矢野 義治
筑波実験植物園研究報告 (ISSN:02893568)
vol.8, pp.37-44, 1989-12

The effect of soil moisture environment on the growth and development of plants was conducted from the transfer of water in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. The Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.), 7 years after transplantation in our botanical garden and the chinaberry tree (Melia azedarach L.) grown on a pot for 3 years were subjected to this test. The chinaberry tree is a species that experienced significant apparent water stress. Soil moisture was measured by a tensiometer and gravimetry, and sap flow velocity was measured by a heat pulse method. At the distances of 40cm and 80cm from the Japanese red pine, soil moisture was high, whereas at the distance of 120cm the moisture tension was low in the same as the moisture state of bare land where plant roots are absent. This phenomenon coincides with the root quantity distribution and seems to be caused by drying due to the absorption of soil moisture by a root. The sap flow velocity of the Japanese red pine changes gradually from 2cm/hr before sunrise to the maximum value of 20.6cm/hr at 12 o'clock and decreases in the afternoon to 2cm/hr two hour after sunset in correspondence with the amount of solar radiation. Daily changes of soil moisture and sap flow velocity in the chinaberry tree are quite similar to those in the Japanese red pine. When the drying of soil is advanced a soil moisture content ratio reached about 51%, sap flow velocity is lowered to 3cm/hr is spite of sufficient solar radiation. The deficiency of soil moisture causes wilting and obstructs the physiological functions of plant.
矢野 亮
自然教育園報告 (ISSN:0385759X)
vol.8, pp.107-120, 1978-02

1. We made an ecological study of the Japanese toad (Bufo bufo japonicus SCHLEGEL) total 70 days in five years from may 1973 to march 1977,at the Nationa] Park for Nature Study, Minato-ku, Tokyo. The results are follows; 2. It seems that toads have cruising range to eating habits. 3. This cruising range seems to be settled in autumn, when toads are zero year old. 4. The breeding ponds are not always near their cruising range. Each individual has its own breeding pond and come there to breed. 5. Toads seem to have homing ability, after breeding they return to the former cruising range.
町田 昌昭
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.17, pp.101-110, 1984

山形県沖の海深 200〜400m のいわゆるタラバとよばれる漁場でとれたノロゲンゲ, ホッケ, ガンコ, ザラビクニン, アカガレイなどから12種の吸虫を採集した(第1表)が, このうちの5種(2種は新種)について形態学的な記載と分類学的な検討を行なった。ガンコとザラビクニンからとれた Stephanostomum baccatum は北大西洋からバレンツ海, 北西北太平洋に広く分布する種である。ガンコからとれたもう1種の Stephanostomum は口吸盤に小さな棘が3列並んでおり, 近縁の S. microstephanum および S. tristephanum と比較して非常に細長い陰茎嚢と大きな虫卵をもつことなどで新種 S. ganko とした。ザラビクニンからとれた2種の Neophasis のうち N. oculatus はグリーンランド, バレンツ海, 北西北太平洋から知られている。もう1種は N. oculatus によく似ているが, 体形や腹吸盤・精巣・卵巣・陰茎嚢の位置などが異なることで新種 N. symmetrorchis とした。Allostenopera pleurogrammi は BAEVA (1968) が日本海のホッケから得て新属新種として発表したものであるが, 今回のホッケのほか釧路のタウエガジ, 気仙沼のアイナメからの材料を加えて形態学的記載と検討を行なった。その結果, 本種は POLYANSKII (1955) がバレンツ海のコオリメダマギンポなどから得て新種として報告した Helicometra insolita にきわめてよく似ており, おるいは同種とすべきかも知れない。
西城 恵一
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series E, Physical sciences & engineering (ISSN:03878511)
vol.12, pp.21-27, 1989

In order to develop our previous works for Mira type variables (SAIJO and WATANABE, 1987; SAIJO, 1988), the period and magnitude of 21 semiregular variable stars are studied by using return maps. According to our previous works, return maps are classified into three types, Type 1,Type 2 and Type 3. Analysis on the period shows similar result to Mira type stars, which means that nearly all the semiregular stars belong to Type 3. Analysis on the magnitude shows that semiregular stars belong to two Types, Type 1 and Type 3. Discussion is also given.
町田 昌昭 小川 和夫 沖山 宗雄
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series A, Zoology (ISSN:03852423)
vol.8, no.1, pp.1-5, 1982-03

A new nematode belonging to the family Physalopteridae was obtained from a primitive, deep-sea frill shark, Chlamydoselachus anguineus, caught off the Pacific coast of central Honshu, the main island of Japan. On the other hand, the larva was also found lying on the brain of a deep-sea bristlemouth, Cyclothone atraria, taken from the Pacific coast of northern Honshu. The life cycle of this nematode is briefly speculated. The nematodes were preserved in 70% ethanol and cleared in glycerin or Gater's solution. The specimens are deposited in the collection of the National Science Museum (Nat. Hist.), Tokyo. We are grateful to Dr. Toru TANIUCHI, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo, who afforded an opportunity to collect the parasites of the frill shark. Thanks are also due to Dr. Elmer R. NOBLE, University of California, and Dr. Yuzo KOMAKI, Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, for providing valuable specimens.
藤田 敏彦 並河 洋
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.44, pp.31-37, 2006

