually presented one by one and read aloud in either declarative sentence or adding “no$rdquo; sentence. In experiment 2 a mixed list of ten declarative and ten adding “no$rdquo; sentences was visually presented one by one and read aloud. The results of the two experiments showed that the sentence-final “no$rdquo; sentences were significantly more memorized than the declarative ones. In experiment 3 sentence-final “yo$rdquo; was used in order to examine other sentence-final particle could influence on memory. The “yo$rdquo; implies a message sender's clear commitment to the utterance that specifies a new plot. The result showed that the “yo$rdquo; did not have any effect on memory.
北野 旦浩 今井 章
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.17, no.3, pp.670-680, 2010 (Released:2011-03-08)

This study investigated the effects of domain-specific geographical and meteorological knowledges and general visual-spatial abilities on the comprehension of simple weather maps. Thirty participants with low meteorological knowledge and 16 with high knowledge, were both administered tests of geographical and meteorological knowledges, four kinds of visual-spatial abilities, and the task of weather map comprehension. The results indicated that the participants having high meteorological knowledge generally showed better performance at both of the meteorological test and the task of weather map comprehension than participants having low knowledge. Multiple regression analyses revealed that the total score and the basic-level score of the task of weather map comprehension were explained by the meteorological knowledge about 46% and 31%, respectively. Additionally flexibility of closure as the one of the general visual-spatial abilities, together with the meteorological knowledge, contributed 58% to the advanced-level score of the task of weather map comprehension. For the low knowledge participants, speed of closure was significantly important to resolve the task of weather map comprehension. It is suggested that the meteorological knowledge is crucially important, and the flexibility of closure may aid, for the comprehension of simple weather map.
久保 賢太 片平 健太郎 池田 大樹 岡田 正人 岡ノ谷 一夫 川合 伸幸
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.4, pp.483-487, 2013

この度はこのような栄誉ある賞を戴くことができ,大変感激しております.私の受賞に関しては,研究の成果の大きさというよりも,アプローチのユニークさを評価していただのではないかと考えております.私は,JST ERATO 岡ノ谷情動情報プロジェクトにおいて,コミュニケーションや社会的な場面で生じる情動を,自律神経系活動・脳活動を用いて検討しております.本研究は,二者間の息の合ったコミュニケーションを解明する試みとして実施しました.これからも,実生活に潜む面白い現象を抽出することを目的とし,日々一つ一つ成果を積み上げて参りたいと思います.こうした一風変わった研究を実施できたのも,プロジェクトの総括でいらっしゃる岡ノ谷一夫東京大学教授と,私の所属する名古屋サイトのグループリーダーである川合伸幸名古屋大学准教授の懐の広いご指導の賜物です.お二人には,感謝してもしきれない御恩を感じております.このたびの受賞も,未熟な私を日ごろから丁寧に指導してくださっている川合伸幸先生と,研究室スタッフの皆様のおかげです.この場をお借りして感謝を申し上げます.
久保 賢太 片平 健太郎 池田 大樹 岡田 正人 岡ノ谷 一夫 川合 伸幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.4, pp.483-487, 2013

この度はこのような栄誉ある賞を戴くことができ,大変感激しております.私の受賞に関しては,研究の成果の大きさというよりも,アプローチのユニークさを評価していただのではないかと考えております.私は,JST ERATO 岡ノ谷情動情報プロジェクトにおいて,コミュニケーションや社会的な場面で生じる情動を,自律神経系活動・脳活動を用いて検討しております.本研究は,二者間の息の合ったコミュニケーションを解明する試みとして実施しました.これからも,実生活に潜む面白い現象を抽出することを目的とし,日々一つ一つ成果を積み上げて参りたいと思います.こうした一風変わった研究を実施できたのも,プロジェクトの総括でいらっしゃる岡ノ谷一夫東京大学教授と,私の所属する名古屋サイトのグループリーダーである川合伸幸名古屋大学准教授の懐の広いご指導の賜物です.お二人には,感謝してもしきれない御恩を感じております.このたびの受賞も,未熟な私を日ごろから丁寧に指導してくださっている川合伸幸先生と,研究室スタッフの皆様のおかげです.この場をお借りして感謝を申し上げます.
良峯 徳和 徃住 彰文
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.8, no.4, pp.384-391, 2001-12-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

Differences in discourse type or genre produce various effects upon readers. Recent empirical research on the cognitive processes of discourse comprehension shows that mature human readers utilize cognitive processes called “comprehension control systems”. These develop in a specialized way for each type or genre of discourse. Comprehension control systems for natural language discourse have to be built-in if they are to be as flexible as those of adult human readers, so they must be designed and constructed as such. This is expected to enable the discourse comprehension system to utilize efficiently the fictional information in literary texts without confusing fictional and actual situations.
兼松 仁 守 一雄 守 秀子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.3, no.1, pp.1_29-1_40, 1996-02-29 (Released:2008-10-03)

