Andrew McWilliam アンドリュー マクウィリアム
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.43, no.3, pp.301-315, 2019-01-25

Historically, the diverse ethno-linguistic communities of Timor-Leste havedefined themselves through local ancestral resource jurisdictions and mythichistories of exchange, alliance, and settlement. Central to this conception ofplace and belonging is the idea of the rai na'in, a Tetun language term withlocal language variants that refers to 'custodians of the land'. However, thebrutal, generation-long struggle for independence promoted new forms ofimaginative connection and belonging encapsulated in the concept of RaiTimor, or 'homeland'. The notion of Rai Timor is not merely a moreencompassing 'homeland' than the landed inheritance of locally embeddedcommunities; it is imagined as a territory shaped from below and collectivelyby the ordeals of 'the people', who become the active originators ofthe nation. If the constitutive act of a subject in the traditional ideology ofrule is to recognise and defer to authority vested in ritual and political leaders(the rai na'in), the constitutive act of belonging to the nation is to sufferand sacrifice for it (the Rai Timor) (McWilliam and Traube 2011). This presentationconsiders the contemporary force of this expansive sense of theimagined community in Timor-Leste, a notion that Anderson described as'aggregated nativeness' (2003), in the light of the well-documented resurgenceof custom and traditional authority. How do these different scales ofallegiance and belonging contribute to the shaping of contemporary societyin post-independence Timor-Leste? In this chapter, I discuss these and otherquestions with reference to the Fataluku ethnography. 歴史的にティモール・レステのさまざまな民族はローカルな伝統(先祖からの取り決めによる資源の裁定,交換・縁組・居住に関する神話的歴史)を通して自らを定義してきた。土地と所属に関するこの考え方に中心的な位置を占めているのがライ・ナインである。「ライ・ナイン」はテトゥン語で「土地の守護者」を指す。しかしながら,暴力的で一世代にわたる独立への闘争は,想像上の連帯と所属の新しい形,「ライ・ティモール」あるいは「祖国」の概念を産みだした。ライ・ティモールの考え方は,単にローカルな共同体の土地にむすびつきながら継承されたものをより包括的にしただけではない。それは全く違った仕方で想像されているのだ。それは下から,集団によって,「民衆」(彼らこそが国家の作り手となるのだが)の試練から作られた領土なのである。伝統的な統治のイデオロギーの中での主体の重要な行為が儀礼的・政治的リーダー(ライ・ナイン)の権威を認め・それに従うことだとすれば,国家に属するという中での重要な行為は国家(ライ・ティモール)のために殉教し犠牲になることである(McWilliam and Trauve 2011)。この論文はティモール・レステにおける想像された共同体(「ネイティブの集合体」(Anderson 2003))の,このような意味での拡張された意味の力を,慣習や伝統的権威の復活というよく知られた動きと対照させながら,考察する。いかにしてこれらの様々なスケールをもった忠誠と所属の意識が,今日の独立以降のティモール・レステの社会を形作っているのだろうか?わたしはこれらの問題をファタルクの民族誌に基いて議論する。
Michael Leach マイケル リーチ
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.43, no.3, pp.283-300, 2019-01-25

This chapter examines some the evolving characteristics of East Timoresenationalism. It starts by examining the distinctive features of East Timoresenationalism, including its rapid transition from a conventional anti-colonialistnarrative, mobilised against Portuguese colonialism, to one contestingIndonesia’s looming forced integration of the decolonising territory in1975; and the way in which the East Timorese resistance employed ideas ofan inner ‘spiritual domain’ (Chatterjee 1993) of identity. It then focusses onmore recent shifts in ‘official’ East Timorese nationalism, in the way governmentdiscourses have invoked the arrival of Catholicism as the‘affirmation of Timorese identity’ (RDTL 2015a) and developed a modernnationalist narrative that partly reflects traditional ‘origin stories’. In thisvein, it discusses recent government attempts to transform a national identityfocussed on the history of the resistance to one mobilised around thegoals of national development. Finally, it speculates on the future of EastTimorese nationalism, reflecting on the implications of the ‘youth bulge’ inEast Timorese society.
マティソフ ジェイムズ A. James A. Matisoff
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.39, no.3, pp.375-395, 2015-01-30

近年N. Hill氏はチベット・ビルマ歴史言語学では確立された音対応,文語チベット語-o(-):文語ビルマ語-wa(-),に疑義を唱える論考を発表した。この根底には,文字を持つ古い言語に依拠する文献学的研究傾向と,文字を持たない現代の言語をベースとするフィールドワーク言語学との相剋があると思われ,私はHill氏の論旨に反対の立場をとる。だが,小稿は単なる反論ではなく,私はこれを機に上記の音対応に関わる事象をチベット・ビルマ祖語との関連において総ざらいし,*-e(-)と*-o(-)をチベット・ビルマ祖語の母音体系から外し,替わりに-ay(-) / -ya(-)と-aw(-) / -wa(-)を立てるべきであることを発見した。以下はそのプロセスを詳細に述べたものである。
久保 正敏
国立民族学博物館研究報告 (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.15, no.4, pp.943-986, 1991-03-28

