松山 利夫 Toshio Matsuyama
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.13, no.2, pp.407-435, 1988-10-17

The National Museum of Ethnology dispatched staff tonorthern Australia during September and October, 1986 to makean ethnological film record of the Djinang tribe, of Arnhem Land.This article reports on the general process of how this record,especially that of the Maradjiri (Star Ceremony), which wasperformed during the period, was made, edited and released.The whole record was completed as four separate films;① "Maradjiri-Star Ceremony of Arnhem Land" (2 hours20 minutes).Details of Maradjiri. Djinang people adore Venus astheir mythological ancestor, and worship their ancestor's spiritin the ceremony;② "20,000 year-old Rock Paintings of Arnhem Land-Beyond Time" (18 minutes).Paleo—environmental change is examined from rockpaintings in Kakadu National Park. The development of thepaintings and the worldview of Arnhem Land aborigines isanalyzed from these paintings;③ "Bungowa returns to the bush-Way of Life in ArnhemLand" (1 hour 40 minutes).The daily life of contemporary aborigines is presentedthrough a detailed record of the Gamardi Outstation of theDjinang, which was established in 1975; and④ "Talking Spirits-Songs and Dances of Arnhem Land"(60 minutes).Myths regarding "Dreamings" (totems) of the Djinangtribe, which were celebrated by a series of songs and dancesduring the two weeks of Maradjiri, were analyzed through thecontents of songs and dance performances.Mr. Jacky Wunuwun and Mr. Terry Gandadira, fromGamardi Outstation, and Mr. David Bond, of BawinangaAboriginal Cooperation, from Maningrida, were invited to theNational Museum of Ethnology to complete these films and toverify the suitability of the contents for public release.
沢山 美果子 Sawayama Mikako サワヤマ ミカコ
国立民族学博物館研究報告 (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.40, no.3, pp.459-483, 2016

本稿では,江戸時代,とくに女と子どものいのちを救うための努力がなされていった18 世紀後半以降の民間療法に焦点をあてる。歴史人口学の研究成果によれば,江戸時代,女性が出産でいのちを失う率は高く,また乳児死亡率も高かった。「家」の維持・存続を願う人々にとって,女と子どものいのちを守ることは,重要な課題であった。そのため,江戸時代には,人々の生活経験をもとにした様々な民間療法が生みだされていた。ここでは,仙台藩の上層農民の家に写本として残された民間療法,その支藩である一関藩の在村医が書き残した民間療法を手がかりに,江戸時代の人々は,身体という内なる自然に起きる危機としての妊娠,出産にどのように対処し,母と赤子のいのちを守ろうとしたのか,そこには,どのような自然と人間をめぐる人々の認識や身体観が示されているかを探った。 考察の結果,次のことが明らかとなった。江戸時代後期には,人々が生活の中で経験的に蓄積してきた身体をめぐる民間の知恵を文字化した民間療法が広く流布していくが,そこに記された,妊娠・出産をめぐる処方,とりわけ対処が困難な難産の処方では,自然の生産物である動植物や清浄な身体からの排泄物が用いられる。それは,脅威としての自然を恵としての自然につくりかえ,自然と人間の一体化を図り身体を回復させることで,内なる自然に起きた困難を取り除こうとする試みであった。そこには,江戸時代の人々の,自然と人間を切り離せないものとして捉える捉え方が示されている。This paper focuses on folk remedies in the Edo period. During thisperiod, especially from the late 18th century, people were concerned with howto protect the lives of mothers and babies, and the remedies were made to dothat.According to historical demographic research, the mortality rate ofinfants was high during the Edo period, with many mothers losing their livesin childbirth. For those who hoped to continue their family line (Ie), protectingthe lives of mothers and babies was an important issue. Therefore, duringthat period, a variety of folk remedies emerged based on everyday experienceand knowledge.My study looks into two cases based on local materials drawn from theSendai Han ('clan') of Japan's Tohoku region. First, upper-class farmers in theSendai clan wrote prescriptions for various cures to be used in difficult childbirth.Second, in the Ichinoseki clan (a branch of the Sendai clan), a localphysician left a manuscript of folk remedies for dystocia (=difficult birth).The medical treatments show how dangerous pregnancy was for the livesof mothers and babies. In other words, for the people of that period, pregnancywas a crisis that happened to a woman's body. Through these primaryresources, I want to explore how people viewed the relationship between lifeand the body and recognized its inner nature.The following became clarified as a result of my consideration. The folkremedies that represented the accumulation of wisdom gained through dailylives were widely available through transcribed copies. The prescriptionsrelated to pregnancy and childbirth, particularly refractory dystocia, usingplants, animals, products of nature, and excreta from purified human bodies.That was an attempt to transform nature that was threatening into nature thatgave blessings, restoring the healthy state by integrating nature and humans,thereby removing the hardships manifested in the body. It clearly shows howpeople in the Edo period viewed humans and nature as inseparable.
川瀬 豊子 Toyoko Kawase
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.4, no.1, pp.43-78, 1979-07-30