A new experimental technique has been invented in which two different events can be presented independently to a pair of subjects sitting side-by-side in front of the same screen so as to make them believe that they are watching the same event simultaneously. Two video projectors with polarizing filters diagonal to each other projected different moving pictures on the same screen. These were observed by a pair of subjects wearing polarizing sunglasses suitable for one or the other video projector. Using this experimental technique, thirty pairs of undergraduates observed basically the same event but three nonconforming points were included. Each pair of subjects were asked to report individually on what they had seen— Pre-Discussion Report. Then they were allowed to discuss the event they had just observed, and were asked to report again— Post-Discussion Report. Subjects were invited to come to the laboratory a week later to report what they had seen the week before— Week-Later Report. Fifteen pairs of the subjects were instructed to come to agreement during the discussion whereas the other fifteen pairs were simply instructed to discuss what they had seen. In the Week-Later Report, subjects in the former group tended to change their memory of the event, either consciously or subconsciously, whereas this tendency was much less in the latter group. In general, the Post-Discussion Reports were more complete than the Pre-Discussion Reports, that is, the discussion inproved the subjects' memory of the events.
松島 俊也 青木 直哉
日本認知科学会 = Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.12, no.3, pp.177-187, 2005-09

孵化後1週間のニワトリのヒヨコは、餌によって強化される色弁別課題を容易に獲得する。連合が成立した後に二つの色手がかりの択一選択を行わせたところ、短期的な採餌効率を正しく予期して選択することが分かった。さらに大脳の腹側線条体・側座複合(基底核)と弓外套腹側部(大脳連合野のひとつ)は、採餌効率の予期値の異なる時間因子に預かることが判明した。基底核を破壊すると、餌までの待ち時間を忌避するように選択がシフトした。他方、連合野を破壊した場合には、採餌局面における処理時間を忌避するように選択がシフトした。以上の結果から、ヒヨコの選択は①待ち時間(報酬遅延)と処理時間(労働コスト)の和を分母とする採餌効率の予期値に基づくこと、②これら二つの時間要素は脳内の別の領域に神経的基盤を持ち、神経生態学的に独立な因子であること、が判明した。Week-old chicks quickly learn to peck colored beads when reinforced by food rewards. In binary choice tests, the trained chicks made choices based on anticipated values of foraging efficiency. Two forebrain regions proved to be involved in the anticipation, i.e., ventral striatum / nucleus accumbens complex (basal ganglia) and arcopallium (an association area of lateral forebrain). Localized lesions of the basal ganglia caused an impulsive choice away from a long waiting time. On the other hand, lesions of the association area caused an impulsive choice away from a long consumption time. These results suggest that 1) chicks make choices based on foraging efficiency, in which sum of the waiting time (or time-to-reward) and the consumption time (or work cost) serve significant denominator, and 2) these two time domains have distinct neural substrates, thus are assumed to be neuro-ecologically distinct factors.
三宅 なほみ 高野 陽太郎
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.13, no.2, pp.147-185, 2006 (Released:2008-09-26)
苧阪 直行
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.4, no.3, pp.3_93-3_98, 1997-09-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

Neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) with a special reference to visual awareness elicited by motion after effect (MAE) was investigated using neuroimaging method (SQUID). MAE is a negative after effect caused by prolonged viewing of real visual motion: After gazing at a moving pattern for a while, a stationary image will appear to move in the opposite direction. Evoked magnetic field (magnetoencephalogram; MEG) was measured when a subject observing MAE in which concentric circles appear to continuously contracting after viewing the rings moving in a single local direction (continuously expanding motion). Magnetic evoked field at latency of 182 ms was averaged from 37 cortical points over occipital, temporal and parietal areas during observing MAE after adaptation period of 5 s with low spatial frequency. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) brain image and measured dipole locus was fitted for each subject. The results clearly indicated the main unitary locus subserving visual awareness due to MAE and real motion, i.e., both illusory and real visual awareness, appear to be surrounding region over lateral occipito-temporal area in the human brain which is close to MT area.
中村 國則
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.1, pp.174-187, 2008 (Released:2009-10-30)