This paper traces the history of Japanese popular songs fromthe viewpoint of "Travel". The historical span of the discussionis confined to the Showa era, for the following two reasons:1) The modern system of producing popular songs wasestablished at the very beginning of the Showa era;2) The distinct contrast between urban areas and the provinces,together with the social unrest in those days, motivated thetraveling and drifting of the people, and consequently broughtthe travel songs or sight-seeing songs into fashion.In this paper, travels sung in popular songs are categorizedinto three types: outward travel, homeward travel, andwandering travel. Outward travel is motivated by a yearningfor some place and can thus be viewed as future-oriented travel.Homeward travel is motivated mainly by homesickness or somememory of the past. Wandering travel is accompanied byhomesickness in many cases. The popular songs of the Showaera are reviewed according to these three types of travel.In sections 1 and 2, the themes of travel in popular songs aresummarized, and then songs whose words contain place namesor descriptions of local scenery are analyzed. It is pointed outthat changes in the ratio of the number of such songs to thenumber of all popular songs are very similar to change inpopulation drift.In sections 3, 4 and 5, popular songs are reviewed andanalyzed in regard to outward travel, homeward travel, andwandering travel respectively. The evident correlation betweenthe words in these songs and the social environment is shown.Section 6 deals with a few songs relating to spiritual travels.In section 7, changes in travel songs are reviewed froma unique analytical viewpoint. Assuming that the story of thewords of a popular song is scenarized, each song can becategorized as either a close-up type or a long-shot type interms of camera angle, according to the words depicting scenesand manners and the personal pronouns contained in the wordsof the song. Based on this idea, several genres of travel songs areparameterized and mapped on a two-dimensional space, correspondingto the camera angle of the story of the song. Theresult of the mapping shows that travel songs became more andmore of the close-up type with the passing of time, which seemsto parallel the increasing tendency of Japanese society towardprivate-life-oriented conservatism.
丸川 雄三 水谷 長志 川口 雅子 橘川 英規 田中 淳 高野 明彦 皿井 舞

泉 幽香 森田 三郎 中田 睦子

林 勲男 杉本 良男 高桑 史子 田中 聡 牧 紀男 柄谷 友香 山本 直彦 金谷 美和 齋藤 千恵 鈴木 佑記

三尾 稔 杉本 良男 高田 峰夫 八木 祐子 外川 昌彦 森本 泉 小牧 幸代 押川 文子 高田 峰夫 八木 祐子 井坂 理穂 太田 信宏 外川 昌彦 森本 泉 小牧 幸代 中島 岳志 中谷 哲弥 池亀 彩 小磯 千尋 金谷 美和 中谷 純江 松尾 瑞穂

八杉 佳穂 Yoshiho Yasugi
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.11, no.1, pp.163-262, 1986-08-25

Since the discovery of emblem glyphs by Heinrich Berlin,in 1958, and the reconstruction of the dynastic history of Piedrasto the Caracol dynasty in the first series; two important personsand another possible ruler and their parents and consorts in thesecond series; and three rulers and their parents and consorts inthe third series.Negras by Tatiana Proskouriakoff, in 1960, the study of Mayaninscriptions has been advanced. The dynastic history of majorsites has now been reconstructed, and the significance of thegreater part of glyphs understood. However, it is still too earlyto say that the Mayan glyphs have been deciphered, since eventhe rules of glyphic usage are not well-known. A necessary firststep is an analysis of the glyphs. In a series of this papers, Iattempt to formulate rules of Maya glyphic writing, to study stylisticchange, and elucidate dynastic history. The Naranjo textsare examined first.The history of Naranjo is divided into three series by twointervals during which no stelaes were erected (Table 1). Firstall readable dates were extracted (Table 2) and arrangedchronologically for each series to understand the over all dynastichistory (Table 3). Next, calendrical glyphs were examined forvariations and stylistic change.The texts consist of a repetition of date and non-date glyphs.Those of series I are the simplest, and are therefore utilized asthey stand. Those of series II and III were re-written into thelinear forms for each date sentence or clause to facilitate theanalysis of complex texts (Figs. 17, 18). In the analysis of eachseries, I tried to clarify dynastic history and discover synominousglyphs (i.e., glyphic interchangeability). With respect todynastic history, I discuss six persons having a close relationship