諏訪 正樹 赤石 智哉
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.17, no.3, pp.417-429, 2010 (Released:2011-03-08)

The present paper advocates an argument that exploring art and skills is an act of “designing” own body. Providing evidence for a practice of designing own body to acquire embodied skills in Kendou, we discuss what kind of consciousness and acts are promoted by the methodology of embodied meta-cognition, and what the act of designing own body through meta-cognition brings about in life.
二宮 由樹 藤木 大介
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.27, no.3, pp.308-320, 2020-09-01 (Released:2020-09-15)

Information processing involved in inference and decision-making has been explained from the viewpoint of the dual processes: intuitive system 1 and reflective system 2. The relationship between these two systems has been examined based on the difference between correct and incorrect answers in bias task. However, recently, another possible position, which questions the classification based on these answers, has been identified. For example, it is known that even if a participant provides an incorrect answer in a bias task, they may be able to detect a conflict between information about the correct and incorrect answers. In this study, participants were categorized according to their responses provided in the bias task and the presence or absence of conflict detection. The results showed that the functions of the two systems differ within the same answer. This result suggests that the classification based on the bias tasks is incomplete and that researchers need to consider a classification of participants based on the presence or absence of conflict detection.
髙木 幸子 平松 沙織 田中 章浩
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.3, pp.344-362, 2014-09-01 (Released:2015-05-12)

This study aims to further examine the cross-cultural differences in multisensory emo-tion perception between Western and East Asian people. In this study, we recorded the audiovisual stimulus video of Japanese actors saying neutral phrase with one of the basic emotions. Then we conducted a validation experiment of the stimuli. In the first part (facial expression), participants watched a silent video of actors and judged what kind of emotion the actor is expressing by choosing among 6 options (i.e., happiness,anger, disgust, sadness, surprise, and fear). In the second part (vocal expression), they listened to the audio part of the same videos without video images while the task was the same. We analyzed their categorization responses based on accuracy and confusion matrix, and discussed the tendency of emotion perception by Japanese.
石橋 健太郎 岡田 猛
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.11, no.1, pp.51-59, 2004 (Released:2007-04-13)

According to Arnheim (1977), the perception of artworks means our total experience in our interaction with them. From this point of view, people can interact with artworks in various ways such as looking, copying, and reading reviews on the artworks. Different ways of interaction with artworks provide different kind of perceptual experiences. In this paper, we focused on the copying of artists' works and proposed the hypothesis that copying encourages the copiers' creativity as well as their acquiring knowledge of the artworks. We presumed that copying has the following two aspects: (1) understanding others and (2) understanding oneself. In the former aspect, the knowledge about the artistic products (to be copied) would be deepened by means of inferring the art making processes. In the latter aspect, the copiers' own taste for expression may become clarified by means of comparisons with others' artworks. Thus, the latter aspect is particularly important for creativity, because it might facilitate the copier's ability to produce her/his own original artworks. Our recent experiment (Ishibashi & Okada, 2003) revealed that copying facilitated students' creativity for drawing. Some of the verbal protocols in the copying session of the experiment indicate that the students participated in these two aspects of copying processes.
寺井 仁 三輪 和久 松林 翔太
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.2, pp.223-234, 2015-06-01 (Released:2015-12-01)

Reconstructing explanations perform a crucial role not only in the progress of science,but in educational practice and daily activities including comprehension of phenomena. We focused on the transition of attention on a key fact that contradicts the preceding explanation and has a central role in its reconstruction. We used a short story as an experimental material in which the participants first constructed a prior explanation and reconstructed it. The experimental results are summarized as follows. First, when the prior explanation was rejected, a new explanation was required, after attention on the key fact was inhibited. Second, hypothesized premises not inconsistent with the prior explanation were sought to protect the prior explanation. Third, the explanation reconstruction was facilitated by having the participants focus on the key fact. Last,attention on the key fact was recovered through explanation reconstruction.
工藤 彰 岡田 猛 ドミニク チェン
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.4, pp.573-590, 2015

The purpose of this study is to investigate the writing style and revision process of<br>a contemporary fiction writer from a cognitive science perspective. We focus on the<br> work of Mishima Prize winning author, Otaro Maijo. Using Type Trace, a text editor<br> devised by Dividual Inc., as an analysis tool for observing the writing process, we con-<br>sider features that have not been detected by creative experiment, protocol analysis or<br> manuscript research. Based on observations of Maijo's writing process, firstly revisions<br> are categorized as additions, deletions, substitutions, distributions, or consolidations.<br> Secondly, revisions are further classified as "revisions at a generative point", "revisions<br> in a generative sentence", "revisions in a generative paragraph", or "revisions beyond<br> the generative paragraph", according to the remoteness of the revision from the point<br> of composition. The results reveal that revisions such as the substitution of words and<br> adjustments in sentence length were mostly performed together with text generation.<br> All revisions that were made after an interlude took the form of revisions far removed<br> from sentence generation. We find that Maijo's writing style tends to be maintained<br> for several weeks to months and then changes substantially.
田中 吉史
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.25, no.1, pp.26-49, 2018-03-01 (Released:2018-09-01)