トゲクモヒトデ科のOphiocnemis marmorataは,通常砂泥底に棲息しているが,インド・太平洋域で鉢水母のビゼンクラゲ類に付着している姿が稀ながら目撃されていた.最近,フィリピンのパラワン島で,多くのビゼンクラゲRhopilema esculentumの傘内や口腕に本種が1〜数個体付着しているのが潜水によって観察された.また,鹿児島で得られたビゼンクラゲにもこれが付着していることが判明し,ビゼンクラゲ類を分散の手段として利用している可能性が示唆された.1.クモヒトデ類の浮遊生物への付着現象はOphiocnemis marmorataのみで見られる珍しい現象であり,ビゼンクラゲへの付着を初めて報告した.付着母体となるのがビゼンクラゲ類に限られていることから,ビゼンクラゲ類に特有な強固な体や複雑な口腕といった形態的な特徴や,内湾性で上下運動を行うといった生態的な特徴が,付着母体になりうる要因であると考えられる.2.Ophiocnemis marmorataの鹿児島での出現は本クモヒトデの日本初記録である.日本国内では砂底での分布記録はなく,この個体が遠方よりビゼンクラゲに付着して運ばれた可能性もある.強い遊泳力を持たない海産底生動物の分散は,通常,生活史の一部である浮遊幼生の時期に行われるが,Ophiocnemis marmorataのビゼンクラゲ類への付着は,浮遊幼生以外での分散という特殊な役割を持っている可能性がある.
西川 恒彦 伊藤 浩司
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series B, Botany (ISSN:03852431)
vol.27, no.2, pp.79-83, 2001-09

A new species of Adonis, A. shikokuensis Nishikawa & Ko.Ito, is here described. This species is the fourth species of the genus Adonis in Japan, and a key to the four species is presented.
友国 雅章
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.14, pp.103-116, 1981

The heteropterous fauna of the Izu Peninsula protruding onto the Pacific from central Honshu, Japan, has been rather poorly known up to the present. In this paper, 132 heteropterous species, including 49 previously recorded, belonging to 31 families are listed. Though the faunal research is not sufficient yet, a brief zoogeographic discussion is made on the basis of these data. These 132 species, except for two undetermined ones, are classified into the following five groups according to the difference in their distributional patterns. Group 1 in cludes 27 species, whose ranges are limited within the Oriental Region and Japan, such as Macroscytus subaeneus, Eysarcoris ventralis, Eucorysses grandis, Scotinophara lurida, Cletus punctiger, Physopelta cincticollis, Schidium marcidum, Sirthenea flavipes, Microvelia douglasi and so on. Of these, Eucorysses grandis is the only species whose habitat seems to be closely associated with laurel forests. Most of the other species, excepting predacious ones, are very common in Japan and are more or less injurious to such cultivated crops as rice, beans and citrus. They appear to have secured their superior position in the heteropterous fauna of Japan according to the expansion of acreage under cultivation by continuous human activities. Group 2 contains 52 species distributed within the southern area of the Palaearctic Region extending from China to Japan, such as Megacopta punctatissima, Megymenum gracilicorne, Gonopsis affinis, Halyomorpha mista, Poecilocoris lewisi, Anaxandra gigantea, Urostylis westwoodi, Colpura lativentris, Anacanthocoris striicornis, Plinachtus bicoloripes, Piocoris varius, Acanthaspis cincticrus, Rhinocoris ornatus, Velinus nodipes, Hydrometra albolineata, Metrocoris histrio, Notonecta triguttata, Laccotrephes japonensis, Diplonychus japonicus and so on. Though they occur in various vegetation growing on every altitude from lowlands to the beech zone, none of them seem closely connected with laurel forests. Group 3 consists of 25 species, whose distribution is bounded within the northern part of the Palaearctic Region covering Northern Europe, Siberia, Amurland, Sakhalin and Japan, e. g., Arma custos, Carbula humerigera, Lelia decempunctata, Graphosoma rubrolineatum, Acanthosoma forficula, A. denticauda, Elasmucha putoni, Homoeocerus dilatatus, Galeatus spinifrons, Gorpis brevilineatus, Phytocoris nowickyi, Apolygus hilaris, Saldula soctica, Sigara substriata and so on. Many of them, for example Lelia decempunctata, Acanthosoma spp. and Elasmucha spp., mainly inhabit beech forests. This group seems predominant in the heteropterous fauna of the cold-temperate deciduous broadleaved forests of Japan. Group 4 comprises 23 species endemic to Japan, such as Pylorgus colon, Dimorphopterus japonicus, Geocoris proteus, Metochus abbreviatus, Aradus orientalis, Acalypta miyamnotoi, A. tsurugisana, Anthocoris miyamotoi, Onomaus lautus, Speovelia maritima, Aphelocheirus vittatus and so on. Group 5 includes 3 species, Piezodorus hybneri, Liorhyssus hyalinus and Cimex lectularis, which are either cosmopolitan or widespread. Some faunal characteristics of the Izu Peninsula are pointed out mainly based upon the pentatomoid species belonging to the first three groups in comparison with those of such areas as the Tsushima Islands (MIYAMOTO, 1970), the Kii Peninsula (TOMOKUNI, 1979), Saitama Prefecture (NOZAWA, 1978) and Niigata Prefecture (HASEGAWA, 1960) (Table 1) : A. Species of Group 1,probably the Oriental elements, are not more abundant in the Izu Peninsula than in the other areas, though they are much fewer in Niigata Prefecture. B. Species of Group 2,probably the southern Palaearctic elements, show higher percentage in the Tsushima Islands and the Izu Peninsula than in Saitama and Niigata Prefectures. On the contrary, the percentage of Group 3 species, probably the northern Palaeractic elements, is lower in the Tsushima Islands and the Izu Peninsula than in Saitama and Niigata