岡本 葵 藤田 英典
教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
no.51, pp.93-102, 2009-03

町田 健一
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
no.52, pp.1-15, 2010-03-31

今日,キリスト教主義学校には,高いレベルの学問的学びとともに,キリスト教倫理・価値観に根ざした生き方の学びが期待されている.とりわけ「生命の尊厳」「人権」「生き方」「人を愛するということ」の教育を重要課題とするキリスト教主義学校において,それらを最も具現化する教育が「性」の学びであり,それはまた,子どもたちの人生を大きく左右する課題である.性教育については,多くの教員が避けたがる現実があるが,キリスト教学校教育として世の中の動きに抗して,子どもたちを救済し,より良い道に導くかは,待ったなしの研究課題である.2009年6月に,中等教育レベルのカトリック学校120校,キリスト教学校104校に調査用紙を郵送し,宗教主事等のキリスト教教育の責任者にキリスト教主義学校としての性教育の現状を尋ねた.主要な問いは,(1)聖書科の教員は,聖書科の授業において,どのように性教育に携わっているか,(2)他の教科の教員たちと,性教育ではいかに連携をとっているか(指導的な立場を取っているか),(3)キリスト教主義学校としての性教育のあり方にどのような見解・態度で臨んでいるか,である. キリスト教学校52校(同50%),カトリック学校52校(回収率43%)から回答を得た.調査の結果,聖書の授業,宗教的なプログラムにおいて,キリスト教倫理に基づく系統的な性教育の内容が組まれているケースは非常に少なかった.キリスト教主義学校の現実は,性教育を行う保健体育の教員,養護教諭,理科教員,家庭科教員,担任,カウンセラーの多くがnon-Christianであり,避妊,性感染症,エイズ教育等が中心テーマで,関連したキリスト教倫理・価値観の指導がほとんどの学校で組織的になされていない.聖書科教員,宗教主事等,宗教部に対して聖書科カリキュラムおよび学校の宗教的プログラムの中で積極的な取り組みが期待されている.
大木 清香
ジェンダー&セクシュアリティ (ISSN:18804764)
no.6, pp.5-23, 2011

This paper aims to discuss the works of Josef Breuer and Sigmund Freud dealing withhysteria in which the predominant analytical methods of psychoanalysis of the twentiethcentury are established. It is important to focus on the fact that this therapeutic relationship isbetween a male analyst and a female patient in discussing hysteria because the gender aspectwill be investigated here from a feminist perspective. A joint work of Breuer and Freud, Studies on Hysteria (1895), and Freud's Fragment of anAnalysis of a Case of Hysteria (1905) which is also known as Dora will be examined in thiscontext. Gender studies regard hysteria, specifically in Freud'ian psychoanalysis, as beingtypically a female condition. There was a 21 year old woman named Anna O. who underwent psychological treatment with Breuer. From this "talking cure", language became an importantmedium for analyzing the unconscious. As another example, Dora was 18 years old when shewent to Freud's clinic. A psychological model of hysteria is developed by Freud primarily fromhis masculine perspective, though many patients are female. Thus Freud interprets Dora's symptoms mainly from a male point of view and wrote about it in his Fragment of an Analysisof a Case of Hysteria. The development of an identity for the patient Dora becomes problematicin the end. It ought to be asked why the sexual distinction drives the analyst's power over thefemale patient. This paper investigates a possible reason for such differentiation in the function of "libido" and the difference forms of "expression" in language between man and woman; analyst andpatient. As a theoretical basis, Luce Irigaray's This Sex Which Is Not One (1977) will be used. Lastly, the problem of gender and hysteria discourse is discussed using the case of an Austrianauthor, Ingeborg Bachmann, who wrote a fragmented novel called The Book of Franza (1965/66). The novel shows an example of how the relationship between man and woman,analyst and patient, can be tied to power.
寺田 麻佑
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.86, pp.89-109, 2019-03-31

