山田 憲政
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.12, no.2, pp.107-112, 2005-06-01

"Moving pictures on sliding doors" date back to the Edo Era in Japan. These pictures were called moving pictures because they seem to move when they are viewed while moving. The aim of this study was to determine the mechanism underlying this illusionary phenomenon. For that purpose, photographs of a "moving picture" on sliding doors were taken using a digital camera, and the characteristic points on each image were digitized and stored in a computer. Then changes in perception of the picture with movement of the viewpoint of the observer were computed by using a coordination transformation technique. The results of calculation revealed that the picture had been painted from a bird's-eye view and that the illusionary motion is seen when the observer views the picture from an oblique angle while moving along the length of the sliding doors. When viewing the picture from an oblique angle while moving, distances from points on the picture to the observer's viewpoint change, and these changes in distances give rise to the illusionary motion of the picture. Thus, the mechanism by which the picture is perceived as moving is motion parallax.
山本 吉伸 松井 孝雄 開 一夫 梅田 聡 安西 祐一郎
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.1, no.1, pp.1_107-1_120, 1994 (Released:2008-10-03)

What makes it a pleasure to interact with a computer system? In this paper,we discuss some possible factors contributing to a pleasant interaction. We study the pleasure of interaction under the domain of a two-player game called word tennis, Shiritori in Japanese, conducted through a computer network. Two sets of experiments were carried out. The first set consisted of game sessions between a subject and a computer player. Half of the subjects were informed (correctly) that their opponents were computer players, while the other half were informed (incorrectly) that their opponents were human players. All subjects could quit the game session whenever they chose to do so. The second set was the same as the first one except that the computer player was replaced by a human player. From the results of both sets of experiments, we reveal that, regardless of whether the actual identity of the opponent is a computer or a human player, subjects who were told to be facing with a human player gave significantly higher pleasure-ratings than those who were told to be facing with a computer player. Furthermore, subjects who found the game pleasant kept playing the game until the end of the pre-determined time limit (one hour). As the word tennis game is dry and monotonous in essence, the exceptionally long game session suggests that the subjects must have had an intrinsic motivation for the game. However, previously recognized intrinsic motivation for games in general fails to explain our observed phenomenon satisfactorily. Hence, we make an attempt to characterize a novel intrinsic motivation, and postulate that the cognition of being involved communication with a human mind is indeed a valid intrinsic motivation in interacting with a computer system.
Peter Pirolli
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.11, no.3, pp.197-213, 2004 (Released:2007-04-13)

Previous work on information foraging theory has addressed how people navigate through information systems to find information. This paper presents a new information foraging model called InfoCLASS that models the conceptual categories that people learn while interacting with information systems. InfoCLASS is based on previous work on the rational analysis of human category formation. InfoCLASS simulations can be used to make qualitative predictions about the richness of conceptual categories that will be learned from different experiential histories, and from different kinds of user interfaces. InfoCLASS simulations can also be used to predict the conceptual consensus among a group of users of information systems. It is argued that the degree of conceptual coherence among a group of users is an important determinant of the efficiency and effectiveness of a social organization engaged in making discoveries, such as scientific communities.
清水 大地 岡田 猛
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.4, pp.421-438, 2013-12-01 (Released:2014-12-24)

This paper aims to study the creative process of collaborative improvisation, which has rarely been the subject of cognitive science research. The special focus is on how a dancer’s improvisational process is influenced by another dancer’s performance. Bat-tle performances of street dance are chosen as the target performances of this study and contrasted with solo performances, because in battle situations dancers have to generate their original expressions in a highly improvised manner. We conducted an experimental study, aiming to investigate both the cognitive process of dancers and the characteristic features of their dance performances. The three main results are as follows: 1) The generation frequency of new dance movements was not different be-tween solo and battle dance performances. 2) The generation process of a dancer’s new dance movements was influenced by another dancer’s performance. In the battle per-formances, dancers generated new dance movements by combining several movements that they had already acquired, while they generated new movements by only changing some parts of their acquired dance movements in the solo performances. 3) In the battle performances, as distinct from the solo dance performances, dancers generated their dance movements by adopting movements of another dancers and changing the structures of their movements. These features resulted in differences in the processes of generating new patterns.
田中 孝治 梅野 光平 池田 満 堀 雅洋
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.3, pp.356-367, 2015-09-01 (Released:2016-03-01)