Beginners of art appreciation generally have “reality constraints” in that they show a strong tendency to insist on identifying depicted objects and their realistic expression in artwork. We examined the effect of reading commentaries on artwork on the relaxation of reality constraints and the time taken by appreciators to respond to paintings. In the first session of the experiment, 24 pairs of participants appreciated one of two paintings:either one by van Gogh (“Terrasse du caf´e le soir”) or one by Sisley (“Landscape in summer”). In the second session, the participants appreciated two paintings, by Renoir and Matisse, with the help of any of the following three methods: reading commentaries on the objects depicted in each painting, reading commentaries on the formal aspects of the paintings, and reading no commentary. In the third session, the participants viewed a painting (either van Gogh’s or Sisley’s) that they had not viewed in the first session. In each session, the participants freely talked to one another while viewing the painting for 5 minutes. The verbal protocols and gestures, such as pointing to objects in the painting, in the first and the third sessions were analyzed. In the case of the van Gogh painting, the participants generally tended to focus on the salient objects in the painting in the early stage of appreciation and to gradually shift their attention to more peripheral objects. The participants shown the formal commentary tended to focus on formal aspects of the painting, especially on the exaggerated perspective integrating the objects. On the contrary, in the case of the Sisley painting, the participants showed a strong tendency to insist on identifying the depicted objects. The characteristics of the paintings and the effects of the commentaries are discussed.
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.12, no.1, pp.8-27, 2005 (Released:2009-10-16)
植阪 友理
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.25, no.3, pp.227-231, 2018-09-01 (Released:2019-02-28)
大塚 裕子 桑田 幸生
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.27, no.2, pp.163-175, 2020-06-01 (Released:2020-06-15)

The purpose of this research is learning design and practice for childcare practitioners in a nursing site. Specifically, we describe ourselves as childcare practitioners the process that we find the state which children learn and develop from everyday childcare practice, we each reflect and describe the state, and we design and do the childcare reflection which we discuss the state. We suggest taking pictures by the viewpoint of children under the age of one to take in a first-person viewpoint of them, and to think deeply meanings of the actions and reactions vividly. This method of the taking pictures and describing by a second-person approach enables to share reflection of each practitioner by every childcare staffs and to learn new viewpoints from others. Thereby, we understand meanings them to avoid being self-opinionated. In this paper, we show two examples which the practitioner in charge for children under the age of one takes pictures of children's action, and describing the process in a childcare center. One is scene a five months old child is surprised and excited at impressive sight (many headbands at suspended from the ceiling) he never has seen. The other is scene an eleven months child gets over an entrance mat (having many rubber points on the surface of the mat) as difficulty of sense of touch for him. We considerate ability and possibility of children under the age of one, and childcare skill based on the interaction in sharing reflections.
田村 昌彦 三輪 和久
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.2, pp.299-313, 2011 (Released:2011-12-16)

We conducted three experiments to investigate the effects of how experiences for solving a source task subconsciously affect problem solving for a target insight problem. In Experiment 1, we verified an experimental paradigm developed for this investigation. We found that the experiences solving the source task actually improved the target problem solving even though the participants were not aware the correspondence between the two tasks. Experiment 2 revealed that the effect that the source task improved problem solving for the target task was not brought about by the perceptual feature shared by the two tasks, but by eye tracking experiences while solving the source task, relaxing the constraint that prevents the solution for the target task. Experiment 3 suggested that the effect emerged for relaxing the constraint only; did not for shifting search for an adequate problem space that involves the target solution. We concluded that in insight problem solving people can use analogical cues without awareness to relax fixations rather than to shift search for the problem spaces.
村岡 諭
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.13, no.3, pp.404-416, 2006 (Released:2008-11-13)