本稿は、従わなければならないのは人である統治者の決める法なのか、古来、慣習として信じられ、存在が認められてきた、神々の法としての法なのかという問題について、アンチゴーヌをどのように読み解くのかという問題から、神の法・人の法について考察をおこなうものである。 アンチゴーヌは、神々の掟(法)に基づき、国王が定めた国(人)の法に抵抗した。これは、国という権力、国王という権力に対抗した、ということができるかもしれない。 アンチゴーヌはこう語る。「法がどこからくるか、知っている人はいない。法は永久に続くもの。」 古代や中世との比較において現代社会の法をみるとき、その特色は、個人の尊厳と個人の尊重を中核とし、基本的人権の制度的保障体系が憲法や法律のなかに確立され、整備されていることだということである。 しかし、法は、だれが、どのように作ることができるのかということに関する答えはない。法律の内容は(とくに間接民主制を採用する社会においては)議会の「公開の」審議を通して討議されて確定されるべきであるが、現実の法制定過程をみてみると、審議は行われず、あらかじめ定められた、もしくは予定された通りに国会を通過していくものも多い。 また、法が社会状況に追いつかない問題も常に生じる。法と社会のずれの問題は、どの社会においても起こるが、日本においてもそうである。このような法と社会のずれの問題は、何を「法」と考えるのかという問題とつながっている。 そこで、本稿は、アンチゴーヌを主題としてそこから現れる神の法・人の法の相違について検討を加えたうえで、現代社会の法と社会、人の法と神の法の問題をアンチゴーヌがどのように解釈しているのかということを通して考察を行う。
呉 恵卿
教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
no.61, pp.49-56, 2019-03

斉藤 泰雄
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
no.60, pp.43-51, 2018-03-31

本論は,植民地教育論に関する研究ノートである。ここでは,欧米列強による植民地教育政策とその遺制に関する先行研究を分析整理するとともに,日本が戦前に領有していた台湾において50 年間にわたって展開した植民地教育の軌跡をたどり,その政策の特色を分析する。最初は住民の拒絶や無視という困難な状況で出発した教育事業は,しだいに台湾住民に受け入れられるようになる。1919 年の台湾教育令によって整備された教育制度は,内地人(日本人)と台湾人の教育の分離,差別的待遇を温存するものであった。しかし,1922 年の新教育令による制度改革は,内地延長主義の原則にしたがい,両者の教育上の差別待遇を解消し,中等教育以上での内台共学まで実現するという同時代の欧米諸国の植民地教育政策では類例をみない画期的なものとなった。最終的には,植民地における義務教育の実施という先例のない政策も導入されるにいたる。
名嘉 憲夫
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.87, pp.27-48, 2020-03-31

Recently, books such as How Democracies Die suggested that even countries with formal democratic institutions experience decay or disfunction in their democratic processes. Recent Japanese political incidents appeared to confirm such observation. The "forced passage of the collective defense bill" of 2015 is one of the most controversial issues in recent Japan. Although many scholars specialized in constitution studies asserted that the collective defense bill was unconstitutional, the governing party forced the approval of the bill in the national Diet. The purposes of this paper are threefold. Firstly, the processes of passing the collective defense bill will be examined. Secondly, illegal political processes such as revolution and coup d'état, and the approval of the collective defense bill will be compared. Thirdly, the ideal types of illegal political process will be constructed. In order to analyze and understand the processes of the approval of the collective defense bill, concepts (and terms) such as "maneuver coup" and "legal coup" as an ideal type of hypothetical terms will be suggested. The appropriateness of concepts (and terms) such as "maneuver coup" and "legal coup" need to be further examined by positive case study research.
萩原 優騎
社会科学ジャーナル (ISSN:04542134)
no.64, pp.191-211[含 英語文要旨], 2008-03