Verbal probability statements such as “very certain” or “impossible” are often used to communicate information regarding uncertainty. This study aims to investigate how people estimate the “informativeness” of verbal probability statements. With regard to numerical probabilities (e.g., “30%”), Keren and Teigen (2001) proposed the “search for definitive predictions” principle; according to this principle, relatively high or low probabilities are preferred to medium ones because high or low probabilities denote the occurrence or nonoccurrence of a single outcome more strongly than they do medium ones. However, whether people adhere to this principle when they estimate the informativeness of the verbal probability statement remains an unresolved issue. Through two empirical studies, this study establishes a quantitative relation between verbal probability statements and their “informativeness,” which is similar to the principle of Keren and Teigen (2001). In addition, this study shows that the directionality of verbal probability (Teigen & Brun, 1999) also affects the informativeness judgment. Finally, this study formalizes the judgment regarding the informativeness of probability statements in terms of the information theory and argues that the “search for definitive predictions” principle can be interpreted as rational information estimation under the rarity assumption (Oaksford & Chater, 1994).
Friedrich Beck John C. Eccles
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.5, no.2, pp.2_95-2_109, 1998-06-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

The question whether neural activities in the brain can be correlated with conscious action is as old as brain research itself. Even in view of the remarkable progress of neuroscience in recent years, the question is far from being settled. The difficulties arise from the fact that the qualia of consciousness connected with thoughts, emotions, free decisions, can hardly be reconciled with the concept of a causal, computer-like neural net. A new and intriguing view of the relation between brain and consciousness arises, however, if quantum processes play a decisive role in brain activity. The quantum state reduction, or selection of amplitudes, offers a doorway for a new logic, the quantum logic, with its unpredictability for a single event. Brain activity consists of a constant firing of neural cells, regulated by synaptic switches which establish the connections between neurons. Conscious action, e.g. intention, is a dynamical process which forms temporal patterns in some areas of the brain. We discuss how synaptic activity in the form of exocytosis of transmitter molecules can be regulated effectively by a quantum trigger based on an electron transfer process in the synaptic membrane. Conscious action is hereby essentially related to quantum state reduction.
澤口 俊之
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.7, no.3, pp.189-194, 2000-09-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

Whereas brain studies of symbol manipulations, including thinking and tool-use, have been extensively performed in human with brain-imaging techniques, neuronal data for this issue have been limited. However, recent studies with monkeys have provided some interesting data that allow us to hypothesize neuronal mechanisms of symbol manipulations. For example, neuronal groups of the prefrontal cortex code and retain behavioral meaning/abstract information for guiding goal-directed motor acts. These neurons appear to play a role in manipulating and retaining of symbolic information. Further, the prefrontal cortex is well known as a center of working memory, which contains “executive” associated with manipulation of information and control of brain systems. Based on these and other findings, we can hypothesize that the prefrontal cortex has a neuronal system for “executive symbol manipulation”. The executive is a central neuronal system of goal-directed symbol manipulations for controlling other brain systems, and this system would first evolve for tool-use and eventually develop for language and other symbol manipulations. Since the executive symbol manipulation is a possible neuronal system of the prefrontal cortex and can be examined with non-human primates, this hypothesis would be useful for leading neuronal studies of brain mechanisms of symbol manipulations.
伊藤 精英
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.5, no.3, pp.3_25-3_35, 1998-09-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

Of much interests have been spatial cognition and wayfinding by the blind. The traditional approach to spatial cognition and locomotion have taken the central problem to be what kind of cognitive map the blind establish. The main reason for motivating such kind of studies is why holding a map in mind has been thought of as being crucial for blind travellers to reach to a destination. Review of previous studies leads to contradictory results; while visual experience and visual modality set influence on accuracy of cognitive map, some studies indicate the individual difference rather than these effects. The basic ideas of ecological approach offered by J. J. Gibson will be outlined. This approach to environment perception and locomotion concerns how organisms wayfind and reach a destination. The purpose of ecological studies is to determine information picked up in perceptual flows such as optical flow and to demonstrate some relationship between detected invariant structure of environment on the basis of information and performance of wayfinding. One challenging study which applied this approach to wayfinding by the blind will be shown. The results suggest as follows. First, by taking an ecological approach, it is possible to reveal how blind travellers negotiate through environment. Second, it is not so easy to evaluate accuracy of orientation defined by Gibson.
田中 吉史
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.2, pp.206-216, 2007 (Released:2009-03-06)

We investigated the effect of existing words on the generation of non-words. Native Japanese speaking college students (n = 103) generated 2702 non-words consisting of two to ten Hiragana letters during five minutes. The generated non-words resembled existing, familiar, Japanese words in terms of letter frequencies and of bigrams (two adjacent letters in a word). The non-words were also constrained by a phonological rule (*DD-constraint; Ito & Mester, 1996) of the Japanese lexicon, which implies that the non-words were related to existing words. and could be included in the extreme periphery of the Japanese lexicon. Further analysis indicated that the selection of letters in the generated non-words was biased. The participants tended to repeatedly use the same letters, and moreover, frequencies of letters in non-words were more redundant than those in existing words and random combination of letters. These results suggest that the generated non-words were influenced by existing words, but also constrained by characteristics of the process of retrieving letters from memory.