Persepolis Fortification Tablets (PFT) deal with administrativetransfers of foodstuffs from 509 to 494 B.C., i.e., from thethirteenth to the twenty-eighth year of Darayavau-I. Throughthe investigation of these tablets, this essay attempts to reconstructtentatively the major outline of the royal management of UDU.NITA.Ninety-three texts referring to UDU.NITA were extractedfrom PFT, to which was added Fort. 6764, published by G. G.Cameron. The following facts emerged from the detailedanalysis of the texts:1) The royal nutanus (stockyard) was the central organization ofUDU.NITA breeding in the royal economy;2) Breeding was based on the consignment system;3) A form of cattle tax (bazis) was levied by the royal court;4) The use of meat and hides is confirmed by the texts, whereasthat of wool and milk is only suggested, as for products derivedfrom UDU.NITA. In additon, UDU.NITA were rituallysacrificed.5) The consumption of UDU.NITA, was apparently restrictedin daily life, and evidently, the interest of the royal court centeredon increase of UDU.NITA and utilizing them alive. It is thoughtthat UDU.NITA were not regarded as consumer goods, butrather as savings;6) The consignment system and the levy of bazis seem to haveshared the functions of linking the royal economy with the cattlebreeders, from which it may be concluded that in addition totheir economic functions, the consignment system and the levy ofbazis aimed at the close interaction with the cattle breeders.
竹沢 尚一郎 竹沢 尚一郎
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.42, no.2, pp.213-263, 2017