This paper is a sequel to "Reconsidering Paradigm Theory - Philosophy of Science, Social Anthropology, and Lacanian Psychoanalysis -". The purpose of the last paper was to reconsider paradigm theory and deepen an understanding about it in relation with social anthropology and Lacanian psychoanalysis. In this paper, we will reflect on philosophy of science psychoanalytically again focusing on Jacques Lacan's concept "discourse of science". Kuhn says that paradigm change is like conversion. This means that paradigm change is a change of intersubjectivity. One of the functions of paradigm is to form a scientific community where scientists study based on knowledge shared intersubjectively. Norwood Russell Hanson also emphasizes the importance of intersubjectivity. He discusses it not only as a key of scientific observation but also as that of a basis of knowledge in Lebenswelt. For example, one may find a goblet in a picture, but the other may find faces of two persons in it. What we find there is determined by how perspective has been formed intersubjectively. To explain Hanson's theory from the view of Lacanian psychoanalysis, it is necessary to consider the structure of the psychoanalytic subject. According to Lacan, stability of the imaginary, which is especially related to the function of ego, is guaranteed by the symbolic. To enter the symbolic means he/she has a relation with language. Intersubjective relations based on language control the imaginary, and this is a necessary condition for the subject to be defined socially. However, it does not mean that symbolic order can perfectly give him/her a truism in his/her daily life. The imperfection of symbolization is usually covered with the imaginary, and the object of fantasy is called "object a". Paradoxically, this object can be evidence that his/her symbolization is imperfect when his/her current perspective loses its truism. Such a structure is characterized by its symbolic imperfection, but discourse of science tries to exclude it. In this discourse everything seems to go perfectly if a chain of signifier starts once. Lacan says that discourse of science is that of mathematical symbols, and it supposes that science always has its perfect objectivity. Scientists describe the world by mathematical symbols, and they prove its validity by experiments. Repeatability of experiments is a representation of object a, because it makes a truism in the concerned paradigm. This is the situation "normal science" named by Kuhn. In this situation they do not think of a possibility of paradigm change. An important question is why paradigm can change though scientists are in discourses of science where symbolic imperfection is not considered. The answer is that they can be in this discourse as long as they live in Lebenswelt which is a basis of their fantasy that the world is constant. The subject in Lebenswelt has a symbolic imperfection, which can bring the possibility of paradigm change. Lacan points out that constancy of the world is a fantasy. Moreover, we cannot find a unique law which explains how paradigm change occurs. The reason why the concerned paradigm is selected is only a rationalized explanation after paradigm change. Paul Feyerabend calls this groundlessness "anything goes", but it tends to be evaluated as an extreme relativism. As mentioned already, Lacanian psychoanalysis explains it as an imperfection of the symbolic. This is "the real", which is a structural groundlessness of the subject.
黄 馨儀
ジェンダー&セクシュアリティ (ISSN:18804764)
no.5, pp.61-94, 2010

There is abundant research on the way women' s images have been portrayed intelevision dramas with regard to the issue of women and the media, but yet few of these studies focus on _asadora_, the early morning television series on NHK in Japan. This series has played a major role in shaping the image of Japanese women to the present day, portraying the life of a woman as she grows from being a daughter, a wife to a mother. By identifying the components and characteristics of _asadora_, this paper will explain not only how this genre started but reconfirm its content and the heroine's image. The paper will also focus on the turnabout of _asadora_, and discuss if and how it is related to female viewers. Based on previous research, asadora was initially intended as a literary program, but it seems that its content was changed after the highly popular _Ohanahan_ series was broadcast in 1966. In this paper, I clarified the changing form by revisiting the television drama andarticles from selected 60's magazines. In conclusion, the reason of the conversion isstrongly linked to the fact that the majority of the audience is female. The _Ohanahan_ series in 1966 had a tremendous response from female viewers, most of whom were housewives. This was largely due to the social background of the 1960's. The division of labor that resulted from this period of high economic growth in Japan gave rise to increasing numbers of "modern housewives." _Asadora_ has since shifted its theme to the 'biography of a woman' , in particular constructing the typical _asadora_ heroine: the cheerful and reliable mother who always sacrifices herself for the family. This kind heroine and the similar story lines became the paradigm of _asadora_ as known by the general public today. The conversion is an extremely important clue when contemplating the later works of _asadora_.
中野 佑一 川口 遼
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.78, pp.65-84, 2014-09-30