It is not difficult for residents, for the most cases, to know the knowledge of disasterprevention, while it is quite difficult for them to take appropriate evacuation behavior.For example, it is easy to know why flooded underpasses should not be gone through bycars. It is just because cars would be submerged and got stuck on the way. However,people sometimes fail to apply such knowledge to take an appropriate action, due tothe so-called knowledge-to-action gap. In the present study, a preliminary investiga-tion and two experiments were conducted. The purpose of the investigation is to clarifythe kinds of unsafe evacuation behavior with reference to newspaper articles on flooddisaster over the past 15 years. The two experiments are to examine if the knowledge-to-action gap can be confirmed by means of paper-and-pencil tests consisting of knowledgeand intention tasks. Preliminary investigation revealed ten kinds of unsafe evacuationbehaviors in flood disaster. Experiments 1 and 2 indicated that participants take unsafeevacuation behaviors even though they have appropriate knowledge. In addition, theexperiment 2 indicated that they perceived danger in unsafe evacuation behaviors andflood disaster situation.These results demonstrate an aspect of unsafe evacuation be-havior, and the importance of disaster prevention education, which has to be carefullydesigned to bridge the gap between knowledge and action for disaster prevention.
前山 祥一 大矢 晃久 油田 信一
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.5, no.3, pp.3_69-3_76, 1998-09-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

We introduce our researches about mobile robot navigation in real world. We have about 30 self-contained and autonomous mobile robots as experimental research platforms who are named “Yamabico”. The objective of our research is to realize a mobile robot, which can robustly navigate itself a long distance autonomously in a real environment. For navigation, a robot must recognize work space and have enough knowledge about environment. Since the information processing, sensors and actuators of the robot are very different from ones of human, the suitable representation of knowledge or the recognition of environment for the robot are also quite different. In this paper, we report some experiments on the navigation of autonomous robot being done in Intelligent Robot Laboratory of University of Tsukuba.
清水 大地 岡田 猛
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.19, no.2, pp.240-243, 2012 (Released:2014-07-22)
川合 伸幸 久保(川合) 南海子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.3, pp.378-391, 2008

It has been demonstrated that there are many similarities between Pavlovian conditioning in nonhuman animals and causal judgment by humans, such as conditioned inhibition, overshadowing, and blocking. However, there was a notable difference in empirical studies between animal Pavlovian conditioning and human causal judgment: lack of retrospective inference (i.e., backward blocking) in animals. Although human participants showed symmetrical results for forward and backward blocking procedure in causal judgment, researchers failed to obtain backward blocking in animal conditioning. In the case of forward blocking, a cue is first paired with an unconditioned stimulus (US) (e.g., A+), and the first cue is then presented together with a target cue and the US (e.g., AX+). In the case of backward blocking, the compound cue is learned first (AX+), and then the competing cue alone is paired with the US (A+). In subsequent tests, human participants inferred in both cases that X is not a cause of the outcome, whereas the response of animals to X alone was “blocked” only in the forward blocking procedure but not in the backward one. In this article, we review the existence studies on retrospective inference in humans and animals including our ongoing primate study and explore a possible role of retrieval deficits in memory for retrospective inference in animals.
佐藤 有理 峯島 宏次
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.1, pp.139-152, 2020-07-15 (Released:2021-03-15)

The use of diagrams, instead of linguistic and symbolic representations, in logical reasoning has been the subject of continuous research interest over the last few centuries. Especially in 1990s, such logic diagrams have attracted substantial research attention in the fields of logic, artificial intelligence and cognitive science. More recently, according to some applications to computer sciences, various diagrammatic systems have been developed to handle extended types of logical information and reasoning. The research direction of logic diagram design raises the question of to what extent diagrammatic systems can be expressive enough to handle the generality of logics as well as be natural and effective so that they are easy to understand. This paper surveys historical and recent developments of logic diagrams, focusing on the two types of visualization: Euler/Venn diagrams and graph representations. While a majority of previous researches on cognitive science of reasoning focus on linguistic forms, this survey provides a systematic overview of diagrammatic reasoning, contributing to understanding the theoretical basis of reasoning in visual forms.
渋谷 友紀 森田 ゆい 福田 玄明 植田 一博 佐々木 正人
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.19, no.3, pp.337-364, 2012 (Released:2014-10-10)