日本民俗学の創始者柳田国男については多くの研究がある。しかしその多くは,柳田が日本民俗学を完成させたという終着点に向けてその経歴を跡づけるという目的論的記述に終わっているために,民俗学も民族学も存在していなかった明治大正の知的環境のなかで,柳田がどのようにして自己の学問を築いていったかを跡づけることに成功していない。 彼の経歴を仔細にたどっていくと,彼が多くの挫折と変化を経験しながらみずからの人生と学問を自分の手で築いていったことが明らかである。青年期には多くの小説家や詩人と交流しながらロマンティックな詩を書いた詩人であり,東京帝国大学で農政学を学んだあとの十年間は,日本農業の改革に専念したリベラリスト農政官僚であった。その後,1911 年に南方熊楠と知り合うことで海外の民族学や民俗学を本格的に学びはじめ,第一次世界大戦後は国際連盟委員をつとめるなかで諸大国のエゴイズムを知らされて失望し,それを辞任して帰国したのちは日本民俗学の確立に邁進する。こうした彼の人生の有為転変が彼の民俗学を独自のものにしたのである。 柳田がようやく彼の民俗学を定義したのは1930 年ごろである。それは,隣接科学(=民族学)との峻別と,民俗学独自の方法(データの採集方法)の確立,社会のなかでのその役割の正当化,研究対象としての日本の特別視という4 重の操作を経ておこなわれたものであった。英米の人類学はとくに1925 年から1935 年のあいだに理論と実践の両面で革新を実現したが,すでに自分の民俗学の定義を完了した柳田はそれを取り入れることをしなかった。彼の民俗学は,隣接科学や海外の学問動向を参照することを必要としない一国民俗学になったのであり,隣接科学との対話や交流という課題は今日まで解決されることなく残っている。Many studies have examined Yanagita Kunio, the founder of Japanesefolklore studies, but few have carefully traced how Yanagita built his disciplinein the academic environment of the Meiji–Taisho periods, during whichneither folklore nor ethnology existed as an independent discipline. This lackof investigation has occurred because, from a teleological perspective, paststudies have depicted the vicissitudes of Yanagita's life to conform to thefinal point that he completed Japanese folklore studies.Following his career, it is readily apparent that he constructed his academiclife deliberately and independently while experiencing numerous setbacksand changes. In adolescence, he was a poet who wrote romantic poemswhile cultivating friendships with many novelists and poets. After studyingagricultural science at Tokyo Imperial University, he worked as a liberalbureaucrat dedicated to the reform of the Japanese agricultural system. In1911, he became acquainted with Minakata Kumakusu and began pursuingethnology and folklore studies eagerly under his influence. After World War I,he was appointed as a committee member of the League of Nations and wasdisappointed to witness the arrogance shown by the major powers. After heresigned and returned to Japan, he struggled to establish Japanese folklorestudies. These experiences in his life made his folklore unique.Yanagita defined his discipline around 1930 as based on four factors:distinction from adjacent science( i.e. ethnology),establishment of methodology(method of collecting data), justification for its role in society, andgranting privileges to Japan as a privileged research subject. During 1925–1935 British and American anthropologists achieved radical changes in boththeory and practice. Nevertheless, Yanagita, who had already completed hisdefinition of folklore studies, never adopted them. His folklore studiesbecame a nationalist and closed science that required no reference to neighboringsciences and foreign academic trends. In light of this past history, realizingdialogue and exchanges with adjacent sciences remains a difficult taskfor Japanese folklore.
高橋 沙奈美 Sanami Takahashi
国立民族学博物館研究報告 (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.40, no.2, pp.235-251, 2015

マダム・ブラヴァツキーは幼少のうちから,ひとところに長く落ち着いて生活することのない「遊牧民的」生活を余儀なくされた。様々な民族と宗教が混在するロシア帝国の南方を転々と放浪する生活をしたこと,特にアストラハンで遊牧民のカルムィク人とそのチベット仏教に出会っていたことは,彼女のその後の人生に少なくない影響を及ぼしたと考えられている。母エレーナは,この放浪生活に耐えがたい疲弊を感じていたが,その一方で,西欧文明とは異なる生活の中にインスピレーションを見出し,「異郷」を舞台とした一連の小説を発表した。時に,1820–1830 年代のロシア文壇を風靡したロマン主義は,「カフカスもの」と称されるロシア南方を舞台とした小説を輩出していた。エレーナ・ガンの創作も,この潮流に棹差すものだったのであり,1838 年に彼女が発表した,カルムィクを舞台とする小説「ウトバーラ」もまた,ロシアのオリエンタリズムが生み出した作品の一つといえる。本稿はガンを育んだ人々や環境,彼女が抱き続けた理想や,彼女が生きた時代の歴史的・文化的背景を踏まえながら,ガンが見たカルムィクと仏教世界を小説「ウトバーラ」の中から読み解く試みである。Madame Blavatsky had no choice but to move from one place to anotherfrom the time she was in the cradle. Her family nomadically moved aroundthe southern part of the Russian Empire. Her encounter with the Kalmykpeople in Astrakhan affected her for the rest of her life to some extent. Hermother, Elena Gan, was also inspired by differences with the life in her"Europe," when exhausted from her non-cultural—sometimes even barbaric—nomadic life.She wrote several novels set in a strange land. Meanwhile, "Caucasiannovels," concerning the Southern Russian lands and peoples, played an importantrole in the history of the Russian romantic literature in the 1820's and1830's. Gan followed the mainstream. In 1838, she published "Utballa," set inKalmykia, which should be considered as one of the fruits of Russian orientalism.In this essay, I discuss the representations of the Kalmyk and their Buddhismin the novel, taking into account the author's background, her ideals,and the historical and cultural circumstances of her time.