The present study investigates the effects of case marking information on processing an object NP in Japanese. In Japanese, there are two kinds of case markers that are assigned to an object NP, one is a dative case marker “ni”, the other is an accusative case marker “o”, and it is specified for each verb which case marker is assigned to an object NP. We conducted two experiments to verify whether the parser is sensitive to the difference in case markers in object NPs. Results from the experiments show two findings: (i) the parser processes object NPs in different ways depending on the case marker, (ii) based on the difference in the case markers of object NPs, the parser predicts what kind of element is input next. As for the mechanism of the parser, the present results are compatible with the model in which NPs in Japanese are associated with a parsing tree incrementally before verb information becomes available, and give a detailed explanation of how it processes the NPs with local information at the stage of preverbal processing.
寺岡 丈博
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.27, no.2, pp.227-232, 2020-06-01 (Released:2020-06-15)

近年の深層学習の発展により,機械翻訳をはじめとする様々な自然言語処理技術も発展の一途を辿ってきている.しかし,その一方で意味や文脈の理解に関しては未だ課題が散見され,その代表的なものが,比喩理解である.比喩とは,「ある事柄や物をそれと関係のある別の事柄や物で説明する」修辞法である.つまり,比喩は字義通りの意味と本来表現するべき意味が異なるため,文中や発話中に「比喩表現がどこにあって何を表しているか」を正しく理解することは自然言語処理の重要な課題といえる. 本稿で紹介する論文は,それぞれ修辞性が異なる比喩表現を扱っているが,どちらも統語関係に基づいた特徴量を機械学習に用いた研究である.第1 論文は,半教師学習(semi-supervised)と教師なし学習(unsupervised)をそれぞれ用いてコーパス内の比喩表現(metaphorical expression)を同定している.ここでいう比喩表現は,“mend marriage”のような動詞が隠喩的に用いられる表現を指す.第2 論文は,Predicate Window と最小構成のニューラルネットワークを使用して,コーパス内の換喩表現(metonymic expression)を識別している.換喩(metonymy)とは隣接性・近接性に基づいた比喩であり,ここでは“London”のような地名を表す固有表現(named entity)を識別の対象にしている. 以上の2 編は,比喩研究や言語研究を専門とする研究者にとって興味深い内容であると考えられる.第1 論文で,比喩表現の同定過程で取得した比喩のパターンは認知科学と心理学の比喩や概念に関する研究に貢献できる可能性が示唆されている.第2 論文では,統語的にシンプルな情報であるPredicate Window を新たに定義しており,換喩表現だけでなく,固有表現や語彙多義性の処理にも応用できる可能性が示唆されている.これらの自然言語処理研究を通して新しい知見が得られる機会になるとともに「比喩理解に何が必要なのか」を提言していただければ,紹介者として本懐の至りである.
三野宮 定里 原田 泰
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.27, no.2, pp.176-191, 2020-06-01 (Released:2020-06-15)

We propose a method to visualize a design process as a “narrative” from the designer's point of view to describe how to design. The principal aim of this study is to discuss how to describe what knowledge, skill, attitude and passion, etc.,are necessary for design. First, we analyzed previous studies of visualizing design processes. Based on this analysis, we have implemented a description method. Second, we drew some sketches in a practice. After the practice, we organized the sketches, and described what we saw, what we thought, what we understood, and what we did not understand. In this paper, we try to describe the process of our design project. Since we have been practicing design at a company that produces Japanese packaging, the project's theme was to make a new method of computing the cost of this packaging. By visualizing the design process, we describe design strategies such as how to get an idea, to generate visions with partners,to brush up an idea. This study shows an approach to describe design strategies from a narrative perspective.
永井 淳一 横澤 一彦 浅野 倫子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.4, pp.426-439, 2019-12-01 (Released:2020-03-01)

We examined how Japanese non-synesthetes associate colors to kana characters (Japanese syllabic graphemes). Kana consists of two distinct and corresponding subsets, hiragana and katakana, which represent the same set of syllables but differ in their shapes and usage, etc. For each of 92 kana characters, participants chose the most suitable color from 11 basic color terms. The same test was repeated with a two-week interval. Results showed comparable biases and regularities in their kana-color associations, though, which were not as temporally consistent as those of grapheme-color synesthetes. As suggested for grapheme-color synesthetes in past studies, linguistic and cognitive properties of the characters and colors regulated their associations: earlier characters in the syllabary order tended to be associated with earlier colors in the Berlin and Kay’s typology order, color word frequency order, and/or the subjective color ranking order. Besides, color choices for hiragana characters and those for their katakana counterparts were remarkably consistent, showing that characters sharing the same sound tended to be associated with the same colors. This tendency is comparable with that reported for Japanese synesthetes. It is suggested that grapheme-color associations of both non-synesthetes and synesthetes depend on common linguistic and cognitive processes during language and knowledge acquisition.