In Japanese traditional performing arts, “breathing” is consideredone of the most fundamental techniques. Recent studies reveal that breathing is not synchronized with body action in masters or experts in Kyogen and Kabuki, Japanese traditional performing arts. This result contrasts sharply with the report that, with growing proficiency,breathing becomes synchronized with body actionin sports and Western dances. Bunraku,which is also one of the Japanese traditional performing arts, is a form of puppet theater in which three puppeteers cooperatively maneuver one puppet. Bunraku has thus different characteristics from Kyogen and Kabuki; the body (puppet) that performs actions is different from thebodies (puppeteers) that control the actions. Therefore we can expect to find, in Bunraku, a relation between body action and breathing which is different fromthat in Kyogen and Kabuki. In this paper, we clarified relation between body action and breathing in Bunraku puppeteers and compared it with that found in Kyogen and Kabuki. Two Bunraku puppeteers who were different in career (one puppeteer’s career spanned 31 years while the other puppeteer’s career spanned 13 years)participated in our experiment: We asked them to execute the following three tasks; the first task was to perform basic actions called Kata with a familiar puppet, the second was to perform the same basic actions with an unfamiliar puppet, and the third was to perform an actual Bunraku play both to the music by shamisen and to the narration by Tayu. In order to clarify whether or not a puppeteer’s breathing was synchronized with his body action, we investigated the correspondence between his breathing phases and the puppet’s motions in performance aswell as the periodicity and stability of his breathing by analyzing autocorrelation of and applying Fourier analyses to breathing curves. As a result breathing was found less synchronized with body action for the more experienced puppeteer with 31 years career than for the less experienced puppeteer with 13 years career. When they executed the first and third tasks, in addition, the more experienced puppeteer showed more periodic and stable breathing patterns than the less experienced puppeteer did. These findings are consistent with the previous ones found in Kyogen and Kabuki. On the other hand, a clear difference in breathing pattern between the two puppeteers was not found when they did the second task, which is not necessarily consistent with the finding in Kyogen and Kabuki. Along with the previous findings, the results suggest that a common breathing technique may be used among Japanese traditional performing arts, Kyogen, Bunraku and Kabuki.
小野 哲雄 佐藤 理史
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.2, no.3, pp.3_48-3_65, 1995 (Released:2008-10-03)

We propose a computational model of emotion using the mechanism of the immune system. This model is inspired by the observation that emotion is similar to the immune system, in that each is a result of a self-defense system that is capable of adapting to the environment.The main component of this model is a body, in which many cells undergo Brownian Motion. Each cell has energy and characteristics that correspond to one of the five ego states in transactional analysis(Berne, 1964). The cells' state as a whole is its emotional state. Some cells are activated when antigens invade the body, and they work to sweep away those antigens. This process changes the emotional state.We implemented this model, and the results of experiments indicate that the model has the following two characteristics, which other models have not been able to achieve:(1) Emotional states change continuously.(2) Emotional states change in response to stimuli (antigens) according to the state at that moment and its past changes.We implemented a dialogue system using this model and found that the system can imitate human dialogues.
京屋 郁子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.17, no.1, pp.83-94, 2010 (Released:2010-10-22)

Several studies on categorization have revealed that the strategy of categorization varies according to the category structures of the stimuli and the procedures used in the experiment. This study examined how categorization could vary by the distribution of learning exemplars, which has not been examined in the previous studies.The stimuli were star-shaped geometric figures, and they were divided into two categories: fat and thin. Two conditions were set for the learning exemplars. In the dense condition, the exemplars were located slightly far from the boundary of the two categories. In the prominent condition, one exemplar was located far from the boundary (the prominent exemplar) and the others, near the boundary. Participants were told to rate the typicality for each exemplar in the test phase. In the dense condition, the responses of many participants revealed that the typicality ratings tended to be the highest for the learning exemplars located near the center. On the other hand, in the prominent condition, the rating values of many participants increased according to the increase in the distance from the boundary.These results showed that the difference in the distribution of learning exemplars caused the change of categorization. Additionally, the prominent exemplar facilitated the comparison between the two categories and contributed largely to summarize information in the prominent condition.
高木 紀久子 岡田 猛 横地 早和子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.59-78, 2013-03-01 (Released:2014-11-20)