This paper argues for the possibility of "research-education separated model" in order to achieve better social research education.In particular, firstly, we look at the current state of social research education under the Social Research Qualification System and confirm that "research-education integrated model" is now dominant in social research training classes. Secondly, we argue that "research-education integrated model" tends to focus mainly on knowledge and skills in social training, not on the sociological imagination, which is essential to sociology and social research. Thirdly, we examine the common ground between the sociological imagination and reflexive thinking about self and society, one of the goals of liberal arts. Fourthly, we deliberate possible ways of class management to enable a course model which separates education from research on the basis of our educational experiments in "Qualitative Analysis in Sociology" at International Christian University. Finally, we analyze the educational effect of this class on the students participating in the class. As a result, we reveal that there are three educational effects which are mutually related: the understanding of research process, the cultivation of social and communicational skills and the realization of sociological imagination.
荻本 快
教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
no.59, pp.169-176, 2017-03

この試論では,日本の被爆トラウマが世代間伝達していく構造と力動に関する論考を行った。日本の被爆トラウマが世代間を伝達していく時には,否認を基盤として,次の世代への依存と投影同一視が起きることや,世代間の断絶や生存者同士の分裂によって,無意識的にトラウマが伝達することを論じた。最後に心理療法における治療課題を提示した。This essay attempted to discuss the structure and dynamism of transgenerational transmission of Japanese atomic bomb trauma. When atomic bomb trauma transmits, 1) dependence and projective identification toward next generation, 2) disconnection of generations and split between survivors occur. This happens based on an ego function of denial, and thus psychological trauma transmits unconsciously. At the end, therapeutic hypothesis of psychotherapy and tasks for conducting future research was showed.
松岡 弥生子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A 教育研究 = Educational Studies (ISSN:04523318)
no.62, pp.111-118, 2020-03-31

文科省によるグローバル人材育成推進を目的とした英語力評価及び入学者選抜における資格・検定試 験の活用促進は,大学の一般英語授業の内容や評価指標に少なからぬ影響を与えている。中でも TOEIC は,企業や就職活動との関連性が強いことから,多くの高等教育機関において正課および課外のカリキュ ラムに取り入れられている。本論では,TOEIC の一般英語授業への適用方法や学習効果を考察するため, 2 年生必須のビジネス英語(授業 A)と 3 年生の選択英語ライティング(授業 B)の 2 つの授業を取り あげ,省察と検証を行う。各授業のとTOEIC との関係性と評価方法,取り入れた問題の具体的な内容 等を報告する。特に授業 A については,TOEIC 対策問題の授業内導入に対する学生の受け止め,モチベー ションなど,学習者アンケートの結果,および事前事後のミニ模試の結果もふまえて,低習熟度クラス への外部検定試験の導入に対する問題点を探る。 Now that the term globalization is sweeping across Japan, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Technology Japan (MEXT) is aggressively promoting the use of foreign language (FL) proficiency tests to foster human resources with high-level FL competence. Many of Japanese universities and colleges are mainly focusing on TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) because of its strong relation to job market requirement and its pervasiveness in Japan's society. They are offering TOEIC preparation courses in both regular curricula and extracurricular activities. Moreover, as the test spreading more and more widely, the influence of TOEIC on ordinary English courses may become significant, in terms of content, activities, purposes, and assessment. The present research notes report on the application of TOEIC in regular skill-based English courses and discusses the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing language proficiency tests in higher education. Two English classes discussed in this paper are a compulsory business English course for sophomores (Class A) and an academic English writing course for juniors and seniors (Class B). The paper examines their relationship with TOEIC, the inclusion of materials and content of TOEIC, and effects of the application of TOEIC.