When producing a new series of artworks, how does the artist form an art concept? In order to capture this formation process, we conducted a case study of a contemporary artist. We interviewed the artist about his creation process once per three weeks for about ten months. During that period, in order to develop his art concept, the artist first drew his ideas on paper and then took photographs to collect visual information. After these two phases, he began the hands-on creation of the artworks. As he discovered the core part of his new art concept during the photography phase, we analyzed the photographs and interview data collected during this phase. The results show that the visual information collected through the photography led to his discovery of sub-components of his art concept.
齊藤 俊樹 大谷 昌也 金城 光
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.3, pp.463-472, 2015-09-01 (Released:2016-03-01)

When we are shown pairs of human faces and instructed to decide which face is morepreferred, our gaze is gradually biased toward the face that we eventually choose. Shi-mojo, Simion, Shimojo, and Scheier (2003) coined this effect as the gaze cascade effect.In this study, we investigated whether the gaze bias could be observed in various judg-ments other than the preference judgment. In Experiment 1, we showed participants ahuman face and asked them to memorize it. Then we showed them another human faceand asked to do two kinds of judgments: the preference judgment where they had tochoose which face they liked more and the dislike judgment where they had to choosewhich face they disliked more. We found the gaze bias for memorized stimuli in bothjudgments. In Experiment 2, we showed other participants two human faces and in-structed to select one depending on each specific criterion for five different judgmentsincluding the preference judgment. The gaze bias was observed in all judgments, most robustly in the similar judgment where participants instructed to decide which face wasmore similar to themselves. Contrary to findings by Shimojo et al. (2003), our resultssuggest that the gaze cascade effect might be involved in the process of visual decision,not limited in preferential formation.
片桐 恭弘 石崎 雅人 伝 康晴 高梨 克也 榎本 美香 岡田 将吾
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.1, pp.97-109, 2015

Conversational interactions contribute not only to the sharing of information and <br>establishment of consensus but also to the construction and sustenance of mutual trust<br>among conversational participants in our daily lives. The interrelationship between<br>trust and conversational interactions has not been studied extensively in cognitive sci-<br>ence. One reason for this lack of research is the fact that a study of social emotions such<br>as trust requires real fields, since social emotions in their natural, non-artificial forms<br>are not readily observable in laboratory settings. We introduce a notion of concern<br>alignment to describe the surface conversational processes toward mutual trust forma-<br>tion. Focusing on medical communications as our research field, we collected health<br>guidance conversations between nurses and patients who were diagnosed as having<br>metabolic syndrome, and we provide a qualitative analysis of the structure of conver-<br>sations in terms of a set of dialogue acts we propose for the description of concern<br>alignment processes. We demonstrate that the idea of concern alignment enables us to<br>capture and elucidate both the local and the global structures of mutual trust formation<br>in conversational consensus-building processes. We also discuss underlying mechanisms<br>connecting concern alignment and mutual trust.
馬田 一郎 下嶋 篤 片桐 恭弘 井ノ上 直巳
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.4, pp.573-587, 2008 (Released:2010-04-23)

An empirical investigation was conducted on the characteristics of language use in graphics communication settings. Graphics communications, such as dialogues using maps, drawings, or pictures, provide people with two independent systems of representation, spoken language and graphics. Drawing on our dialogue data, we show that the presence of a graphical representation significantly changes the way the spoken language is used, extending its expressive capacity in most cases. As two remarkable uses of language affected in this way, we report the phenomena of mediated reference and dual description, illustrating them with actual examples from our data. Further, a quantitative analysis of our data shows that these special uses of language are indeed as common as conventional uses of language in the presence of graphical representations.